copy from another MM on this board: In a chaotic world, the only thing I can control is my exercise. 不会限制魅力贴,直接发了就。。。。 俺这后半生阿就在减肥和反弹之间挣扎,历史上最好的时候穿express的0号,现在穿Jones New York的12号。。。 不跟别人比了,我这辈子就一直是个大胖子。现在觉得自己健康状态比较不容乐观 (上月体检,医生检查完了一问年龄,说,啊?你还这么年轻阿) 衣服是0-12号什么都有,小号的居多。10号左右的也就一个星期有的换而已。不是个事阿。。。。 目标,就是能穿回我的大部分衣服(0-4号之间)。需要减20磅左右。半年实现就可以了。腰围需要减4inch,第三围需要减5inch,胸的话,爱减不减了,管不了那许多了。 Based on another post, I should eat about 1450cal a day to maintain weight of 100 pounds at sedative state. Currently I usually eat up to 2000cal a day. To lose 1 pound per week, I plan to create a calorie deficit of 500cal a day. part through food and part through exercise. If intake minus exercise is around 1100cal, I would be pretty happy. 另外看了一下,保持现在的体重,比较少动的生活,是一天1600卡。等月底看看,其实多数时间还是能预测weight loss的。把人家的公式抄在这里。 [( weight (lbs) + height (inch) ) *4.3 + 655 - age *4.7] *1.2 for sedative person. 情人节的时候我们选择不吃巧克力而是去gym。然后居然就开展开了健身运动。锻炼身体恢复两周了,每周三四次,每次treadmill or elliptical 一共半小时。吃饭现在开始比较对卡路里 concious。计划1200-1500一天都可以。重在坚持阿。 Updates are posted in Page 5 [此贴子已经被oceanwhite于2006-4-10 20:07:14编辑过]
when dating we ate out a lot, and it is usually not easy to control for calories and nutrition when you eat out then we moved together, and started cooking more. I would say, traditional chinese cooking is far from healthy -- too much oil used for cooking (even though I switched all oil to e.v.o.o., the calories are there all the time), and most delicious dishes call for very very fat cuts of meat. And we would never go vegeterian, we have to eat meat for every meal. So now I am planning on watching how much oil I put in the pot, we eat seafood more, and I pack myself healthy lunches for work days. Hope this works.
when dating we ate out a lot, and it is usually not easy to control for calories and nutrition when you eat out then we moved together, and started cooking more. I would say, traditional chinese cooking is far from healthy -- too much oil used for cooking (even though I switched all oil to e.v.o.o., the calories are there all the time), and most delicious dishes call for very very fat cuts of meat. And we would never go vegeterian, we have to eat meat for every meal. So now I am planning on watching how much oil I put in the pot, we eat seafood more, and I pack myself healthy lunches for work days. Hope this works.
nodnod i am watching my carbs now, but not cutting it out completely -- there are lots of low carb everything to choose from now than a couple of years ago, which is really neat. There are low carb juices for 50cal/cup, low carb soymilk for 50cal, low carb wheat bread for 60/slice, low carb pita for 60/a whole round, and za2 liang2. All these are super tasty but expensive I stuck to them as much as I can. Personally I still think calorie itself is more important. But low carb stuff aren't tasting bad, so, why not...
楼上 两个MM说的真是太中肯了。不过倒不是觉得身材好就得意了---我这辈子就在对身材的深深自卑中度过,程度深浅罢了。有时候生活压力真的很大。头一次快速发福是在新学校头一学期,一天就睡3,4小时平均吧,也没时间没钱好好吃饭,垃圾食品吃的多,成天20小时坐在书桌前面。后来花了三年时间慢慢减下来,在身材最好(相对自己好吧)的时候认得老公。那时候照顾他比照顾自己多,成天pdpd为他的事情跑来跑去,荒废了自己的锻炼。吃上面,两人都长胖25磅。老公是20多年来号称怎么都长不胖那种阿!现在才20多岁的人就挺着小啤酒肚。好在现在生活趋于稳定,两人总是一切去下gym。眼看他平坦的胸脯上鼓起了微量的那么一点点的小胸肌,细溜溜的胳膊上鼓起了隐约可见的二头,三头和三角肌define出的可爱形状(正是我梦寐以求的阿),我也要有所改变了。说起来我家老公真的是好人,每天都很鼓励我,从来从来没有嫌过我胖。对了,后来呢毕业,找工作的,压力很大,更加是吃的多动的少,居然是原来买的面试西装不能穿了,重新买了套,4号升到12号。 现在是想彻底turn my life around,有健身知识没毅力也没有用阿。现在的动力就是努力健康起来(去年里居然连走5分钟路就要喘。公司在三楼,走是绝对走不上去的),好跟老公一起健康快乐的活上轻松无忧的十年。 [此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-7 1:05:36编辑过]
楼上 两个MM说的真是太中肯了。不过倒不是觉得身材好就得意了---我这辈子就在对身材的深深自卑中度过,程度深浅罢了。有时候生活压力真的很大。头一次快速发福是在新学校头一学期,一天就睡3,4小时平均吧,也没时间没钱好好吃饭,垃圾食品吃的多,成天20小时坐在书桌前面。后来花了三年时间慢慢减下来,在身材最好(相对自己好吧)的时候认得老公。那时候照顾他比照顾自己多,成天pdpd为他的事情跑来跑去,荒废了自己的锻炼。吃上面,两人都长胖25磅。老公是20多年来号称怎么都长不胖那种阿!现在才20多岁的人就挺着小啤酒肚。好在现在生活趋于稳定,两人总是一切去下gym。眼看他平坦的胸脯上鼓起了微量的那么一点点的小胸肌,细溜溜的胳膊上鼓起了隐约可见的二头,三头和三角肌define出的可爱形状(正是我梦寐以求的阿),我也要有所改变了。说起来我家老公真的是好人,每天都很鼓励我,从来从来没有嫌过我胖。对了,后来呢毕业,找工作的,压力很大,更加是吃的多动的少,居然是原来买的面试西装不能穿了,重新买了套,4号升到12号。 现在是想彻底turn my life around,有健身知识没毅力也没有用阿。现在的动力就是努力健康起来(去年里居然连走5分钟路就要喘。公司在三楼,走是绝对走不上去的),好跟老公一起健康快乐的活上轻松无忧的十年。
high carb + high protein + low fat + 少吃多餐(以减少空腹感) + 控制总热量 + 多吃绿色蔬菜(维生素+纤维素) 你不用担心正常食物中的high protein能高到影响内脏或代谢的程度. wouldn't high carb be a problem? It is hard to find complex carb nowadays :( current I have 150-200g protein per day, a while back my impression was gram of protein per pound of body weight, so I am kinda overloading... thanks for the advice!!
