Legislators in Mexico City passed a proposal on Thursday to bar presidential candidate Donald Trump from entering the country.
Though the proposal amounts to a tellingly symbolic gesture, the lawmakers hope the measure will pressure Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to take a more adamant stand against Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric — including his blanket characterization of Mexican immigrants as ‘rapists and criminals.’
“What we’re saying is that if he wants to build a wall so that Mexicans can’t enter his country, then he is not welcome in our country,” Manuel Delgadillo explained to WorldPost.“What we need now is for President Peña Nieto to make a strong statement condemning Mr. Trump’s anti-Mexican comments.”
Delgadillo also said the Mexico City legislators were concerned with the billionaire’s “hyper-nationalist” dialogue, which has stoked anti-Mexican sentiment throughout the United States.
Deputy Víctor Hugo Romo of the Revolutionary Democratic Party — the politically left political party responsible for the proposal — compared Trump to Hitler, calling him “primeval, egocentric, and primitive.”
“Hitler was very popular,” Romo said, reported MSV Noticias. “He generated a lot of sympathy by adopting nationalist politics that vindicated the Germans’ sense of self-worth. [Trump] is practically a copy. I consider Donald Trump a chauvinist, a misogynist who fosters and leans toward repression … He doesn’t respect diversity.”
Rubio won Puerto Rico is a good sign for trump. 分票,挺好。 trump calling for Rubio to drop out was insane. 床铺不知道走不走心,他和Cruz pk, 谁笑道最后不一定呢,有Rubio 在对他好。 xiang2010 发表于 3/6/2016 9:08:05 PM
WHERE IS GRACE PERIOD REGISTRATION AND VOTING AVAILABLE? During the grace period, people can register and vote: -at the office of the election authority, -at a permanent polling place established by the election authority, -at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the elections, -at some polling places on Election Day, -or at a location specifically designated for this purpose by the election authority. Check with your local election authority to determine the locations and hours available in yourarea.
刚才和一个韩国朋友聊天。她是出生在这里韩裔。我说,Ted Cruz是西裔,他怎么会反对非法移民呢?她说,it doesn't matter where he is from. If he is a true American, he would be against illegal immigrants. I am from Korea, but I am against illegal immigrants from Korea. They broke the law and they are taking advantage of the system. I am working hard and paying taxes, it's not fair for those illegal immigrants to take advantage of this. If they want to stay here, they should work hard and come here in a legal way. They earn their right to stay here. 我问她你说的true American 是什么。她说, the founding father said, people who work hard and fight for the right of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are true Americans. 听到她的话感觉非常refreshing.
刚才和一个韩国朋友聊天。她是出生在这里韩裔。我说,Ted Cruz是西裔,他怎么会反对非法移民呢?她说,it doesn't matter where he is from. If he is a true American, he would be against illegal immigrants. I am from Korea, but I am against illegal immigrants from Korea. They broke the law and they are taking advantage of the system. I am working hard and paying taxes, it's not fair for those illegal immigrants to take advantage of this. If they want to stay here, they should work hard and come here in a legal way. They earn their right to stay here. 我问她你说的true American 是什么。她说, the founding father said, people who work hard and fight for the right of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are true Americans. 听到她的话感觉非常refreshing. lalalamamama 发表于 3/6/2016 10:10:00 PM
刚才和一个韩国朋友聊天。她是出生在这里韩裔。我说,Ted Cruz是西裔,他怎么会反对非法移民呢?她说,it doesn't matter where he is from. If he is a true American, he would be against illegal immigrants. I am from Korea, but I am against illegal immigrants from Korea. They broke the law and they are taking advantage of the system. I am working hard and paying taxes, it's not fair for those illegal immigrants to take advantage of this. If they want to stay here, they should work hard and come here in a legal way. They earn their right to stay here. 我问她你说的true American 是什么。她说, the founding father said, people who work hard and fight for the right of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are true Americans. 听到她的话感觉非常refreshing. lalalamamama 发表于 3/6/2016 10:10:00 PM
刚才和一个韩国朋友聊天。她是出生在这里韩裔。我说,Ted Cruz是西裔,他怎么会反对非法移民呢?她说,it doesn't matter where he is from. If he is a true American, he would be against illegal immigrants. I am from Korea, but I am against illegal immigrants from Korea. They broke the law and they are taking advantage of the system. I am working hard and paying taxes, it's not fair for those illegal immigrants to take advantage of this. If they want to stay here, they should work hard and come here in a legal way. They earn their right to stay here. 我问她你说的true American 是什么。她说, the founding father said, people who work hard and fight for the right of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are true Americans. 听到她的话感觉非常refreshing. lalalamamama 发表于 3/6/2016 10:10:00 PM
WHERE IS GRACE PERIOD REGISTRATION AND VOTING AVAILABLE? During the grace period, people can register and vote: -at the office of the election authority, -at a permanent polling place established by the election authority, -at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the elections, -at some polling places on Election Day, -or at a location specifically designated for this purpose by the election authority. Check with your local election authority to determine the locations and hours available in yourarea. jianzhiqi1234 发表于 3/6/2016 10:09:02 PM
刚才和一个韩国朋友聊天。她是出生在这里韩裔。我说,Ted Cruz是西裔,他怎么会反对非法移民呢?她说,it doesn't matter where he is from. If he is a true American, he would be against illegal immigrants. I am from Korea, but I am against illegal immigrants from Korea. They broke the law and they are taking advantage of the system. I am working hard and paying taxes, it's not fair for those illegal immigrants to take advantage of this. If they want to stay here, they should work hard and come here in a legal way. They earn their right to stay here. 我问她你说的true American 是什么。她说, the founding father said, people who work hard and fight for the right of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are true Americans. 听到她的话感觉非常refreshing. lalalamamama 发表于 3/6/2016 10:10:00 PM
这个和我的那个建议一样,所以trump应该开始把当初founding fathers们的建国理念拿出来speech,美国正在走向截然相反的一条道路上,现在是back to founding principals
刚才和一个韩国朋友聊天。她是出生在这里韩裔。我说,Ted Cruz是西裔,他怎么会反对非法移民呢?她说,it doesn't matter where he is from. If he is a true American, he would be against illegal immigrants. I am from Korea, but I am against illegal immigrants from Korea. They broke the law and they are taking advantage of the system. I am working hard and paying taxes, it's not fair for those illegal immigrants to take advantage of this. If they want to stay here, they should work hard and come here in a legal way. They earn their right to stay here. 我问她你说的true American 是什么。她说, the founding father said, people who work hard and fight for the right of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are true Americans. 听到她的话感觉非常refreshing. lalalamamama 发表于 3/6/2016 10:10:00 PM
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto," Sanders concluded. "You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car. ”
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto," Sanders concluded. "You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car. ”
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto," Sanders concluded. "You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car. ”
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto," Sanders concluded. "You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car. ”
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto," Sanders concluded. "You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car. ”
We have to end the view that black=ghetto=poor. And that was implied in the comments of a Democratic presidential candidate. (Sanders.) [size=0.875]6:20 PM - 6 Mar 2016
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto," Sanders concluded. "You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car. ”
大家都去扩散吧。 他自己有钱,很多人就不会想到要donate去帮助他。
Though the proposal amounts to a tellingly symbolic gesture, the lawmakers hope the measure will pressure Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to take a more adamant stand against Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric — including his blanket characterization of Mexican immigrants as ‘rapists and criminals.’
