刚才在脸书上一个Trump支持者的回复,写得很好。 Bá Tòng This election cycle by far has been the craziest one I've ever witnessed. The one question I can't seem to get an answer to is this,,, WHY??? Why is Mitt Romney going after Trump? Why are both sides attacking Trump? Why is China attacking Trump? Why is Saudi attacking Trump? Why is the pope attacking Trump? Why is Mexico attacking Trump? Why is UK attacking Trump? Why are the Republicans going against their own pledge and attacking their own front runner? Why is HilLIARy so afraid of Trump? Why does Trump have this Republican Party split? Why is main stream media dumping thousand of negative articles attacking Trump? Why is the current president saying Trump will never be president ?
This isn't normal, something doesn't add up and we need to be smart enough to see through, here's my theory, it goes back to the age old question how to cook a frog alive. The answer is you turn up the heat slowly. So in this theory the frog will be the American people. The pot and fire will represent the Democrats and the Republicans. And finally Trump represents safety out side the pot if we choose to huaren.us out and vote for him.
I think we've reached a point where as both sides are scrambling to get Trump under control, and in the process they're making obvious mistakes showing the American people that they're in this together to maintain control over us all.. To the point that they've given up on cooking us slowly and decided to TURN THE FIRE WAY UP!! To keep us in the pot and don't dare vote for Trump!!! Because they see that he's a threat to them if he's going to go Washington and expose them and the games they play.
We have a choice here stay in the pot and die or huaren.us out of the pot through the fire that's being turned up to full blast, I realize this is a gamble but this goes back to the original question WHY?? If Trump was part of the game then they wouldn't be attacking him, they meaning both sides would be praising him and there're not doing that..
We need to see and understand that they are afraid of Trump for a reason, and their reason is far different than our reason.. Our reason is will Trump do what he says he's going to do... Their reason is I believe that he's going to call people out and name names,,,As for Americans we need to stop and think see this fear that's being displayed by both sides for what is TRUMP ISN'T GOING TO GO TO WASHINGTON TO PLAY NICE!!
Trump has been sacrificed walking through fire for all of us, so I decided I'm JUMPING THROUGH THE FIRE with him!!! I urge you to do the same.. JUMP!!!
feel free to copy and share...
P/S: As predict, the GOP will do all tricks to prevent Trump out of the nomination by June 2016. Because In order to protect themselves, they will rather lose this election to Hillary than letting Trump is getting elected. American must get united to vote for Trump to win by landslide, that's the only solution to take the country back.
刚才在脸书上一个Trump支持者的回复,写得很好。 Bá Tòng This election cycle by far has been the craziest one I've ever witnessed. The one question I can't seem to get an answer to is this,,, WHY??? Why is Mitt Romney going after Trump? Why are both sides attacking Trump? Why is China attacking Trump? Why is Saudi attacking Trump? Why is the pope attacking Trump? Why is Mexico attacking Trump? Why is UK attacking Trump? Why are the Republicans going against their own pledge and attacking their own front runner? Why is HilLIARy so afraid of Trump? Why does Trump have this Republican Party split? Why is main stream media dumping thousand of negative articles attacking Trump? Why is the current president saying Trump will never be president ?
This isn't normal, something doesn't add up and we need to be smart enough to see through, here's my theory, it goes back to the age old question how to cook a frog alive. The answer is you turn up the heat slowly. So in this theory the frog will be the American people. The pot and fire will represent the Democrats and the Republicans. And finally Trump represents safety out side the pot if we choose to huaren.us out and vote for him.
I think we've reached a point where as both sides are scrambling to get Trump under control, and in the process they're making obvious mistakes showing the American people that they're in this together to maintain control over us all.. To the point that they've given up on cooking us slowly and decided to TURN THE FIRE WAY UP!! To keep us in the pot and don't dare vote for Trump!!! Because they see that he's a threat to them if he's going to go Washington and expose them and the games they play.
We have a choice here stay in the pot and die or huaren.us out of the pot through the fire that's being turned up to full blast, I realize this is a gamble but this goes back to the original question WHY?? If Trump was part of the game then they wouldn't be attacking him, they meaning both sides would be praising him and there're not doing that..
We need to see and understand that they are afraid of Trump for a reason, and their reason is far different than our reason.. Our reason is will Trump do what he says he's going to do... Their reason is I believe that he's going to call people out and name names,,,As for Americans we need to stop and think see this fear that's being displayed by both sides for what is TRUMP ISN'T GOING TO GO TO WASHINGTON TO PLAY NICE!!