Based on another post, I should eat about 1450cal a day to maintain weight of 100 pounds at sedative state. Currently I usually eat up to 2000cal a day. To lose 1 pound per week, I plan to create a calorie deficit of 500cal a day. part through food and part through exercise. If intake minus exercise is around 1100cal, I would be pretty happy. 另外看了一下,保持现在的体重,比较少动的生活,是一天1600卡。等月底看看,其实多数时间还是能预测weight loss的。把人家的公式抄在这里。 [( weight (lbs) + height (inch) ) *4.3 + 655 - age *4.7] *1.2 for sedative person. 情人节的时候我们选择不吃巧克力而是去gym。然后居然就开展开了健身运动。锻炼身体恢复两周了,每周三四次,每次treadmill or elliptical 一共半小时。吃饭现在开始比较对卡路里 concious。计划1200-1500一天都可以。重在坚持阿。 2006/03/03 早饭午饭 545 cal 晚上千万别海开了吃。去gym带上mp3多折腾会儿,45分钟是目标。燃烧个300卡吧。晚上看电视的时候再做做 tummy 和 胳膊的 weight training。晚上老公坚持要去buffet 只好舍命陪了。去了努力不吃乱七八糟的东西,把白水那个大虾和雪crab 地大腿吃了个饱。忍不住吃个cream puff。加起来估计算1000cal. 然后去mall里奔了三小时。估计不止消耗300卡,实际算600吧。出来还冻的要死狂奔10分钟才进车里。不过钱包里烧掉了300刀。买了4件cashmere小毛衣,老公也买了一件,20双袜子,一双平底鞋平时穿,一个小包随便背着玩。回家喝了蜂蜜水200cal. 今日总结:in take 1745 cal, exercise 600cal --- 1145 in effect, not too bad for a start 2006/03/04 今天周六,有在生理期,实在没精神动弹,尽量吃的健康点了。早饭各种yogurt, soy milk and cereal 640cal, 但是吃完又睡觉4小时。下午吃掉大虾和混合蔬菜 330cal 吃起来跟一顿大餐一样爽。如果是工作午餐的话,用两颁pita 包起来吃,一共只增加60卡而已。晚饭炒了很多菜,但是油放的很少,自己专门挑大虾和芦笋吃,红国宝和杂粮混合的米饭没有敢沾。估计为200卡。另外也明白了钱都到哪里去了。今天的晚饭原料为30刀,还是尽量在sams和中国店买的。估计明天中午就能全吃光了。花钱多就是因为我们俩胃口都太大。 晚上熬夜吃掉一整丫cheesecake 430cal 今日总结:1400cal ,生理期,没有锻炼。研究了一下家里常吃食物的nutrition facts,读了本版精华。
2006/03/05 今天周日一宿没睡我分特。破程序老死机。哭。。。。 熬夜就零碎吃了不少东西。不过现在放弃小饼干小糖果,改吃比较健康而且顶饿的。 饭菜+juice 400cal, soymilk + cereal 580 cal (不小心就吃多了, 哎), 盒饭大虾soymilk = 400 cal 这一顿吃的最爽了,内容感觉起来好像很多似的。跟平时吃800卡的饱足程度相似。不错。化了大虾用lemon juice 泡起来,晚上可以加几滴油stir fry --- 15个巨大的虾才120卡路里,纯是protein,其他什么都没有,真是好东西阿。跑去gym,跑步25分钟,elliptical上12分钟后觉得比较累,就没有勉强。总共算燃烧250卡。然后跑到office做事,吃掉一包mixed nuts and raisins 240卡。看见老公在一边幸福的吃一桶冰淇淋,我心如刀绞。拍照留念,肥硕的自己。过一阵子有对比了就把照片发上来。体重略有减轻,但是女人的确是生理期前身体比较容易保留水分所以显得重。今天的小小“成功”也不能算成功。Had 4 cookies for 150cal, Another boxed meal for 210cal. Always so hungry 今日总结:in take 1980 cal, exercise 250cal --- 1730 in effect. Will weigh in tonight or tomorrow for the record. 2006/03/06 最近不行阿,太忙了总在熬夜,睡眠时间短,大脑用得多,总是在饿阿,只好总是吃。夜宵已经吃掉300卡的饼干,牛奶cereal 180,和120卡的芥末大虾。真是太累了 今天还没开始呢。。。困 白天忙,没有时间吃饭,凭借390卡的食物和5杯咖啡运转了一整天。所以早起称,126磅,晚上回家称124了就。然后晚饭老公非要吃火锅,只好由他去了。我尽量只挑青菜,和海鲜丸吃,还是忍不住吃了不少肉片。算1000卡。小睡一觉接着起床连夜干活。昨天在office自己玩,随便一伸手居然拉伤三头肌,今天先修整下,明天再锻炼。热身真的很重要!!另外希望老公把锻炼那个房间收拾出来(现在里面满地东西无处下脚),好让我做点pilates,以前作一个半小时最advanced 那种还嫌太轻松的。现在basic那个20分钟都follow不下来。唉不说列。加油加油。 今日总结:in take 1990 cal,没有锻炼。 2006/03/07 熬夜不利于减肥!!64卡一个的汤圆,吃掉n个n=6, 385cal. 早上中午吃掉480卡,so far 865cal。重新weigh in 变成123-124磅。然后一个月前穿着好好的一条裤子腰居然有点松了(也不知道是不是给洗松的)。今天把自己塞进一条GAP 6号long and lean jeans上班。看看过阵子会不会被勒死。赫赫还活着,没有勒死。全天加起来1450卡,终于是有所控制。上gym走步,觉得比较虚弱。33分钟后头晕了,受不了只好下来。 不公平阿,为什么老公随便练一练就有如此大的起色,嫉妒ing。。。。今天我们想到,过阵子找健身教练来指导一下基本动作和拉伸方法。 现在我突出的肚腩固然难看,但是形状扁平下垂的PP更令人无法忍受,裙子和稍微紧点的裤子都不能穿!!短点的上衣不能穿!胸以下开始紧身的衣服不能穿,因为胃和小腹都毫无保留的突出来!!买了收腹内衣,但是穿了上班的话会窒息的,而且效果也不够好。太肥硕恶心了!!!! 发现椭圆机感觉很不错得,尤其对大腿后面和PP。多发扬发扬。。。。 今日总结:in take 1450 cal, 运动掉200卡,折合净收入1250卡 一期目标实现:基本稳定在125磅。二期目标:120磅,4月11号的时候检查是否实现 2006/03/08 熬夜 still.....night time snack 600cal. Breakfast yogurt 60cal. Coffee creamer 30cal. 饼干75卡。Cleaned up the spare bedroom this morning and played hula hoop for a couple of minutes. My skills sucked big time but it's still fun. Also triple mat-ted the floor so I can pick up yoga, pilates, weight training videos and stretching moves. 果然老了身材会不好啊,4年前128磅的时候穿4号的衣服裤子都没有什么问题,NJ那么潮湿的暑假,华式温度100的时候也能在外面跑圈半小时。现在看来虚胖的很。比较郁闷。减肥难度一年年在加大呀。现在在考虑等减到110左右就去做lipo,有的部位毕竟是爹妈给了丑陋的基因,靠锻炼无法改善的。转眼就进入真正的中年妇女阶段了,怎么也得趁还跟青年妇女一词搭个边的时候臭美下下。减肥大半个月的最大体会是变勤快了,毕竟没那么多肥油阻碍运动了。以前坐着是一动不动,现在经常穷dese 晃个不停。听着最近favorite的歌穷晃的起劲。精神大爽。 lunch 300cal (frozen entry + a tiny clementine), took a very brief walk outside. The weather is so beautiful out there!!! yeah its time to bike to and from work now Cooked vege and shrimp for dinner, cooked three dishes for lg, 因为事先用健康食品把自己填饱,好像也不怎么馋他吃的那些东西。晚上算400卡,好大的一盆蔬菜和大虾阿,吃的很撑,血液们前仆后继去胃那里支持消化,结果居然困了,饭后就睡着了。