2.18.2015 - mailed out application package 2.19.2015 - package delivered 2.25.2015 - received text messages of receipts 3.4.2014 - received mailing notification of finger print, scheduled on 3.16.2015 3.16.2015 - finger print as scheduled 4.28, 2015 - I765 card (EAD card) produced 4.29,2015 - I485, Testing and Interview. Interview scheduled on 6.2 5.4,2015 - I131 approved. EAD card mailed 5.5, 2015 - Mail notice of interview received. Mail notice of EAD permission and Advance Parole permission received. 5.6, 2015 - USPS package of EAD card delivered 6.2, 2015 - Interviewed, and passed 6.10,2015 - 收到卡 to be continued.
Form I-130 1. Form I-130 2. Form G-1145 3. A copy of marriage certificate 4. A passport photo of applicant (Clipped to Form I-130) 5. A completed and signed Form G-325A of the applicant 6. A completed and signed Form G-325A of the spouse 7. Several photos of the couple 8. A check of $420 for the filing fee (Clipped to Form I-130)
Form I-131 1. Form I-131 2. A copy of passport identity page 3. A copy of current F-1 visa and I-94 Form (front and back) 4. A copy of Email from the conference host 5. Two passport photos (clipped to Form I-131)
Form I-485 1. Form I-485 2. A copy of Birth Certificate along with its English translation 3. A copy of passport 4. A copy of US visa obtained last year and I-94 form (front and back) 5. Two identical passport photos (clipped to Form I-485) 6. Form I-693 in sealed envelope (clipped to Form I-485) 7. A copy of I-20 8. A copy of marriage license 9. Form G-1145 10. Form G-325 11. A check of xxx dollars
Form I-765 1. Form I-765 2. A copy of passport identity page 3. A copy of US visa page and I-94 (front and back) 4. Two identical passport photos (clipped to Form I-765)
Form I-864 1. Form I-864 2. Three most recent tax return (2011,2012,2013) 3. W2s for the year of 2013 4. Six most recent pay stubs
Testing for TB in BCG-Vaccinated Persons Many people born outside of the United States have been BCG-vaccinated. People who have had a previous BCG vaccine may receive a TB skin test. In some people, BCG may cause a positive skin test when they are not infected with TB bacteria. If a TB skin test is positive, additional tests are needed. IGRAs, unlike the TB skin tests, are not affected by prior BCG vaccination and are not expected to give a false-positive result in people who have received BCG.
Form I-130 1. Form I-130 2. Form G-1145 3. A copy of marriage certificate 4. A passport photo of applicant (Clipped to Form I-130) 5. A completed and signed Form G-325A of the applicant 6. A completed and signed Form G-325A of the spouse 7. Several photos of the couple 8. A check of $420 for the filing fee (Clipped to Form I-130)
2.18.2015 - mailed out application package
2.19.2015 - package delivered
2.25.2015 - received text messages of receipts
3.4.2014 - received mailing notification of finger print, scheduled on 3.16.2015
3.16.2015 - finger print as scheduled
4.28, 2015 - I765 card (EAD card) produced
4.29,2015 - I485, Testing and Interview. Interview scheduled on 6.2
5.4,2015 - I131 approved. EAD card mailed
5.5, 2015 - Mail notice of interview received. Mail notice of EAD permission and Advance Parole permission received.
5.6, 2015 - USPS package of EAD card delivered
6.2, 2015 - Interviewed, and passed
6.10,2015 - 收到卡
to be continued.
