机器人就是没有智商: Rubio Misfired When He Tried to Attack Trump for His Twitter Typos:
For arguably the first time in this campaign cycle, Rubio received live coverage from all the cable networks. And he may have inadvertently blown it. Rubio allies are praising him for ripping Trump this morning and afternoon, but his attacks may backfire on him in three ways.
First, nobody cares about typos on Twitter because everybody has made them while Tweeting quickly. Second, Rubio repeated Trump’s criticisms of him–that he is a lightweight and a choker who melts down–on national television and it will be replayed over and over again. Guess what? Voters may start to think that he is a choker. At the very least, Rubio ensured that more voters became aware of Trump’s criticisms of him as a “chocker.” All he did was give those criticisms more airtime. Genius. Third, when a politician’s actions do not line up with the image that he has tried to project to voters, he comes across as a phony in an election cycle when voters are craving anti-establishment “authenticity.” And that’s what happened to Rubio when he implied that foreigners can’t spell while criticizing Trump:
So how does this guy, not one tweet, but three tweets misspell words so badly?
I only reach two conclusions. Number one, that’s how they spell those words at the Wharton School of Business where he went.
Or number two, just like Trump Tower, he must have hired a foreign worker to do his own tweets.
Trump can make such comments because he has presented himself to voters as someone who is unapologetic, brash, and politically incorrect. Rubio, on the other hand, can’t because he is presenting himself as Mr. “Rainbow/Benetton/Politically Correct” so attacks like that make him seem more like a phony and goes against the core of his brand.
Rubio and his allies may be cheering his debate performance and “cute soundbites,” but they may not realize he is coming across as “that guy” who desperately hurls insult after insult at the guy who is dating the girl he has always wanted. It’s funny that Rubio’s allies in the permanent political/punditry class seem way more like “that guy” than the guy who gets the girl, and that is why they are myopically high-fiving each other over Rubio’s performance. The joke may be on Rubio and his “smart set” of “experts” in the end.
Stony Brook University: Professor's Statistical Model Says Donald Trump Will Win Presidency if Nominated Helmut Norpoth said Trump has more than a 97 percent chance of winning if he receives the Republican nomination. His model reportedly picked the winner in every election but one since 1912.
看到网上传的establishment准备对付trump的招数,一定要把他拉下来,媒体宣传negative,渲染什么tax,trump university 的fraud,給Rubio25M,力捧,但是条件是3月15日他一定要赢佛州,否则出局,由Romney接着上(没明白Romney这时上有啥意义),反正目的是不能让trump拿足票数,得不到提名。还说Rubio的老婆給Cruz的老婆打电话,苦苦哀求让Cruz退出帮Rubio,Cruz不同意
看到网上传的establishment准备对付trump的招数,一定要把他拉下来,媒体宣传negative,渲染什么tax,trump university 的fraud,給Rubio25M,力捧,但是条件是3月15日他一定要赢佛州,否则出局,由Romney接着上(没明白Romney这时上有啥意义),反正目的是不能让trump拿足票数,得不到提名。还说Rubio的老婆給Cruz的老婆打电话,苦苦哀求让Cruz退出帮Rubio,Cruz不同意 cindy2012 发表于 2/27/2016 1:27:25 AM
看到网上传的establishment准备对付trump的招数,一定要把他拉下来,媒体宣传negative,渲染什么tax,trump university 的fraud,給Rubio25M,力捧,但是条件是3月15日他一定要赢佛州,否则出局,由Romney接着上(没明白Romney这时上有啥意义),反正目的是不能让trump拿足票数,得不到提名。还说Rubio的老婆給Cruz的老婆打电话,苦苦哀求让Cruz退出帮Rubio,Cruz不同意 cindy2012 发表于 2/27/2016 1:27:25 AM
看到网上传的establishment准备对付trump的招数,一定要把他拉下来,媒体宣传negative,渲染什么tax,trump university 的fraud,給Rubio25M,力捧,但是条件是3月15日他一定要赢佛州,否则出局,由Romney接着上(没明白Romney这时上有啥意义),反正目的是不能让trump拿足票数,得不到提名。还说Rubio的老婆給Cruz的老婆打电话,苦苦哀求让Cruz退出帮Rubio,Cruz不同意 cindy2012 发表于 2/27/2016 1:27:25 AM
看到网上传的establishment准备对付trump的招数,一定要把他拉下来,媒体宣传negative,渲染什么tax,trump university 的fraud,給Rubio25M,力捧,但是条件是3月15日他一定要赢佛州,否则出局,由Romney接着上(没明白Romney这时上有啥意义),反正目的是不能让trump拿足票数,得不到提名。还说Rubio的老婆給Cruz的老婆打电话,苦苦哀求让Cruz退出帮Rubio,Cruz不同意 cindy2012 发表于 2/27/2016 1:27:25 AM
Texas early voting已经超过以前初选的总数了: Through Wednesday, 667,917 Texans — including 55,367 Republicans and 27,420 Democrats in Tarrant County — cast early votes, according to the most recent tallies from the state’s 15 largest counties.