郁闷。看来健康的东西也不可以吃很大体积的,教训阿。而且前几天的“把胃饿小“的行动也有功亏一篑的嫌疑。自我检讨。 今日总结:in take 1465卡,没有锻炼,在公司走了走楼梯,小散 了个步而已,不算卡路里了。 2006/03/09 soymilk + cereal 350cal + 75 cal cookies + 15 cal creamer with coffee = 440 cal so far. 最近几天时时往称上面站站,也不为别的,就是看看一天的变化情况,除了晚饭后,其他时间稳定在125左右。不知道心理原因还是怎么,觉得有两三条裤子好像大了。最近的目标就是以周加一次锻炼,然后每次强度大一点。最近身体状况任何跑不动步,5迈左右就感觉比较艰难了。而且每次treadmill上25分钟后再上椭圆机就觉得很累无法坚持。下次试试先椭圆再跑步机。加起来45分钟以上就好。发现白天上班的时候好像不用吃饭,喝5瓶水,2杯咖啡就运作一天。。。。晚饭吃了蔬菜炒虾,然后跟老公一起吃了火锅,这次忍住没有怎么吃肉片,吃了不少虾和牛丸,意外的是它们非常健康,20卡一个。喝了果汁。总计700卡。歇息半晌,折腾了会新买的自行车,去gym,终于连跑带走了个40分钟多。终于!终于!能跑起来一点点了!!速度6mph,虽然只坚持了一点点时间。运动完精神大爽again,回家吃点西瓜200卡。明天开始可以骑车上下班了!!运动量每天增加30分钟,折合100卡。 今日总结:in take 1340卡,锻炼掉300卡,折合1040卡。 2006/03/10 夜宵吃掉300卡cereal,然后早起骑车上班,11点吃掉饼干就一杯咖啡合计90卡。说说这个夜宵哈,昨晚锻炼完毕很爽,坐电脑面前东看西看,然后用手捏点cereal吃这玩,怎么就能吃个不停,一气吃掉那么多,郁闷。另外骑车吧,我家离公司仅仅1。8迈而已,谁能相信居然骑了20分钟,也没什么风,也没什么大的上下坡,比溜狗的老太太还慢。严重丢人。居然已经写日记一周了,很有成就感。最近精神一直巨足啊,被批评为严重甲亢。不过自己的感觉那真真是feel-good time. 甲亢这东西,相当于body自己产生少量的相对于昂贵减肥药的东西,会精神亢奋,睡不着吃的多。我爽的跟磕了药一样,舍不得治列。打算今晚早早回家,吃点protein 去gym. 明天有好朋自远方来,正在乐着呢。明天免不了要下馆子,今天就少吃口,早睡觉,多锻炼会,好弥补回来。体重最近也没见动静。基本啥时候称都保持在125。裤子倒真的见大了,最奇怪的是好像觉得有些裤子变短了,想不通为什么。有两条很喜欢的P8的裤子只能穿很平底的鞋子了。晚上吃了饼干垫肚子,然后做饭,吃了胡萝卜炒肉,老公吃面,我喝了面汤。饭后甜点是西瓜。看电视歇肚子,用手捏cereal吃掉不少,然后出门锻炼,今天尽头足阿,走/跑了45分钟,并没有累,但是某人一直在耳边鼓噪令人生厌,只好回家了。回家后肚子咕咕叫,吃掉10个牛丸鱼丸200卡。能增加运动量了,稍微有点沾沾自喜嘿嘿。在镜子里面狠狠盯着自己的屁股,用催眠的口气对其说,长~圆~一~点~~,长~翘~一~点~~~~~ 今日总结:in take 1365卡,gym锻炼350卡和骑车上下班100卡,总计915卡。 2006/03/11 晚上熬不住,吃了半丫cheese cake 210卡。早上睡到下午2点才起 brunch 吃掉豆奶cereal 200卡,cherry tomato 50卡,看见某人吃肥肥的早餐肠,忍不住偷切了大半根到自己盘子里,150卡。全天到此为止610卡。大吃不健康食品感觉真好。此次减肥于往日不同的是,比较注意营养搭配,吃的卡路里虽少,但是绝对没有deprived感觉,所有渴望的东西基本都允许自己吃,少吃一口就是了,吃过以后锻炼稍微加点量也就平衡过去了。有的东西,大买之后消不下去,就要威逼利诱某人帮忙消下去,比如:这个早餐肠里面蛋白质很多,你吃了就能卧推120,赶紧吃吧;或者:那个全脂绿色牛奶味道特别好,我就不喝了都省给你;或者:weiwei你别动我的diet 果汁行吗,你自己那瓶全肉果汁比较有营养,喝了可以改善你的脸色。 饭后去商店检查了所有的cold cereal soy/milk 和bottled juice,买回家5种cereal和两种豆奶,健康的东西真贵!买完以后饿得够呛,吃掉新豆奶cereal 150卡,好吃阿!同时给lg 吃掉另一种cereal,fiber和protein巨多那种,里面加一根香蕉切碎,5只大草莓切碎,和全脂牛奶,看起来很养眼和营养的样子。烤了一批muffin,一只young chicken 才3块钱,晚上准备炖鸡汤喝。Snack 6pm: one third of the healthy muffin, 50cal. Snack: 7pm: cereal 120cal, coffee with soymilk 25cal. So far 955cal. 8:30pm: 老公做的Young chicken soup with 萝卜和金针菜,又嫩又新鲜的小鸡炖汤,太~~好吃拉~ 汤喝了两大碗,白花花的鸡肉,organic的萝卜,吃了不少。算250卡。满意程度为99%。如果吃了不长肉就百分百满意了。晚上去gym连走带跑带椭圆机共一小时,最后脚有点抽筋。 回家吃掉半个muffin 和不少西瓜算250卡。 今日总结:in take 1425卡,gym锻炼450卡,总计975卡。 2006/03/12 Night time snack Soymilk 80cal, cereal 120cal, mixed nutes 180cal. Lunch: Dine out with friends, dinner: take out, not sure about calories. Count 2000cal today. Didn't go to the gym but spent 3 hours at the mall in high heels. Count as 400cal. 发现可以塞进AT的4号裙子。朋友比我高5cm,轻5磅,穿2号的裙子。受打击。让人家试我的裤子,比我穿好看多了。狂受打击。晚上随便一称,体重很重,巨大打击。只好安慰自己说肚子里东西还没消化。我要保持信心继续努力! 今日总结:in take 2000卡,window-shopping 400卡,总计1600卡。 2006/03/13 回到正规上来。Night time snack cereal 160cal, soymilk 60cal. thousand old egg 80cal.cookies 150cal peach 100cal 初步总结,吃的还是太多!份量估计不够精确!下周要更注意了。运动量不够,下阶段打算变速跑,计划:10分钟warm up,(4分钟3.5mph,和1分钟 5.5交替) 重复8次。总计50分钟跑步机,然后10-30分钟elliptical。然后回家要加垫上运动。pilates, yoga 和几种weight training的录像要赶紧找出来用。饮食计划加上protein, fat, sugar, calcium, iron的含量,保持健康。5个weekday顶多熬夜3次,绝对不透支身体。12:30pm Danish cookies 150cal. Medium apple 70cal, creamer 30cal, chocolate cookie from officemate. So far 880cal. Dinner: vege, shrimp, turkey breast, half a pita bread for 230cal. chicken soup with carrots, raddish and mushroom for 80cal. Honey comb cereal 1cup for 80cal. Had a nap after dinner, didn't not go to the gym. 今日总结:in take 1270卡,Bike to work 40卡,总计1230卡。
2006/03/14 Night time snack: soy latte 30cal, cheesecake 215cal Candy 150cal, cereal 80cal. So far 475cal. 4am: Soy Milk + cereal 360cal. 3pm soy milk + cereal 220cal, total 1055. Baked orange/maple chiffon cake for hubby, tasted only a bite, had two strawberries. Count as 30cal. Toast + swiss cheese 95cal, soymilk 60, chicken + soup 300cal, soymilk + cereal 150cal, Coffee and soymilk 30cal, Went to the gym briefly, had to quit early since I wasn't feeling well. count 40cal.
