靠,奸臣又出来说风凉话了,说Trump defends his campaign manager,反应了这个campaign充满了personal insult and physical violence,说there is no place for this kind of behavior in the campaign and democracy.尤其配上丫那个公鸭嗓儿,怎么那么的找抽。
靠,奸臣又出来说风凉话了,说Trump defends his campaign manager,反应了这个campaign充满了personal insult and physical violence,说there is no place for this kind of behavior in the campaign and democracy.尤其配上丫那个公鸭嗓儿,怎么那么的找抽。 PositiveVibe 发表于 3/29/2016 5:42:14 PM
靠,奸臣又出来说风凉话了,说Trump defends his campaign manager,反应了这个campaign充满了personal insult and physical violence,说there is no place for this kind of behavior in the campaign and democracy.尤其配上丫那个公鸭嗓儿,怎么那么的找抽。 PositiveVibe 发表于 3/29/2016 5:42:14 PM
靠,奸臣又出来说风凉话了,说Trump defends his campaign manager,反应了这个campaign充满了personal insult and physical violence,说there is no place for this kind of behavior in the campaign and democracy.尤其配上丫那个公鸭嗓儿,怎么那么的找抽。 PositiveVibe 发表于 3/29/2016 5:42:14 PM
Trump supporters online were quick to point out that the state prosecutor for Palm Beach County, where the incident went down, is a Hillary Clinton supporter, who went to school with Republican rival Ted Cruz.
The prosecutor, Dave Aronberg, said he 'liked Ted in law school.'
He's also called Trump's rhetoric 'divisive and inflammatory,' along with 'offensive.'
Trump supporters online were quick to point out that the state prosecutor for Palm Beach County, where the incident went down, is a Hillary Clinton supporter, who went to school with Republican rival Ted Cruz.
The prosecutor, Dave Aronberg, said he 'liked Ted in law school.'
He's also called Trump's rhetoric 'divisive and inflammatory,' along with 'offensive.'
Donald Trump EMOTIONAL Moment With Miss Wisconsin 2005 At Janesville Rally. donald trump shared an emotional moment with melissa young, miss wisconsin 2005 who is unfortunately suffering from a terminal illness. she thanks donald trump for support during her rought imes. a RARE MOMENT AT A DONALD TRUMP RALLY. with all the negativity please SHARE THIS VIDEO! As the whole Donald Trump v/s Mexicans controversy is becoming bigger and going way out of proportion, finally Mr. Donald Trump, or should I say Miss Universe/Miss USA pageant is finding support from people. Many former Miss USA winners are slowly coming out in support of the pageant. The backstage commentator Jeannie Mai has declared that she does not agree with Mr. Trump, but she will not do wrong to so many beautiful girls who participate in Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants every year. She will continue to be part of these events. Dear Mr. Trump, As my body is getting weaker, I am unsettled by the fact that I have never been able to directly thank you. Because of you and your efforts, my son Jack who is Mexican-American, has a chance at a better future and a solid education. You and the Miss USA pageant played a tremendous role in my life. It was the BIGGEST honor of my life to compete on your Miss USA stage in 2005 representing the state of Wisconsin. As a little girl that grew up homeless and in extreme poverty, it was my dream come true to stand on that very stage. Winning Miss Congeniality was beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. I don’t know if I can even accurately describe to you how much it meant to me to even be there in light of the circumstances in which I grew up in. The bonds that were formed during the pageant, molded a best friendship with my sister-in-life, Chelsea Cooley Altman – who just happened to win Miss USA that year. About 3 years ago, Chelsea was in NYC and attended one of your many functions at Trump Tower, where you debuted FundAnything.com. This turned out to be a life changing event for my son and I. I am forever indebted to you. It’s been almost 7 years since my world was turned upside down while giving birth to Jack. Because of a lack of care during my pregnancy by my doctor I was stricken with an incurable disease that left me unable to physically care for my son. I fight every day with every fiber of my being to have simple, but lasting moments with him. Living in fear as a result of the horrific lack of care and negligence from my doctors and medical professionals, kept me silent, where I was too scared to share the cause of my illness with anyone. A year and a half ago, when Chelsea found out about my disease, she immediately took it upon herself to start a scholarship fundraiser for Jack through your organization, FundAnything – so that neither he nor I would have to worry about college for him – especially since I won’t be here when he crosses that milestone in life. At the same time, since I am now uninsurable for life insurance, Chelsea was adamant I allow her to do this for Jack. Within