本届冬奥会小普的赛程: 周四,13号, 10-11:45 a.m. — Men's Figure Skating - Short Program Part 1 (LIVE) 11:45 a.m.-3 p.m. — Men's Figure Skating - Short Program Part 2 (LIVE) 周五,14号, 10 a.m.-Noon — Men's Figure Skating - Gold Medal Final Part 1 (LIVE) Noon-2:15 p.m. — Men's Figure Skating - Gold Medal Final Part 2 (LIVE) NBCSN会进行直播,中央5台的直播应该是同一个时间,NBC会在晚上八点后插着播出比赛录像。 时间都是东部时区。
接着写, 为了尽量显示一点专业性, 咱先介绍下花滑的跳跃动作, (网上抄来的哈) The following are the six most common figure skating jumps in order from the least to the most difficult, as dictated by increasing point values under the ISU Judging system. All take off from a backwards entrance except the Axel: · The toe loop jump is a toe jump that takes off from a back outside edge and lands on the same back outside edge (in other words, a toe-pick assisted loop jump, although the mechanics of the two jumps are very different). This is sometimes known in Europe as a cherry flip. Toe loops can be done immediately after other jumps in combinations. As solo jumps, they are most commonly entered from a three turn. · The Salchow jump (pronounced "sal-kow"), named after its originator Ulrich Salchow, is an edge jump. It takes off from a back inside edge and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. Salchows are most often preceded by a forward outside 3 turn, but a mohawk entrance is not unusual. · The loop jump is another edge jump, launched from the back outside edge and landing on the same back outside edge. It is also known in Europe as the Rittberger after its inventor, Werner Rittberger. Loops can be done immediately after other jumps in combinations. · The flip jump is a toe jump that takes off from a back inside edge and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. A flip is usually preceded by a forward outside 3 turnor forward inside mohawk. · The Lutz jump, named after its originator Alois Lutz, is a toe jump that takes off from a back outside edge and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. The lutz is a counter-rotated jump, meaning that the takeoff edge travels in a rotational direction opposite to which the skater rotates in the air and lands. Lutzes can often be identified by the long, backward diagonal glide preparation, though this is not necessary to do a lutz. · The Axel jump, named after its originator Axel Paulsen, is an edge jump launched on the forward outside edge and landed on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. Because it has a forward takeoff but lands backwards, an Axel actually has half an extra rotation (i.e. a single Axel is 1.5 revolutions, a double is 2.5 revolutions, a triple is 3.5 revolutions, etc.).
"We are rivals on the ice. Off the ice we are not the closest buddies, but we are friendly enough. There are rumors that we are fighting, but it's not true. We are fighting only on the ice."
私交不太好,02年盐湖城奥运的时候, 两人共用冰场都不打招呼,奥运之后, Yagudin公开承认他们两个“sort of hate each other"......Plushenko早年也曾公开说他们两人以前不是朋友, 现在也不是朋友。。。。。。。。。。。不过到如今,俩人都过了30岁,可能会一笑泯恩仇了吧
私交不太好,02年盐湖城奥运的时候, 两人共用冰场都不打招呼,奥运之后, Yagudin公开承认他们两个“sort of hate each other"......Plushenko早年也曾公开说他们两人以前不是朋友, 现在也不是朋友。。。。。。。。。。。不过到如今,俩人都过了30岁,可能会一笑泯恩仇了吧 翠儿原来是男孩 发表于 2/8/2014 6:22:48 PM
周四,13号, 10-11:45 a.m. — Men's Figure Skating - Short Program Part 1 (LIVE) 11:45 a.m.-3 p.m. — Men's Figure Skating - Short Program Part 2 (LIVE) 周五,14号, 10 a.m.-Noon — Men's Figure Skating - Gold Medal Final Part 1 (LIVE) Noon-2:15 p.m. — Men's Figure Skating - Gold Medal Final Part 2 (LIVE) NBCSN会进行直播,中央5台的直播应该是同一个时间,NBC会在晚上八点后插着播出比赛录像。 时间都是东部时区。
借着冬奥会, 为我心中男子花样滑冰的绝代双骄开个楼, 欢迎带图和视频乱入哈
上个世纪末,男子花样滑冰出现了两个优秀的俄罗斯少年,他们同门学艺,先后出道,但在从1998年起的长达4年的时间里,他们像对手多过队友,在彼此的竞争中呈现出了一场场惊才绝艳的对局,也把其他选手们远远的甩在了身后。他们的名字是 Yagudin 和 Plushenko,他们的对决以Yagudin因髋关节置换手术退出冰坛而告终, 而当年金发飘飘的Plushenko已是史上最成功的男子花滑运动员,31岁高龄依然征战在赛场上。在我心里,他们都是不世出的一代天骄, 绝对的传奇。
Yagudin 生于1980年3月18日, 在他短短6年的业余花滑生涯中得到一次奥运冠军,(2002), 四次世界冠军(1998,1999,2000,2002), 三次欧洲冠军(1998,1999,2002年), 两次GPF冠军(98-99赛季 和01-02赛季), 一次青少年冠军(1996) 和两次WorldProfessional Champion (1998,2002). 但是他从来没有得到过俄罗斯冠军, 原因请往后看。。。。
Plushenko 生于1982年11月3日, 比Yagudin小两岁半, 出道晚了大概半年左右, 他的运动生涯比Yagudin长的多,到目前为止获得了2006年的奥运金牌, 2002年和2010 年的奥运银牌, 三次世界冠军(2001,2003,2004), 七次欧洲冠军(2000, 20001,2003,2005,2006,2010和2012), 四次GPF冠军(99-00赛季, 00-01赛季,02-03赛季,04-05赛季)以及辉煌的10次俄罗斯国内冠军(99-02, 04-06,10, 12, 13)
放几张Yagudin 的片片在这里:
The following are the six most common figure skating jumps in order from the least to the most difficult, as dictated by increasing point values under the ISU Judging system. All take off from a backwards entrance except the Axel:
· The toe loop jump is a toe jump that takes off from a back outside edge and lands on the same back outside edge (in other words, a toe-pick assisted loop jump, although the mechanics of the two jumps are very different). This is sometimes known in Europe as a cherry flip. Toe loops can be done immediately after other jumps in combinations. As solo jumps, they are most commonly entered from a three turn.
