看到网上传的establishment准备对付trump的招数,一定要把他拉下来,媒体宣传negative,渲染什么tax,trump university 的fraud,給Rubio25M,力捧,但是条件是3月15日他一定要赢佛州,否则出局,由Romney接着上(没明白Romney这时上有啥意义),反正目的是不能让trump拿足票数,得不到提名。还说Rubio的老婆給Cruz的老婆打电话,苦苦哀求让Cruz退出帮Rubio,Cruz不同意 cindy2012 发表于 2/27/2016 1:27:25 AM
Today Donald J. Trump was endorsed by former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Arizona is one of the states most affected by illegal immigration and Mr. Trump has received tremendous support from key officials including Sheriff Joe Arpaio, State Treasurer Jeff DeWit and is now proud to receive the support of the highly respected former Governor.
Mr. Trump says, “I love the state of Arizona and have received incredible support throughout the state. I am leading in all the polls and we have had amazing events with tremendous crowds. I am honored to receive this endorsement from Governor Brewer.”
Jan Brewer added, "Arizona’s unsecured border is the gateway of illegal immigration into the United States and the politicians in Washington D.C. have continually failed to secure our border. As I’ve always said: A nation without borders is like a house without walls – it collapses. As Arizona’s Governor, I witnessed too much heartache, loss and suffering caused by illegal immigration. I’ve seen communities destroyed by the drugs, gangs, drop houses and cartels. The cost of health care, education and incarceration for illegal immigrants places a crushing burden on taxpayers. Workers of all backgrounds are deprived of jobs and income from our open, bleeding border."
"For years I pleaded with the federal government to do their job and secure our border. Today, we can elect a President who will do just that - Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump will secure our borders, defend our workers and protect our sovereignty. Mr. Trump will stand for our law enforcement, our police and our immigration officers. Mr. Trump will actually enforce the rule of law."
"As a Washington outsider, Mr. Trump gets it. He will listen to the people and fight for the citizens of the United States."
Brewer added, “As Mr. Trump says: we either have a country, or we don't. This may be our last chance to ensure our children grow up in a country with borders, and with a government that protects its own people. This is our chance - Donald Trump is our chance - to save this country and Make America Great Again."
Mr. Trump continues to draw a hard line stance on illegal immigration, with the promise to build a wall along the southern border and stop illegal immigration to protect American jobs and families.
这就是为打击非移而闻名全国的那位州长。 Brewer came into the national spotlight when, on April 23, 2010, when she signed the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act. The act makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an immigrant to be in Arizona without carrying registration documents required by federal law, authorizes state and local law enforcement of federal immigration laws, and cracks down on those sheltering, hiring and transporting illegal aliens
看到网上传的establishment准备对付trump的招数,一定要把他拉下来,媒体宣传negative,渲染什么tax,trump university 的fraud,給Rubio25M,力捧,但是条件是3月15日他一定要赢佛州,否则出局,由Romney接着上(没明白Romney这时上有啥意义),反正目的是不能让trump拿足票数,得不到提名。还说Rubio的老婆給Cruz的老婆打电话,苦苦哀求让Cruz退出帮Rubio,Cruz不同意
希拉里当选,美国真是没救了,一个无法无天的总统带领一堆无法无天的追随者。美国早已经不是90年代独步江湖的美利坚,有些人还在做梦: "Despite what you hear, we don't need to make America great again. America has never stopped being great. But we do need to make America whole again." Moments ago at her #SCPrimary victory speech, Hillary Clinton invoked Donald J. Trump's campaign.
希拉里当选,美国真是没救了,一个无法无天的总统带领一堆无法无天的追随者。美国早已经不是90年代独步江湖的美利坚,有些人还在做梦: "Despite what you hear, we don't need to make America great again. America has never stopped being great. But we do need to make America whole again." Moments ago at her #SCPrimary victory speech, Hillary Clinton invoked Donald J. Trump's campaign.
罗德曼支持Trump, yeah! 俺最喜欢的球星!