Overall turnout is already higher statewide than it was in 2008’s fiery primary when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went head to head. About 46,000 more Texans cast ballots statewide through the ninth day of early voting this year than they did eight years ago.
这篇文分析了胖州长endorse的影响,还是挺客观的: Wall of GOP resistance to Trump begins to crack Christie wasn’t the first mainstream Republican to huaren.us. He won’t be the last.
浅蓝是个什么概念?2000年的大选是美国大选里最接近的之一。那时候加州53.5% dem, 41.7% rep. 能比上这个节奏么?
麻绳肯定变红了, 如果Trump选。我盼着加州变红呢。就算不能变红,估计也会来一场白热化的加州选战,不会像从前一样,自动纳入民主党口袋。
Alpha men之间的惺惺相惜 普京大帝威武
顺便给你提供个 Bill of Rights 的链接。
他是nothing but anti-trump. 他自己就没有要支持的。
我觉得他就是个空虚寂寞的attention ... 看这里讨论热闹来刷存在感的
强re, 政治正确就是用来愚民统治,封民之口,还居然敢带上言论自由的帽子,要不是政治正确,加州14个恐袭命案不可能发生。
Rubio Misfired When He Tried to Attack Trump for His Twitter Typos:
For arguably the first time in this campaign cycle, Rubio received live coverage from all the cable networks. And he may have inadvertently blown it. Rubio allies are praising him for ripping Trump this morning and afternoon, but his attacks may backfire on him in three ways.
First, nobody cares about typos on Twitter because everybody has made them while Tweeting quickly. Second, Rubio repeated Trump’s criticisms of him–that he is a lightweight and a choker who melts down–on national television and it will be replayed over and over again. Guess what? Voters may start to think that he is a choker. At the very least, Rubio ensured that more voters became aware of Trump’s criticisms of him as a “chocker.” All he did was give those criticisms more airtime. Genius. Third, when a politician’s actions do not line up with the image that he has tried to project to voters, he comes across as a phony in an election cycle when voters are craving anti-establishment “authenticity.” And that’s what happened to Rubio when he implied that foreigners can’t spell while criticizing Trump:
So how does this guy, not one tweet, but three tweets misspell words so badly?
I only reach two conclusions. Number one, that’s how they spell those words at the Wharton School of Business where he went.
Or number two, just like Trump Tower, he must have hired a foreign worker to do his own tweets.
Trump can make such comments because he has presented himself to voters as someone who is unapologetic, brash, and politically incorrect. Rubio, on the other hand, can’t because he is presenting himself as Mr. “Rainbow/Benetton/Politically Correct” so attacks like that make him seem more like a phony and goes against the core of his brand.
Rubio and his allies may be cheering his debate performance and “cute soundbites,” but they may not realize he is coming across as “that guy” who desperately hurls insult after insult at the guy who is dating the girl he has always wanted. It’s funny that Rubio’s allies in the permanent political/punditry class seem way more like “that guy” than the guy who gets the girl, and that is why they are myopically high-fiving each other over Rubio’s performance. The joke may be on Rubio and his “smart set” of “experts” in the end.
Helmut Norpoth said Trump has more than a 97 percent chance of winning if he receives the Republican nomination. His model reportedly picked the winner in every election but one since 1912.
最搞笑的是她跟斯科特两个华人最烦人的 ID 居然为了trump互殴,trump好牛
Through Wednesday, 667,917 Texans — including 55,367 Republicans and 27,420 Democrats in Tarrant County — cast early votes, according to the most recent tallies from the state’s 15 largest counties.
Overall turnout is already higher statewide than it was in 2008’s fiery primary when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went head to head. About 46,000 more Texans cast ballots statewide through the ninth day of early voting this year than they did eight years ago.
Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/election/article62518397.html#storylink=cpy
Wall of GOP resistance to Trump begins to crack
Christie wasn’t the first mainstream Republican to huaren.us. He won’t be the last.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/establishment-gop-shifting-to-trump-219893#ixzz41Llt9KZF
Dennis Rodman: Former NBA Player Tells Ted Cruz That Donald Trump Will Fire Him
“Yes Ted Cruz; Donald Trump did fire me on Celebrity Apprentice. But he’s about to fire your ass too!” Rodman wrote on Facebook and Twitter after Cruz mentioned Rodman's firing at the GOP debate.