Trump 大叔好幽默。 “ He took at shot at Cruz, after spending months saying the Texas senator is ineligible to run for President because he was born in Canada. "He should do well in Maine because it is very close to Canada," Trump said. ” itmm 发表于 3/6/2016 8:31:15 AM
Donald Trump is well-positioned to claim another win, this one in Michigan on Tuesday, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll that finds him with a double-digit lead.
The Republican front-runner is the preferred pick of 41% of likely GOP primary voters, followed by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, at 22%.
The poll results suggest that a significant challenge remains for Republican leaders who are trying to slow Mr. Trump’s momentum after his dominant performance on Super Tuesday, on which he won seven states and opened up a big lead in delegates. On Thursday, Mitt Romney, the party’s 2012 nominee and a Michigan native, delivered a full-throated takedown of the Republican front-runner.
But the survey bolsters at least one argument Republicans are making against the New York billionaire: He trails Mrs. Clinton by 16 percentage points in one of the states he predicts he could win in the fall general election, and he trails Mr. Sanders by 22 points. Mr. Romney lost Michigan, 44% to 54%, to President Barack Obama in 2012.
Donald Trump is well-positioned to claim another win, this one in Michigan on Tuesday, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll that finds him with a double-digit lead.
The Republican front-runner is the preferred pick of 41% of likely GOP primary voters, followed by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, at 22%.
The poll results suggest that a significant challenge remains for Republican leaders who are trying to slow Mr. Trump’s momentum after his dominant performance on Super Tuesday, on which he won seven states and opened up a big lead in delegates. On Thursday, Mitt Romney, the party’s 2012 nominee and a Michigan native, delivered a full-throated takedown of the Republican front-runner.
But the survey bolsters at least one argument Republicans are making against the New York billionaire: He trails Mrs. Clinton by 16 percentage points in one of the states he predicts he could win in the fall general election, and he trails Mr. Sanders by 22 points. Mr. Romney lost Michigan, 44% to 54%, to President Barack Obama in 2012.
But the survey bolsters at least one argument Republicans are making against the New York billionaire: He trails Mrs. Clinton by 16 percentage points in one of the states he predicts he could win in the fall general election, and he trails Mr. Sanders by 22 points. Mr. Romney lost Michigan, 44% to 54%, to President Barack Obama in 2012.
“The GOP’s worries about the Trump candidacy seem well-founded in the contest for Michigan’s 16 electoral votes,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll. “Trump trails both Clinton and Sanders by substantially wider margins than Romney lost the state to Obama in 2012.”
But the survey bolsters at least one argument Republicans are making against the New York billionaire: He trails Mrs. Clinton by 16 percentage points in one of the states he predicts he could win in the fall general election, and he trails Mr. Sanders by 22 points. Mr. Romney lost Michigan, 44% to 54%, to President Barack Obama in 2012.
“The GOP’s worries about the Trump candidacy seem well-founded in the contest for Michigan’s 16 electoral votes,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll. “Trump trails both Clinton and Sanders by substantially wider margins than Romney lost the state to Obama in 2012.”
Suggestions for TRUMP on 3/10 debate and Rally around country 1) Visually describing what will happen under Hilary as a president? The control of conservative Supreme Court will forever be lost. The trend can’t reverse. American will forever lost its founding father’s belief and foundation on which great America is built. For example, the freedom of to speak truly, facts based statistics, scientific research and the truth will be fully controlled by “Political Correctness”. The control for the gun will be tightening. Government has the super power over anything. Affirmation action (AA) across the whole society and abused by race factor, no longer by merit. 2) Firmly and clearly elaborate political vision, what great American mean? Especially to the normal citizen. 3) Asking Americans WHY? Why questions are such powerful tool that its probing people to think, to research, to find the truth and to find the power within. Share and read certain points of this article in facebook (Appendix below): 4) Spending time and focus on sharing normal citizen concerns: telling some stories, drug abuse in young people, Terror attack in society, healthcare inflation, the whole generation that is retiring and to be retired are robbery by big interest (pharmaceutical, insurance) for health care cost. I have seen in the past 3 years, the health care cost is 10% -20% increase in each year while my paycheck is staging average 1-2% increase not to mention worrying laid off, outsourcing. Kids tuition cost is also skyrocking, American is totally lost the dreams. It is a country, a generation with huge Debt. We are kidnapped by bank, by government, by big interest group, by big money, by WallStreet. 5) Great American means rewarding hard working people, rewarding people doing right things, rewarding based on MERIT, not race, not religion, not gender, not age. Totally get rid of political correctness. Taking care of people that is really needed, not abusing it. 6) 6) Get out of war of personal attack. Focus on vision, how to make american great again (by select the right president, appoint the right judge, replace healthcare bill, by bringing jobs, by people who truely love America)
Appendix: “Bá Tòng This election cycle by far has been the craziest one I've ever witnessed. The one question I can't seem to get an answer to is this,,, WHY??? Why is Mitt Romney going after Trump? Why are both sides attacking Trump? Why is China attacking Trump? Why is Saudi attacking Trump? Why is the pope attacking Trump? Why is Mexico attacking Trump? Why is UK attacking Trump? Why are the Republicans going against their own pledge and attacking their own front runner? Why is HilLIARy so afraid of Trump? Why does Trump have this Republican Party split? Why is main stream media dumping thousand of negative articles attacking Trump? Why is the current president saying Trump will never be president ?