Form I-130
1. Form I-130
2. Form G-1145
3. A copy of marriage certificate
4. A passport photo of applicant (Clipped to Form I-130)
5. A completed and signed Form G-325A of the applicant
6. A completed and signed Form G-325A of the spouse
7. Several photos of the couple
8. A check of $420 for the filing fee (Clipped to Form I-130)
Form I-131
1. Form I-131
2. A copy of passport identity page
3. A copy of current F-1 visa and I-94 Form (front and back)
4. A copy of Email from the conference host
5. Two passport photos (clipped to Form I-131)
Form I-485
1. Form I-485
2. A copy of Birth Certificate along with its English translation
3. A copy of passport
4. A copy of US visa obtained last year and I-94 form (front and back)
5. Two identical passport photos (clipped to Form I-485)
6. Form I-693 in sealed envelope (clipped to Form I-485)
7. A copy of I-20
8. A copy of marriage license
9. Form G-1145
10. Form G-325
11. A check of xxx dollars
Form I-765
1. Form I-765
2. A copy of passport identity page
3. A copy of US visa page and I-94 (front and back)
4. Two identical passport photos (clipped to Form I-765)
Form I-864
1. Form I-864
2. Three most recent tax return (2011,2012,2013)
3. W2s for the year of 2013
4. Six most recent pay stubs
材料:父母身份证,本人出生证,户口本,身份证,都是按照网站要求。 自己复印了这些证件,不过人家说不合格,需要几个证印在同一张纸上,于是就在公证处的复印服务处那里印了,1块钱一张。我办了三份出生证明,和办一份一个价。
公证上,我的名字是按照姓在名前面,比如Zhang San (张三), 而非护照上的英文姓名顺序,San Zhang。公证处的人说没问题,美国移民官见得多了,人家懂。
关于tb(肺结核)皮试,多说两句。 中国大陆来的孩纸,大部分都打过结核疫苗,也就是被注入过少量结核杆菌,导致皮试呈阳性,false positive, 和得过肺结核的皮试反应一样,因此需要通过更进一步的检查,x光,来排除肺结核感染历史。美国出生的孩子不用打这个疫苗,因此有的美国医生可能不了解这个情况,可以引用这个美国疾病防御控制中心官网的内容来解释。
Testing for TB in BCG-Vaccinated Persons
Many people born outside of the United States have been BCG-vaccinated.
People who have had a previous BCG vaccine may receive a TB skin test. In some people, BCG may cause a positive skin test when they are not infected with TB bacteria. If a TB skin test is positive, additional tests are needed.
IGRAs, unlike the TB skin tests, are not affected by prior BCG vaccination and are not expected to give a false-positive result in people who have received BCG.
最后补了一针t-dap (这个推药的时间长,也最疼 ),抽了个血,打了个flu shot(这个也是要求的!如果在其他地方打过也要带上证明来免去皮肉之苦),照了个x光,然后被医生望闻问切一番,搞定。
1. 结婚证原件
2. 我的收入证明
3. 我俩一起旅行的机票火车票旅馆收据
4. 各个时期的合影(旅行合影,和家人的大合影,和同事大合影)若干
5. joint health insurance
7. 两年前我老公(当时还是男朋友)在外出差时给我寄的明信片,有邮戳。
我俩提前20分钟到,在大楼外面排长队,等待安检。安检完正好到点, check in,继续等。半小时后被喊进去面试。先发誓,然后查了我俩的ID,开始问问题。问了我在哪里读书,毕业没,工作在哪。然后问我俩如何认识的,when, where, how,啥时候见的双方家长。然后要我们的合照,joint accounts等,我就一一介绍了一下照片,joint accounts。 挺简单的,都是常规问题。20分钟就告诉我通过了。
tips: 合照最好多带点儿,我带了5张,人家嫌不够。而且最好是和家人朋友热热闹闹的合照。我带的都是我俩的双人照,人家皱眉头。
ID要寄的带state ID 或者driver's license。我一开始出示了护照,人家点名要state ID 或者Driver's License。
包括ID page。
都是复印件 没问题
[color=#999999]RyderandCandy 发表于 3/18/2015 5:03:57 PM [/color]
[color=#999999]夜白 发表于 3/18/2015 4:28:00 PM [/color]
[color=#999999]ginger227 发表于 3/18/2015 12:54:44 PM [/color]
有update了~ 早上131 approved, 工卡也produced...等收combo card...收到心里就踏实一些了
plz help! Sending it on monday!
Thank you everyone
同样坐标南加 现在FP 完成两周了 还没消息
我们打算等绿卡拿到再申请回国旅行,大概2个星期 这种情况需要申请131么?
谢谢 并且恭喜!
我想请问一下, 为什么要填这么多表格,我看很多人只file 了130,4850和765.能帮忙讲解一下吗?
如果在得到绿卡前想离开美国再回来,必须file 131就是回美证。i-864应该是需要的,证明老公有足够的经济实力资助你。