(Mar. 6, 2016) — On Sunday evening, former Trump adviser Roger Stone tweeted that he would be appearing on the Alex Jones Show at 6:00 p.m. ET/5: 00 p.m. CT “to spill the latest on the GOP Rumble,” referencing Mitt Romney, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio as well as voter fraud in his tweet.
During the segment on Jones’s show, Stone revealed that he has received more than 200 reports of voter fraud having occurred during the Kansas Republican primary on Saturday, which was won by Ted Cruz.
Specifically, Stone told Jones that eyewitnesses had described “Cruz voters voting twice.”
Stone, a former Nixon adviser and long-time Republican political activist, has written books about the Bush family, the Clintons, “Nixon’s Secrets” and President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
On February 28, Jones spoke with Stone in an exclusive interview during which Stone contended that the GOP “establishment” planned to “use Mitt Romney as ‘Plan B’ if Rubio fails to gain traction on Super Tuesday,” referring to the March 1 primaries and caucuses. Of 11 state contests that day, Trump won seven, Cruz three, and Rubio one, in Minnesota.
On Thursday, in an apparent confirmation of Stone’s predictions, Romney gave an address in Utah in which he called Trump a “phony” who had not built a big business, but rather, “inherited it” from his father, Fred Trump, who was also involved in New York real estate, although on a considerably smaller scale than his son’s multi-billion-dollar, worldwide enterprise.
The mainstream media has made clear their surprise that Trump has garnered the number of delegates that he has, often speculating on whether or not he can be “stopped.” He is often depicted as childish, and “news” services have praised Fox News’s Megyn Kelly as having “destroyed” and “taken down” Trump during last Thursday’s debate in her questioning and declarative statements about his real-estate training program, “Trump University.”
The job of a journalist is not to “destroy,” but rather, to ask probing questions of all candidates for office. On Thursday evening, Kelly pursued a line of questioning and assertions about Trump University about which some consumer complaints have arisen which resulted in a lawsuit. Trump responded that he chose not to settle the case out of court and that the outcome would exonerate him. During her aggressive address to Trump about the complaints and Trump’s reported countersuit of the lead plaintiff, Kelly mistakenly asserted that Trump University is currently rated a “D-” by the Better Business Bureau despite Trump’s rejoinder that it now has an “A” rating.
Trump, in fact, was accurate that the training course had earned an “A” in the past. On February 28, NBC News reported that “The BBB said [sic] a statement to NBC News on Sunday that Trump University currently has no rating because ‘the company is believed to be out of business.’”
Fortune Magazine reported after the debate that “according to a BBB statement, the business’s grade had fluctuated between D- and A+ (it’s not currently rated). No matter how or when it got that D, or whether it was warranted, Trump’s claim that he didn’t care enough about the grade to do the work to get an A is completely believable.”
Neither Kelly nor Fox News issued a clarification of its contention that the current “publicly-available” score was a D-.
None of the three anchors grilled any other candidate in the same way on Thursday.
Establishment Republicans have decried Trump’s style, substance and non- conformity as demonstrated by Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC ) organizer Matt Schlapp, who condemned Trump for canceling his scheduled address at the conference on Saturday.
Trump has spoken at CPAC before and plans to attend next year as “the president.”
According to The Washington Post, “Republican elites” began experiencing “growing panic” in November as Trump’s popularity, and that of “outsider ” Dr. Ben Carson, rose among a wide spectrum of voters.
In his initial interview with Jones, Stone said that the leaked GOP plan is to bolster Rubio’s campaign in preparation for the next “Super Tuesday” on March 15, whose primaries are conducted on a “winner-take-all” basis and include Rubio’s home state of Florida. Should Rubio fail to win Florida, Stone said, Romney will enter the race.
It is now widely-reported that Romney plans to “torpedo” what is presumed to be Trump’s winning of enough delegates to be awarded the Republican nomination at the RNC convention in Cleveland in July. On Friday, Romney told NBC’s “Today” Show that “I’m going to do everything within the normal political bounds to make sure we don’t nominate Donald Trump. I think he’d be terribly unfit for office. He doesn’t have the temperament to be president.”