This isn't normal, something doesn't add up and we need to be smart enough to see through, here's my theory, it goes back to the age old question how to cook a frog alive. The answer is you turn up the heat slowly. So in this theory the frog will be the American people. The pot and fire will represent the Democrats and the Republicans. And finally Trump represents safety out side the pot if we choose to out and vote for him.
I think we've reached a point where as both sides are scrambling to get Trump under control, and in the process they're making obvious mistakes showing the American people that they're in this together to maintain control over us all.. To the point that they've given up on cooking us slowly and decided to TURN THE FIRE WAY UP!! To keep us in the pot and don't dare vote for Trump!!! Because they see that he's a threat to them if he's going to go Washington and expose them and the games they play.
We have a choice here stay in the pot and die or out of the pot through the fire that's being turned up to full blast, I realize this is a gamble but this goes back to the original question WHY?? If Trump was part of the game then they wouldn't be attacking him, they meaning both sides would be praising him and there're not doing that..
We need to see and understand that they are afraid of Trump for a reason, and their reason is far different than our reason.. Our reason is will Trump do what he says he's going to do... Their reason is Ibelieve that he's going to call people out and name names,,,As for Americans we need to stop and think see this fear that's being displayed by both sides for what is TRUMP ISN'T GOING TO GO TO WASHINGTON TO PLAY NICE!!
Trump has been sacrificed walking through fire for all of us, so I decided I'm JUMPING THROUGH THE FIRE with him!!! I urge you to do the same.. JUMP!!!
feel free to copy and share...
P/S: As predict, the GOP will do all tricks to prevent Trump out of the nomination by June 2016. Because In order to protect themselves, they will rather lose this election to Hillary than letting Trump is getting elected. American must get united to vote for Trump to win by landslide, that's the only solution to take the country back. “
Suggestions for TRUMP on 3/10 debate and Rally around country 1) Visually describing what will happen under Hilary as a president? The control of conservative Supreme Court will forever be lost. The trend can’t reverse. American will forever lost its founding father’s belief and foundation on which great America is built. For example, the freedom of to speak truly, facts based statistics, scientific research and the truth will be fully controlled by “Political Correctness”. The control for the gun will be tightening. Government has the super power over anything. Affirmation action (AA) across the whole society and abused by race factor, no longer by merit. 2) Firmly and clearly elaborate political vision, what great American mean? Especially to the normal citizen. 3) Asking Americans WHY? Why questions are such powerful tool that its probing people to think, to research, to find the truth and to find the power within. Share and read certain points of this article in facebook (Appendix below): 4) Spending time and focus on sharing normal citizen concerns: telling some stories, drug abuse in young people, Terror attack in society, healthcare inflation, the whole generation that is retiring and to be retired are robbery by big interest (pharmaceutical, insurance) for health care cost. I have seen in the past 3 years, the health care cost is 10% -20% increase in each year while my paycheck is staging average 1-2% increase not to mention worrying laid off, outsourcing. Kids tuition cost is also skyrocking, American is totally lost the dreams. It is a country, a generation with huge Debt. We are kidnapped by bank, by government, by big interest group, by big money, by WallStreet. 5) Great American means rewarding hard working people, rewarding people doing right things, rewarding based on MERIT, not race, not religion, not gender, not age. Totally get rid of political correctness. Taking care of people that is really needed, not abusing it. 6) 6) Get out of war of personal attack. Focus on vision, how to make american great again (by select the right president, appoint the right judge, replace healthcare bill, by bringing jobs, by people who truely love America)
Appendix: “Bá Tòng This election cycle by far has been the craziest one I've ever witnessed. The one question I can't seem to get an answer to is this,,, WHY??? Why is Mitt Romney going after Trump? Why are both sides attacking Trump? Why is China attacking Trump? Why is Saudi attacking Trump? Why is the pope attacking Trump? Why is Mexico attacking Trump? Why is UK attacking Trump? Why are the Republicans going against their own pledge and attacking their own front runner? Why is HilLIARy so afraid of Trump? Why does Trump have this Republican Party split? Why is main stream media dumping thousand of negative articles attacking Trump? Why is the current president saying Trump will never be president ?