今日总结:in take 1720卡,gym锻炼40卡,总计1680卡。 2006/03/15 cereal 80cal, fruit 100cal. Weighed in at night, 122 now.... Not sure how serious this reading is. Sigh, I really wish I have more time for the gym. Cocktail shrimp 85cal, fruits 150cal. soymilk + cereal + yogurt 150cal. went to the gym in the morning, burnt 100cal. Too tired to do more :( frozen meal 210, yogurt 60, Weighed in again in the morning 121-122 now ...Total cal so far 835. 哇哇哇,糟糕了,烤了cream cheese muffin 一气吃掉三个。1315cal now. Dinner 500cal. 今日总结:in take 1815卡,gym锻炼100卡,总计1715卡。 [此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-16 1:04:58编辑过]
800cal/day example copied from Lindia: 比如早上两片全麦,一杯脱脂奶,几片ham。上午一个苹果。中午水煮的芹菜虾仁之类。下午一小个酸奶。晚上喝点粥吃点小菜,这样一天差不多就是800。 Design a few sample recipes for my own record: 1 ( 8am: toast X2 + nonfat cream cheese 2tbs + soymilk = 120+30+50 = 200cal) 2 ( 11am: Small apple 50cal ) 3 ( 12:30pm: Ham X3 + Jumbo Shrimp X 15 + vege 1-1/2 cup = 90 + 120 + 150 = 360cal) 4 ( 4:30pm: Yogurt + Cereal 1cup= 60 + 80 = 140) ready for evening workout 5 ( 7pm: Dinner: Frozen meal 230 cal) Total: 980cal 2006/03/16 Had another 3 muffins, wo ft.....480 cal. Fiber drink X2 50cal. Shrimp 45cal. fruits and chips 200cal, rice and chinese dishes 200cal, tangyuan 60cal X8=480cal. tiny apple 50cal, creamer 30cal. Fell down to the ground when I was walking Luckily no damage is done other than being the laugh stock of colleagues today. Do I need calcium pills???? Lunch 230cal. Some nuts 160cal. Dinner milk+cereal 300cal, rice etc 100cal. Baked yet another batch of mini cream cheese muffins, ate two of them 210cal. no time for gym today :( 今日总结:in take1575卡,NO锻炼,总计1575卡。 2006/03/17 had 6.5 muffins, ffdt each 105cal, frozen meal 210cal, then at lunch had 50cal an apple, frozen meal 230cal, then two girl scout cookies for 150cal. sigh......1.5 scones, chicken soup 100cal. 晚饭吃掉700卡。本来想去gym,结果坐下去就起不来了,惭愧。下午一个会4点开到5:40,真够佩服大家的,10个人那,大星期五的。。。。回家困的要死,结果被SUV和foodnetwork unwrapped 两大好节目骗到11点,然后2点多居然醒了。本来还想早起去gym的。惭愧死。唉,如同某mm说,压力一大就玩命往嘴里塞carbs. 最近一星期烤了一批fiber多的muffin, 两批不健康的cream cheese muffin ,和两拨一样不健康的chiffon cake,进自己嘴里比进老公嘴里多一倍,本来应该是反过来的。不敢说话了都。。。。 今日总结:in take 2280卡,gym锻炼0卡,总计2280卡。 2006/03/18 今日总结:in take 1300卡,no 锻炼,总计1300卡。 2006/03/19 400cal in cereal, 200cal in toast , milk, swiss cheese etc, 250cal in 杂粮粥, 250cal in frozen meal and fat free half N half. Still no time for the gym . Why there are always so many things to do after getting married?!??!?!??!?! I always had time for exercise in a single life!!!!! Milk 80cal, cherry tomatos 50cal, cereal 400cal. So far 1630cal. 今日总结:in take 1630卡,gym锻炼0卡,总计1630卡。 2006/03/20 80cal in milk,熬夜干活吃掉夜宵600卡,上班:咖啡creamer 15cal, animal cracker 250cal, 盒饭230。本来吃的很舒服,结果午饭后去医院,一个验血搞的我利马肚子咕咕叫,回来立刻吃了第二盒饭210卡。今天到这里是1385卡。比较严重。晚上在电视前面做了几下自己记得的winsor pilates里面专门target PP的动作,感觉比较不错,又拿俩5磅的小哑铃装模作样做了所有记得的动作,强度不大,不过很舒服。厚厚的猪油垫子下面我过去辛苦长起来的肌肉还隐约有形。最近日子过得乱,也没坚持锻炼。吃的也很多--不过还是比不注意的时候少点。所以这样三天打鱼两天晒网的也 没有什么体重波动。空肚子称,保持123-124。在医生那里是穿着衣服,吃过午饭128。好像还挺平稳的。自己总结,减轻体重,是饮食70%,aerobics 20%, weights 10%这样的。过去的就过去了。多看看今天吧。an apple 70cal, coffee creamer 15cal. Total is now 1470cal. had 800cal for dinner , ft total is 2270cal. 今日总结:in take 2270卡,锻炼80卡,总计2190卡。Lost 2 tubs of blood, can't count cal. 2006/03/21 430cal cheese cale, 780cal soymilk + cereal for the whole day. Measure on an empty stomach: 120lbs. 今日总结:in take 1210卡,锻炼0卡,总计1210卡。 2006/03/22 cereal 240cal, soymilk, cereal + bread /swiss cheese 360cal. --- 1000 cal totals for night time snack. Then 390cal for lunch etc, and 200cal for chicken soup with raddish. Super yummy. 30cal propel water. Walked around a bit and bought a new pair of jogging clothes. 720cal in cereal bars 今日总结:in take *卡,锻炼*卡,总计*卡。 2006/03/23 cereal bars whole day 720 during the day, 700 dinner. 今日总结:in take *卡,锻炼*卡,总计*卡。 2006/03/24 night time snack 500cal. solid 120pounds now. I don't feel that much a difference in inches though. 今日总结:in take *卡,锻炼*卡,总计*卡。 2006/03/26 555 have been lazy. Today went to the gym briefly for 20minutes, power walking. I lost some muscles already!! Also went for a walk outside in the early morning. Wow spring is here. 今日总结:in take *卡,锻炼*卡,总计*卡。 2006/04/08 have been sick for many days...sigh, anyway, since the day i started watching out for what I eat, my weight has been fixed around 120pounds. For now, after being slightly a little bit more active every day, the pointer on my scale is tipping to the left just a touch more. It is time to keep on a more active life style, and eat healthier foods. I haven't noticed dramatic changes by inches, but definitely felt lighter and more willing to move. Just bought tons and tons and tons of healthy cereal, and plan to snack on them instead of bingeing on cheesecakes or ice cream. Hopefully in May I can slowly move towards 115 pounds and get the liposuction that I have been wanting for years and years. 4/11 二期目标实现:基本稳定在120磅。三期目标:115磅,5月29号的时候检查是否实现 今天穿了一条1月买的裤子,肯定是大了!!