While stating that he is not planning on launching a campaign to stop Trump, Romney said that he would not rule out his accepting the nomination at the convention, which would be conducted as “contested.”
Trump is the only presidential candidate who has challenged the constitutional eligibility of Cruz, who was born in Canada to a Cuban- citizen father and has not yet demonstrated that he is a U.S. citizen outside of the higher standard of the Constitution’s Article II, Section 1, clause 5 requirement of “natural born Citizen.”
回帖里好多料,关于太监的 If you plan to vote for Ted Cruz, you MUST know these things! Educate yourselves on him and his wife
* Heidi Cruz has been employed by Goldman Sachs since 2005. She is currently on leave.
* Heidi Cruz is a member of the leftist council on foreign relations, advocates of world Government and a New World Order.
* Ted Cruz was George Bush's top policy advisor.
* Ted Cruz was in the federal Trade Commission.
* Ted and Heidi met when they were both Bush staffers.
* Cruz advised on legal affairs and Heidi on economic policy for the bush administration.
* Heidi was director for the Western Hemisphere on the national security council under Condoleeza Rice.
* Heidi served as deputy U.S. Trade Representative to USTR head, Robert Zoellick, working on China trade policy.
* Ted Cruz' campaign chairman, Chad Sweet, is a former CIA officer. He also worked for Goldman Sachs.
* Ted Cruz voted for cloture on TPA, (trans pacific partnership agreement) fast track trade authority, removing the hurdle of concern for further amendment, and clearing the way for passage! It didn't have to be recorded, so nobody knew this. He voted NOT to require approval of congress before other countries could join, including China.
* Cruz has openly stated that he will NOT use a deportation force, and will continue to use the failed ICE system, where an illegal has to commit a crime first, then be caught.
* Cruz belongs to the radical Christian sect of 7 mountains dominionism, that seeks to place their members in control of our culture and create a NWO though the domination of business, government, media, arts & entertainment, education, family, and religion. He is the appointed messiah/savior of their group.
* Ted Cruz has only been a citizen for about 19 months! He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014 so he could run for president. There are also other reasons that he is not constitutionally eligible, including the fact that both of his parents were NOT U.S. Citizens when he was born, only his mother was.
I am still worried about his delegates towards 1237. Even the big victory last night only landed <50% of total delegates for him. Really hope he can win FL, OH and IL next week.
Tuesday 26 April 2016: Pennsylvania Presidential Primary. 54 of the Commonwealth's 71 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be directly elected (their names appear on the ballot) in a LOOPHOLE type primary, in which delegates are elected separately from a presidential preference. Each of the 18 Congressional District is allocated 3 delegates (54 = 18 districts × 3 delegates/district). Rule 8.4 of the Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania's Rules states that all delegates elected by Congressional District "...shall run at large within the Districts and shall not be officially committed to any particular candidate on the ballot.". 17 (10 base at-large delegates plus 4 bonus delegates plus 3 RNC delegates) of the Commonwealth's 71 delegates to the Republican National Convention delegates are bound for the 1st ballot to the candidate who receives the most votes in the Pennsylvania Presidential Primary. The delegates are released if the candidate withdraws, suspends, or terminates his/her campaign or publicly releases his/her delegates. [Rule 8.3]
回帖里好多料,关于太监的 If you plan to vote for Ted Cruz, you MUST know these things! Educate yourselves on him and his wife
* Heidi Cruz has been employed by Goldman Sachs since 2005. She is currently on leave.
* Heidi Cruz is a member of the leftist council on foreign relations, advocates of world Government and a New World Order.
* Ted Cruz was George Bush's top policy advisor.
* Ted Cruz was in the federal Trade Commission.
* Ted and Heidi met when they were both Bush staffers.
* Cruz advised on legal affairs and Heidi on economic policy for the bush administration.
* Heidi was director for the Western Hemisphere on the national security council under Condoleeza Rice.
* Heidi served as deputy U.S. Trade Representative to USTR head, Robert Zoellick, working on China trade policy.
* Ted Cruz' campaign chairman, Chad Sweet, is a former CIA officer. He also worked for Goldman Sachs.
