Sorry for not being able to post in Chinese from my tablet... Anyway, since "ballet beautiful" workout gets all the raves on this board, i'd like to include another type of workout gears to my final chapter of this long thread: dance wear.
Leotards are staples for dancers. I usually get mine from amazon, by Capezio or Danskin. It's kinda tricky to pick size for Leos as they are designed for a lot smaller and thinner bodies like dancers. Average Jane like you or me might need to go one size up or even 2, depending on the material and comfort level you want. They mean to hold you up and in. Dancing leotards usually are made with cotton with lots spandex for high stretch. Capezio also comes with a type of high content of nylon with a lot of sheen, like those Mary Helen Bowers wears in her videos (not sure what brand she's wearing though). [url=][/url] Ballet dancers also wear tights with leotards. They aren't really much different from regular hosiery women wear but with a bit more compression and much thicker.
Ballet slippers or dance shoes aren't really required for a brief home workout. However if you're serious about it and would like to advance your techniques such as turnout, sliding, pirouettes, among others, check out Capezio or Bloch dance slippers. I got mine in leather by Bloch. Fabric ones are much cheaper and work just fine. :) [url=][/url]
Wraps are my thing because of the coverage. Wearing Leos alone is a bit out of my comfort zone as I really hate my fat thighs and saggy butt, so I always wear a wrap with it. You can get them at any dance wear store or again, the magic :) They are usually made of poly, and move with you like nothing. [Power]er] [hide]
zhuzhu, I finally found the tech fleece hoodie that Rosie wore in that street shot. It's marked down to 30 something at Macy's.... 钱途无亮 发表于 4/4/2015 6:13:52 PM
zhuzhu, I finally found the tech fleece hoodie that Rosie wore in that street shot. It's marked down to 30 something at Macy's.... 钱途无亮 发表于 4/4/2015 6:13:52 PM
ummm.....I have tried some of those so called "sport underwear" from champion to Calvin klein but they are really uncomfortable and ride up like hell. So I just stick with my Hanes. I just bought some "seamless" undies by Under Armour and will let you know how they turn out.
ummm.....I have tried some of those so called "sport underwear" from champion to Calvin klein but they are really uncomfortable and ride up like hell. So I just stick with my Hanes. I just bought some "seamless" undies by Under Armour and will let you know how they turn out. 钱途无亮 发表于 4/4/2015 8:41:39 PM
the sad truth is everything looks better on lean legs
like you had fat legs? Whatever...
Anyway, since "ballet beautiful" workout gets all the raves on this board, i'd like to include another type of workout gears to my final chapter of this long thread: dance wear.
Leotards are staples for dancers. I usually get mine from amazon, by Capezio or Danskin. It's kinda tricky to pick size for Leos as they are designed for a lot smaller and thinner bodies like dancers. Average Jane like you or me might need to go one size up or even 2, depending on the material and comfort level you want. They mean to hold you up and in. Dancing leotards usually are made with cotton with lots spandex for high stretch. Capezio also comes with a type of high content of nylon with a lot of sheen, like those Mary Helen Bowers wears in her videos (not sure what brand she's wearing though).
Ballet dancers also wear tights with leotards. They aren't really much different from regular hosiery women wear but with a bit more compression and much thicker.
Ballet slippers or dance shoes aren't really required for a brief home workout. However if you're serious about it and would like to advance your techniques such as turnout, sliding, pirouettes, among others, check out Capezio or Bloch dance slippers. I got mine in leather by Bloch. Fabric ones are much cheaper and work just fine. :)
Wraps are my thing because of the coverage. Wearing Leos alone is a bit out of my comfort zone as I really hate my fat thighs and saggy butt, so I always wear a wrap with it. You can get them at any dance wear store or again, the magic :) They are usually made of poly, and move with you like nothing.
亮亮你不许说自己胖了,明明那么lean! 好深的背沟
好fit ,华丽丽的肌肉,健康美的典范啊。我啥时候才能让手臂有点线条
,纯色的运动短袖T, 浅色是不是都会透?我在TJ 看到ua 漂亮的mint 色,很喜欢,可是觉得不好意思,会see through啊!
go lava! I think I know which one you were talking about...i'd prefer lava print if you ask me...
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.05
I got the cape from a couple of years ago and was wearing it today. :)
ummm.....I have tried some of those so called "sport underwear" from champion to Calvin klein but they are really uncomfortable and ride up like hell. So I just stick with my Hanes. I just bought some "seamless" undies by Under Armour and will let you know how they turn out.
isn't yours much better? Ok? People could have thought "what's she talking about? Herself?" LOL
Midwest sports买的,我就网上搜到的,买的XS,$25
see msg...
nice job! 10k!