两年前的今天正好是我家小P跟我确定关系的日子,今天还解决了两件拖拉了几个月的两件重大事件。多喜临门!!虽然没有时间每天记非常详细的日记,但是注意饮食是坚持下来了。想吃donuts 的时候就吃,不过还是豆奶cereal 占了多数。最近的grocery bill 仍然是居高不下,那些健康的东西总是不sale。不过家里以前从中国店库存的零食已经全部解决,另外pantry里储存了数量惊人的各种cereal 20种,cereal bar 15种,健康果汁10种,当没时间做晚饭或者熬夜干活的时候,它们都起了关键性的作用。慢慢两人研发了好几种简单健康的食品,取代了以前的顿顿下馆子或者最近做大火爆炒的4菜一汤式中国饭菜!!褒了n次嫩鸡汤,骨头汤,杂粮粥,爱上了颜色丰富的老美salad -- 虽然吃起来觉得自己跟兔子似的。喜欢baking 的习惯没有改,除了让老公多吃自己少吃,我还找到了一批忠实的粉丝 -- 楼下湖里生活的一群鸭子,大雁,鹅,鹳,天鹅,松鼠和其他小动物们。每天晚上6点多回家都先给它们发放食物。现在有一对大雁每天都等在我的厨房窗户前面,准时大声呼唤偶。不过锻炼做的并不好,下一阶段打算饭后恢复散步,现在的天气真的太可爱了。呆坐在家可耻!! 2006/4/17 事情真是多的忙不完啊!! 果然是生命在于折腾。资本主义好啊,上星期买的两车cereal 今天拿去换回了n桶奶,把所有nonfat的variety 每样拿回家一瓶,多数都到6月才过期呢。一气省下我几十刀啊,感动ing 一个星期没动弹没胡吃海塞,体重没有任何变化。这倒不错--比起以前巨大的波动来说是好事。家里储存了n多健康cereal或者盒饭,饿了便吃,由于不象巧克力冰淇淋等诱惑力大,现在倒也能自然的饱了就停。好长时间没饿过肚子,也没胖,不容易啊。我的心结啥时候能了啊,然后就能收拾好家大张旗鼓迎接锻炼身体的狂潮。转眼游泳池都要开门了呢,一定要好好去啊!!!!一年才开四个月而已要好好利用。Lipo 的医生们还等着5磅以后来痛宰我呢。。。。 [此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-17 2:36:20编辑过]
10/11/2006 哎呀没想到一晃居然过去整整半年了。。。。好忙碌的半年,经过了defense,毕业,看房,买房,搬家,迎来又送走了in laws,经历并survive了公司重组裁员,接来了妈妈,终于在新家settle down了,还下血本买了treadmill和 elliptical,可是可是体重经过摇摆后终于停留在了新的至高点。这次再没有借口拖拉了!!Night: Tried to use elliptical -- at 10 incline and 1 resistence, spent a mere 20minute on it watching Racoon war. The machine told me I burnt 200cal, but I dont believe it! Tomorrow will try to use it just a bit longer~~ 10/12/2006 今天晚饭后推swiffer 和vac 45分钟,elliptical 10 incline resistence 1 for 24 min, 240cal.如果有一套video跟着跳操就好了 10/18/2006 老天,一晃快一星期没锻炼了。跑远路买了套bed set,然后学习涂墙,周六操练。今天elliptical 30min, 300cal,看电视加锻炼就是比较容易时间久哦!不知道老公在旁边用 treadmill 会不会把房子震垮10/19/2006 终于开始觉得resistence 1, incline 10太简单了,基本换上14incline,25分钟,260cal.由于最近一个月不吃油不吃米饭坚持的比较好,好像常穿的几条裤子略有松动的样子,开心10/20/2006,10/21/2006 周五周六居然spent over 2 working days 在涂墙,为什么每个人都告诉我们不需要primer呢。。。。累的要死掉了,不过终于把主卧的颜色从青色换成了还算neutral的 所谓hay stack颜色,别人都说很简单的事情,为什么变成了重体力活呢,不理解。不过我们也develop了新hobby了,下次把隔壁小卧室改成home theatre 12/11/2006,12/12/2006 周一 52min on elliptical, 380cal, the next day, 30min on elliptical, 200cal. Watching TV while exercising could be fun, only wish my TV is larger, higher (so not blocked by control panels of the elliptical!!) and louder. Hope I can keep it up this time. 129lbs. [此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-13 10:42:11编辑过]
not so well recently :(( have been slow on exercise for days but slowly i am picking up my pace -- by adding small steps to life, as well as gym time +u to myself!
In a chaotic world, the only thing I can control is my exercise.
俺这后半生阿就在减肥和反弹之间挣扎,历史上最好的时候穿express的0号,现在穿Jones New York的12号。。。
不跟别人比了,我这辈子就一直是个大胖子。现在觉得自己健康状态比较不容乐观 (上月体检,医生检查完了一问年龄,说,啊?你还这么年轻阿
Based on another post, I should eat about 1450cal a day to maintain weight of 100 pounds at sedative state. Currently I usually eat up to 2000cal a day. To lose 1 pound per week, I plan to create a calorie deficit of 500cal a day. part through food and part through exercise. If intake minus exercise is around 1100cal, I would be pretty happy. 另外看了一下,保持现在的体重,比较少动的生活,是一天1600卡。等月底看看,其实多数时间还是能预测weight loss的。把人家的公式抄在这里。
[( weight (lbs) + height (inch) ) *4.3 + 655 - age *4.7] *1.2 for sedative person.
情人节的时候我们选择不吃巧克力而是去gym。然后居然就开展开了健身运动。锻炼身体恢复两周了,每周三四次,每次treadmill or elliptical 一共半小时。吃饭现在开始比较对卡路里 concious。计划1200-1500一天都可以。重在坚持阿。
Updates are posted in Page 5
[此贴子已经被oceanwhite于2006-4-10 20:07:14编辑过]
Add oil!
nice graph!
Add oil!
从来没穿过EXPRESS 的KK ,0号想来应该很小。就把这个当目标吧。哪怕一直不能达到,运动过程的充实和快乐,其他任何都换不来。
那时候穷阿,上大学,吃不起饱饭, 一年瘦三圈。
加油吧. 只要能坚持,肯定可以再恢复苗条的.
since started dating and then get married....555555555
when dating we ate out a lot, and it is usually not easy to control for calories and nutrition when you eat out
then we moved together, and started cooking more. I would say, traditional chinese cooking is far from healthy -- too much oil used for cooking (even though I switched all oil to e.v.o.o., the calories are there all the time), and most delicious dishes call for very very fat cuts of meat. And we would never go vegeterian, we have to eat meat for every meal.
So now I am planning on watching how much oil I put in the pot, we eat seafood more, and I pack myself healthy lunches for work days. Hope this works.
哇, 你家LD是个高手啊!
when dating we ate out a lot, and it is usually not easy to control for calories and nutrition when you eat out
then we moved together, and started cooking more. I would say, traditional chinese cooking is far from healthy -- too much oil used for cooking (even though I switched all oil to e.v.o.o., the calories are there all the time), and most delicious dishes call for very very fat cuts of meat. And we would never go vegeterian, we have to eat meat for every meal.
So now I am planning on watching how much oil I put in the pot, we eat seafood more, and I pack myself healthy lunches for work days. Hope this works.
So jelous that mm's LD can help you cooking!
我觉得中国人的话,减到一定程度,维持体重的时候,可以适量吃 不健康的中餐,但是要平衡掉热量,而且增加运动。我现在想不到那么远了,先减肥再说。现在肥的恶心阿555555555
要么试试low-carb? 只吃菜, 不吃饭或少吃饭. 再加运动.
