Having a baby? You've made important decisions all your life. But this is the first time your decision will affect a tiny, new life. Your State Farm agent has free information to help you make those decisions. If you are expecting, a free copy of the "American Academy of Pediatrics Caring For Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to age 5" is available to you. To order your copy, call 1-888-SF EVENT(1-888-733-8368) or order online. You'll be asked several questions, such as your name, address, and the expected due date or adoption date of your baby. Your free book will arrive in 3 to 4 weeks. need to order? and seems it is like insurance ads
Having a baby? You've made important decisions all your life. But this is the first time your decision will affect a tiny, new life. Your State Farm agent has free information to help you make those decisions. If you are expecting, a free copy of the "American Academy of Pediatrics Caring For Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to age 5" is available to you. To order your copy, call 1-888-SF EVENT(1-888-733-8368) or order online. You'll be asked several questions, such as your name, address, and the expected due date or adoption date of your baby. Your free book will arrive in 3 to 4 weeks. need to order? and seems it is like insurance ads
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[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-15 19:46:06编辑过]
You've made important decisions all your life. But this is the first time your decision will affect a tiny, new life. Your State Farm agent has free information to help you make those decisions.
If you are expecting, a free copy of the "American Academy of Pediatrics Caring For Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to age 5" is available to you.
To order your copy, call 1-888-SF EVENT (1-888-733-8368) or order online.
You'll be asked several questions, such as your name, address, and the expected due date or adoption date of your baby. Your free book will arrive in 3 to 4 weeks.
need to order? and seems it is like insurance ads
Having a baby?
You've made important decisions all your life. But this is the first time your decision will affect a tiny, new life. Your State Farm agent has free information to help you make those decisions.
If you are expecting, a free copy of the "American Academy of Pediatrics Caring For Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to age 5" is available to you.
To order your copy, call 1-888-SF EVENT (1-888-733-8368) or order online.
You'll be asked several questions, such as your name, address, and the expected due date or adoption date of your baby. Your free book will arrive in 3 to 4 weeks.
need to order? and seems it is like insurance ads