* Ted Cruz voted for cloture on TPA, (trans pacific partnership agreement) fast track trade authority, removing the hurdle of concern for further amendment, and clearing the way for passage! It didn't have to be recorded, so nobody knew this. He voted NOT to require approval of congress before other countries could join, including China.
* Cruz has openly stated that he will NOT use a deportation force, and will continue to use the failed ICE system, where an illegal has to commit a crime first, then be caught.
* Cruz belongs to the radical Christian sect of 7 mountains dominionism, that seeks to place their members in control of our culture and create a NWO though the domination of business, government, media, arts & entertainment, education, family, and religion. He is the appointed messiah/savior of their group.
* Ted Cruz has only been a citizen for about 19 months! He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014 so he could run for president. There are also other reasons that he is not constitutionally eligible, including the fact that both of his parents were NOT U.S. Citizens when he was born, only his mother was.
Wise up, he's not who you think he is goldfish 发表于 3/9/2016 7:18:08 AM
Tuesday 26 April 2016: Pennsylvania Presidential Primary. 54 of the Commonwealth's 71 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be directly elected (their names appear on the ballot) in a LOOPHOLE type primary, in which delegates are elected separately from a presidential preference. Each of the 18 Congressional District is allocated 3 delegates (54 = 18 districts × 3 delegates/district). Rule 8.4 of the Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania's Rules states that all delegates elected by Congressional District "...shall run at large within the Districts and shall not be officially committed to any particular candidate on the ballot.". 17 (10 base at-large delegates plus 4 bonus delegates plus 3 RNC delegates) of the Commonwealth's 71 delegates to the Republican National Convention delegates are bound for the 1st ballot to the candidate who receives the most votes in the Pennsylvania Presidential Primary. The delegates are released if the candidate withdraws, suspends, or terminates his/her campaign or publicly releases his/her delegates. [Rule 8.3]
Colorado1, Wyoming1 Delegates in Colorado are selected through a process that starts with the March 1st caucuses and culminates at the state convention on April 9th. Colorado Delegates can go to the national convention as unbound or bound to a candidate. The Wyoming precinct caucuses on March 1st do not bind any delegates, but they start a delegate selection process that culminates at the state convention on April 14-16. Delegates from Wyoming can be bound or unbound. Open** Republicans and Independents can vote in these primaries, but Democrats can't. * — Threshold Candidates have to reach a certain level of support to earn delegates 10% threshold: New Hampshire, Minnesota, Kansas, Maine, Rhode Island 20% threshold: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, Idaho, New York, Connecticut, Washington 15% threshold: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Mississippi, District of Columbia, Utah, New Mexico 5% threshold: Massachusetts, Kentucky 13% threshold: Alaska # — Ceiling Candidates can win all at-large or all delegates by surpassing a certain level of support. The ceiling is 50 percent in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont, Maine, Puerto Rico, Idaho, Michigan, Utah and Connecticut. The ceiling is 66 percent in Tennessee. The ceiling is 85 percent in Minnesota. If a candidate reaches the ceiling in Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee or Texas, he or she earns all the at-large delegates from the state. If a candidate reaches the ceiling in Georgia, Minnesota, Vermont, Maine, Puerto Rico, Idaho, Michigan, Utah or Connecticut, he or she earns all the at-large and congressional district delegates from the state. Arkansas: every candidate who gets over 15 percent gets one at-large delegate. If no candidate gets over 50 percent, the remaining delegates are allocated proportionally among those who get over 15 percent. If a candidate gets over 50 percent, he or she gets the remaining at-large delegates. ▽ — Congressional District Delegates Congressional district delegates are allocated according to results in that district rather than statewide. The rules are the same for the at-large and congressional delegates (e.g. same floor, same ceiling, proportional or WTA, etc.) in most states. Here are the states in which they differ significantly and the ways in which they differ: Arkansas — the congressional district delegates are allocated proportionally with no threshold, unless a candidate gets over 50 percent of the vote in that district. In that case they get all three delegates. Georgia and Minnesota — There's no ceiling in the congressional districts. Louisiana — There's no threshold in the congressional districts. Mississippi — There's not threshold in the congressional districts and if a candidate gets over 50 percent of the vote in a district, he or she gets all the delegates from that district. Illinois and Pennsylvania — at-large delegates are WTA by statewide vote, but congressional district delegates are elected directly. Missouri — Nine at-large delegates are allocated to the statewide winner, and five delegates are allocated to the winner of each congressional district. If a candidate gets over 50 percent he or she gets all the delegates. Connecticut — Plurality winner in each congressional district gets all three delegates. Rhode Island — If three candidates get over 10 percent in a congressional district, they each get one delegate. If any candidate gets over 67 percent in a district, they get all three delegates.