i am watching my carbs now, but not cutting it out completely -- there are lots of low carb everything to choose from now than a couple of years ago, which is really neat. There are low carb juices for 50cal/cup, low carb soymilk for 50cal, low carb wheat bread for 60/slice, low carb pita for 60/a whole round, and za2 liang2. All these are super tasty but expensive
我觉得中国人的话,减到一定程度,维持体重的时候,可以适量吃 不健康的中餐,但是要平衡掉热量,而且增加运动。我现在想不到那么远了,先减肥再说。现在肥的恶心阿555555555
只要mm 老公不觉得就行
我其实能理解这个situation, 因为我自己也经历过类似的事。虽然我是出国以后才开始胖的,而且波动也比较小(一般5-10lbs), 但是我能理解那种心情,一段时间 注意饮食健身, 觉得身材很好,挺得意了, 觉得差不多就这样了吧,然后生活变动,工作压力什么的,刚开始几个月还扛的住,然后就势不可挡的身材走样,身体也变差。然后又开始锻炼。。。
当然了我知道人胖的时候是挺着急减下来的,这个motivation是很好的了, 也给mm加个油。可是盈不可久啊,而且减的快也容易反弹的快。mm慢慢来,不过估计你经过这若干次体重波动,也比较有平常心了
我觉得自己对于该知道的健身理论也知道的差不多了, 很多时候其实是个 如何处理健身和生活的关系的问题。我现在就想慢慢找到一种适合自己的长期健康生活方式。 与你共勉。
totally aglee turningleaf mm's point
now, I take 健身 more as a rest from my study and relax of my mind rather
than shaping
现在是想彻底turn my life around,有健身知识没毅力也没有用阿。现在的动力就是努力健康起来(去年里居然连走5分钟路就要喘。公司在三楼,走是绝对走不上去的),好跟老公一起健康快乐的活上轻松无忧的十年。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-7 1:05:36编辑过]
楼上 两个MM说的真是太中肯了。不过倒不是觉得身材好就得意了---我这辈子就在对身材的深深自卑中度过,程度深浅罢了。有时候生活压力真的很大。头一次快速发福是在新学校头一学期,一天就睡3,4小时平均吧,也没时间没钱好好吃饭,垃圾食品吃的多,成天20小时坐在书桌前面。后来花了三年时间慢慢减下来,在身材最好(相对自己好吧)的时候认得老公。那时候照顾他比照顾自己多,成天pdpd为他的事情跑来跑去,荒废了自己的锻炼。吃上面,两人都长胖25磅。老公是20多年来号称怎么都长不胖那种阿!现在才20多岁的人就挺着小啤酒肚。好在现在生活趋于稳定,两人总是一切去下gym。眼看他平坦的胸脯上鼓起了微量的那么一点点的小胸肌,细溜溜的胳膊上鼓起了隐约可见的二头,三头和三角肌define出的可爱形状(正是我梦寐以求的阿),我也要有所改变了。说起来我家老公真的是好人,每天都很鼓励我,从来从来没有嫌过我胖。对了,后来呢毕业,找工作的,压力很大,更加是吃的多动的少,居然是原来买的面试西装不能穿了,重新买了套,4号升到12号。
现在是想彻底turn my life around,有健身知识没毅力也没有用阿。现在的动力就是努力健康起来(去年里居然连走5分钟路就要喘。公司在三楼,走是绝对走不上去的),好跟老公一起健康快乐的活上轻松无忧的十年。
你不用担心正常食物中的high protein能高到影响内脏或代谢的程度.
high carb + high protein + low fat + 少吃多餐(以减少空腹感) + 控制总热量 + 多吃绿色蔬菜(维生素+纤维素)
你不用担心正常食物中的high protein能高到影响内脏或代谢的程度.
wouldn't high carb be a problem? It is hard to find complex carb nowadays :(
current I have 150-200g protein per day, a while back my impression was gram of protein per pound of body weight, so I am kinda overloading...
thanks for the advice!!
另外, protein的建议量是 1.0 - 1.2 g/day/Kg 不是每lb. 150-200g protein太多了, 减半既可.
complex carb就是fibers, 蔬菜. 所以多吃salads, chicken, fish/shrimp, bread/rice 少油, 少盐, 少红肉. 喝饮料一定注意, 大部分糖都特多. 一定不要吃买得到的零食!
应该控制总热量, 所谓high carb是指占的比重大(至少占热量一半吧).
另外, protein的建议量是 1.0 - 1.2 g/day/Kg 不是每lb. 150-200g protein太多了, 减半既可.
complex carb就是fibers, 蔬菜. 所以多吃salads, chicken, fish/shrimp, bread/rice 少油, 少盐, 少红肉. 喝饮料一定注意, 大部分糖都特多. 一定不要吃买得到的零食!
应该控制总热量, 所谓high carb是指占的比重大(至少占热量一半吧).
另外, protein的建议量是 1.0 - 1.2 g/day/Kg 不是每lb. 150-200g protein太多了, 减半既可.
complex carb就是fibers, 蔬菜. 所以多吃salads, chicken, fish/shrimp, bread/rice 少油, 少盐, 少红肉. 喝饮料一定注意, 大部分糖都特多. 一定不要吃买得到的零食!
fat倒好说,吃complex carb的同时不可避免吃掉很多简单carbs,总热量上去了,血糖波动也比较大。
如果我protein建半,真不指导该吃什么了。bread 有比较健康的,但是一天也吃不下多于三片去---就是180卡,顶上涂最健康的:花生酱或者低脂cream cheese,也不少fat不少热量的。而且那样的面包实在也比较不好吃。米饭的话好像非常不减肥噢。我现在基本吃粗粮,体积大,饿得也快,关键是---太贵了!!然后吃吃pita, 60卡一个圆的。一般配蔬菜,大虾或者lean meat吃,作午饭。
总之我是想说,健康的carb不太好找,总是伴随不健康carbs和大量热量一起来。choice比较少。蔬菜我基本吃水煮mixed vege,种类也不多。很多叶子的那种美国salad,营养有限,而且实在感觉想兔子在吃草。。。。然后就是吃吃一般的炒中国蔬菜。油都用超处女甘蓝油,热量却不好控制。所以现在吃的也比较少。一般是给老公做,然后陪他随便动动筷子罢了。
最贵最健康的饮料(我一般尽量买organic的):牛奶一杯80卡,豆奶一杯50卡,各种light果汁一杯50卡,diet 水果V8一杯10卡,蔬果V8一杯50卡。酸奶6oz小杯60卡。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-9 16:45:14编辑过]
一般diet里每天吃的protein也就是60g左右. 80g到头了.
protein多了的话, 不会被当作细胞的组成部分, 而会被当作热量的来源. protein是体内氮的唯一来来源, 而在把protein分解成为糖的时候, 多余的氮要通过肾排出体外. 所以有可能加重肾的负担. 只有做无氧workout/weight training, 才需要增加protein intake, 要长肌肉就需要protein.
一般diet里每天吃的protein也就是60g左右. 80g到头了.
anywhere I can find sample diet for chinese girls? Still don't know what should I eat and what not...
Based on another post, I should eat about 1450cal a day to maintain weight of 100 pounds at sedative state. Currently I usually eat up to 2000cal a day. To lose 1 pound per week, I plan to create a calorie deficit of 500cal a day. part through food and part through exercise. If intake minus exercise is around 1100cal, I would be pretty happy. 另外看了一下,保持现在的体重,比较少动的生活,是一天1600卡。等月底看看,其实多数时间还是能预测weight loss的。把人家的公式抄在这里。
[( weight (lbs) + height (inch) ) *4.3 + 655 - age *4.7] *1.2 for sedative person.
情人节的时候我们选择不吃巧克力而是去gym。然后居然就开展开了健身运动。锻炼身体恢复两周了,每周三四次,每次treadmill or elliptical 一共半小时。吃饭现在开始比较对卡路里 concious。计划1200-1500一天都可以。重在坚持阿。
2006/03/03 早饭午饭 545 cal 晚上千万别海开了吃。去gym带上mp3多折腾会儿,45分钟是目标。燃烧个300卡吧。晚上看电视的时候再做做 tummy 和 胳膊的 weight training。晚上老公坚持要去buffet 只好舍命陪了。去了努力不吃乱七八糟的东西,把白水那个大虾和雪crab 地大腿吃了个饱。忍不住吃个cream puff。加起来估计算1000cal. 然后去mall里奔了三小时。估计不止消耗300卡,实际算600吧。出来还冻的要死狂奔10分钟才进车里。不过钱包里烧掉了300刀。买了4件cashmere小毛衣,老公也买了一件,20双袜子,一双平底鞋平时穿,一个小包随便背着玩。回家喝了蜂蜜水200cal.