days, the fund soared. Where by the end of the campaign, thousands of dollars were donated for the fund for my 6 year old son – a Mexican-American. I cannot tell you how incredible the outpouring of support, donations and thousands of letters from around the world have been. There came a day during the campaign, that I will never forget. I was VERY ill and out of the blue, a package showed up, hand-delivered from you. Even while traveling, you took the time to send such a wonderful message of hope and support. I was going through some very dark times and this was unbelievable that not just anyone – but Donald Trump himself – took the time to think of my son and me. I have looked up to you my entire life. The scholarship fund is more than what it entails. This ultimately gave me the gift of peace. I will not be here to walk Jack through that stage of his life. As a mother, knowing that his education is taken care of, is the most special gift anyone could ever give me. And because of your organizations – Miss USA and FundAnything.com – you have given me the greatest gifts of all – peace of mind, heart and soul. I have been writing letters to Jack so that he can read them when I am in heaven, explaining how you, your organization and the snowballing effect of support from people all around the world have forever changed our world. With this, I have explained to Jack that a great responsibility has been instilled in him to pay it forward just as you have done for us. Yours is a gift that will keep on giving.
I am forever grateful, Melissa Ann Young-Miranda Miss Wisconsin USA 2005
Mr. Trump Prepares for Republican Convention - Seasoned Operative Joins As Convention Manager
(New York, NY) March 29th, 2016 – Today Donald J. Trump announced that Paul J. Manafort will serve as his campaign’s Convention Manager. Mr. Manafort is volunteering his considerable insight and expertise because of his belief that Mr. Trump is the right person for these difficult times. He will be responsible for transitioning the Trump campaign’s activities as they relate to Mr. Trump's nomination at the convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Manafort’s experience spans over three decades of working on U.S. presidential campaigns, and includes work on conventions for Presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush, as well as Republican Presidential nominee, Bob Dole. Mr. Trump will use Mr. Manafort’s years of experience to support his efforts in all aspects of the convention as he closes in on the Republican nomination for President. Currently, Mr. Manafort is an attorney and founding partner of DMP International, LLC where he has been active in business and international affairs for the last 20 years. Previously, he was a partner at BMS&K for 15 years and worked on dozens of international political campaigns in an effort to bring democratic expertise to foreign countries. He served as a director of OPIC following his appointment by President Reagan, and was on the Investment Policy Advisory Committee at the Office of the US Trade Representative. Mr. Trump stated, “Paul is a great asset and an important addition as we consolidate the tremendous support we have received in the primaries and caucuses, garnering millions more votes than any other candidate. Paul Manafort, and the team I am building, bring the needed skill sets to ensure that the will of the Republican voters, not the Washington political establishment, determines who will be the nominee for the Republican Party. I look forward to winning the nomination, and ultimately the presidency in order to Make America Great Again." On his appointment Mr. Manafort said, “I am honored to serve Mr. Trump’s campaign, and look forward to helping secure his nomination as the Republican nominee for President. Mr. Trump has tapped into the growing disillusionment with the Washington political establishment. What he has achieved so far is historic. My role is to work with the professionals that Mr. Trump has assembled to protect the victories that he has won in states across the country. I am confident that he will be the Republican nominee and the next President of the United States.” In addition, Mr. Trump is announcing that his campaign is opening a Washington, DC based office to coordinate his campaign’s work with the Republican National Committee, Congress, and his convention and delegate operations. The office will serve as a conduit for outreach for Mr. Trump’s campaign organization nationally.
pierre morgan 专门写了一个专栏文章骂这个女的,把自己当瓷器就别干记者这一行。 有她这种记者能没性别歧视吗? 话说Pierre morgan 也是老牌左棍了,最近媒体昧着良心太过分,稍微 professional 一点的媒体人都看不下去了。 page394 发表于 3/29/2016 10:57:53 PM
Reply: YOU WISH!!
