“Attorney Dmitry Gorin, a former prosecutor, said that once a person has been acquitted of murder by a jury, it would be double jeopardy to try the same person again for the same crime.“You can’t be prosecuted again,” he said. The only exception is in federal court, Gorin said. But in that case, federal prosecutors would need to have a federal question that applies to a particular case.”
Bobby Jindal: Former Louisiana Governor Says President Obama 'Created' Donald Trump In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Jindal wrote that after seven years of "no drama Obama," voters are looking "for a strong leader who speaks in short, declarative sentences."
"I'm not sure yet. I don't know who I am going to vote for," Jim Webb, who dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary in October, says when asked if he'd vote for Donald J. Trump. "The reason why Donald Trump is getting so much support right now is because people are seeing him as the only one who has the courage to clean out the stables of the American governmental system right now," he adds.
Cruz拼了,除了力拼FL外,也要拼OH,为了能把所有人挤出去,自己和Trump one on one: In addition to FL, the Cruz campaign is contemplating ramping up its efforts in Ohio — which also has a March 15 primary — in a bid to damage Ohio Gov. John Kasich, according to a person familiar with internal discussions. Cruz’s campaign declined to comment on any plans for the state.
Together, the efforts make up a high-risk strategy to winnow the field and position Cruz as the last alternative to Trump. It is an approach that even some Cruz allies fear could backfire and aid in Trump’s rise.
I have committed to not endorse a specific individual, but rather “We the People.” Though many today are making decisions based on fear and anger, I trust their judgment to logically examine the candidates and make the right decision by looking at: (1) Whether they have demonstrated significant accomplishments over their lives and careers. (2) If they have ideas that are clear and policies that are easy to find. (3) How they treat their family and others, as that is how they will lead the country. (4) What they have done to improve the lives of Americans; the people they are with, what they are saying and how they collaborate with others. (5) Their ethics, because what America needs is “Trickle-down ethics. Conservatives should not be embarrassed by capitalism, but must couple it with compassion, to lift people out of a culture of dependency and provide ladders of opportunity for all Americans to be a part of the fabric of society. People need to understand this is a most important election, in which we are deciding whether we allow the government to dictate our rights and take care of our needs, or whether individuals will rise up and take responsibility in an atmosphere of opportunity for all. The bottom line is, “We the People” are the ones making the decisions; but in order to do that, we must become active and informed, not manipulated by the political classes and media. Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to saving America for future generations. We must not depart from our goals to restore what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation. Equally important, we need to understand that Republicans are not each others' enemies. We need to engage in conversation and challenge each others' positions, not fight each other. Conservatives need to unify together so that that we do not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and put another secular progressive in the White House. tutumomo 发表于 3/4/2016 10:30:37 PM
Cruz拼了,除了力拼FL外,也要拼OH,为了能把所有人挤出去,自己和Trump one on one: In addition to FL, the Cruz campaign is contemplating ramping up its efforts in Ohio — which also has a March 15 primary — in a bid to damage Ohio Gov. John Kasich, according to a person familiar with internal discussions. Cruz’s campaign declined to comment on any plans for the state.
Together, the efforts make up a high-risk strategy to winnow the field and position Cruz as the last alternative to Trump. It is an approach that even some Cruz allies fear could backfire and aid in Trump’s rise.
Cruz拼了,除了力拼FL外,也要拼OH,为了能把所有人挤出去,自己和Trump one on one: In addition to FL, the Cruz campaign is contemplating ramping up its efforts in Ohio — which also has a March 15 primary — in a bid to damage Ohio Gov. John Kasich, according to a person familiar with internal discussions. Cruz’s campaign declined to comment on any plans for the state.
Together, the efforts make up a high-risk strategy to winnow the field and position Cruz as the last alternative to Trump. It is an approach that even some Cruz allies fear could backfire and aid in Trump’s rise.