今日总结:in take 1745 cal, exercise 600cal --- 1145 in effect, not too bad for a start
2006/03/04 今天周六,有在生理期,实在没精神动弹,尽量吃的健康点了。早饭各种yogurt, soy milk and cereal 640cal, 但是吃完又睡觉4小时。下午吃掉大虾和混合蔬菜 330cal 吃起来跟一顿大餐一样爽。如果是工作午餐的话,用两颁pita 包起来吃,一共只增加60卡而已。晚饭炒了很多菜,但是油放的很少,自己专门挑大虾和芦笋吃,红国宝和杂粮混合的米饭没有敢沾。估计为200卡。另外也明白了钱都到哪里去了。今天的晚饭原料为30刀,还是尽量在sams和中国店买的。估计明天中午就能全吃光了。花钱多就是因为我们俩胃口都太大。
今日总结:1400cal ,生理期,没有锻炼。研究了一下家里常吃食物的nutrition facts,读了本版精华。
2006/03/05 今天周日一宿没睡我分特。破程序老死机。哭。。。。
今日总结:in take 1980 cal, exercise 250cal --- 1730 in effect
2006/03/06 最近不行阿,太忙了总在熬夜,睡眠时间短,大脑用得多,总是在饿阿,只好总是吃。夜宵已经吃掉300卡的饼干,牛奶cereal 180,和120卡的芥末大虾。真是太累了
今日总结:in take 1990 cal,没有锻炼。
2006/03/07 熬夜不利于减肥!!64卡一个的汤圆,吃掉n个
今日总结:in take 1450 cal, 运动掉200卡,折合净收入1250卡
2006/03/08 熬夜 still.....night time snack 600cal. Breakfast yogurt 60cal. Coffee creamer 30cal. 饼干75卡。Cleaned up the spare bedroom this morning and played hula hoop for a couple of minutes. My skills sucked big time but it's still fun. Also triple mat-ted the floor so I can pick up yoga, pilates, weight training videos and stretching moves. 果然老了身材会不好啊,4年前128磅的时候穿4号的衣服裤子都没有什么问题,NJ那么潮湿的暑假,华式温度100的时候也能在外面跑圈半小时。现在看来虚胖的很。比较郁闷。减肥难度一年年在加大呀。现在在考虑等减到110左右就去做lipo,有的部位毕竟是爹妈给了丑陋的基因,靠锻炼无法改善的。转眼就进入真正的中年妇女阶段了,怎么也得趁还跟青年妇女一词搭个边的时候臭美下下。减肥大半个月的最大体会是变勤快了,毕竟没那么多肥油阻碍运动了。以前坐着是一动不动,现在经常穷dese
今日总结:in take 1465卡,没有锻炼,在公司走了走楼梯,小散 了个步而已,不算卡路里了。
2006/03/09 soymilk + cereal 350cal + 75 cal cookies + 15 cal creamer with coffee = 440 cal so far. 最近几天时时往称上面站站,也不为别的,就是看看一天的变化情况,除了晚饭后,其他时间稳定在125左右。不知道心理原因还是怎么,觉得有两三条裤子好像大了。最近的目标就是以周加一次锻炼,然后每次强度大一点。最近身体状况任何跑不动步,5迈左右就感觉比较艰难了。而且每次treadmill上25分钟后再上椭圆机就觉得很累无法坚持。下次试试先椭圆再跑步机。加起来45分钟以上就好。发现白天上班的时候好像不用吃饭,喝5瓶水,2杯咖啡就运作一天。。。。晚饭吃了蔬菜炒虾,然后跟老公一起吃了火锅,这次忍住没有怎么吃肉片,吃了不少虾和牛丸,意外的是它们非常健康,20卡一个。喝了果汁。总计700卡。歇息半晌,折腾了会新买的自行车,去gym,终于连跑带走了个40分钟多。终于!终于!能跑起来一点点了!!速度6mph,虽然只坚持了一点点时间。运动完精神大爽again,回家吃点西瓜200卡。明天开始可以骑车上下班了!!运动量每天增加30分钟,折合100卡。
今日总结:in take 1340卡,锻炼掉300卡,折合1040卡。
2006/03/10 夜宵吃掉300卡cereal,然后早起骑车上班,11点吃掉饼干就一杯咖啡合计90卡。说说这个夜宵哈,昨晚锻炼完毕很爽,坐电脑面前东看西看,然后用手捏点cereal吃这玩,怎么就能吃个不停,一气吃掉那么多,郁闷。另外骑车吧,我家离公司仅仅1。8迈而已,谁能相信居然骑了20分钟,也没什么风,也没什么大的上下坡,比溜狗的老太太还慢。严重丢人。
今日总结:in take 1365卡,gym锻炼350卡和骑车上下班100卡,总计915卡。
2006/03/11 晚上熬不住,吃了半丫cheese cake 210卡。早上睡到下午2点才起
今日总结:in take 1425卡,gym锻炼450卡,总计975卡。
2006/03/12 Night time snack Soymilk 80cal, cereal 120cal, mixed nutes 180cal. Lunch: Dine out with friends, dinner: take out, not sure about calories. Count 2000cal today. Didn't go to the gym but spent 3 hours at the mall in high heels. Count as 400cal. 发现可以塞进AT的4号裙子。朋友比我高5cm,轻5磅,穿2号的裙子。
今日总结:in take 2000卡,window-shopping 400卡,总计1600卡。
2006/03/13 回到正规上来。Night time snack cereal 160cal, soymilk 60cal. thousand old egg 80cal.cookies 150cal peach 100cal 初步总结,吃的还是太多!份量估计不够精确!下周要更注意了。运动量不够,下阶段打算变速跑,计划:10分钟warm up,(4分钟3.5mph,和1分钟 5.5交替) 重复8次。总计50分钟跑步机,然后10-30分钟elliptical。然后回家要加垫上运动。pilates, yoga 和几种weight training的录像要赶紧找出来用。饮食计划加上protein, fat, sugar, calcium, iron的含量,保持健康。5个weekday顶多熬夜3次,绝对不透支身体。12:30pm Danish cookies 150cal. Medium apple 70cal, creamer 30cal, chocolate cookie from officemate. So far 880cal. Dinner: vege, shrimp, turkey breast, half a pita bread for 230cal. chicken soup with carrots, raddish and mushroom for 80cal. Honey comb cereal 1cup for 80cal. Had a nap after dinner, didn't not go to the gym.
今日总结:in take 1270卡,Bike to work 40卡,总计1230卡。
2006/03/14 Night time snack: soy latte 30cal, cheesecake 215cal Candy 150cal, cereal 80cal. So far 475cal. 4am: Soy Milk + cereal 360cal. 3pm soy milk + cereal 220cal, total 1055. Baked orange/maple chiffon cake for hubby, tasted only a bite, had two strawberries. Count as 30cal. Toast + swiss cheese 95cal, soymilk 60, chicken + soup 300cal, soymilk + cereal 150cal, Coffee and soymilk 30cal, Went to the gym briefly, had to quit early since I wasn't feeling well. count 40cal.
今日总结:in take 1720卡,gym锻炼40卡,总计1680卡。
2006/03/15 cereal 80cal, fruit 100cal. Weighed in at night, 122 now.... Not sure how serious this reading is. Sigh, I really wish I have more time for the gym. Cocktail shrimp 85cal, fruits 150cal. soymilk + cereal + yogurt 150cal. went to the gym in the morning, burnt 100cal. Too tired to do more :( frozen meal 210, yogurt 60, Weighed in again in the morning 121-122 now ...Total cal so far 835. 哇哇哇,糟糕了,烤了cream cheese muffin 一气吃掉三个。1315cal now. Dinner 500cal.