I wish that I were thin, like really thin....
swtich back and forth...oh yeah...
oh。。。。原价吗? 你可以去店里试试。。。如果不是很明显的last season货, 他家有时候会给换的。
我们这的lorna jane很小, 款式也比较单一, 没什么试的欲望。 不过听说performance很不错。。。
话是这么说, 那你也尽快去, 赶早不赶晚了。 时间越长越不好说话了。
今天不开门呀,平常也没空,只有下周末啦。今天健身房也没课,我打算自己在家试试ballet beautiful, lol
天气好了, 我反而不怎么愿意出去跑了。。。更喜欢冬天雨天雪天跑, 觉得自己很了不起。 卡卡。。。。
最近不知道吃了啥, 肚子每天都鼓鼓的, 然后一跳, 那一圈肉就跟着抖。。。无论什么裤子, 都有马粪top...:(
你先从push-up练起吧。 等你一口气做10个full push-up的时候就长进le。
嗯, compound的动作就是哪都练 in one shot
我小看你了。。。那就练10个chin-up吧, 能拉10个, 你就长进了。 我刚去拉了一组6个。。。第7个要吐了。。。赶紧下来。。。
能不能推荐rash guard呢?有没有有built in bra的rash guard呢?
水上运动我一窍不通。 你看看别人有啥建议吧。
因为我腿粗屁股大, 多少人都default的觉得我应该穿裙子。。。其实胖子真心穿什么都不好看。 穿裙子小腿粗, 腰臀大妈, 其实没有比穿裤子强在哪里。。。 穿裤子。。。好歹还利索点, 行动方便。
我觉得挨饿也会养成习惯的。 我现在白天如果吃饭, 就会难受一天。 虽然我仍然一如既往的胖着。。。不过有点相信如果我这么饿个三五年, 没准能瘦一点吧。 death camp的人不就是一天1000卡不到, 还干很多活, 出来都瘦的吗。
哎,那我还是继续饿着吧。尽量让自己忙起来。也不完全是生理的饿,还是嘴巴馋。最近咖啡里面不加half&half,改加whole milk了。偶尔还是买starbucks那个巨肥的tiramisu latte。这个也要戒掉。感觉饿的时候吃柚子和小西红柿比较管用。运动量也上不去,跑步每周就三次,不跑的时候做做ballet beautiful,和你比基本相当于没动。。。。。
你比我动的多啊。 我每天也就log个半个钟头。 你看内谁, 内谁谁, 一天光weight traing 就俩小时, 还顺带干别的。。。
P.S. 亮亮你看起来像130lb
妞子你不要再瘦了, 不然姐推荐的这些牌子你都没法穿了。。。只能买童装了。
不是我要表达的意思。 130磅也好, 150磅也好, 我真的很胖, 别人看着自己觉得都是如此。 我健身目标很单一:就是要瘦。 一直不瘦, 所以无法快乐。
我倒不觉得健身用品买不到呢 之前买nike的sports bra XS觉得太紧了,不大愿意穿。。
Thank you! The website only says returning by mailing back. This is why I was asking.
Champion Sport Bra @Costco. 15块一对那种, 两层面料reversible, 弹性高快干, band不勒, 但是露点。 所以基本在家跳操打拳举铁穿。
C9 by Champion at Target, various style. 跟上边champion自己的线感觉体会差不多, 最便宜的时候只有7,8块钱
lululemon Free to be bra. 平胸的标配, low-medium support. 我一般路跑穿, 或者有时候穿后边镂空的top凹造型。 不过coverage相对少, 不太适合gym单穿, 即使你的腹肌很美丽。 卡卡。。
Lucy Workout bra. 也是racer back设计, 有垫子, 不露点, 胸口一点mesh设计露在背心外一点点, 很闷骚。 support比free to be 要强, 算中等吧。 也是路跑穿。 缺点是不那么快干, 糊着有点难过。 lucy家今天还有30% on sale item. 感兴趣的可以去看看。
Lucy Perfect Core bra, 是我试过的bra里support最强的。 穿脱有点费劲, 但是cup形状好, 不会乱动。
网上的照片, 不是我。
还有lululemon乱七八糟出的一些比较novelty的bra, 不是年年出, 说了也买不到, 就不说了。 差不多就这个样子吧。
costco那个羊奶的manchego我觉得最香。。。trader joe's的也不错。
我特别不能忍受swiss cheese。喜欢extra sharp cheddar,和smoked flavor的cheese
早看到这贴 我就不去原价买lulu 的裤子了紧身裤穿起来跳操,是比短裤舒服很多
不用打结的鞋带 amazon 8刀一副,要不我10分钟蹲下来系一次会烦死的