Colorado1, Wyoming1 Delegates in Colorado are selected through a process that starts with the March 1st caucuses and culminates at the state convention on April 9th. Colorado Delegates can go to the national convention as unbound or bound to a candidate. The Wyoming precinct caucuses on March 1st do not bind any delegates, but they start a delegate selection process that culminates at the state convention on April 14-16. Delegates from Wyoming can be bound or unbound. Open** Republicans and Independents can vote in these primaries, but Democrats can't. * — Threshold Candidates have to reach a certain level of support to earn delegates 10% threshold: New Hampshire, Minnesota, Kansas, Maine, Rhode Island 20% threshold: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, Idaho, New York, Connecticut, Washington 15% threshold: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Mississippi, District of Columbia, Utah, New Mexico 5% threshold: Massachusetts, Kentucky 13% threshold: Alaska # — Ceiling Candidates can win all at-large or all delegates by surpassing a certain level of support. The ceiling is 50 percent in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont, Maine, Puerto Rico, Idaho, Michigan, Utah and Connecticut. The ceiling is 66 percent in Tennessee. The ceiling is 85 percent in Minnesota. If a candidate reaches the ceiling in Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee or Texas, he or she earns all the at-large delegates from the state. If a candidate reaches the ceiling in Georgia, Minnesota, Vermont, Maine, Puerto Rico, Idaho, Michigan, Utah or Connecticut, he or she earns all the at-large and congressional district delegates from the state. Arkansas: every candidate who gets over 15 percent gets one at-large delegate. If no candidate gets over 50 percent, the remaining delegates are allocated proportionally among those who get over 15 percent. If a candidate gets over 50 percent, he or she gets the remaining at-large delegates. ▽ — Congressional District Delegates Congressional district delegates are allocated according to results in that district rather than statewide. The rules are the same for the at-large and congressional delegates (e.g. same floor, same ceiling, proportional or WTA, etc.) in most states. Here are the states in which they differ significantly and the ways in which they differ: Arkansas — the congressional district delegates are allocated proportionally with no threshold, unless a candidate gets over 50 percent of the vote in that district. In that case they get all three delegates. Georgia and Minnesota — There's no ceiling in the congressional districts. Louisiana — There's no threshold in the congressional districts. Mississippi — There's not threshold in the congressional districts and if a candidate gets over 50 percent of the vote in a district, he or she gets all the delegates from that district. Illinois and Pennsylvania — at-large delegates are WTA by statewide vote, but congressional district delegates are elected directly. Missouri — Nine at-large delegates are allocated to the statewide winner, and five delegates are allocated to the winner of each congressional district. If a candidate gets over 50 percent he or she gets all the delegates. Connecticut — Plurality winner in each congressional district gets all three delegates. Rhode Island — If three candidates get over 10 percent in a congressional district, they each get one delegate. If any candidate gets over 67 percent in a district, they get all three delegates.
另外,lying Ted 在堪萨斯double 投票作弊被揭露了!
by Sharon Rondeau
(Mar. 6, 2016) — On Sunday evening, former Trump adviser Roger Stone
tweeted that he would be appearing on the Alex Jones Show at 6:00 p.m. ET/5:
00 p.m. CT “to spill the latest on the GOP Rumble,” referencing Mitt
Romney, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio as well as voter fraud in his tweet.
During the segment on Jones’s show, Stone revealed that he has received
more than 200 reports of voter fraud having occurred during the Kansas
Republican primary on Saturday, which was won by Ted Cruz.