· The Salchow jump (pronounced "sal-kow"), named after its originator Ulrich Salchow, is an edge jump. It takes off from a back inside edge and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. Salchows are most often preceded by a forward outside 3 turn, but a mohawk entrance is not unusual.
· The loop jump is another edge jump, launched from the back outside edge and landing on the same back outside edge. It is also known in Europe as the Rittberger after its inventor, Werner Rittberger. Loops can be done immediately after other jumps in combinations.
· The flip jump is a toe jump that takes off from a back inside edge and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. A flip is usually preceded by a forward outside 3 turnor forward inside mohawk.
· The Lutz jump, named after its originator Alois Lutz, is a toe jump that takes off from a back outside edge and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. The lutz is a counter-rotated jump, meaning that the takeoff edge travels in a rotational direction opposite to which the skater rotates in the air and lands. Lutzes can often be identified by the long, backward diagonal glide preparation, though this is not necessary to do a lutz.
· The Axel jump, named after its originator Axel Paulsen, is an edge jump launched on the forward outside edge and landed on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. Because it has a forward takeoff but lands backwards, an Axel actually has half an extra rotation (i.e. a single Axel is 1.5 revolutions, a double is 2.5 revolutions, a triple is 3.5 revolutions, etc.).
这两个惊才绝艳的孩子都是出身贫寒,相对来说 Plushenko的童年更加困窘, 都是四岁开始滑冰, 都在11岁的时候先后进入到俄罗斯花滑教父米申教练的门下。
Yagudin出生在圣彼得堡,母亲是个技术人员,父亲很早就离开他们母子,并在他11岁左右的时候移居德国,从此在他的生活中消失。Plushenko出生在西伯利亚, 父母是铁路上的工作人员,因为身体不佳从小开始练滑冰和芭蕾, 打下了扎实的芭蕾基础。 后来他训练的冰场改装, 他的启蒙教练把他推荐给了自己的师傅, 米申。 11岁的Plushenko离开家自己到了圣彼得堡。 两个贫困家庭的孩子都知道,要改善自己和家人的生活,必须拼命苦练。
此后Plushenko独步武林,江湖寂寞, 06年的冬奥会上, Plushenko与其说是比赛, 不如说是高难度跳跃的演示会。 拿到奥运金牌之后, Plushenko一度对滑冰失去了兴趣, 直到为准备2010年温哥华奥运会而回归,却以1点几分的差距输给了美国的Evan。 说老实话,我至今还耿耿于怀,不待见Evan。
1998 Ilia Kulik at Nagano winter olympics.
Ilia Kulik, Alexei Yagudin, 拿了金牌,马上退休转Professional figure skating, Plushenko 继续滑,精神可嘉。
苏联解体后,运动员,教练都往钱多的国家去了。 俄罗斯的花样滑冰没落了。日本,韩国崛起了。
haha, Ilia确实也是帅哥一枚.8g一下,Ilia娶得的是当年双人滑传奇G&G里的Gordeeva. 可惜Grinkov英年早逝,我觉得他是花滑第一美男.
"We are rivals on the ice. Off the ice we are not the closest buddies, but we are friendly enough. There are rumors that we are fighting, but it's not true. We are fighting only on the ice."
另外8一8Plushenko的个人生活哈,他结婚很早, 05年, 第一任妻子是位商人的女儿, 当时还是一个学生,老岳父在莫斯科颇有钱有地位, 说到这里,不得不说,我不怎么喜欢Plushenko的妈妈, 她的确吃了很多苦, 为了支持Plushenko滑冰, 曾很辛苦的去做沥青铺路工人, 她非常严格, 练不好就不许吃饭那种。。。。。08年,Plushenko第一次婚姻破裂的时候, 老太太上电视说女方贪图他家的钱财, 因为Plushenko得到奥运冠军之后被奖励了一套莫斯科的公寓, 据说价值50万美元什么的。。。。。。我看过这个视频, 但是是俄语加英文字幕,俄语我是一个字也不懂,所以 也不知道算不算第一手资料哈, 只觉得这老太太做婆婆不会是个好相处的。。。。。09年他又结婚了, 是个歌手的制作人, 貌似比他大一点, 又有了一个儿子。。。。
在自传里, Yagudin形容自己一个人在那里, 尽力掩藏着情绪, 心里却愤怒的难以控制。长野冬奥会结束后的一个月,就是1998年世锦赛,这时候他得知的一件事,令他不解,愤怒及茫然。那一年的世锦赛俄罗斯有两个名额, 奥运冠军Kulik占了一个, 另一个名额米申打算给Plushenko,虽然当时的成绩来看,小普还是不如Yagudin的。