This isn't normal, something doesn't add up and we need to be smart enough to see through, here's my theory, it goes back to the age old question how to cook a frog alive. The answer is you turn up the heat slowly. So in this theory the frog will be the American people. The pot and fire will represent the Democrats and the Republicans. And finally Trump represents safety out side the pot if we choose to out and vote for him.
I think we've reached a point where as both sides are scrambling to get Trump under control, and in the process they're making obvious mistakes showing the American people that they're in this together to maintain control over us all.. To the point that they've given up on cooking us slowly and decided to TURN THE FIRE WAY UP!! To keep us in the pot and don't dare vote for Trump!!! Because they see that he's a threat to them if he's going to go Washington and expose them and the games they play.
We have a choice here stay in the pot and die or out of the pot through the fire that's being turned up to full blast, I realize this is a gamble but this goes back to the original question WHY?? If Trump was part of the game then they wouldn't be attacking him, they meaning both sides would be praising him and there're not doing that..
We need to see and understand that they are afraid of Trump for a reason, and their reason is far different than our reason.. Our reason is will Trump do what he says he's going to do... Their reason is Ibelieve that he's going to call people out and name names,,,As for Americans we need to stop and think see this fear that's being displayed by both sides for what is TRUMP ISN'T GOING TO GO TO WASHINGTON TO PLAY NICE!!
Trump has been sacrificed walking through fire for all of us, so I decided I'm JUMPING THROUGH THE FIRE with him!!! I urge you to do the same.. JUMP!!!
feel free to copy and share...
P/S: As predict, the GOP will do all tricks to prevent Trump out of the nomination by June 2016. Because In order to protect themselves, they will rather lose this election to Hillary than letting Trump is getting elected. American must get united to vote for Trump to win by landslide, that's the only solution to take the country back. “
Suggestions for TRUMP on 3/10 debate and Rally around country 1) Visually describing what will happen under Hilary as a president? The control of conservative Supreme Court will forever be lost. The trend can’t reverse. American will forever lost its founding father’s belief and foundation on which great America is built. For example, the freedom of to speak truly, facts based statistics, scientific research and the truth will be fully controlled by “Political Correctness”. The control for the gun will be tightening. Government has the super power over anything. Affirmation action (AA) across the whole society and abused by race factor, no longer by merit. 2) Firmly and clearly elaborate political vision, what great American mean? Especially to the normal citizen. 3) Asking Americans WHY? Why questions are such powerful tool that its probing people to think, to research, to find the truth and to find the power within. Share and read certain points of this article in facebook (Appendix below): 4) Spending time and focus on sharing normal citizen concerns: telling some stories, drug abuse in young people, Terror attack in society, healthcare inflation, the whole generation that is retiring and to be retired are robbery by big interest (pharmaceutical, insurance) for health care cost. I have seen in the past 3 years, the health care cost is 10% -20% increase in each year while my paycheck is staging average 1-2% increase not to mention worrying laid off, outsourcing. Kids tuition cost is also skyrocking, American is totally lost the dreams. It is a country, a generation with huge Debt. We are kidnapped by bank, by government, by big interest group, by big money, by WallStreet. 5) Great American means rewarding hard working people, rewarding people doing right things, rewarding based on MERIT, not race, not religion, not gender, not age. Totally get rid of political correctness. Taking care of people that is really needed, not abusing it. 6) 6) Get out of war of personal attack. Focus on vision, how to make american great again (by select the right president, appoint the right judge, replace healthcare bill, by bringing jobs, by people who truely love America)
Appendix: “Bá Tòng This election cycle by far has been the craziest one I've ever witnessed. The one question I can't seem to get an answer to is this,,, WHY??? Why is Mitt Romney going after Trump? Why are both sides attacking Trump? Why is China attacking Trump? Why is Saudi attacking Trump? Why is the pope attacking Trump? Why is Mexico attacking Trump? Why is UK attacking Trump? Why are the Republicans going against their own pledge and attacking their own front runner? Why is HilLIARy so afraid of Trump? Why does Trump have this Republican Party split? Why is main stream media dumping thousand of negative articles attacking Trump? Why is the current president saying Trump will never be president ?
