Hillary Insider Reveals “Devastating” News To The FBI – BOMBSHELL!! This puts Hillary Clinton much closer to a real indictment from the FBI, changing the dynamics of the Democrat presidential primary. Hillary acts like she’s above the law, but she isn’t… and it’s clear that law enforcement officials aren’t willing to tolerate it.
Ted Cruz supporters are dropping like flies after the Chicago mob hit at Donald Trump's peaceful rally. During the riot, Cruz said Trump bears responsibility for the chaos at Trump rally.
"When candidate encourages people to engage in violence, punch people in face, it escalates," said Cruz.
Apparently many are not staying with Teddy. Since Chicago, his Twitter followers dropped from 1,200,000 to 924,000. 觉得有些夸张,但掉粉是肯定的。 他天天说Trump是liberal, 然后这次自己totally sided with liberal;他天天说保卫宪法,却对第一修正案的践踏无视。Cruz刷新了下限。
Ted Cruz supporters are dropping like flies after the Chicago mob hit at Donald Trump's peaceful rally. During the riot, Cruz said Trump bears responsibility for the chaos at Trump rally. "When candidate encourages people to engage in violence, punch people in face, it escalates," said Cruz. Apparently many are not staying with Teddy. Since Chicago, his Twitter followers dropped from 1,200,000 to 924,000.luckyso 发表于 2016-03-13 01:25 AM
-Thousands of Muslim's and liberals take to the streets of Chicago, chant "Free Palestine, death to Israel, death to America" Where is the mainstream media during this protest arranged by Muslim groups and a few far left liberal groups. Chants such as "Free Palestine, Death to America, Death to Israel" echo through the city, the media is completely silent, even as they encourage liberals to bring even more Muslims from the Middle East to America.
Hillary Insider Reveals “Devastating” News To The FBI – BOMBSHELL!! This puts Hillary Clinton much closer to a real indictment from the FBI, changing the dynamics of the Democrat presidential primary. Hillary acts like she’s above the law, but she isn’t… and it’s clear that law enforcement officials aren’t willing to tolerate it.
-Thousands of Muslim's and liberals take to the streets of Chicago, chant "Free Palestine, death to Israel, death to America" Where is the mainstream media during this protest arranged by Muslim groups and a few far left liberal groups. Chants such as "Free Palestine, Death to America, Death to Israel" echo through the city, the media is completely silent, even as they encourage liberals to bring even more Muslims from the Middle East to America.
Hillary Insider Reveals “Devastating” News To The FBI – BOMBSHELL!! This puts Hillary Clinton much closer to a real indictment from the FBI, changing the dynamics of the Democrat presidential primary. Hillary acts like she’s above the law, but she isn’t… and it’s clear that law enforcement officials aren’t willing to tolerate it.
-Thousands of Muslim's and liberals take to the streets of Chicago, chant "Free Palestine, death to Israel, death to America" Where is the mainstream media during this protest arranged by Muslim groups and a few far left liberal groups. Chants such as "Free Palestine, Death to America, Death to Israel" echo through the city, the media is completely silent, even as they encourage liberals to bring even more Muslims from the Middle East to America.
他在facebook上的贴子 Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
他在facebook上的贴子 Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
他在facebook上的贴子 Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
-Thousands of Muslim's and liberals take to the streets of Chicago, chant "Free Palestine, death to Israel, death to America" Where is the mainstream media during this protest arranged by Muslim groups and a few far left liberal groups. Chants such as "Free Palestine, Death to America, Death to Israel" echo through the city, the media is completely silent, even as they encourage liberals to bring even more Muslims from the Middle East to America.
Germany: Nationalist Party Enters 3 State Legislatures Following Elections, Exit Poll Shows A German television exit poll showed that Alternative for Germany, also known as AfD, entered into legislatures in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt.
Germany: Nationalist Party Enters 3 State Legislatures Following Elections, Exit Poll Shows A German television exit poll showed that Alternative for Germany, also known as AfD, entered into legislatures in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt.
正在补看Kansas rally,船儿哥讲了个农妇与蛇的故事。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Hillary Insider Reveals “Devastating” News To The FBI – BOMBSHELL!!
This puts Hillary Clinton much closer to a real indictment from the FBI, changing the dynamics of the Democrat presidential primary. Hillary acts like she’s above the law, but she isn’t… and it’s clear that law enforcement officials aren’t willing to tolerate it.
Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/hillary-insider-reveals-devastating-news-fbi-bombshell/#ixzz42lFJ1phX
"When candidate encourages people to engage in violence, punch people in face, it escalates," said Cruz.
Apparently many are not staying with Teddy. Since Chicago, his Twitter followers dropped from 1,200,000 to 924,000.
他天天说Trump是liberal, 然后这次自己totally sided with liberal;他天天说保卫宪法,却对第一修正案的践踏无视。Cruz刷新了下限。
-Thousands of Muslim's and liberals take to the streets of Chicago, chant "Free Palestine, death to Israel, death to America"
Where is the mainstream media during this protest arranged by Muslim groups and a few far left liberal groups. Chants such as "Free Palestine, Death to America, Death to Israel" echo through the city, the media is completely silent, even as they encourage liberals to bring even more Muslims from the Middle East to America.
希拉里听完后向四周看了看又说道:“为何没看见我丈夫克林顿的表?” 上帝的仆人说:“你丈夫的表被上帝拿到办公室当电风扇去了!
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
他应该攻击cruz和hillary对free spreech的漠视。
Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
搞清楚,他那不叫攻击,叫fight back
现在说出这样的话搞不好被人假冒他的名义去Sanders集会扰乱。虽然总被人打断思路很烦,还是要淡定啊。positive MM能提个建议吗?现在是走一步看十步的时候不能意气用事啊,sanders都没明文说要去捣乱,船主倒白纸黑字了。到时不是自己人惹事都说不请了。
我也觉得不明智,Trump supporter 不会去Bernie那里的,倒是有可能被对方用假的supporter set up
Cruz, 现在trump顾不上他,FL和Ohio都没他的戏,不过这家伙贼坏,也号召他的1支持者在Ohio投kasich.
CF: "The leftwing...is always accusing Republicans of being intolerant. This is the highest form of intolerance."
当然啦,有人还说闹事的人是trump自己找的呢!要不要说cnn, fox这些媒体都是被trump控制的?
干脆砸烂两个烂苹果,让川爷出头成立个有common sense的党派!
你自己去看看真的证据。Chicago Tribune, CNN, ABC 以及很多媒体的官网上就可以找到。
A German television exit poll showed that Alternative for Germany, also known as AfD, entered into legislatures in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt.
Trump Town Hall