Specifically, Stone told Jones that eyewitnesses had described “Cruz voters
voting twice.”
Stone, a former Nixon adviser and long-time Republican political activist,
has written books about the Bush family, the Clintons, “Nixon’s Secrets”
and President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
On February 28, Jones spoke with Stone in an exclusive interview during
which Stone contended that the GOP “establishment” planned to “use Mitt
Romney as ‘Plan B’ if Rubio fails to gain traction on Super Tuesday,”
referring to the March 1 primaries and caucuses. Of 11 state contests that
day, Trump won seven, Cruz three, and Rubio one, in Minnesota.
On Thursday, in an apparent confirmation of Stone’s predictions, Romney
gave an address in Utah in which he called Trump a “phony” who had not
built a big business, but rather, “inherited it” from his father, Fred
Trump, who was also involved in New York real estate, although on a
considerably smaller scale than his son’s multi-billion-dollar, worldwide
The mainstream media has made clear their surprise that Trump has garnered
the number of delegates that he has, often speculating on whether or not he
can be “stopped.” He is often depicted as childish, and “news” services
have praised Fox News’s Megyn Kelly as having “destroyed” and “taken
down” Trump during last Thursday’s debate in her questioning and
declarative statements about his real-estate training program, “Trump
The job of a journalist is not to “destroy,” but rather, to ask probing
questions of all candidates for office. On Thursday evening, Kelly pursued
a line of questioning and assertions about Trump University about which some
consumer complaints have arisen which resulted in a lawsuit. Trump
responded that he chose not to settle the case out of court and that the
outcome would exonerate him. During her aggressive address to Trump about
the complaints and Trump’s reported countersuit of the lead plaintiff,
Kelly mistakenly asserted that Trump University is currently rated a “D-”
by the Better Business Bureau despite Trump’s rejoinder that it now has an
“A” rating.
Trump, in fact, was accurate that the training course had earned an “A” in
the past. On February 28, NBC News reported that “The BBB said [sic] a
statement to NBC News on Sunday that Trump University currently has no
rating because ‘the company is believed to be out of business.’”
Fortune Magazine reported after the debate that “according to a BBB
statement, the business’s grade had fluctuated between D- and A+ (it’s not
currently rated). No matter how or when it got that D, or whether it was
warranted, Trump’s claim that he didn’t care enough about the grade to do
the work to get an A is completely believable.”
Neither Kelly nor Fox News issued a clarification of its contention that the
current “publicly-available” score was a D-.
None of the three anchors grilled any other candidate in the same way on
Establishment Republicans have decried Trump’s style, substance and non-
conformity as demonstrated by Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC
) organizer Matt Schlapp, who condemned Trump for canceling his scheduled
address at the conference on Saturday.
Trump has spoken at CPAC before and plans to attend next year as “the
According to The Washington Post, “Republican elites” began experiencing
“growing panic” in November as Trump’s popularity, and that of “outsider
” Dr. Ben Carson, rose among a wide spectrum of voters.
In his initial interview with Jones, Stone said that the leaked GOP plan is
to bolster Rubio’s campaign in preparation for the next “Super Tuesday”
on March 15, whose primaries are conducted on a “winner-take-all” basis
and include Rubio’s home state of Florida. Should Rubio fail to win
Florida, Stone said, Romney will enter the race.
It is now widely-reported that Romney plans to “torpedo” what is presumed
to be Trump’s winning of enough delegates to be awarded the Republican
nomination at the RNC convention in Cleveland in July. On Friday, Romney
told NBC’s “Today” Show that “I’m going to do everything within the
normal political bounds to make sure we don’t nominate Donald Trump. I
think he’d be terribly unfit for office. He doesn’t have the temperament
to be president.”
While stating that he is not planning on launching a campaign to stop Trump,
Romney said that he would not rule out his accepting the nomination at the
convention, which would be conducted as “contested.”
Trump is the only presidential candidate who has challenged the
constitutional eligibility of Cruz, who was born in Canada to a Cuban-
citizen father and has not yet demonstrated that he is a U.S. citizen
outside of the higher standard of the Constitution’s Article II, Section 1,
clause 5 requirement of “natural born Citizen.”
