4:00: No final numbers yet, but multiple sources (including here) have it as a win for Rubio well over the 50% needed to trigger winner take all. If so, all 23 delegates go in Marco’s column.
4:00: No final numbers yet, but multiple sources (including here) have it as a win for Rubio well over the 50% needed to trigger winner take all. If so, all 23 delegates go in Marco’s column. goldengate 发表于 3/6/2016 4:04:23 PM
有人分析现在gop的阴谋就是:让其他三个竞选人分散川普的票,只要川普达不到要求的票数,gop就不会提名他,这样gop就可以明目张党的内定竞选人,比如:Romney! 我们应该向gop施加压力,no trump no votes for GOP!
4:00: No final numbers yet, but multiple sources (including here) have it as a win for Rubio well over the 50% needed to trigger winner take all. If so, all 23 delegates go in Marco’s column. goldengate 发表于 3/6/2016 4:04:23 PM
Trump has been saying, "I'm self-funding my campaign. I don't need your money." It is a position to show that he can't be bought by any special-interest group. 另一方面,Trump Campaign是接受小额捐款的。 不管是10块,还是2700,actions are louder than words. End of the day, political campaigns are money games. As rich as he is, Trump himself is in no position to out-resource GOP establishments. 我们每人出一份力,积少能成多,比在论坛上隔空讨论有实际效果。Vote with your votes, but also vote with your money. (Yes, I've done that myself.)
Trump has been saying, "I'm self-funding my campaign. I don't need your money." It is a position to show that he can't be bought by any special-interest group. 另一方面,Trump Campaign是接受小额捐款的。 不管是10块,还是2700,actions are louder than words. End of the day, political campaigns are money games. As rich as he is, Trump himself is in no position to out-resource GOP establishments. 我们每人出一份力,积少能成多,比在论坛上隔空讨论有实际效果。Vote with your votes, but also vote with your money. (Yes, I've done that myself.)
I am not really into donate money before. But I just did for Mr Trump! He is out there fighting for us, using his own hard earning money. Let's help him to win! No matter $10 or $1000, actions are louder than words. End of the day, political campaigns are money games. As rich as he is, Trump himself is in no position to out-resource GOP establishments. We donate as we could, even a little bit is the encouragement for his campaign. Let's stand behind this brave man's back, use our actions to support him all the way to November!
I am not really into donate money before. But I just did for Mr Trump! He is out there fighting for us, using his own hard earning money. Let's help him to win! No matter $10 or $1000, actions are louder than words. End of the day, political campaigns are money games. As rich as he is, Trump himself is in no position to out-resource GOP establishments. We donate as we could, even a little bit is the encouragement for his campaign. Let's stand behind this brave man's back, use our actions to support him all the way to November!
这个有点wishful thinking吧,今天trump的阻力跟以前绝对不一样,美国人种的比例变化和奥巴马8年对美国的摧毁已经逐渐改变了这个国家的本质,这次如果trump不能当选,以后不会有GOP,因为gop 也是傀儡政权,也不可能有机会出现他新的党派了,就是猪党一家专政!
corruption and abuse of power.
实际上GOP不会真的愿意交出去的啦,而且美国的体制你先去了解一下,CHECK AND BALANCES,总统还有参众两院制约,还有JUDICIAL BRANCH CHECK。在美国你说的根本就不可能发生。
所以决定到了brokered convention那天到Cleveland 去抗议集会
Romney今天采访说不会拒绝convention提名。。。我看到时Trump可以联合Cruz, 两人delegates加起来就够了。就看这小子怎么选了,是真反建制还是假反建制
他最conservative啦,他最懂 constitution 啦
土生土长的美国人这脑子咱是理解不了,一个国家躺在巨额债务上做梦呢,这帮人还在纠结谁最符合conservative 定义
Go Trump Go! 大家3/8一起为老头加油,华人bless 最灵!(今天去老头网站捐了点)。
cruz 9% 757
kasich 1.2% 98
Trump has been saying, "I'm self-funding my campaign. I don't need your money." It is a position to show that he can't be bought by any special-interest group.
另一方面,Trump Campaign是接受小额捐款的。 不管是10块,还是2700,actions are louder than words. End of the day, political campaigns are money games. As rich as he is, Trump himself is in no position to out-resource GOP establishments. 我们每人出一份力,积少能成多,比在论坛上隔空讨论有实际效果。Vote with your votes, but also vote with your money. (Yes, I've done that myself.)
Check out: https://secure.donaldjtrump.com/donate/
I am not really into donate money before. But I just did for Mr Trump! He is out there fighting for us, using his own hard earning money. Let's help him to win! No matter $10 or $1000, actions are louder than words. End of the day, political campaigns are money games. As rich as he is, Trump himself is in no position to out-resource GOP establishments. We donate as we could, even a little bit is the encouragement for his campaign. Let's stand behind this brave man's back, use our actions to support him all the way to November!
Check out: https://secure.donaldjtrump.com/donate/