(Republican Delegates) State, Latest Poll Date: First vs Next Contestant Poll % (if available)
(28) Alaska, 1/12: Trump 28 vs Cruz 24
(50) Alabama, 2/26: Trump 36 vs Rubio 23
(40) Arkansas, 2/4: Cruz 27 vs Trump 23
(37) Colorado, (caucus), N/A
(76) Georgia, 2/25: Trump 45 vs Rubio 19
(42) Massachusetts, 2/26: Trump 40 vs Rubio 19
(38) Minnesota, (caucus) 1/20: Rubio 23 vs Trump 18
(43) Oklahoma, 2/24: Trump 29 vs Cruz 20
(58) Tennessee, N/A
(155) Texas, 2/25: Trump 32 vs Cruz 32
(49) Virginia, 2/25: Trump 41 vs Rubio 27
(16) Vermont, 2/22: Trump 32 vs Rubio 17
(29) Wyoming, (caucus), N/A
别啊,这都快super tuesday了,别把自己玩儿进去
Another possible VP?
Today Donald J. Trump was endorsed by former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Arizona is one of the states most affected by illegal immigration and Mr. Trump has received tremendous support from key officials including Sheriff Joe Arpaio, State Treasurer Jeff DeWit and is now proud to receive the support of the highly respected former Governor.
Mr. Trump says, “I love the state of Arizona and have received incredible support throughout the state. I am leading in all the polls and we have had amazing events with tremendous crowds. I am honored to receive this endorsement from Governor Brewer.”
Jan Brewer added, "Arizona’s unsecured border is the gateway of illegal immigration into the United States and the politicians in Washington D.C. have continually failed to secure our border. As I’ve always said: A nation without borders is like a house without walls – it collapses. As Arizona’s Governor, I witnessed too much heartache, loss and suffering caused by illegal immigration. I’ve seen communities destroyed by the drugs, gangs, drop houses and cartels. The cost of health care, education and incarceration for illegal immigrants places a crushing burden on taxpayers. Workers of all backgrounds are deprived of jobs and income from our open, bleeding border."
"For years I pleaded with the federal government to do their job and secure our border. Today, we can elect a President who will do just that - Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump will secure our borders, defend our workers and protect our sovereignty. Mr. Trump will stand for our law enforcement, our police and our immigration officers. Mr. Trump will actually enforce the rule of law."
"As a Washington outsider, Mr. Trump gets it. He will listen to the people and fight for the citizens of the United States."
Brewer added, “As Mr. Trump says: we either have a country, or we don't. This may be our last chance to ensure our children grow up in a country with borders, and with a government that protects its own people. This is our chance - Donald Trump is our chance - to save this country and Make America Great Again."
Mr. Trump continues to draw a hard line stance on illegal immigration, with the promise to build a wall along the southern border and stop illegal immigration to protect American jobs and families.
Brewer came into the national spotlight when, on April 23, 2010, when she signed the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act. The act makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an immigrant to be in Arizona without carrying registration documents required by federal law, authorizes state and local law enforcement of federal immigration laws, and cracks down on those sheltering, hiring and transporting illegal aliens
我也一点不担心,尤其是他说他十几年都被audit. 我觉得大众也是这么想的。IRS大家最讨厌了,既然IRS都年年查,大家也该放心了。除了Rubio在那里狂叫,没有多少人关心。Cruz好像都没有纠缠这个事情。
机器人这都说的是啥啊,Trump employ了多少人啊,他干过啥?选上个Senator还要旷工。他现在简直是自杀行为啊,和jeb当初一样,嫌自己死得不够快。
MSNBC要往中间靠了?好事啊。 MSNBC host 'highly unlikely' to return
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
1:35:00左右开始。Trump 不竞选的时候多正常。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
脸书内部会议室有人在黑板上写了 黑人生命重要 不知道是相同的人还另一个人 划去了黑人,写上 ALL
事情被内部一个黑人女员工炒作,黑人女员工声称自己哭了,大批白左跟帖,甚至要求追查视频,找出到底谁写的ALL。扎马克在内部会议也为白左站台。结果相同事件再次发生,扎马克批评事件的内部邮件被暴露到外部。白左的评论是脸书黑人只占员工的 2%。
第一个是 没有人敢在公司里面和白左讨论,对比8年前谷歌华人,可以对抗 free tibet, 现在根本不可想象,可以看到左的力量做大到了何种情况。美国文革已经开始
第二个是 工作AA必然愈演愈烈,白左根本不满意现在的状况。
第三个是 反抗白左的力量存在,但是一直在下降中,这次对trump的草根支持,就是反抗力量的反弹。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
"Despite what you hear, we don't need to make America great again. America has never stopped being great. But we do need to make America whole again."
Moments ago at her #SCPrimary victory speech, Hillary Clinton invoked Donald J. Trump's campaign.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
rubio公布了他自己的tax return
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06