“What we’re saying is that if he wants to build a wall so that Mexicans can’t enter his country, then he is not welcome in our country,” Manuel Delgadillo explained to WorldPost.“What we need now is for President Peña Nieto to make a strong statement condemning Mr. Trump’s anti-Mexican comments.”
Delgadillo also said the Mexico City legislators were concerned with the billionaire’s “hyper-nationalist” dialogue, which has stoked anti-Mexican sentiment throughout the United States.
Deputy Víctor Hugo Romo of the Revolutionary Democratic Party — the politically left political party responsible for the proposal — compared Trump to Hitler, calling him “primeval, egocentric, and primitive.”
“Hitler was very popular,” Romo said, reported MSV Noticias. “He generated a lot of sympathy by adopting nationalist politics that vindicated the Germans’ sense of self-worth. [Trump] is practically a copy. I consider Donald Trump a chauvinist, a misogynist who fosters and leans toward repression … He doesn’t respect diversity.”
Cruz 和Rubio也说要Build wall。他们怎么不ban这两人?还有几百万美国人说要build wall,他们都ban了吧。好像谁还稀罕去墨西哥一样。
转载请注明“星译社”及译者Mr. D & 刘小猫
苏珊米勒2016年3月星座运势双子座——译者:Mr. D & 刘小猫
此楼主为 华人上唯恐天下不乱、有名的丝袜坑王(自己都承认向往希拉里的原味丝袜)、民主党死忠(几乎每天一新楼反共和党),马甲id被封了没有上千也上百(被封上百次的原因无非是‘人身攻击’,现在学乖了知道激怒别人、抨击别人人身攻击,误导不明真相的群众)。
trump calling for Rubio to drop out was insane.
床铺不知道走不走心,他和Cruz pk, 谁笑道最后不一定呢,有Rubio 在对他好。
还有如果3/15去投票的话,找离家里最近的office去投就可以吗?即使official 划区在其他地方?我被整个过程弄得好糊涂。
我帮你search 到共和党IL网站,现在还属于“grace period”可以登记投票,抓紧时间
Tue, Mar 15 Illinois 182 69 (P) Open
il 是3月15号投,因为是open所以所有人都可以参加!
传统的注册已经来不及了,但是可以用grace period 注册。去投票处就可注册
During the grace period, people can register and vote:
-at the office of the election authority,
-at a permanent polling place established by the election authority,
-at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the elections,
-at some polling places on Election Day,
-or at a location specifically designated for this purpose by the election authority.
Check with your local election authority to determine the locations and hours available in yourarea.
这个和我的那个建议一样,所以trump应该开始把当初founding fathers们的建国理念拿出来speech,美国正在走向截然相反的一条道路上,现在是back to founding principals
我的那个english version已经发了,希望能够被看到。我真的觉的TRUMP的理念和founding fathers们的理念很match,作为一个各族移民融合的伟大国家,大家都希望以自己的勤劳,智慧来追求american dream,这个就是based on merit。现在PC 先把这些dream给彻底扼杀在摇篮里,然后靠AA让你无法play fairly去实现这个dream,然后纵容各种群魔乱舞来实现操纵这个国家权力的最终不可告人的目的
大家来看这个 Trump前妻的故事,里面很多Trump,年轻时候超帅。两人的故事也很浪漫。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Chris Rock 在Oscar上讲了几个政治不正确的笑话,结果华人网上的Trump支持者又因为这些笑话愤怒了半天。
BlueNDGold 发表于 3/6/2016 11:46:17 PM
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto," Sanders concluded. "You don't know what it's like to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car. ”
Erica Bennett
I really hope Sanders clarifies his comment in the coming days. I'm black and didn't grow up poor or in the ghetto.
Perry Bacon Jr. [size=0.875]@perrybaconjr
We have to end the view that black=ghetto=poor. And that was implied in the comments of a Democratic presidential candidate. (Sanders.) [size=0.875]6:20 PM - 6 Mar 2016
昨天超级星期六,他跟Cruz赢的州一样,也是kansas和maine, 心里还有点安慰,就想loser都是赢这两州