Course 2 are more practical for EE job hunting. Both are difficult and time-consuming from my experience. If you are better in math, take 2; If you felt better in physics, take 1. Anyway, if you felt too overloading, you can drop it midterm. Analog circuit is way much tougher than digital circuit.
Course 2 are more practical for EE job hunting. Both are difficult and time-consuming from my experience. If you are better in math, take 2; If you felt better in physics, take 1. Anyway, if you felt too overloading, you can drop it midterm. Analog circuit is way much tougher than digital circuit.
I dont think you can handle the second one. My friends are in EE(MS), and usually they spend all their time on this course in that semester. You can easily get the first done, i am sure. Nothing about 量子力学. Just some basic electronic stuff, like how the squal law is determined from low level model.And with your CS background on hardware(VLSI Design?), that is very useful as well, especially for parasitic extraction.
I dont think you can handle the second one. My friends are in EE(MS), and usually they spend all his time on this course in that semester. You can easily get the first done, i am sure. Nothing about 量子力学. Just some basic electronic stuff, like how the squal low is determined by low level model.And with your CS background on hardware(VLSI Design?), that is very useful as well, especially for parasitic extraction.
BTW, which school are you in? If UCLA or Standford or MIT or TAMU or GAtech or UCSD, forget about 2. Even you dont have any other couses on hand, you still need to spend more than 40 hours/week on that courses. 1 is better than fabrication methology or sth about that. You just need to know some basic physical electronic stuff. Like capacitor, how electron/hole works. And, especially, the lecture is nice. That will be an easy A for you with less that 10 hours/week spending on that.
Pay more atterntion on the lecture will save you lots of time to read the textbook. If you have anything dont understand, you need to ask the prof after the class. For physical stuff, you have to follow the idea path. Cause i know the exam are not like put something on the txtbook in, usually, you need to do some derivations.
BTW, which school are you in? If UCLA or Standford or MIT or TAMU or GAtech or UCSD, forget about 2. Even you dont have any other couses on hand, you still need to spend more than 40 hours/week on that courses. 1 is better than fabrication methology or sth about that. You just need to know some basic physical electronic stuff. Like capacitor, how electron/hole works. And, especially, the lecture is nice. That will be an easy A for you with less that 10 hours/week spending on that.
Pay more atterntion on the lecture will save you lots of time to read the textbook. If you have anything dont understand, you need to ask the prof after the class. For physical stuff, you have to follow the idea path. Cause i know the exam are not like put something on the txtbook in, usually, you need to do some derivations. 谢谢,我问过隔壁lab修国的人,他们说考试不是难是要呢理解,如果不理解,很难考好,但是难度绝对reasonable,考不好呢不会觉得冤枉。而且我稀饭老师参考的书,C.J.Ishanm 的,很薄一本,不想我学并行系统那个砖头书
1。fundamentals of solid state electronics
优点:work load相对较轻,美国老师,人nice,虽然有C但是不多。一个lab的人都选这门,可以讨论作业。
2。analog/mixed signal circuit design
缺点:老师印度人,注明杀手,给了很多人core course 都是C,(我们系PHD的core course如果有一门C就完蛋了)。load很重,我还有research和其他3门课,所以系里的老生都不建议我take他的课,特别是这门课今年他第一次上,很难把握尺度。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-9 15:15:01编辑过]
那个美国老师人品很好,对学生非常耐心,学术我不清楚,因为不是一个领域的,但是我知道他负责device modeling那个lab的工作,应该不会很差吧。上tenure了,不然早被赶走了。
Anyway, if you felt too overloading, you can drop it midterm. Analog circuit is way much tougher than digital circuit.
如果你以前是学cs的,那这两门课对你都有点难。不过第二门更实用些吧。第二门课如果是transistor level的话,很花时间的,如果你已经take了3门课,那还是不要乐。
是啊,我痛苦啊,可是没有办法,其他3们课一门自己老板的core course,一门分布式操作系统,一门VLSI 测试和综合,门门都有project,还有3次考试,可是我必须找个学期把课都修完,痛苦死了。
take 1, sit in 2... learning 2 while no pressure of credit.