Trump has been sacrificed walking through fire for all of us, so I decided I'm JUMPING THROUGH THE FIRE with him!!! I urge you to do the same.. JUMP!!!
feel free to copy and share...
P/S: As predict, the GOP will do all tricks to prevent Trump out of the nomination by June 2016. Because In order to protect themselves, they will rather lose this election to Hillary than letting Trump is getting elected. American must get united to vote for Trump to win by landslide, that's the only solution to take the country back. 馒头的老婆 发表于 3/5/2016 11:56:58 PM
觉得这个评论说的很好 - “People need to wake up and learn math. There is 23% of Americans that are in the GOP and it is shrinking, there is 29% of Americans in the DNC and it is shrinking, there is 46% of Americans that are Independents and it is growing. Now look at the pattern of the GOP race to date. A caucus is a closed GOP ONLY vote Cruz wins Trump places 2nd, a primary is an open to all voter vote Trump places first every time he pulls in historical high number of votes not seen in over 80 years 30% GOP, 20% DNC and massive independent votes Cruz and the rest do not even when they place 2nd. If you look at the pattern there is only one person that would decimate any opponent in the general and that is Trump. These are just facts not an opinion and no matter what the polls say the voter count is what matters.”
The Hispanic attorney (29, Florida) ‘He has demonstrated that he is, at heart, a caring person’ On paper, I probably look like a guaranteed Cruz or Rubio vote. I’m a millennial woman, my parents immigrated from Castro’s Cuba, I work as a trial attorney in Miami and I’m a born-again Christian. But I’m voting for Donald Trump, and I’ve convinced all my friends and family to do so as well.
My sister worked for him and has spoken glowingly of him for years, just like everyone else who actually knows the man. I trust her judgment more than any random pundit’s. Actions speak louder than words, and he has demonstrated that he is, at heart, a caring person through his many random acts of kindness. His peers say there are “two Trumps” – the brash character he portrays himself as, and the decent man they know behind closed doors. It’s clearly a strategy; his proclamations have kept him on the front pages for a sustained eight months.
Before he ran, the left’s stranglehold on the national conversation of what is or isn’t tolerable was getting stronger by the minute. It was the year of Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal. Black Lives Matter. Anyone who even hinted at disapproval was exiled. Every week, someone would dare to blurt out something un-PC, and the media would absolutely crucify them. It had me thinking this was it. We’ve lost. How on earth can we hope to defeat these people, with their complete domination of the national conversation and relentless narrative of “Progress! Tolerance! Acceptance! Feels!”?
Political correctness is the birthplace of disastrous, un-American policies that will destroy the country in a death by a thousand cuts. But here comes Trump, the first person who didn’t even blink when the machine turns its sights on him.
He didn’t just fight back. He chewed it up and spit it out.
The anti-PC college professor (50, California) ‘I’m angry at forced diversity’ I’m a liberal-left college professor in the social sciences. I’m going to vote for Trump but I won’t tell hardly anybody.
My main reason is anger at the two-party system and the horrible presidencies of Obama and Bush. But I’m also furious at political correctness on campus and in the media.
I’m angry at forced diversity and constant, frequently unjustified complaints about racism/sexism/homophobia/lack of trans rights. I’m particularly angry at social justice warriors and my main reason to vote Trump is to see the looks on your faces when he wins.
It’s not that I like Trump. It’s that I hate those who can’t stand him. I want them to suffer the shock of knowing all their torrents of blog posts and Tumblr bitch-fests and “I just can’t ...” and accusations of mansplaining didn’t actually matter. That they’re still losing. And that things are not getting better for them. They’re getting worse.
Mr. Trump many of us would like to see you win and you will unless: 1. You fail to control your temper and your mouth; 2. Resist being "suckered"/goaded into answering questions which usually provoke #1 in you; (Most reporters as you well know, are out to get a story and are NOT your friend). 3. You are now on the World stage and every thing you say, how you say it, inflections, repetitions, etc, are being analyzed, dissected and weighed - many times; 4. The more you talk, explain, defend, belabor an issue/question the more weight and importance it assumes in everybody's mind and they will feel that you have something to hide. (This you should have learned from the last debate(fiasco) spiff you had with Rubio which defies description really - and made this serious process (for the Country & World) seem silly and a sport between two sophomores) - made both of you look diminished and NOT Presidential at all. To boot it made Cruz and Kasich look regal by comparison. You both also paid a price for that with Kansas, & Maine to Cruz (a deciding victory) and a very close call for you in Louisiana and Kentucky. 5. About now, after all this coverage, you are only too well known (Notorious really!) and should now dial it down a bit and show a bit more humility - it would be very befitting at this stage. 6. Since you must have a very good staff, it would only be prudent to listen more to their advice. Good luck to you!
