potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 .....
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言: potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks, say 500 for 2 people, then 1000 for 4, then still 500 for snacks.What did you buy ya? My dad like chips when he is here which is very cheap.
以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言: 以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言: potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks, say 500 for 2 people, then 1000 for 4, then still 500 for snacks.What did you buy ya? My dad like chips when he is here which is very cheap. they like fruits, like $15 for 2 pounds of cherry, and they finish all of them in one day, plus cheaper fruits like strawberry and banana there was one time we bought from costco the biggest boxes of strawberry, blueberry, rasberry, cherry, cherry tomato, regular tomato, 3 (3-lbs)bananas, plus some other stuff, and they still finish those in one week (that is 5 days). Besides they can also drink almost one carton (8cups) of juice/milk per person per day.... hubby and I used to stack a lot of foods at home (which completely fills a huge pantry, with cereal, canned foods, snacks etc), after gp's 45 day visit, the shelves are so empty we could'nt believe it....and the fridge is also very very empty..... kinda amazing
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:32:00的发言: 以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言: 以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言: potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks, say 500 for 2 people, then 1000 for 4, then still 500 for snacks.What did you buy ya? My dad like chips when he is here which is very cheap. they like fruits, like $15 for 2 pounds of cherry, and they finish all of them in one day, plus cheaper fruits like strawberry and banana there was one time we bought from costco the biggest boxes of strawberry, blueberry, rasberry, cherry, cherry tomato, regular tomato, 3 (3-lbs)bananas, plus some other stuff, and they still finish those in one week (that is 5 days). Besides they can also drink almost one carton (8cups) of juice/milk per person per day.... hubby and I used to stack a lot of foods at home (which completely fills a huge pantry, with cereal, canned foods, snacks etc), after gp's 45 day visit, the shelves are so empty we could'nt believe it....and the fridge is also very very empty..... kinda amazing Don't be amazed. I had same experience here. CFT.
以下是引用redbrick在2006-7-20 16:11:00的发言: 以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:32:00的发言: 以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言: 以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言: potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks, say 500 for 2 people, then 1000 for 4, then still 500 for snacks.What did you buy ya? My dad like chips when he is here which is very cheap. they like fruits, like $15 for 2 pounds of cherry, and they finish all of them in one day, plus cheaper fruits like strawberry and banana there was one time we bought from costco the biggest boxes of strawberry, blueberry, rasberry, cherry, cherry tomato, regular tomato, 3 (3-lbs)bananas, plus some other stuff, and they still finish those in one week (that is 5 days). Besides they can also drink almost one carton (8cups) of juice/milk per person per day.... hubby and I used to stack a lot of foods at home (which completely fills a huge pantry, with cereal, canned foods, snacks etc), after gp's 45 day visit, the shelves are so empty we could'nt believe it....and the fridge is also very very empty..... kinda amazing Don't be amazed. I had same experience here. CFT. hehe, handhand its' not really a problem, i am just a bit surprised....i dont have complaints at all about how much they eat, but i am a bit unhappy when every single time they ask about the price of things and then say it is cheaper than in China and it is really really cheap really really cheap it is so cheap to live in US.... and a bit unhappy when I go hungry every single day when they stayed here... but now they are gone, i am cherishing my days with hubby much much more!!
以下是引用redbrick在2006-7-20 16:11:00的发言: 以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:32:00的发言: 以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言: 以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言: potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks, say 500 for 2 people, then 1000 for 4, then still 500 for snacks.What did you buy ya? My dad like chips when he is here which is very cheap. they like fruits, like $15 for 2 pounds of cherry, and they finish all of them in one day, plus cheaper fruits like strawberry and banana there was one time we bought from costco the biggest boxes of strawberry, blueberry, rasberry, cherry, cherry tomato, regular tomato, 3 (3-lbs)bananas, plus some other stuff, and they still finish those in one week (that is 5 days). Besides they can also drink almost one carton (8cups) of juice/milk per person per day.... hubby and I used to stack a lot of foods at home (which completely fills a huge pantry, with cereal, canned foods, snacks etc), after gp's 45 day visit, the shelves are so empty we could'nt believe it....and the fridge is also very very empty..... kinda amazing Don't be amazed. I had same experience here. CFT. Still amazed. Really good appetite! I had thought old people like snacks but can not eat much.
