谢谢你的建议. 我也还在摸索房子装饰. 那个Living Room整个色调是比较暗. 那里的家具倒是新买的, 本来也是想有一个房间稍微正式些. 一直很想把中间的那个OTTMAN换掉. ETHEN ALLAN有一款, 红色的丝绒的, 我垂涎了很久.还是等有钱再买吧. red ottman... should be very very nice love your backyard
thanks for posting all the beautiful pictures! 楼主才搬进去半年多,以后慢慢围绕几种颜色,主题去更新家具和装饰,一定会更加引人入胜。 我的能力和水平也就到现在这样了. 其实不准备更新家具了.因为有可能近两年回国工作, 到时候东西太多带回去没地方放. 现在的很多旧家具回国的时候, 丢掉了也不会觉得可惜.
以下是引用chen88882002在2006-3-5 22:15:00的发言: NIce house.... one question. How do you re-paint the chair? Do you have to sand it first? Thanks in advance 专门问了一下劳工. 是要先SAND一下, 再用PRIMER, 然后再上漆.
以下是引用tw_ht在2006-3-5 3:23:00的发言: hen漂亮,不过好像楼梯有些对门 haha... I was going to say that as well.. i know a lot of houses have the staircase facing the front door, but not all of them are directly facing the door, that's one of our major point when i looked for a house a yr ago. Also I think you might want to change all the bedrooms' furniture, the style is a little too old fashioned and too dark. I like your hard wood floor though. But I don't really like the flower deco you got from china, most of them are just oo fake and too small for a house... I went back last time to look for some flower deco in china and was very disappointed. We end up got all the decos here in the states. Even though the price is a lot higher, people can tell the good ones right away. We don't have a lot of decos around our house, but each one is unique and high quality. It's just some of suggestions. Overall, I like you house.!!! [此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 14:26:03编辑过]
haha... I was going to say that as well.. i know a lot of houses have the staircase facing the front door, but not all of them are directly facing the door, that's one of our major point when i looked for a house a yr ago. Also I think you might want to change all the bedrooms' furniture, the style is a little too old fashioned and too dark. I like your hard wood floor though. But I don't really like the flower deco you got from china, most of them are just oo fake and too small for a house... I went back last time to look for some flower deco in china and was very disappointed. We end up got all the decos here in the states. Even though the price is a lot higher, people can tell the good ones right away. We don't have a lot of decos around our house, but each one is unique and high quality. It's just some of suggestions. Overall, I like you house.!!!
Would you post the pictures of the faux flower you found here? Just courious how they look like and where you bought. NM has some good stuff, but the high price tag turned me off. To me, it's all about value/cost. If I can afford a one-million dollar house, I may splurge a little bit.
Would you post the pictures of the faux flower you found here? Just courious how they look like and where you bought. NM has some good stuff, but the high price tag turned me off. To me, it's all about value/cost. If I can afford a one-million dollar house, I may splurge a little bit. I posted my house pics on this website last year... i think a lot of people still remembered it... so I am not going to post it again.. you can do a search on this board... [此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-7 10:51:44编辑过]
very nice. it's still very new (lack of messiness :-D) you still have room to add a lot more colors and furniture. just curious:where are you? how high is the ceiling?
我不知道你指的是哪副画. 那些油画因为是在国内买的,所以便宜. 要是在这儿买, 也不是什么名家的, 一副怎么也要400 - 500 美金. 那些ETHEN ALLAN 买的东西, 还都是些MASS PRODUCED 东西, 至少也要这个价钱. 至于洗手间里东西, 只要色彩上协调就好了. 等咱们中个几千万的大浆也许可以花几百刀买个东西挂在洗手间里啦. 现在还是因地制宜吧.