So a caucus is NOT like a primary where the people in the state get to VOTE for their choice of candidate. I`ve been to caucuses, it`s a scene where the top party people ( the Elite) run around and tell you who to vote for or you won`t be welcome at the next party meeting. A caucus is a sham because the Republican or Democrat voters in that state really have NO say in which candidate gets that states delegate's. Educate yourself, check it out. The Top Dogs pick who they want and machine it around until they get them. Now you know how Hilarious gets all those delegates in those "caucuses", plus she gets the so-called Super Delegates. Super Delegates are chosen by the elite Top Dogs. If she had to primary every state, Bernie would have left her in the dust.
Trump 大叔好幽默。 “ He took at shot at Cruz, after spending months saying the Texas senator is ineligible to run for President because he was born in Canada. "He should do well in Maine because it is very close to Canada," Trump said. ”
Trump 大叔好幽默。 “ He took at shot at Cruz, after spending months saying the Texas senator is ineligible to run for President because he was born in Canada. "He should do well in Maine because it is very close to Canada," Trump said. ” itmm 发表于 3/6/2016 8:31:15 AM
Michigan Republican Presidential Primary Trafalgar Group (R) Trump 42, Cruz 20, Kasich 18, Rubio 14 Trump +22
Michigan Republican Presidential Primary FOX 2 Detroit/Mitchell Trump 42, Cruz 19, Kasich 14, Rubio 15 Trump +23
密切跟的poll 怎么Kasich 的数字怎么差这么大。有一个超过Trump.
Bá Tòng This election cycle by far has been the craziest one I've ever witnessed. The one question I can't seem to get an answer to is this,,, WHY???
Why is Mitt Romney going after Trump?
Why are both sides attacking Trump?
Why is China attacking Trump?
Why is Saudi attacking Trump?
Why is the pope attacking Trump?
Why is Mexico attacking Trump?
Why is UK attacking Trump?
Why are the Republicans going against their own pledge and attacking their own front runner?
Why is HilLIARy so afraid of Trump?
Why does Trump have this Republican Party split?
Why is main stream media dumping thousand of negative articles attacking Trump?
Why is the current president saying Trump will never be president ?
This isn't normal, something doesn't add up and we need to be smart enough to see through, here's my theory, it goes back to the age old question how to cook a frog alive. The answer is you turn up the heat slowly. So in this theory the frog will be the American people. The pot and fire will represent the Democrats and the Republicans. And finally Trump represents safety out side the pot if we choose to huaren.us out and vote for him.
I think we've reached a point where as both sides are scrambling to get Trump under control, and in the process they're making obvious mistakes showing the American people that they're in this together to maintain control over us all.. To the point that they've given up on cooking us slowly and decided to TURN THE FIRE WAY UP!! To keep us in the pot and don't dare vote for Trump!!! Because they see that he's a threat to them if he's going to go Washington and expose them and the games they play.
We have a choice here stay in the pot and die or huaren.us out of the pot through the fire that's being turned up to full blast, I realize this is a gamble but this goes back to the original question WHY?? If Trump was part of the game then they wouldn't be attacking him, they meaning both sides would be praising him and there're not doing that..
We need to see and understand that they are afraid of Trump for a reason, and their reason is far different than our reason.. Our reason is will Trump do what he says he's going to do... Their reason is I believe that he's going to call people out and name names,,,As for Americans we need to stop and think see this fear that's being displayed by both sides for what is TRUMP ISN'T GOING TO GO TO WASHINGTON TO PLAY NICE!!
Trump has been sacrificed walking through fire for all of us, so I decided I'm JUMPING THROUGH THE FIRE with him!!! I urge you to do the same.. JUMP!!!
feel free to copy and share...