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 16:20:00的发言: 以下是引用redbrick在2006-7-20 16:11:00的发言: 以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:32:00的发言: 以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言: 以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言: potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks, say 500 for 2 people, then 1000 for 4, then still 500 for snacks.What did you buy ya? My dad like chips when he is here which is very cheap. they like fruits, like $15 for 2 pounds of cherry, and they finish all of them in one day, plus cheaper fruits like strawberry and banana there was one time we bought from costco the biggest boxes of strawberry, blueberry, rasberry, cherry, cherry tomato, regular tomato, 3 (3-lbs)bananas, plus some other stuff, and they still finish those in one week (that is 5 days). Besides they can also drink almost one carton (8cups) of juice/milk per person per day.... hubby and I used to stack a lot of foods at home (which completely fills a huge pantry, with cereal, canned foods, snacks etc), after gp's 45 day visit, the shelves are so empty we could'nt believe it....and the fridge is also very very empty..... kinda amazing Don't be amazed. I had same experience here. CFT. hehe, handhand its' not really a problem, i am just a bit surprised....i dont have complaints at all about how much they eat, but i am a bit unhappy when every single time they ask about the price of things and then say it is cheaper than in China and it is really really cheap really really cheap it is so cheap to live in US.... and a bit unhappy when I go hungry every single day when they stayed here... but now they are gone, i am cherishing my days with hubby much much more!! Interesting conclusion! My dad and parents in law like to calculate things in RMB too but they got completely opposite conclusion! Actually they think the vegetables and fruits are so expensive here and they decide the only thing worth eating are eggs, milk, bread and chips. So we have to persuade them and say things like, though it's called grape here, in China it's called "ti zi", and is sold as imported fruit and is very expensive. So have some please, have some please!
没想到看了经历了这么多婆家的事,lz还能和lz的公公相处得这么好,真是佩服得紧。 我想大多数人,在觉得公公是这么个只想着自己的人之后,就很难给好脸色了。不知道lz是怎么调整自己的心态的,怎么才能始终乐呵呵地面对他们,甚至最后还影响了他们。 说起来周围十恶不赦的人,应该是不多。但是让人看不惯,有怨言,不高兴的人,或者伤害到自己一点利益的人还是有一些,虽然其实可能只是有个小缺陷,可能比起lz公公来还好很多(sorry to say that)。可是人有时候就会因为自己的感觉而不愿再交往或者相处得不好。也许是take too personal? 我想如果有lz的胸怀和处理事情的本事,可能怨言会少很多,快乐的人会更多。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-19 11:56:32编辑过]
concord MM,你太有领导才能了。你说说你怎么教你家小宝贝用食指示意的吧。我不能想象。 你太强了。 你过奖了,其实教育宝宝做到这点不难的。小宝宝们最擅长的就是模仿了,只要你在他面前多做几遍把食指放在嘴前示意的动作,他就会跟着学的。你再表扬表扬他,就学得更起劲儿了。以后就形成条件反射了,只要我一做这个动作,他就跟着学,就当是做游戏了。然后大家一看宝宝做这个动作就跟公公说:“你看你看,宝宝都让你小声儿点儿。”公公一看宝宝这个样子,非但不生气,还很得意:“你看我孙子,多聪明,都会让爷爷小声儿点儿。”公公一开心,也就不大喊大叫了。
以下是引用刘小强在2006-7-19 13:04:00的发言:
concord MM,你太有领导才能了。你说说你怎么教你家小宝贝用食指示意的吧。我不能想象。 你太强了。 你过奖了,其实教育宝宝做到这点不难的。小宝宝们最擅长的就是模仿了,只要你在他面前多做几遍把食指放在嘴前示意的动作,他就会跟着学的。你再表扬表扬他,就学得更起劲儿了。以后就形成条件反射了,只要我一做这个动作,他就跟着学,就当是做游戏了。然后大家一看宝宝做这个动作就跟公公说:“你看你看,宝宝都让你小声儿点儿。”公公一看宝宝这个样子,非但不生气,还很得意:“你看我孙子,多聪明,都会让爷爷小声儿点儿。”公公一开心,也就不大喊大叫了。 你真是个智慧的MM。很久以前在国内的一个英语口语课上,年轻的老师夸一个很秀气的男孩子,说他的每句话都闪着智慧的光芒。我觉得MM你真是很智慧。我知道你GG很爱你,是个很好的男人。如果有机会希望看到你是怎么样处理你们之间的冲突的,如果有的话? 和对待你公公的也是一样的吗? 以讲道理为主?
