除非是你特别满意,想感谢别人,或者你觉得你交的月租太便宜啦,觉得门童很低收入了等等。。。 如果是觉得你不给, 他们就不好好为你工作,或者抹不开面子, 劝你不要给, 因为这都不是给小费的理由。We are not fools or to be taken advantage of. Tips means tips, not some "protection fee". 大家记住人善被人欺。
bangobunny 发表于 1/20/2014 1:42:50 PM well you assumed I had to pay tips. Don't do that. Not cool. If you have meaningful input, I welcome you, otherwise, take your personal attack outta here.
SubDivision2006 发表于 1/20/2014 1:47:42 PM exactly my point? Pay tips only if you liked their service, not out of fear. If they try to use tips to intimidate you, you need to do something instead of being a sheep.
They don't make a lot, so if the service is good, why not? Caffeine 发表于 1/20/2014 1:49:24 PM I thought my original post said why pay tips out of fear...I have no issue with paying tips out of gratitude for good service.
bangobunny 发表于 1/20/2014 1:51:54 PM really? you jumped out telling me I am looking for "justification", but I am supposed to be quiet and not too "sensitive"? you are amazing.
除非是你特别满意,想感谢别人,或者你觉得你交的月租太便宜啦,觉得门童很低收入了等等。。。 如果是觉得你不给, 他们就不好好为你工作,或者抹不开面子, 劝你不要给, 因为这都不是给小费的理由。We are not fools or to be taken advantage of. Tips means tips, not some "protection fee". 大家记住...... canondd 发表于 1/20/2014 1:16:42 PM
如果是觉得你不给, 他们就不好好为你工作,或者抹不开面子, 劝你不要给, 因为这都不是给小费的理由。We are not fools or to be taken advantage of. Tips means tips, not some "protection fee". 大家记住人善被人欺。
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.9
hey, I don't need to, I own, not rent. Jesus...you assumed too much.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.9
我觉得你太敏感了 脑子里很多东西going on 的感觉
你错了, 习俗不是一味的给小费, 而是感激别人的服务质量才给。如果觉得不给就害怕他们使坏,就不是给的理由。读懂我的原贴再来反驳吧。
至少我言之有物,可您就来一句all are personal choice就胡龙过去了。。。说你不知所云没冤枉您。还是那句, 有Input, 就好好说出来,这种打冷枪的空洞回复还是save for yourself.
这跟是不是中国人没关系 真能扯
有些building会有一定的比例出租的好像。好些building board还限制个人出租的。
哈哈, 就怕在邻居中传开