nobody here is interesting in talking to you two except for you two.
goldengate 发表于 3/13/2016 7:04:41 PM
The purpose of Internet forums is to allow the free exchange of ideas. There is absolutely no requirement for everyone to be in agreement with each other. If you want to have a private conversation amongst like minded individuals, go set up your own chat room.
Fwd: Please distribute widely to your friends in Ohio...Kasich promises Amnesty in 1st 100 days if prez
I usually don't send emails like this out unless there's something unique or special.
Kasich! and Rubio! won the DC GOP Delegate split. They won the hearts and minds of DC GOPe. Both support amnesty and here is Kasich, telling us we need to keep illegals in country and make them legal.
Kasich - amnesty for illegals in 100days if he's President - No strong commitment to a wall, no stopping or slowing immigration - just endless streams of people coming to America...just border security like now.
He wiggle words the entire thing, compared to a simple plan to build the wall. What's more troubling is his nonchalance attitude about people who break the law, in this case immigration law. in the last 72 hours he sided with Move-on lawbreakers. THIS is the real Kasich.
Fwd: Please distribute widely to your friends in Ohio...Kasich promises Amnesty in 1st 100 days if prez
I usually don't send emails like this out unless there's something unique or special.
Kasich! and Rubio! won the DC GOP Delegate split. They won the hearts and minds of DC GOPe. Both support amnesty and here is Kasich, telling us we need to keep illegals in country and make them legal.
Kasich - amnesty for illegals in 100days if he's President - No strong commitment to a wall, no stopping or slowing immigration - just endless streams of people coming to America...just border security like now.
He wiggle words the entire thing, compared to a simple plan to build the wall. What's more troubling is his nonchalance attitude about people who break the law, in this case immigration law. in the last 72 hours he sided with Move-on lawbreakers. THIS is the real Kasich.
“DiMassimo, 22, of Fairborn, Ohio, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic. His next court date is Wednesday. ” 希望给它判个几年,别再在外面瞎折腾
“DiMassimo, 22, of Fairborn, Ohio, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic. His next court date is Wednesday. ” 希望给它判个几年,别再在外面瞎折腾
“DiMassimo, 22, of Fairborn, Ohio, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic. His next court date is Wednesday. ” 希望给它判个几年,别再在外面瞎折腾
三德子有多精分: "Trump has to get on the TV and tell his supporters that violence in the political process in America is not acceptable, end of discussion," Sanders said.
"Millions of people voted for me. If I have to take responsibility for everybody who voted for me, it would be a very difficult life," Sanders said.
三德子有多精分: "Trump has to get on the TV and tell his supporters that violence in the political process in America is not acceptable, end of discussion," Sanders said.
"Millions of people voted for me. If I have to take responsibility for everybody who voted for me, it would be a very difficult life," Sanders said. luckyso 发表于 3/13/2016 9:19:19 PM
三德子有多精分: "Trump has to get on the TV and tell his supporters that violence in the political process in America is not acceptable, end of discussion," Sanders said.
"Millions of people voted for me. If I have to take responsibility for everybody who voted for me, it would be a very difficult life," Sanders said. luckyso 发表于 3/13/2016 9:19:19 PM
A quote from a Chicago policeman to a Don Trump fan page: "Well, I've waited about 24 hours to let it all sink in before I address the incident last night. I've been a Chicago Police Officer for 16 years, 12 of those years in the exact location of yesterday's incident. I saw many of my friends on FoxNews doing a great great job, like always. What happened in Chicago last night shouldn't have suprised anyone. Chicago is a very very liberal town to say the least. The sense of entitlement and lack of motivation to contribute to society is unimaginable. People in Chicago love to protest as many of them literally have nothing better to do. I can assure you this, we, the Chicago Police Department, are prepared for any further incidents at any level, we've seen alot worse. Believe me. My message here is to state a few things. Chicago is a Liberal mess and most of the scumbags there would vote for Hillary either way. Bernie is also an option even though socialism can't be spelled or defined. Republican politics are not welcome in Chicago, especially renegades like The Donald. Don't let them scare you, intimidate you, or sway your opinion. We'll take care of the disrespectful animals in Chicago who feel the first amendment only applies to the left. To my brothers and sisters in the Chicago Police Department, great job as always. Respect. To all you reading are witnessing a political revolution, and I'm so proud WE are apart of it. Cheers and God Bless." Guess who the Chicago Police are SUPPORTING!