开心,朋友(白人)打来电话本来从不谈政治的我愣是问他党派和支持谁,结果他是中间派说要投anyone other than Trump。他说trump辩论时竟然说少儿不宜的事,我说我知道他说手大手小的事但是是被Rubio攻击在先况且小孩不懂手大小意味什么意思。为了川哥我也是豁出去了和异性谈这个。 然后我把川哥理念和米国到了危急关头讲了一遍,然后说希拉里应该坐牢其他共和党候选人都自私也无能力打败希拉里,sanders free tuition只会增税,讲了半小时后他同意考虑投川哥,他说我去帮trump做volunteer 的话他可以开车接送我。决定买汽车sticker贴上,等公司同事发现了主动和我聊我就也开始一个个说服。朋友说我口才很好,应该去做志愿者哈哈。我发现朋友只零碎的电视和广播pick up一点信息所以好多人都是可以争取的,如果我们能给他们full picture和还原的真相。
开心,朋友(白人)打来电话本来从不谈政治的我愣是问他党派和支持谁,结果他是中间派说要投anyone other than Trump。他说trump辩论时竟然说少儿不宜的事,我说我知道他说手大手小的事但是是被Rubio攻击在先况且小孩不懂手大小意味什么意思。为了川哥我也是豁出去了和异性谈这个。 然后我把川哥理念和米国到了危急关头讲了一遍,然后说希拉里应该坐牢其他共和党候选人都自私也无能力打败希拉里,sanders free tuition只会增税,讲了半小时后他同意考虑投川哥,他说我去帮trump做volunteer 的话他可以开车接送我。决定买汽车sticker贴上,等公司同事发现了主动和我聊我就也开始一个个说服。朋友说我口才很好,应该去做志愿者哈哈。我发现朋友只零碎的电视和广播pick up一点信息所以好多人都是可以争取的,如果我们能给他们full picture和还原的真相。
开心,朋友(白人)打来电话本来从不谈政治的我愣是问他党派和支持谁,结果他是中间派说要投anyone other than Trump。他说trump辩论时竟然说少儿不宜的事,我说我知道他说手大手小的事但是是被Rubio攻击在先况且小孩不懂手大小意味什么意思。为了川哥我也是豁出去了和异性谈这个。 然后我把川哥理念和米国到了危急关头讲了一遍,然后说希拉里应该坐牢其他共和党候选人都自私也无能力打败希拉里,sanders free tuition只会增税,讲了半小时后他同意考虑投川哥,他说我去帮trump做volunteer 的话他可以开车接送我。决定买汽车sticker贴上,等公司同事发现了主动和我聊我就也开始一个个说服。朋友说我口才很好,应该去做志愿者哈哈。我发现朋友只零碎的电视和广播pick up一点信息所以好多人都是可以争取的,如果我们能给他们full picture和还原的真相。
开心,朋友(白人)打来电话本来从不谈政治的我愣是问他党派和支持谁,结果他是中间派说要投anyone other than Trump。他说trump辩论时竟然说少儿不宜的事,我说我知道他说手大手小的事但是是被Rubio攻击在先况且小孩不懂手大小意味什么意思。为了川哥我也是豁出去了和异性谈这个。 然后我把川哥理念和米国到了危急关头讲了一遍,然后说希拉里应该坐牢其他共和党候选人都自私也无能力打败希拉里,sanders free tuition只会增税,讲了半小时后他同意考虑投川哥,他说我去帮trump做volunteer 的话他可以开车接送我。决定买汽车sticker贴上,等公司同事发现了主动和我聊我就也开始一个个说服。朋友说我口才很好,应该去做志愿者哈哈。我发现朋友只零碎的电视和广播pick up一点信息所以好多人都是可以争取的,如果我们能给他们full picture和还原的真相。
“Attorney Dmitry Gorin, a former prosecutor, said that once a person has been acquitted of murder by a jury, it would be double jeopardy to try the same person again for the same crime.“You can’t be prosecuted again,” he said.
The only exception is in federal court, Gorin said. But in that case, federal prosecutors would need to have a federal question that applies to a particular case.”