This isn't normal, something doesn't add up and we need to be smart enough to see through, here's my theory, it goes back to the age old question how to cook a frog alive. The answer is you turn up the heat slowly. So in this theory the frog will be the American people. The pot and fire will represent the Democrats and the Republicans. And finally Trump represents safety out side the pot if we choose to out and vote for him.
I think we've reached a point where as both sides are scrambling to get Trump under control, and in the process they're making obvious mistakes showing the American people that they're in this together to maintain control over us all.. To the point that they've given up on cooking us slowly and decided to TURN THE FIRE WAY UP!! To keep us in the pot and don't dare vote for Trump!!! Because they see that he's a threat to them if he's going to go Washington and expose them and the games they play.
We have a choice here stay in the pot and die or out of the pot through the fire that's being turned up to full blast, I realize this is a gamble but this goes back to the original question WHY?? If Trump was part of the game then they wouldn't be attacking him, they meaning both sides would be praising him and there're not doing that..
We need to see and understand that they are afraid of Trump for a reason, and their reason is far different than our reason.. Our reason is will Trump do what he says he's going to do... Their reason is Ibelieve that he's going to call people out and name names,,,As for Americans we need to stop and think see this fear that's being displayed by both sides for what is TRUMP ISN'T GOING TO GO TO WASHINGTON TO PLAY NICE!!
Trump has been sacrificed walking through fire for all of us, so I decided I'm JUMPING THROUGH THE FIRE with him!!! I urge you to do the same.. JUMP!!!
feel free to copy and share...
P/S: As predict, the GOP will do all tricks to prevent Trump out of the nomination by June 2016. Because In order to protect themselves, they will rather lose this election to Hillary than letting Trump is getting elected. American must get united to vote for Trump to win by landslide, that's the only solution to take the country back. “
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" -- Thomas Jefferson
Michigan Republican Presidential Primary NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Trump 41, Cruz 22, Kasich 13, Rubio 17 Trump +19
Michigan Democratic Presidential Primary NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Clinton 57, Sanders 40 Clinton +17
Michigan Republican Presidential Primary CBS News/YouGov Trump 39, Cruz 24, Kasich 15, Rubio 16 Trump +15
Michigan Democratic Presidential Primary CBS News/YouGov Clinton 55, Sanders 44 Clinton +11
Donald Trump Is Far Ahead of Rivals in Michigan
Donald Trump is well-positioned to claim another win, this one in Michigan on Tuesday, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll that finds him with a double-digit lead.
The Republican front-runner is the preferred pick of 41% of likely GOP primary voters, followed by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, at 22%.
The poll results suggest that a significant challenge remains for Republican leaders who are trying to slow Mr. Trump’s momentum after his dominant performance on Super Tuesday, on which he won seven states and opened up a big lead in delegates. On Thursday, Mitt Romney, the party’s 2012 nominee and a Michigan native, delivered a full-throated takedown of the Republican front-runner.
But the survey bolsters at least one argument Republicans are making against the New York billionaire: He trails Mrs. Clinton by 16 percentage points in one of the states he predicts he could win in the fall general election, and he trails Mr. Sanders by 22 points. Mr. Romney lost Michigan, 44% to 54%, to President Barack Obama in 2012.
But the survey bolsters at least one argument Republicans are making against the New York billionaire: He trails Mrs. Clinton by 16 percentage points in one of the states he predicts he could win in the fall general election, and he trails Mr. Sanders by 22 points. Mr. Romney lost Michigan, 44% to 54%, to President Barack Obama in 2012.
“The GOP’s worries about the Trump candidacy seem well-founded in the contest for Michigan’s 16 electoral votes,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll. “Trump trails both Clinton and Sanders by substantially wider margins than Romney lost the state to Obama in 2012.”
如果有mm想要share,feel free to do so,注意一下format就好了
Suggestions for TRUMP on 3/10 debate and Rally around country
1) Visually describing what will happen under Hilary as a president? The control of conservative Supreme Court will forever be lost. The trend can’t reverse. American will forever lost its founding father’s belief and foundation on which great America is built. For example, the freedom of to speak truly, facts based statistics, scientific research and the truth will be fully controlled by “Political Correctness”. The control for the gun will be tightening. Government has the super power over anything. Affirmation action (AA) across the whole society and abused by race factor, no longer by merit.