When matched with his three other contenders: Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Marco Rubio, Trump wins the “closed” California Republican primary with 38.3% of the GOP vote, compared to 22.4% for Cruz, 19.7% for Kasich, and 10.1% for Rubio. Voters registering an “undecided” opinion were 9.6%. Trump’s almost 16% advantage over Cruz is statistically significant and well above the margin of error of the poll, which is 4.8%. The poll results demonstrate that Trump’s standing among Republicans in the Golden State has grown significantly in the last two months. (In January, in a similar poll using a smaller sample size, the Field Organization pegged Ted Cruz as the leader in California, 25% to 23% for Trump.) Trump’s lead is commanding in all four “Board of Equalization” districts across the state, suggesting if the election were held today, that he would win in virtually all of the state’s Congressional Districts and capture all of the state’s delegates.
Today at a rally Trump spotted a man wearing a tee shirt that said, "LEGAL IMMIGRANT FOR TRUMP. Trump called him on stage and the man spoke a few saying how it was not easy but his family did what they had to, to be here legally. Did anyone see this on any news media today ??? Haha, NEVER!!! The dishonest media would never show that. They treat Trump so unfair it's disgusting.
A quote from a Chicago policeman to a Don Trump fan page: "Well, I've waited about 24 hours to let it all sink in before I address the incident last night. I've been a Chicago Police Officer for 16 years, 12 of those years in the exact location of yesterday's incident. I saw many of my friends on FoxNews doing a great great job, like always. What happened in Chicago last night shouldn't have suprised anyone. Chicago is a very very liberal town to say the least. The sense of entitlement and lack of motivation to contribute to society is unimaginable. People in Chicago love to protest as many of them literally have nothing better to do. I can assure you this, we, the Chicago Police Department, are prepared for any further incidents at any level, we've seen alot worse. Believe me. My message here is to state a few things. Chicago is a Liberal mess and most of the scumbags there would vote for Hillary either way. Bernie is also an option even though socialism can't be spelled or defined. Republican politics are not welcome in Chicago, especially renegades like The Donald. Don't let them scare you, intimidate you, or sway your opinion. We'll take care of the disrespectful animals in Chicago who feel the first amendment only applies to the left. To my brothers and sisters in the Chicago Police Department, great job as always. Respect. To all you reading are witnessing a political revolution, and I'm so proud WE are apart of it. Cheers and God Bless." Guess who the Chicago Police are SUPPORTING! cindy2012 发表于 3/13/2016 9:49:42 PM
Do you ever make any intelligent argument, or are you limited to hurling insults like a schoolyard bully and chanting like a mindless drone?
您慢慢咋,不过我讨厌咋舌头出声的,太没manner,所以be quiet
Fwd: Please distribute widely to your friends in Ohio...Kasich promises Amnesty in 1st 100 days if prez
I usually don't send emails like this out unless there's something unique or special.
Kasich! and Rubio! won the DC GOP Delegate split. They won the hearts and minds of DC GOPe. Both support amnesty and here is Kasich, telling us we need to keep illegals in country and make them legal.
Kasich - amnesty for illegals in 100days if he's President - No strong commitment to a wall, no stopping or slowing immigration - just endless streams of people coming to America...just border security like now.
He wiggle words the entire thing, compared to a simple plan to build the wall. What's more troubling is his nonchalance attitude about people who break the law, in this case immigration law. in the last 72 hours he sided with Move-on lawbreakers. THIS is the real Kasich.
把不能俩字去了,你这句话就make sense了
Legal immigration stand up for Trump!
“DiMassimo, 22, of Fairborn, Ohio, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic. His next court date is Wednesday. ”
"Trump has to get on the TV and tell his supporters that violence in the political process in America is not acceptable, end of discussion," Sanders said.
"Millions of people voted for me. If I have to take responsibility for everybody who voted for me, it would be a very difficult life," Sanders said.
你protest可以在外面protest, 你不能冲入人家的会场去扰乱。场地是人家租的,是私人集会
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