"There is something going on, Maria. Go to Brussels. Go to Paris. Go to different places. There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Shariah law, where they want this, where they want things that — you know, there has to be some assimilation. There is no assimilation. There is something bad going on.” - Donald Trump, 1/27/16
"You go to Brussels — I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful — it's like living in a hellhole right now," Trump continued. "You go to these different places. There is something going on."
希拉里说,"We've got to be absolutely smart and strong and steady in how we respond," Clinton said. "It's unrealistic to say we're going to completely shut down our borders to everyone." "We've got to stand in solidarity with our European allies," she said. "I know that Americans have every reason to be frightened by what they see. … We have to intensify our efforts to keep America safe." 她这是还要留给恐怖分子可乘之机啊。
船长说,相比之下,现在那些恐怖分子所做的只是penuts,所以美国一定要控制进来的人,意思是指不定还会发生什么恐袭呢。"We have to have strong borders, we have to be very vigilant and careful of who we allow into our country. Uh, I know Brussels well, and Brussels is a total mess." "I would be very, very tough on the borders and not allowing certain people into this country without absolute perfect documentation," Trump replied.
希拉里说,"We've got to be absolutely smart and strong and steady in how we respond," Clinton said. "It's unrealistic to say we're going to completely shut down our borders to everyone." "We've got to stand in solidarity with our European allies," she said. "I know that Americans have every reason to be frightened by what they see. … We have to intensify our efforts to keep America safe." 她这是还要留给恐怖分子可乘之机啊。
船长说,相比之下,现在那些恐怖分子所做的只是penuts,所以美国一定要控制进来的人,意思是指不定还会发生什么恐袭呢。"We have to have strong borders, we have to be very vigilant and careful of who we allow into our country. Uh, I know Brussels well, and Brussels is a total mess." "I would be very, very tough on the borders and not allowing certain people into this country without absolute perfect documentation," Trump replied.
There have been long-standing failures to penetrate groups of Islamic extremists living in the Belgian capital, and French security experts have said it takes 10 to 20 agents to keep complete tabs on a single individual. More worrying is the unbalanced arithmetic inherent to modern counter-terrorism: While the police have to win every time, attackers need only to win once to cause carnage.
希拉里说,"We've got to be absolutely smart and strong and steady in how we respond," Clinton said. "It's unrealistic to say we're going to completely shut down our borders to everyone." "We've got to stand in solidarity with our European allies," she said. "I know that Americans have every reason to be frightened by what they see. … We have to intensify our efforts to keep America safe." 她这是还要留给恐怖分子可乘之机啊。
船长说,相比之下,现在那些恐怖分子所做的只是penuts,所以美国一定要控制进来的人,意思是指不定还会发生什么恐袭呢。"We have to have strong borders, we have to be very vigilant and careful of who we allow into our country. Uh, I know Brussels well, and Brussels is a total mess." "I would be very, very tough on the borders and not allowing certain people into this country without absolute perfect documentation," Trump replied.
希拉里说,"We've got to be absolutely smart and strong and steady in how we respond," Clinton said. "It's unrealistic to say we're going to completely shut down our borders to everyone." "We've got to stand in solidarity with our European allies," she said. "I know that Americans have every reason to be frightened by what they see. … We have to intensify our efforts to keep America safe." 她这是还要留给恐怖分子可乘之机啊。
船长说,相比之下,现在那些恐怖分子所做的只是penuts,所以美国一定要控制进来的人,意思是指不定还会发生什么恐袭呢。"We have to have strong borders, we have to be very vigilant and careful of who we allow into our country. Uh, I know Brussels well, and Brussels is a total mess." "I would be very, very tough on the borders and not allowing certain people into this country without absolute perfect documentation," Trump replied.
Bill Clinton Blasts ‘Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years’ of Obama Presidency
Monday in Spokane, WA, while campaigning for his wife, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton characterized President Barack Obama’s time in office as the “awful legacy of the last eight years.”
Clinton said, “If you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us, and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what cause the crash, then you should vote for her.”
为trump 助选
欧洲已经病入膏肓没法抢救了,布鲁塞尔25%的穆斯林都成主体民族了,你怎么驱除一个城市/国家25%的人?这不就是“夺舍”了,再过几十年就是穆斯林的欧洲了。美国现在还为时未晚, 如果能有Trump踩刹车制止这股歪风邪气还有救。
希拉里说,"We've got to be absolutely smart and strong and steady in how we respond," Clinton said. "It's unrealistic to say we're going to completely shut down our borders to everyone." "We've got to stand in solidarity with our European allies," she said. "I know that Americans have every reason to be frightened by what they see. … We have to intensify our efforts to keep America safe." 她这是还要留给恐怖分子可乘之机啊。
船长说,相比之下,现在那些恐怖分子所做的只是penuts,所以美国一定要控制进来的人,意思是指不定还会发生什么恐袭呢。"We have to have strong borders, we have to be very vigilant and careful of who we allow into our country. Uh, I know Brussels well, and Brussels is a total mess." "I would be very, very tough on the borders and not allowing certain people into this country without absolute perfect documentation," Trump replied.
天,赶紧得查出来,昨天Cook发布iPhone 6SE 4寸小手机的时候还说坚决不能给FBI提供这个方便,今天看看吧,这可能就成为明天的美国,如果不好好利用任何方式防查的话。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
utah不关键,本来就是打算输的,Trump就去了一次。下面接连东北部的州, lying ted毛希望也没有
There have been long-standing failures to penetrate groups of Islamic extremists living in the Belgian capital, and French security experts have said it takes 10 to 20 agents to keep complete tabs on a single individual. More worrying is the unbalanced arithmetic inherent to modern counter-terrorism: While the police have to win every time, attackers need only to win once to cause carnage.
标 题: Re: 我当年也相信有温和穆斯林这个物种的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 22 13:52:16 2016, 美东)
这么多总统候选人,只有川普唯一一个,在 rally 上指出过沙特禁止建教堂,而西方
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Praying for Trump, Praying for USA!!!!!!!!!!!
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
poll close: utah东部9点,az东部10点
小左们从来都是死道友不死贫道的,自己躲得远远地,完事了再来鼓吹love,no hate
很多时候不等到vote close就基本可以call了
魔门基本也算邪教了,一夫多妻后来才改,不避孕狂生,Trump common sense专治各种邪教,他们不喜欢