If you plan to vote for Ted Cruz, you MUST know these things! Educate yourselves on him and his wife
* Heidi Cruz has been employed by Goldman Sachs since 2005. She is currently on leave.
* Heidi Cruz is a member of the leftist council on foreign relations, advocates of world Government and a New World Order.
* Ted Cruz was George Bush's top policy advisor.
* Ted Cruz was in the federal Trade Commission.
* Ted and Heidi met when they were both Bush staffers.
* Cruz advised on legal affairs and Heidi on economic policy for the bush administration.
* Heidi was director for the Western Hemisphere on the national security council under Condoleeza Rice.
* Heidi served as deputy U.S. Trade Representative to USTR head,
Robert Zoellick, working on China trade policy.
* Ted Cruz' campaign chairman, Chad Sweet, is a former CIA officer.
He also worked for Goldman Sachs.
* Ted Cruz voted for cloture on TPA, (trans pacific partnership agreement)
fast track trade authority, removing the hurdle of concern for further amendment, and clearing the way for passage!
It didn't have to be recorded, so nobody knew this.
He voted NOT to require approval of congress before other countries could join, including China.
* Cruz has openly stated that he will NOT use a deportation force, and will continue to use the failed ICE system, where an illegal has to commit a crime first, then be caught.
* Cruz belongs to the radical Christian sect of 7 mountains dominionism, that seeks to place their members in control of our culture and create a NWO though the domination of business, government, media, arts & entertainment, education, family, and religion. He is the appointed messiah/savior of their group.
* Ted Cruz has only been a citizen for about 19 months! He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014 so he could run for president.
There are also other reasons that he is not constitutionally eligible, including the fact that both of his parents were NOT U.S. Citizens when he was born, only his mother was.
Wise up, he's not who you think he is
标题可以改了 拿下三城
无边落木萧萧下 不尽长江滚滚来
至少有希望啊, 我们如果都不努力争取一下就更没希望了。
看版上有的中产还反trump就是因为自己夫妻独身子女双方父母都要来美吃福利,Trump反的是非法移民, 非法移民abuse福利只能影响的是合法移民和本国人民的利益,除非他父母不走合法移民路径 是想黑下来吃福利,太目光短浅了。 想着父母吃福利的估计收入一般,到时候美国真不行了,难民营自家附近一堆,高收入的卖掉各处房产带着存款走人就是,他们这样一般收入的一大家子人想挪哪都不容易。
请问中部州是winner take all还是按比例?
Romney 贱到这地步了
TedCruz前面的得分主要靠德州,后面并没有德州一样的大馅饼落在他手里,所以川哥以后在winner takes most州的得票比例会增长的。
Tuesday 26 April 2016: Pennsylvania Presidential Primary.
54 of the Commonwealth's 71 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be directly elected (their names appear on the ballot) in a LOOPHOLE type primary, in which delegates are elected separately from a presidential preference. Each of the 18 Congressional District is allocated 3 delegates (54 = 18 districts × 3 delegates/district). Rule 8.4 of the Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania's Rules states that all delegates elected by Congressional District "...shall run at large within the Districts and shall not be officially committed to any particular candidate on the ballot.".
17 (10 base at-large delegates plus 4 bonus delegates plus 3 RNC delegates) of the Commonwealth's 71 delegates to the Republican National Convention delegates are bound for the 1st ballot to the candidate who receives the most votes in the Pennsylvania Presidential Primary. The delegates are released if the candidate withdraws, suspends, or terminates his/her campaign or publicly releases his/her delegates. [Rule 8.3]
Trump真不容易, Bloomingberg看着势头不对就退了,本来还对他有好感看了他退出说的那些话顿时好感全无。
不可能,现在地球还是人口太多资源少,只能让穷人日子越来越难过,这是for sure
如果最后票数不到半数,还可以和别人trade,把别人的delegates拿过来,记得以前看过一篇文章说Trump最后招安州长,把他的delegates拿过来就可以。关键是上1000, 然后就好说
GOP的brokered convention 从来在历史上就是直接把位置送给猪党的,大佬指定的人选从来都不是民意的选择,还没有一次指定的人选能够赢得猪党。
如果是搞brokered convention, 那就是老巫婆的天下了
这次bbg太让人失望了,trump是never give up,bbg是还没开始参选就认为自己一定输了,不放一起看都是成功的商人,放一起看,高下立现
FB好多人说了,真搞brokered convention,大家要去Cleveland 集会抗议
看了好感动啊,never ever give up!