it is something you can improve quite easily...I personally am not a huge fan of those paintings you bought from China. here is my 2 cents: Normally buying good oil painting is difficult (too expensive), so you can buy either abstract contemporary paintings or some work from emerging artists. Like in Boston, there are lots of open studios in back bay and south end, and you can buy their work from their studios directly. It's not that expensive. IMHO, a good painting is worth the $$. At the same time, the art market in China is not that organized and it's hard for people to tell if they overpaid unless you know those dealers, etc. If i ever have a big house like yours, I'll definitely buy some good paintings. But as a start, good prints or abstract paintings are both better than cheap oil painting (from a visual standpoint) if you plan to use them as important decoration. Chinese painting is another kind of work that you can get bigger bang from your bucks from although I'm not sure if the style works out easily in all of your rooms.
谢谢你的建议. 我也还在摸索房子装饰. 那个living room整个色调是比较暗. 那里的家具倒是新买的, 本来也是想有一个房间稍微正式些. 一直很想把中间的那个ottman换掉. ethen allan有一款, 红色的丝绒的, 我垂涎了很久.还是等有钱再买吧.
谢谢你的建议. 我也还在摸索房子装饰. 那个Living Room整个色调是比较暗. 那里的家具倒是新买的, 本来也是想有一个房间稍微正式些. 一直很想把中间的那个OTTMAN换掉. ETHEN ALLAN有一款, 红色的丝绒的, 我垂涎了很久.还是等有钱再买吧.
red ottman... should be very very nice
love your backyard
red ottman... should be very very nice
love your backyard
我的backyard 是比一般情况下要开阔多了. 附近的小区有些房子就很挤, 后面左右离邻居都很近. 所以买了这个房子以后越住越喜欢.
不好意思, 就是提个意见.
美国很多房子都是这样设计的, 没什么办法. 再说, 俺门家本来也什么财, 能漏到哪里去. 俺光脚不怕穿鞋滴.
没树是好事, 你有了树以后就知道了.
有时候是. 我认识的人要花钱雇人扫树叶.
thanks for posting all the beautiful pictures!
我的能力和水平也就到现在这样了. 其实不准备更新家具了.因为有可能近两年回国工作, 到时候东西太多带回去没地方放. 现在的很多旧家具回国的时候, 丢掉了也不会觉得可惜.
我在国内买的油画都只是画布, 没有框, 有框当然带过来就不方便了. 画布是帆布, 卷起来很轻也不占地方, 也不怕折的. 画框在这边定做非常贵,通常要200刀以上. 劳工就到店里买了些大降价的带框的画, 回来把原来不好看的画拆下来, 用电锯把画框锯成油画大小的, 就成了. 是要费点心思和力气了, 但是省不少米, 而且居家过日子的乐趣不也就在于此吗.
NIce house.... one question. How do you re-paint the chair? Do you have to sand it first? Thanks in advance
专门问了一下劳工. 是要先SAND一下, 再用PRIMER, 然后再上漆.
我不知道你指的是哪副画. 那些油画因为是在国内买的,所以便宜. 要是在这儿买, 也不是什么名家的, 一副怎么也要400 - 500 美金. 那些ETHEN ALLAN 买的东西, 还都是些MASS PRODUCED 东西, 至少也要这个价钱. 至于洗手间里东西, 只要色彩上协调就好了. 等咱们中个几千万的大浆也许可以花几百刀买个东西挂在洗手间里啦. 现在还是因地制宜吧.
你说的也不是没有道理, 其实有些店里CLEARANCE的时候也很便宜啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 9:19:24编辑过]
haha... I was going to say that as well.. i know a lot of houses have the staircase facing the front door, but not all of them are directly facing the door, that's one of our major point when i looked for a house a yr ago. Also I think you might want to change all the bedrooms' furniture, the style is a little too old fashioned and too dark. I like your hard wood floor though. But I don't really like the flower deco you got from china, most of them are just oo fake and too small for a house... I went back last time to look for some flower deco in china and was very disappointed. We end up got all the decos here in the states. Even though the price is a lot higher, people can tell the good ones right away. We don't have a lot of decos around our house, but each one is unique and high quality. It's just some of suggestions. Overall, I like you house.!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 14:26:03编辑过]
我不知道你指的是哪副画. 那些油画因为是在国内买的,所以便宜. 要是在这儿买, 也不是什么名家的, 一副怎么也要400 - 500 美金. 那些ETHEN ALLAN 买的东西, 还都是些MASS PRODUCED 东西, 至少也要这个价钱. 至于洗手间里东西, 只要色彩上协调就好了. 等咱们中个几千万的大浆也许可以花几百刀买个东西挂在洗手间里啦. 现在还是因地制宜吧.