P/S: As predict, the GOP will do all tricks to prevent Trump out of the nomination by June 2016. Because In order to protect themselves, they will rather lose this election to Hillary than letting Trump is getting elected. American must get united to vote for Trump to win by landslide, that's the only solution to take the country back.
另外这次投票之前CARSON 退选,我很怀疑是被那些建制派要求的,CARSON应该知道他的
选票和CRUZ 会有重叠。他的选票都流到CRUZ 那里了,就像第一场投票CRUZ 的团队骗
别人说CARSO你退选,结果他也赢了那场。CARSON 其实是个正直的人,不该这样啊。
Trump 还是be himself 是最好的strategy,你如果看他对人的原则就是你不烦我,我也不会attack你,但是你一旦犯我,他就会狠狠的回击。Ted Cruz 其实从来没有从personal的角度attack过TRUMP,这个人很聪明。ted 从来都是做一些trick,比如说trump的一些政策不是gop的core,所以现在trump好像还没有很好的招数对ted,处了label他是liar,这个是facts,没有盟友,也是facts。TRUMP 两边投钱被ted抓住辫子。
我觉的trump后面的debate要从更高的角度去说,比如今天的开场说高院的法官,如果hilary上太的话,高院彻底失控了,这个才是最大的stake。下面的debate要强调unify,要强调这次GOP绝对不能输,说高院的stake. 要从相互攻击的视角出来,从更高的角度去叙述great america究竟是一种怎样的状态!
关键是ted好像没有什么很黑的材料,现在曝光的就是借了gs loan没有disclose,其他的没有什么好像。
表面看Trump不怎么样 2:2 Cruz,赢的百分比还小。但是看看下面几个原因,其实也不
1. KS,ME,KY都是 caucus,这个本来就是trump弱项。 能赢下KY也算不错了。
2. LA离德州很近。你们还记得超级星期二么,Cruz赢了OK的primay, 而且在AR只输了3
补充一下,周二其实LA有个caucus,Cruz是 49%:34%
3. ME算是意外了,但是考虑到2012罗姆尼这个新英格兰人都只是险胜,也能理解。
4. KS完全不意外,这个州是保守派的地盘,看看2012,Santorum就是大胜。
都有问题, 那就很难拿到半数了。
Ted 支持amnesty
“People need to wake up and learn math. There is 23% of Americans that are in the GOP and it is shrinking, there is 29% of Americans in the DNC and it is shrinking, there is 46% of Americans that are Independents and it is growing. Now look at the pattern of the GOP race to date. A caucus is a closed GOP ONLY vote Cruz wins Trump places 2nd, a primary is an open to all voter vote Trump places first every time he pulls in historical high number of votes not seen in over 80 years 30% GOP, 20% DNC and massive independent votes Cruz and the rest do not even when they place 2nd. If you look at the pattern there is only one person that would decimate any opponent in the general and that is Trump. These are just facts not an opinion and no matter what the polls say the voter count is what matters.”
The Hispanic attorney (29, Florida)
‘He has demonstrated that he is, at heart, a caring person’
On paper, I probably look like a guaranteed Cruz or Rubio vote. I’m a
millennial woman, my parents immigrated from Castro’s Cuba, I work as a
trial attorney in Miami and I’m a born-again Christian. But I’m voting for
Donald Trump, and I’ve convinced all my friends and family to do so as
My sister worked for him and has spoken glowingly of him for years, just
like everyone else who actually knows the man. I trust her judgment more
than any random pundit’s. Actions speak louder than words, and he has
demonstrated that he is, at heart, a caring person through his many random
acts of kindness. His peers say there are “two Trumps” – the brash
character he portrays himself as, and the decent man they know behind closed
doors. It’s clearly a strategy; his proclamations have kept him on the
front pages for a sustained eight months.
Before he ran, the left’s stranglehold on the national conversation of what
is or isn’t tolerable was getting stronger by the minute. It was the year
of Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal. Black Lives Matter. Anyone who even
hinted at disapproval was exiled. Every week, someone would dare to blurt
out something un-PC, and the media would absolutely crucify them. It had me
thinking this was it. We’ve lost. How on earth can we hope to defeat these
people, with their complete domination of the national conversation and
relentless narrative of “Progress! Tolerance! Acceptance! Feels!”?
Political correctness is the birthplace of disastrous, un-American policies
that will destroy the country in a death by a thousand cuts. But here comes
Trump, the first person who didn’t even blink when the machine turns its
sights on him.