今日总结:in take 1815卡,gym锻炼100卡,总计1715卡。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-16 1:04:58编辑过]
Design a few sample recipes for my own record:
1 ( 8am: toast X2 + nonfat cream cheese 2tbs + soymilk = 120+30+50 = 200cal)
2 ( 11am: Small apple 50cal )
3 ( 12:30pm: Ham X3 + Jumbo Shrimp X 15 + vege 1-1/2 cup = 90 + 120 + 150 = 360cal)
4 ( 4:30pm: Yogurt + Cereal 1cup= 60 + 80 = 140) ready for evening workout
5 ( 7pm: Dinner: Frozen meal 230 cal)
Total: 980cal
2006/03/16 Had another 3 muffins, wo ft.....480 cal. Fiber drink X2 50cal. Shrimp 45cal. fruits and chips 200cal, rice and chinese dishes 200cal, tangyuan 60cal X8=480cal.
今日总结:in take1575卡,NO锻炼,总计1575卡。
2006/03/17 had 6.5 muffins, ffdt each 105cal, frozen meal 210cal, then at lunch had 50cal an apple, frozen meal 230cal, then two girl scout cookies for 150cal. sigh......1.5 scones, chicken soup 100cal. 晚饭吃掉700卡。本来想去gym,结果坐下去就起不来了,惭愧。下午一个会4点开到5:40,真够佩服大家的,10个人那,大星期五的。。。。回家困的要死,结果被SUV和foodnetwork unwrapped 两大好节目骗到11点,然后2点多居然醒了。本来还想早起去gym的。惭愧死。唉,如同某mm说,压力一大就玩命往嘴里塞carbs. 最近一星期烤了一批fiber多的muffin, 两批不健康的cream cheese muffin ,和两拨一样不健康的chiffon cake,进自己嘴里比进老公嘴里多一倍,本来应该是反过来的。不敢说话了都。。。。
今日总结:in take 2280卡,gym锻炼0卡,总计2280卡。
2006/03/18 今日总结:in take 1300卡,no 锻炼,总计1300卡。
2006/03/19 400cal in cereal, 200cal in toast , milk, swiss cheese etc, 250cal in 杂粮粥, 250cal in frozen meal and fat free half N half. Still no time for the gym
今日总结:in take 1630卡,gym锻炼0卡,总计1630卡。
2006/03/20 80cal in milk,熬夜干活吃掉夜宵600卡,上班:咖啡creamer 15cal, animal cracker 250cal, 盒饭230。本来吃的很舒服,结果午饭后去医院,一个验血搞的我利马肚子咕咕叫,回来立刻吃了第二盒饭210卡。今天到这里是1385卡。比较严重。晚上在电视前面做了几下自己记得的winsor pilates里面专门target PP的动作,感觉比较不错,又拿俩5磅的小哑铃装模作样做了所有记得的动作,强度不大,不过很舒服。厚厚的猪油垫子下面我过去辛苦长起来的肌肉还隐约有形。最近日子过得乱,也没坚持锻炼。吃的也很多--不过还是比不注意的时候少点。所以这样三天打鱼两天晒网的也 没有什么体重波动。空肚子称,保持123-124。在医生那里是穿着衣服,吃过午饭128。好像还挺平稳的。自己总结,减轻体重,是饮食70%,aerobics 20%, weights 10%这样的。过去的就过去了。多看看今天吧。an apple 70cal, coffee creamer 15cal. Total is now 1470cal. had 800cal for dinner , ft total is 2270cal.
今日总结:in take 2270卡,锻炼80卡,总计2190卡。Lost 2 tubs of blood, can't count cal.
2006/03/21 430cal cheese cale, 780cal soymilk + cereal for the whole day. Measure on an empty stomach: 120lbs.
今日总结:in take 1210卡,锻炼0卡,总计1210卡。
2006/03/22 cereal 240cal, soymilk, cereal + bread /swiss cheese 360cal. --- 1000 cal totals for night time snack. Then 390cal for lunch etc, and 200cal for chicken soup with raddish. Super yummy. 30cal propel water. Walked around a bit and bought a new pair of jogging clothes. 720cal in cereal bars
今日总结:in take *卡,锻炼*卡,总计*卡。
2006/03/23 cereal bars whole day
今日总结:in take *卡,锻炼*卡,总计*卡。
2006/03/24 night time snack 500cal. solid 120pounds now. I don't feel that much a difference in inches though.
今日总结:in take *卡,锻炼*卡,总计*卡。
2006/03/26 555 have been lazy. Today went to the gym briefly for 20minutes, power walking. I lost some muscles already!! Also went for a walk outside in the early morning. Wow spring is here.
今日总结:in take *卡,锻炼*卡,总计*卡。
2006/04/08 have been sick for many days...sigh, anyway, since the day i started watching out for what I eat, my weight has been fixed around 120pounds. For now, after being slightly a little bit more active every day, the pointer on my scale is tipping to the left just a touch more. It is time to keep on a more active life style, and eat healthier foods. I haven't noticed dramatic changes by inches, but definitely felt lighter and more willing to move. Just bought tons and tons and tons of healthy cereal, and plan to snack on them instead of bingeing on cheesecakes or ice cream. Hopefully in May I can slowly move towards 115 pounds and get the liposuction that I have been wanting for years and years.
4/11 二期目标实现:基本稳定在120磅。三期目标:115磅,5月29号的时候检查是否实现
今天穿了一条1月买的裤子,肯定是大了!!两年前的今天正好是我家小P跟我确定关系的日子,今天还解决了两件拖拉了几个月的两件重大事件。多喜临门!!虽然没有时间每天记非常详细的日记,但是注意饮食是坚持下来了。想吃donuts 的时候就吃,不过还是豆奶cereal 占了多数。最近的grocery bill 仍然是居高不下,那些健康的东西总是不sale。不过家里以前从中国店库存的零食已经全部解决,另外pantry里储存了数量惊人的各种cereal 20种,cereal bar 15种,健康果汁10种,当没时间做晚饭或者熬夜干活的时候,它们都起了关键性的作用。慢慢两人研发了好几种简单健康的食品,取代了以前的顿顿下馆子或者最近做大火爆炒的4菜一汤式中国饭菜!!褒了n次嫩鸡汤,骨头汤,杂粮粥,爱上了颜色丰富的老美salad -- 虽然吃起来觉得自己跟兔子似的。喜欢baking 的习惯没有改,除了让老公多吃自己少吃,我还找到了一批忠实的粉丝 -- 楼下湖里生活的一群鸭子,大雁,鹅,鹳,天鹅,松鼠和其他小动物们。每天晚上6点多回家都先给它们发放食物。现在有一对大雁每天都等在我的厨房窗户前面,准时大声呼唤偶。不过锻炼做的并不好,下一阶段打算饭后恢复散步,现在的天气真的太可爱了。呆坐在家可耻!!
2006/4/17 事情真是多的忙不完啊!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-17 2:36:20编辑过]
今天晚饭后推swiffer 和vac 45分钟,elliptical 10 incline resistence 1 for 24 min, 240cal.如果有一套video跟着跳操就好了 10/18/2006
老天,一晃快一星期没锻炼了。跑远路买了套bed set,然后学习涂墙,周六操练。今天elliptical 30min, 300cal,看电视加锻炼就是比较容易时间久哦!不知道老公在旁边用 treadmill 会不会把房子震垮
终于开始觉得resistence 1, incline 10太简单了,基本换上14incline,25分钟,260cal.由于最近一个月不吃油不吃米饭坚持的比较好,好像常穿的几条裤子略有松动的样子,开心
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-13 10:42:11编辑过]
I like your summaries, and it seems that mm is behaving self very well. +u+u
have been slow on exercise for days
but slowly i am picking up my pace -- by adding small steps to life, as well as gym time
+u to myself!
not even 1hr workouts
i cant really run right now-- even power walking, i can't do strictly 45min without resting