2) Firmly and clearly elaborate political vision, what great American mean? Especially to the normal citizen.
3) Asking Americans WHY? Why questions are such powerful tool that its probing people to think, to research, to find the truth and to find the power within. Share and read certain points of this article in facebook (Appendix below):
4) Spending time and focus on sharing normal citizen concerns: telling some stories, drug abuse in young people, Terror attack in society, healthcare inflation, the whole generation that is retiring and to be retired are robbery by big interest (pharmaceutical, insurance) for health care cost. I have seen in the past 3 years, the health care cost is 10% -20% increase in each year while my paycheck is staging average 1-2% increase not to mention worrying laid off, outsourcing. Kids tuition cost is also skyrocking, American is totally lost the dreams. It is a country, a generation with huge Debt. We are kidnapped by bank, by government, by big interest group, by big money, by WallStreet.
5) Great American means rewarding hard working people, rewarding people doing right things, rewarding based on MERIT, not race, not religion, not gender, not age. Totally get rid of political correctness. Taking care of people that is really needed, not abusing it.
6) 6) Get out of war of personal attack. Focus on vision, how to make american great again (by select the right president, appoint the right judge, replace healthcare bill, by bringing jobs, by people who truely love America)
“Bá Tòng This election cycle by far has been the craziest one I've ever witnessed. The one question I can't seem to get an answer to is this,,, WHY???
Why is Mitt Romney going after Trump?
Why are both sides attacking Trump?
Why is China attacking Trump?
Why is Saudi attacking Trump?
Why is the pope attacking Trump?
Why is Mexico attacking Trump?
Why is UK attacking Trump?
Why are the Republicans going against their own pledge and attacking their own front runner?
Why is HilLIARy so afraid of Trump?
Why does Trump have this Republican Party split?
Why is main stream media dumping thousand of negative articles attacking Trump?
Why is the current president saying Trump will never be president ?
This isn't normal, something doesn't add up and we need to be smart enough to see through, here's my theory, it goes back to the age old question how to cook a frog alive. The answer is you turn up the heat slowly. So in this theory the frog will be the American people. The pot and fire will represent the Democrats and the Republicans. And finally Trump represents safety out side the pot if we choose to out and vote for him.
I think we've reached a point where as both sides are scrambling to get Trump under control, and in the process they're making obvious mistakes showing the American people that they're in this together to maintain control over us all.. To the point that they've given up on cooking us slowly and decided to TURN THE FIRE WAY UP!! To keep us in the pot and don't dare vote for Trump!!! Because they see that he's a threat to them if he's going to go Washington and expose them and the games they play.
We have a choice here stay in the pot and die or out of the pot through the fire that's being turned up to full blast, I realize this is a gamble but this goes back to the original question WHY?? If Trump was part of the game then they wouldn't be attacking him, they meaning both sides would be praising him and there're not doing that..
We need to see and understand that they are afraid of Trump for a reason, and their reason is far different than our reason.. Our reason is will Trump do what he says he's going to do... Their reason is Ibelieve that he's going to call people out and name names,,,As for Americans we need to stop and think see this fear that's being displayed by both sides for what is TRUMP ISN'T GOING TO GO TO WASHINGTON TO PLAY NICE!!
Trump has been sacrificed walking through fire for all of us, so I decided I'm JUMPING THROUGH THE FIRE with him!!! I urge you to do the same.. JUMP!!!
feel free to copy and share...
P/S: As predict, the GOP will do all tricks to prevent Trump out of the nomination by June 2016. Because In order to protect themselves, they will rather lose this election to Hillary than letting Trump is getting elected. American must get united to vote for Trump to win by landslide, that's the only solution to take the country back. “
如果现在的州都是winner takes all的话,Trump的delegates已经526了,其他人加起来只有357,妥妥超半数
Trump其实不是我理想candidate, 但没别人了。
我原先也和你想的一样,就算Trump没成Nominee,我也会投GOP一票,但看现在的情形,到最后两党谁当选都一样,反正两党下得都是怎样剥削中产巩固共同统治的一盘棋。“We The People”已不复存在。
Founding father那是真的We The People,一群非常有智慧的人。
你投票是还是可以选,可以把他名字写上,叫"Write In"
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" -- Thomas Jefferson
即使GOP不nominate 呢,我会Write in
查了查,美国是允许这种自己把名字写在选票上面的 "write in vote",而且也有成功的先例。
被发现了又怎么了?curz明白欺诈Carson的选票和voter violation,不一一样好好的吗?哪里有兜着走?