He didn’t just fight back. He chewed it up and spit it out.
more at:
‘I’m angry at forced diversity’
I’m a liberal-left college professor in the social sciences. I’m going to vote for Trump but I won’t tell hardly anybody.
My main reason is anger at the two-party system and the horrible presidencies of Obama and Bush. But I’m also furious at political correctness on campus and in the media.
I’m angry at forced diversity and constant, frequently unjustified complaints about racism/sexism/homophobia/lack of trans rights. I’m particularly angry at social justice warriors and my main reason to vote Trump is to see the looks on your faces when he wins.
It’s not that I like Trump. It’s that I hate those who can’t stand him. I want them to suffer the shock of knowing all their torrents of blog posts and Tumblr bitch-fests and “I just can’t ...” and accusations of mansplaining didn’t actually matter. That they’re still losing. And that things are not getting better for them. They’re getting worse.
1)高院失控,美国就彻底玩了,这个国家的根本也完了。言论自由被PC 绑架,废除拥枪权,社会各方面的aa
3)trump要开始像刚才那个FB贴的人问大家why?让大家一起思考?why 这些权贵都拼了老命的反他?自己人也反,对方也反?这个事情怎么都说不通啊,唯一的解释就是其实后面都是一拨人! 把那个人的文章读出来,why??? 这个问题的答案是非常深刻的
4)trump要share普通老百姓的concern,多说点story,要share 普通人的story,drug的concern,社会安全的concern,fundemally question这个社会为什么会变成这个样?他怎么put american back
希望3/10 trump能够ready share他的vision,他要从personal attack 出来,share这些东西
Mr. Trump many of us would like to see you win and you will unless:
1. You fail to control your temper and your mouth;
2. Resist being "suckered"/goaded into answering questions which usually provoke #1 in you; (Most reporters as you well know, are out to get a story and are NOT your friend).
3. You are now on the World stage and every thing you say, how you say it, inflections, repetitions, etc, are being analyzed, dissected and weighed - many times;
4. The more you talk, explain, defend, belabor an issue/question the more weight and importance it assumes in everybody's mind and they will feel that you have something to hide. (This you should have learned from the last debate(fiasco) spiff you had with Rubio which defies description really - and made this serious process (for the Country & World) seem silly and a sport between two sophomores) - made both of you look diminished and NOT Presidential at all.
To boot it made Cruz and Kasich look regal by comparison. You both also paid a price for that with Kansas, & Maine to Cruz (a deciding victory) and a very close call for you in Louisiana and Kentucky.
5. About now, after all this coverage, you are only too well known (Notorious really!) and should now dial it down a bit and show a bit more humility - it would be very befitting at this stage.
6. Since you must have a very good staff, it would only be prudent to listen more to their advice.
Good luck to you!
Speech一开是感觉还好,后来觉得特做作,preachy, 又像一直在演话剧
Now you know how Hilarious gets all those delegates in those "caucuses", plus she gets the so-called Super Delegates. Super Delegates are chosen by the elite Top Dogs. If she had to primary every state, Bernie would have left her in the dust.
OH 也是一样的情况。这2个州要都没有了。TRUMP 会很大的打击
Supreme Court 很可能是4对4。那样的话就就看Circuit Court了
Ted 怎么会支持amnesty, 那是Rubio , MM 看错了吧?
我也 觉得那些选民很奇怪,他们辛苦选的人根本不可能当总统,选了有啥意义,但是卡西奇的名调在MI 和OH 确实已经领先TRUMP 了
卡西奇其实也知道自己当选不了总统,但是非要拉TRUMP 下马,可见也不是好料
希望TRUMP 能在后面多花点钱上去了。
共和党应该就让trump vs Cruz 从此对决 二选一
CNN问过他为毛不退,他就很不高兴地说,这是个longway,还有Ohio 呢
如果是4比4,那就跟Supreme Court没审过案子一样。连这都不知道就没什么可聊的了。
看来越是开放的地区,选TRUMP 的比例越高
re. positive mm 可以反映一下。
Trump 大叔好幽默。 “ He took at shot at Cruz, after spending months saying the Texas senator is ineligible to run for President because he was born in Canada. "He should do well in Maine because it is very close to Canada," Trump said. ”
好吧,我准备贴给trump和他的团队看一下, 能不能贴一下:
1. trump的fb的主页
2. trump的竞选团队的网页
3. 还有什么应该贴的地方?