Go Trump Go!
最近有部剧就是讲这个的,american crime story: people vs OJ,看完觉得这也能脱罪真是money talks........
In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Jindal wrote that after seven years of "no drama Obama," voters are looking "for a strong leader who speaks in short, declarative sentences."
"The reason why Donald Trump is getting so much support right now is because people are seeing him as the only one who has the courage to clean out the stables of the American governmental system right now," he adds.
Jim Webb就属于"conservative democrat"一类,属于大选时重点争取对象
Unfortunately for Rubio, the Internet is always ready to pounce...
哈哈哈哈,笑晕,Little Rubio坐大椅子
By the way,Big Don,大裆?哈哈哈,不错,这称号正好配合川哥反驳手小的疑议
In addition to FL, the Cruz campaign is contemplating ramping up its efforts in Ohio — which also has a March 15 primary — in a bid to damage Ohio Gov. John Kasich, according to a person familiar with internal discussions. Cruz’s campaign declined to comment on any plans for the state.
Together, the efforts make up a high-risk strategy to winnow the field and position Cruz as the last alternative to Trump. It is an approach that even some Cruz allies fear could backfire and aid in Trump’s rise.
我觉得写的很明显了。有可能真的是受到威胁了。trump 如果不是这么有名又受到选民支持,早被他们玩完了。 还是选票最有力。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
我见过奥巴马也见过Paul Ryan。奥巴马对芝加哥的贡献还是很“巨大”的。至少在第二任上,听说布什当总统时德州的马路也翻修一新。说说Paul Ryan这个人。我觉得他是一个忠于党比忠于国家更厉害的人。维护党的利益一定比国家要priority高,如果trump票数遥遥领先,即使没有超过半数,如果gop有分裂的危险,他不会袖手旁观
以选举策略来说抵制h1b是比较好的,美国绝大多数人认为h1b抢了他们工作。trump说抵制h1b abuse,美国人以为就是砍h1b,迎合了大多数的民意。中国人只有仔细分析规则就会知道这对自己是大大的有利。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Trump Ballot Security Project-Help us put a trained poll watcher at every FLA poll tctragwnd.org STOP THE STEAL
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
.@realDonaldTrump Orange County Chairman addresses hundreds of volunteers preparing Orlando rally. #sayfie #YUGE
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
然后我把川哥理念和米国到了危急关头讲了一遍,然后说希拉里应该坐牢其他共和党候选人都自私也无能力打败希拉里,sanders free tuition只会增税,讲了半小时后他同意考虑投川哥,他说我去帮trump做volunteer 的话他可以开车接送我。决定买汽车sticker贴上,等公司同事发现了主动和我聊我就也开始一个个说服。朋友说我口才很好,应该去做志愿者哈哈。我发现朋友只零碎的电视和广播pick up一点信息所以好多人都是可以争取的,如果我们能给他们full picture和还原的真相。
我觉得美国现在的政坛就是非左即右,中间派就不行。老头的很多理念是共和党的,也吸收的民主党的有利的成分。 比如plan parenthood,他反对abortion,但是plan
parenthood也做了许多有利的事情,比如降低妇科相关的癌症。这点上他是支持plan parenthood,但是到了cruz嘴里就是他支持plan parenthood。他说他是common sense
保守派。在美国有点common sense怎么就这么难呢?
Re! 像他这样有名有利的成功商人,长期与政界人士打交道,如果不是怀着一颗拳拳爱国心,怎么会在深知政治操作是如此黑暗不堪的情况下,还冒着这么大的风险,顶着媒体和两党对他的各种诋毁而一直在坚持。这种极大的勇气是极少人才有的,而且在他之后也不知道以后还会不会有人像他一样了
Good job!
Kansas,Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine
断句不会看吗?说的是paul ryan自毁政治生涯,romney被GOP当枪使。还有,我哪句话说刺杀的事了?
Causus 是明摆着公开投,你投谁站在哪个队里,大家都清楚,这种落后方式该取消了