I think you should be ok in either size. In all honesty, their s/m and m/l haven't much difference in terms of fit. However, I did find this "downtown" print slightly more generous than some older prints. I would grab s/m if I were you.
I think you should be ok in either size. In all honesty, their s/m and m/l haven't much difference in terms of fit. However, I did find this "downtown" print slightly more generous than some older prints. I would grab s/m if I were you. 钱途无亮 发表于 7/28/2015 9:45:08 AM
ummm...I don't dislike the print but felt it was a bit too loud and dark at the same time for a capri cut. But that's just how I took it. It's a dark color but for some reason kinda hard to find a good matching top...I was thinkning of something like heather stone or gray to tune down the loudness. Thoughts?
For "Jungle Fever", you're absolutely right, heather stone or gray would be stunning! For " down town", I personally would prefer bright color since the black back hue is quite dark.
For "Jungle Fever", you're absolutely right, heather stone or gray would be stunning! For " down town", I personally would prefer bright color since the black back hue is quite dark. cutebutt 发表于 7/28/2015 7:35:43 PM
Give it try before making the decision? I think light gray actually would be more demure for "downtown" than jungle fever.
Yeah, I know which one you're talking about. Believe it or not, the best combination for that crop that I've ever seen is Chinese red top! cutebutt 发表于 7/28/2015 7:38:11 PM
Safe bet! but for some reason I am kinda rebel when it comes to color matching...trying to avoid that sort of "cliché"...but I should try it again, of course.
I think you should be ok in either size. In all honesty, their s/m and m/l haven't much difference in terms of fit. However, I did find this "downtown" print slightly more generous than some older prints. I would grab s/m if I were you. 钱途无亮 发表于 7/28/2015 9:45:08 AM
I wouldn't mind losing this game...I have so much stuff and it becomes a burden...Can't get out of it easily. it's a disease that I hope nobody else is infected by.
道妹妹这样一套很好看!! 我喜欢你的肤色,很美!
mm 你crazy orange穿多大号的,我前几天订的白色legging收到了,s 号。有点重复了,两条白色的,一个有藕色腰带一个纯白,送给你一条吧。你很nice回答大家问题,推荐好deal。
她家裤子很舒服,但是腰那儿总是滑而且臀部不够翘。gilt 40基本搞定。
我在prime day event的时候也买了两条,都是二十出头,开心啊!
非常感谢楼主mm! 本来我还想pass 这条的,刚才立马下单了😄😄,其实莓红色的我已经有一条lulu 的了,不过还是没忍住,哈哈,谢谢,真是好deal,才16!
哈哈,我不说了,除非特别好看的么 😄😄😄😄😄
今年最喜欢的一条 就是lulu 的 var city crops!
好。马上回国两周,各种吃喝应酬,回来就照照片。为了照片对得起大家,此promise就帮助督促自己别pig out.
谢谢大家赞扬,昨天出去跑了一圈,好喜欢这个面料,舒适凉快,cool down一会儿就干透了。
对了,我也买了一条beyond yoga的裤子,
from gilt.
Stretchy and pretty, 不过质地没有很特别。
我穿lulu 6号,这条是S/M号的,弹性更好一些,感觉是perfect fit。
I think you should be ok in either size. In all honesty, their s/m and m/l haven't much difference in terms of fit. However, I did find this "downtown" print slightly more generous than some older prints. I would grab s/m if I were you.
This is how Nordstrom did in their showcase: a highlighter neon yellow Zella top and Onzie capri in Downtown.
嗯,就是这个感觉!不过我想要像Lululemon power Y那种类型的top,这个颜色或是hot pink搭配起来也会很出挑吧。
this? http://www.lucy.com/Studio-Cami-Racerback/112170_SALE,default,pd.html?dwvar_112170__SALE_color=Mint%20Leaf%20Spacedye#start=6
For "Jungle Fever", you're absolutely right, heather stone or gray would be stunning!
For " down town", I personally would prefer bright color since the black back hue is quite dark.
Give it try before making the decision? I think light gray actually would be more demure for "downtown" than jungle fever.
Yeah, I know which one you're talking about. Believe it or not, the best combination for that crop that I've ever seen is Chinese red top!
Safe bet! but for some reason I am kinda rebel when it comes to color matching...trying to avoid that sort of "cliché"...but I should try it again, of course.
This one looks pretty!!!
Hahahaha, one thing I love to do for relaxing is mix and match all my workout clothes
mm 你怎么收纳这些运动衣服啊,我现在都是把tank 挂起来,不然如果叠着看不见的就会忘记穿,可是我们家是那种60多年的老房子,closet 很小,空间实在有限!
很neat 啊! 下次也试试看这种摆法,多谢了!!
“big bang”是很漂亮,就如你说的,美好的像art
[color=#999999]cutebutt 发表于 7/30/2015 2:11:07 PM [/color][url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1816676&postid=68613398#68613398][img]http://forums.huaren.us/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/quote]
期待下笔~~~~~ 至于误解~智者见智 仁者见仁吧 各自的诉求和感受都不全然相同的
我等好久了, 快写吧,我看完了好去下单yoga mat
小辣椒mm ,这件tank 还有2 号,估计你可以穿,有点偏长的,我减掉了快要两寸
这个pattern 还有cool racer back,前两周去店里还看见打折了
想买件beyond yoga的top怎么这么难,网上都没剩什么了。
右腿好看是因为颜色深点? 完了完了我买了条浅色的,做好去退的准备。。~
beyond yoga 一两个月前,sample sale一结束,amazon上的Top和 Bottom就都降价了,MM往前翻几页就会发现,这楼里好多姑娘都买了,价格就是20刀左右。现在amazon上还有一些,可能号码不全了。
这条穿起来的feel和downtown完全不同,美丽!我订的还在路上,期待!这次Nordstrom卖的Onzie capri有两种型号standard、original,我买的original,发现比我之前买的都要短5公分左右,对我来说更好一些,嘿嘿。