Colorado1, Wyoming1
Delegates in Colorado are selected through a process that starts with the March 1st caucuses and culminates at the state convention on April 9th. Colorado Delegates can go to the national convention as unbound or bound to a candidate. The Wyoming precinct caucuses on March 1st do not bind any delegates, but they start a delegate selection process that culminates at the state convention on April 14-16. Delegates from Wyoming can be bound or unbound.
Republicans and Independents can vote in these primaries, but Democrats can't.
* — Threshold
Candidates have to reach a certain level of support to earn delegates
10% threshold: New Hampshire, Minnesota, Kansas, Maine, Rhode Island
20% threshold: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, Idaho, New York, Connecticut, Washington
15% threshold: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Mississippi, District of Columbia, Utah, New Mexico
5% threshold: Massachusetts, Kentucky
13% threshold: Alaska
# — Ceiling
Candidates can win all at-large or all delegates by surpassing a certain level of support.
The ceiling is 50 percent in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Texas, Vermont, Maine, Puerto Rico, Idaho, Michigan, Utah and Connecticut.
The ceiling is 66 percent in Tennessee.
The ceiling is 85 percent in Minnesota.
If a candidate reaches the ceiling in Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee or Texas, he or she earns all the at-large delegates from the state.
If a candidate reaches the ceiling in Georgia, Minnesota, Vermont, Maine, Puerto Rico, Idaho, Michigan, Utah or Connecticut, he or she earns all the at-large and congressional district delegates from the state.
Arkansas: every candidate who gets over 15 percent gets one at-large delegate. If no candidate gets over 50 percent, the remaining delegates are allocated proportionally among those who get over 15 percent. If a candidate gets over 50 percent, he or she gets the remaining at-large delegates.
▽ — Congressional District Delegates
Congressional district delegates are allocated according to results in that district rather than statewide. The rules are the same for the at-large and congressional delegates (e.g. same floor, same ceiling, proportional or WTA, etc.) in most states. Here are the states in which they differ significantly and the ways in which they differ:
Arkansas — the congressional district delegates are allocated proportionally with no threshold, unless a candidate gets over 50 percent of the vote in that district. In that case they get all three delegates.
Georgia and Minnesota — There's no ceiling in the congressional districts.
Louisiana — There's no threshold in the congressional districts.
Mississippi — There's not threshold in the congressional districts and if a candidate gets over 50 percent of the vote in a district, he or she gets all the delegates from that district.
Illinois and Pennsylvania — at-large delegates are WTA by statewide vote, but congressional district delegates are elected directly.
Missouri — Nine at-large delegates are allocated to the statewide winner, and five delegates are allocated to the winner of each congressional district. If a candidate gets over 50 percent he or she gets all the delegates.
Connecticut — Plurality winner in each congressional district gets all three delegates.
Rhode Island — If three candidates get over 10 percent in a congressional district, they each get one delegate. If any candidate gets over 67 percent in a district, they get all three delegates.
事实上,我认为因为Cruz在Obamacare和Planned Parenthood等问题上的极端立场,在大选中对上Hillary必输无疑。而Trump反而因为在这些问题上立场温和,胜机较大。但是共和党建制派明显有一种“宁予国贼,不予家奴”的病态心理,即使冒着共和党分裂,大选失利,最高法院权利易位的巨大风险,也要把Trump拉下马。是的,建制派对他们的核心选民,有着一种主人对奴隶的傲慢心态,觉得只要大选年出来说两句场面话,奴隶们就应该感恩戴德了,这次看到奴隶们居然起来组织起来反抗,不由又惊又恼,决定不惜一切代价也要把这场反叛压制下去。