今天的poll Cruz 27, Trump 31, Kasich 29 Trump +2
上周的poll Cruz 36, Trump 31, Kasich 21 Cruz +5
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Kasich 票数差的太多
他说那个女记者当时是抓住他胳膊,大叫问问题,他是不是也可以charge 她?
Oh please do so Trump Sir
不是说各大晚间talk show都在聊这事么?觉得让这事慢慢发酵效果更好
被老公教育了,他说至于吗, 呵呵
Check out @CNN's Tweet: https://twitter.com/CNN/status/714942210672828416?s=09
Trump supporters online were quick to point out that the state prosecutor for Palm Beach County, where the incident went down, is a Hillary Clinton supporter, who went to school with Republican rival Ted Cruz.
The prosecutor, Dave Aronberg, said he 'liked Ted in law school.'
He's also called Trump's rhetoric 'divisive and inflammatory,' along with 'offensive.'
I am forever grateful,
Melissa Ann Young-Miranda
Miss Wisconsin USA 2005
我已经觉得如果trump 无法出线, 希拉里比共和党其他候选人还好些了
(New York, NY) March 29th, 2016 – Today Donald J. Trump announced that Paul J. Manafort will serve as his campaign’s Convention Manager. Mr. Manafort is volunteering his considerable insight and expertise because of his belief that Mr. Trump is the right person for these difficult times. He will be responsible for transitioning the Trump campaign’s activities as they relate to Mr. Trump's nomination at the convention in Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. Manafort’s experience spans over three decades of working on U.S. presidential campaigns, and includes work on conventions for Presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush, as well as Republican Presidential nominee, Bob Dole. Mr. Trump will use Mr. Manafort’s years of experience to support his efforts in all aspects of the convention as he closes in on the Republican nomination for President.
Currently, Mr. Manafort is an attorney and founding partner of DMP International, LLC where he has been active in business and international affairs for the last 20 years. Previously, he was a partner at BMS&K for 15 years and worked on dozens of international political campaigns in an effort to bring democratic expertise to foreign countries. He served as a director of OPIC following his appointment by President Reagan, and was on the Investment Policy Advisory Committee at the Office of the US Trade Representative.
Mr. Trump stated, “Paul is a great asset and an important addition as we consolidate the tremendous support we have received in the primaries and caucuses, garnering millions more votes than any other candidate. Paul Manafort, and the team I am building, bring the needed skill sets to ensure that the will of the Republican voters, not the Washington political establishment, determines who will be the nominee for the Republican Party. I look forward to winning the nomination, and ultimately the presidency in order to Make America Great Again."
On his appointment Mr. Manafort said, “I am honored to serve Mr. Trump’s campaign, and look forward to helping secure his nomination as the Republican nominee for President. Mr. Trump has tapped into the growing disillusionment with the Washington political establishment. What he has achieved so far is historic. My role is to work with the professionals that Mr. Trump has assembled to protect the victories that he has won in states across the country. I am confident that he will be the Republican nominee and the next President of the United States.”
In addition, Mr. Trump is announcing that his campaign is opening a Washington, DC based office to coordinate his campaign’s work with the Republican National Committee, Congress, and his convention and delegate operations. The office will serve as a conduit for outreach for Mr. Trump’s campaign organization nationally.
上次那个传播误导消息抢carson票的那个他怎么不fire! 那个严重不知道多少倍!
终于确认了MO win, 也算有点好消息! 12 more delegates!
那是另外一个人好像,不是因为carson, 是因为ps rubio的照片
Amanda Carpenter 和一起Cruz造谣. CNN 还发了假消息, 显然消息来源是Cruz->Amanda Carpenter->CNN.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
让那么帅的campaign manager捏下胳膊,她该窃喜才对
话说Pierre morgan 也是老牌左棍了,最近媒体昧着良心太过分,稍微 professional 一点的媒体人都看不下去了。
一个叫jennifer Carr的女孩在twitter自爆跟Cruz有性关系
Donald Trump shares an emotional moment with dying ex-Miss Wisconsin at a rally after the GOP front-runner wrote to her while she was in the hospital
Compared to other politician, he is angle!! totally!!!