没有那么贵吧,garden ridge卖的画大部分是几十块-100多的,做工还可以,就是现代风格的比较少,最大的也有40,50寸。
专门问了一下劳工. 是要先SAND一下, 再用PRIMER, 然后再上漆.
Thank you so much!!!
haha... I was going to say that as well.. i know a lot of houses have the staircase facing the front door, but not all of them are directly facing the door, that's one of our major point when i looked for a house a yr ago. Also I think you might want to change all the bedrooms' furniture, the style is a little too old fashioned and too dark. I like your hard wood floor though. But I don't really like the flower deco you got from china, most of them are just oo fake and too small for a house... I went back last time to look for some flower deco in china and was very disappointed. We end up got all the decos here in the states. Even though the price is a lot higher, people can tell the good ones right away. We don't have a lot of decos around our house, but each one is unique and high quality. It's just some of suggestions. Overall, I like you house.!!!
Would you post the pictures of the faux flower you found here? Just courious how they look like and where you bought. NM has some good stuff, but the high price tag turned me off. To me, it's all about value/cost. If I can afford a one-million dollar house, I may splurge a little bit.
那个也是旧东西了, 是我刚来美的时候买的. 记得是在K-MART, 才100 多刀. 桌子和椅子拿货的时候都是木板和木条,得自己装起来. 不过质量倒是实木的.
Would you post the pictures of the faux flower you found here? Just courious how they look like and where you bought. NM has some good stuff, but the high price tag turned me off. To me, it's all about value/cost. If I can afford a one-million dollar house, I may splurge a little bit.
I posted my house pics on this website last year... i think a lot of people still remembered it... so I am not going to post it again.. you can do a search on this board...
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-7 10:51:44编辑过]
looks great!
没错. 是DUVET SET. 面料用起来有点粗, 但是打对折.
我不知道你指的是哪副画. 那些油画因为是在国内买的,所以便宜. 要是在这儿买, 也不是什么名家的, 一副怎么也要400 - 500 美金. 那些ETHEN ALLAN 买的东西, 还都是些MASS PRODUCED 东西, 至少也要这个价钱. 至于洗手间里东西, 只要色彩上协调就好了. 等咱们中个几千万的大浆也许可以花几百刀买个东西挂在洗手间里啦. 现在还是因地制宜吧.
it is something you can improve quite easily...I personally am not a huge fan of those paintings you bought from China. here is my 2 cents: Normally buying good oil painting is difficult (too expensive), so you can buy either abstract contemporary paintings or some work from emerging artists. Like in Boston, there are lots of open studios in back bay and south end, and you can buy their work from their studios directly. It's not that expensive. IMHO, a good painting is worth the $$. At the same time, the art market in China is not that organized and it's hard for people to tell if they overpaid unless you know those dealers, etc.
If i ever have a big house like yours, I'll definitely buy some good paintings. But as a start, good prints or abstract paintings are both better than cheap oil painting (from a visual standpoint) if you plan to use them as important decoration. Chinese painting is another kind of work that you can get bigger bang from your bucks from although I'm not sure if the style works out easily in all of your rooms.
20万的耗子再雇个designer, 投入产出不一定划算.
粉喜欢厨房洗碗池子上那两个soap pump.哪里淘的?不过觉得放厨房里有点不太协调,也许放主卫更好?