Donald Trump's sister threatened in letter - -
Just like when you fight with your friend on street, you mom saw and she took a neutral position not to blame either you or your buddy. But she was acting for your long term good and being neutral to support you. Got it?
Just like when you fight with your friend on street, you mom saw and she took a neutral position not to blame either you or your buddy. But she was acting for your long term good and being neutral to support you. Got it?
Just like when you fight with your friend on street, you mom saw and she took a neutral position not to blame either you or your buddy. But she was acting for your long term good and being neutral to support you. Got it?
goldengate 发表于 3/21/2016 11:21:40 PM
You should watch the videos and listen to his words.
Bill Clinton Blasts ‘Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years’ of Obama Presidency
Monday in Spokane, WA, while campaigning for his wife, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton characterized President Barack Obama’s time in office as the “awful legacy of the last eight years.”
Clinton said, “If you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us, and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what cause the crash, then you should vote for her.”
Bill Clinton Blasts ‘Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years’ of Obama Presidency Monday in Spokane, WA, while campaigning for his wife, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton characterized President Barack Obama’s time in office as the “awful legacy of the last eight years.” Clinton said, “If you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us, and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down econluckyso 发表于 2016-03-22 01:20 AM
Clinton said, “If you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us, and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what cause the crash, then you should vote for her.” luckyso 发表于 3/22/2016 1:14:49 AM
I have listened his word so many times. 以巴谈判是一回事,支持以色列是另外一回事。这中间的微妙区别你不能理解也能理解。用你的思维到死也不可能理解的。
goldengate 发表于 3/22/2016 12:33:18 AM
If you listened to it just once you should've picked up on the fact that Trump originally stated he wanted to stay neutral so he can act as an effective negotiator between Israel of Palestine. This is a perfectly fine position to take, and it is the position of multiple U.S. government officials throughout the years. If Trump stayed with that position, no one would've criticized him for it.
Yet, when Trump spoke at AIPAC yesterday, he made multiple statements indicating he is strongly pro Israel. Including promises to veto any/all UN resolutions that are against Israel; saying the people of Palestine glorify terrorism, saying there is a culture of hatred amongst Palestinians.
Anyone who doesn't see Trump's hypocrisy and still believe Trump still have any credibility left with the Palestinians after statements like that are clearly delusional.
If you listened to it just once you should've picked up on the fact that Trump originally stated he wanted to stay neutral so he can act as an effective negotiator between Israel of Palestine. This is a perfectly fine position to take, and it is the position of multiple U.S. government officials throughout the years. If Trump stayed with that position, no one would've criticized him for it.
Yet, when Trump spoke at AIPAC yesterday, he made multiple statements indicating he is strongly pro Israel. Including promises to veto any/all UN resolutions that are against Israel; saying the people of Palestine glorify terrorism, saying there is a culture of hatred amongst Palestinians.
Anyone who doesn't see Trump's hypocrisy and still believe Trump still have any credibility left with the Palestinians after statements like that are clearly delusional.
BlueNDGold 发表于 3/22/2016 2:56:38 AM
Last time answering any of your questions. Trump's point is clear. He supports Israel as an ally and he wants to help making a deal between Israel and Palestine. Period. If Palestine doesn't trust Trump, good luck finding any one who is more neutral than he is.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
两位,what are you弄啥咧?
今天这个叫Elizabeth Warren 的民主党议员老太像疯了一样狂咬trump.
反对者这是害怕Trump当选害怕得快要疯了,真TM low啊。。。
据英国每日快报(Daily Express)3月19日报道,比利时警方3月18日成功抓捕巴黎恐
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
快看,这是今天Trump 在AIPAC上的演讲,我认为这是他最Presidential的一次,好酷!
哇,还以为观众会walk out呢,没想到效果很好,掌声比cruz多
Donald Trump Wins Over the Pro-Israel Crowd at AIPAC
5 Most Kosher Moments From Donald Trump’s Speech to Pro-Israel Group
Trump 赢就赢在让人无法ignore他
现场还有个protestor, 立马被请出去了
真是很surprise, 他对中东的那么多细节都了解,他当初说他对伊朗deal了如指掌时我还以为只是说说
Monday in Spokane, WA, while campaigning for his wife, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton characterized President Barack Obama’s time in office as the “awful legacy of the last eight years.”
Clinton said, “If you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us, and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what cause the crash, then you should vote for her.”
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
里根时代留下的好底子在他任期 bloom。他管市场其实管的真不怎么样。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
赞分析! 现在美国处于turning point, 三震出局,不能再犯错误了。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
高筑墙,广积粮,缓称王 - 精辟!
If you listened to it just once you should've picked up on the fact that Trump originally stated he wanted to stay neutral so he can act as an effective negotiator between Israel of Palestine. This is a perfectly fine position to take, and it is the position of multiple U.S. government officials throughout the years. If Trump stayed with that position, no one would've criticized him for it.
Yet, when Trump spoke at AIPAC yesterday, he made multiple statements indicating he is strongly pro Israel. Including promises to veto any/all UN resolutions that are against Israel; saying the people of Palestine glorify terrorism, saying there is a culture of hatred amongst Palestinians.
Anyone who doesn't see Trump's hypocrisy and still believe Trump still have any credibility left with the Palestinians after statements like that are clearly delusional.