这个公公,差不多也得有60岁了吧,能这么自私,不通人情事故,也真是罕见。。。其实也不算怎么大恶,就是个老小孩。 在这以前怎么就没碰到个人教育他的呢?他也没受到点挫折让他明白一下的?家里人都让着他就算了,别人(比如他们单位的人)也让着他么?简直有点为所欲为,所向披靡的意思了。 对了,注意到LZ都是叫他“宝宝爷爷”。那没有小孩之前需要叫他“爸”吗? 这个教育的问题:首先公公从小在家受宠,家长惯着他;婆婆自己没念过什么书,对公公是须仰视才见的,吵架归吵架,心里其实是十分地崇拜;至于我老公他们,从小就被灌输的是长辈说什么就得听什么,我老公曾经说过婆婆让他往西,我让他往东,他绝对往西的话,老公的哥哥也曾说过婆婆如果说月亮是方的,那老公的嫂子决不能说是圆的。至于别人(比如他们单位的人),人家犯得上教育他吗?要是我,在单位碰上这么个人,我也是不会说什么的,何必费力不讨好呢,又不是我的好朋友。他在单位当然受过挫折,比如评高级职称用了N年,但公公至今不认为是他自己的问题,公公觉得自己唯一的缺点就是心直口快。 我之所以叫公公“宝宝爷爷”是为了避免指代不清。如果只有我和老公两个人,我提到公公可以说“你爸怎么怎么样”,提到我爸爸可以说“我爸怎么怎么样”。如果只有我和公公两个人,也好办。可是公公和新婆婆来了之后就不同了,不算宝宝,我很多时候要面对3个听众,肯定不能说“我爸”,那会被误以为是我爸爸;也不能说“你爸”,有三个“你”,各有各的爸;要说“XX(老公)的爸爸”,也不太好;只有叫“宝宝爷爷”,既不会指代不清,公公还高兴,何乐而不为呢。
haha, this is so funny. About the collection!
本来觉得公公挺可恶的,现在越来越觉得这个公公就是个老小孩 agree.........at least he doesn't have huai xin yan er.
potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言:
potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks
以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言:
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言:
potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:32:00的发言:
以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言:
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言:
potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:32:00的发言:
以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言:
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言:
potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks
以下是引用redbrick在2006-7-20 16:11:00的发言:
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:32:00的发言:
以下是引用ConnieBear在2006-7-20 15:17:00的发言:
以下是引用kittypeny在2006-7-20 15:11:00的发言:
potatos aren't very "filling" so my gp eat a lot of snacks so they aren't hungry all the time...so our monthly grocery bill increased from 500-600 to 1500-2000 ..... wow, 1000 for snacks
哈哈哈哈, mm真的是澜心慧智,很冰雪
以下是引用turningleaf在2006-7-19 20:19:00的发言:
这个公公,差不多也得有60岁了吧,能这么自私,不通人情事故,也真是罕见。。。其实也不算怎么大恶,就是个老小孩。 在这以前怎么就没碰到个人教育他的呢?他也没受到点挫折让他明白一下的?家里人都让着他就算了,别人(比如他们单位的人)也让着他么?简直有点为所欲为,所向披靡的意思了。 对了,注意到LZ都是叫他“宝宝爷爷”。那没有小孩之前需要叫他“爸”吗? 这个教育的问题:首先公公从小在家受宠,家长惯着他;婆婆自己没念过什么书,对公公是须仰视才见的,吵架归吵架,心里其实是十分地崇拜;至于我老公他们,从小就被灌输的是长辈说什么就得听什么,我老公曾经说过婆婆让他往西,我让他往东,他绝对往西的话,老公的哥哥也曾说过婆婆如果说月亮是方的,那老公的嫂子决不能说是圆的。至于别人(比如他们单位的人),人家犯得上教育他吗?要是我,在单位碰上这么个人,我也是不会说什么的,何必费力不讨好呢,又不是我的好朋友。他在单位当然受过挫折,比如评高级职称用了N年,但公公至今不认为是他自己的问题,公公觉得自己唯一的缺点就是心直口快。 我之所以叫公公“宝宝爷爷”是为了避免指代不清。如果只有我和老公两个人,我提到公公可以说“你爸怎么怎么样”,提到我爸爸可以说“我爸怎么怎么样”。如果只有我和公公两个人,也好办。可是公公和新婆婆来了之后就不同了,不算宝宝,我很多时候要面对3个听众,肯定不能说“我爸”,那会被误以为是我爸爸;也不能说“你爸”,有三个“你”,各有各的爸;要说“XX(老公)的爸爸”,也不太好;只有叫“宝宝爷爷”,既不会指代不清,公公还高兴,何乐而不为呢。 所以我觉得这个公公命好啊,好的快赶上好运女了,一辈子就这么过来了,什么苦都没吃过,啥也不缺,倒霉的都是他周围的人:P --别人当然不见得教育他了,可是也不会让着他吧。还是说在中国大家看到这种无理的人,一般怕惹麻烦,拎不清,不理他就算了?所以他也吃不了什么大亏。 片面的归纳一下就可以说,人要自私啊,凡事都要为自己着想啊,只要命好,就能过的好啊,可千万不能成天为了别人啊,否则象第一个婆婆那样,一辈子受苦啊!呵呵,开玩笑了。我觉得这个公公和那个婆婆都够害人的了。客观的来说,他们还是挺极端的例子吧。至少我没见过。不过我想,中国上一代有这样的性格的人或许还是挺多的,只不过程度不同。要不然怎么那么多人都不快乐。当然社会的resource少还有社会制度问题也是很重要的原因了,不过那就扯远了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-20 18:30:58编辑过]
台式和笔记本电脑就有四五台,再加上打印机,传真机,扫描仪,压膜机,等等,而且老公还隔三差五更新电器,什么新潮买什么 呵呵,LZMM还真太惯着你家LG了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-20 19:45:46编辑过]
压膜机--这是干什么用的呀。 以上文本借助www.InputKing.com在线中文输入法输入 这是把照片儿塑封用的。
以下是引用lz3456在2006-7-20 18:23:00的发言:
压膜机--这是干什么用的呀。 以上文本借助www.InputKing.com在线中文输入法输入 这是把照片儿塑封用的。 今天晚上会更新嘛?
50件衬衫不算多吧,如果上班要穿衬衫的话,是需要的啊。department store打折的时候,好点牌子的也就20-30一件。如果干洗的话,没有这么些还轮不过来呢。你总不能天天跑干洗店吧,现在油费贵啊! 50件衬衫确实不算多,可是公公不这么想呀,人家一共也没两件儿衣服,当然觉得老公浪费了。其实电器也花不了多少钱,可是公公不理解呀。
以下是引用zhl629在2006-7-20 21:33:00的发言:
50件衬衫不算多吧,如果上班要穿衬衫的话,是需要的啊。department store打折的时候,好点牌子的也就20-30一件。如果干洗的话,没有这么些还轮不过来呢。你总不能天天跑干洗店吧,现在油费贵啊! 50件衬衫确实不算多,可是公公不这么想呀,人家一共也没两件儿衣服,当然觉得老公浪费了。其实电器也花不了多少钱,可是公公不理解呀。 mm晚上来更新?
刚开始是解劝妈妈的。可是很多事情,堆积在一起,就没法解劝了。我们家从来都是孩子的利益第一,父母利益第二的。而且父母提倡要靠自己的。并不是依靠父母兄妹。所以我们兄妹几个自己还不错的。我哥嫂也在国外。出国这么多年,没给过家里一分钱。爸爸生病去世,没有任何的孝顺。我比我哥后出来,我出来后,开始想让妈妈出来看看,因为妈妈一个人了,有时候和姐姐在一起(就这样,有一次我哥还问我说我妈怎么不自己在家待着),我哥就给妈妈打电话,说现在时间不合适,能不能再等等。我妈妈就等啊,等他找到工作了,现在等的结果是他把他岳父母办出来了。我生气的并不是他岳父母的事情,都是有父母的。他完全可以告诉我,我可以让妈妈访问我不就行了。我爷爷四个儿子,兄弟之间关系不错。我堂兄弟结婚,我在国外,有时候他们结婚,我说我随礼吧。妈妈就担心我随的话,我哥也不随礼,他的面子不好看。结果是姐姐多出一些。我爸爸生前比较传统的一个人了,很想孙子,我哥从来没有说打电话和孙子聊聊天,叫个爷爷什么的。本身他自己电话也不多,打电话都是从单位打回去,从来不在家里打。还有很多的事情。妈妈从来都是很宽容的。小时候我那么敬重的一个大哥,现在我真得觉得很失望。 没准是你嫂子太厉害。
ji1 dian3 kou3 de2 ah