5门课啊,即使就是site in也太花时间了,我倒是可以把slide都copy下来,做论文的时候看看。
Course 2 are more practical for EE job hunting. Both are difficult and time-consuming from my experience. If you are better in math, take 2; If you felt better in physics, take 1.
Anyway, if you felt too overloading, you can drop it midterm. Analog circuit is way much tougher than digital circuit.
以后有空了再take 2, 提高提高research... .....
先take1, 把学分混够了,
以后有空了再take 2, 提高提高research... .....
My friends are in EE(MS), and usually they spend all their time on this course in that semester.
You can easily get the first done, i am sure.
Nothing about 量子力学. Just some basic electronic stuff, like how the squal law is determined from low level model.And with your CS background on hardware(VLSI Design?), that is very useful as well, especially for parasitic extraction.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-9 16:50:22编辑过]
I dont think you can handle the second one.
My friends are in EE(MS), and usually they spend all his time on this course in that semester.
You can easily get the first done, i am sure.
Nothing about 量子力学. Just some basic electronic stuff, like how the squal low is determined by low level model.And with your CS background on hardware(VLSI Design?), that is very useful as well, especially for parasitic extraction.
对,我就是做VLSI design的东西。
If UCLA or Standford or MIT or TAMU or GAtech or UCSD, forget about 2. Even you dont have any other couses on hand, you still need to spend more than 40 hours/week on that courses.
1 is better than fabrication methology or sth about that. You just need to know some basic physical electronic stuff. Like capacitor, how electron/hole works. And, especially, the lecture is nice. That will be an easy A for you with less that 10 hours/week spending on that.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-9 15:57:53编辑过]
对,我就是做VLSI design的东西。
Pay more atterntion on the lecture will save you lots of time to read the textbook.
If you have anything dont understand, you need to ask the prof after the class. For physical stuff, you have to follow the idea path. Cause i know the exam are not like put something on the txtbook in, usually, you need to do some derivations.
Good pick. Those design jobs are for those self-abusing guys, not for PLMM.
Good pick. Those design jobs are for those self-abusing guys, not for PLMM.
第二门课, 嘻嘻, 如果是transistor level的, 非常非常重, 模拟的东西本来就难学, 好多东西要靠经验,然后project非常非常花时间, 这一门课相当于别的一门半到两门课。
如果你本身不是纯EE背景, 已经take 3门课, 再加上第二门课, 我觉得你会很累, 而且最后成绩不会太好。
BTW, which school are you in?
If UCLA or Standford or MIT or TAMU or GAtech or UCSD, forget about 2. Even you dont have any other couses on hand, you still need to spend more than 40 hours/week on that courses.
1 is better than fabrication methology or sth about that. You just need to know some basic physical electronic stuff. Like capacitor, how electron/hole works. And, especially, the lecture is nice. That will be an easy A for you with less that 10 hours/week spending on that.
嘻嘻,偶八是mm说的牛校,不过我们系的课特别是graduate level的都很重,通常PHD门都一门一学期加点research就差不多了,我因为有原因,这个学期只有拼命了。
但是这个第二门课, 嘿嘿, project花的时间是没底的, 有时候怎么调都满足不了那个specification, 你通宵熬夜也没用。
Pay more atterntion on the lecture will save you lots of time to read the textbook.
If you have anything dont understand, you need to ask the prof after the class. For physical stuff, you have to follow the idea path. Cause i know the exam are not like put something on the txtbook in, usually, you need to do some derivations.
谢谢,我问过隔壁lab修国的人,他们说考试不是难是要呢理解,如果不理解,很难考好,但是难度绝对reasonable,考不好呢不会觉得冤枉。而且我稀饭老师参考的书,C.J.Ishanm 的,很薄一本,不想我学并行系统那个砖头书
fab的课, 据我的经验, 因为lab 很多, 花的时间是不少, 但是学起来不难。而且要求懂的device physics的东西很浅。总而言之, fab 的课不是太难, 如果有点儿基础的话。
但是这个第二门课, 嘿嘿, project花的时间是没底的, 有时候怎么调都满足不了那个specification, 你通宵熬夜也没用。
关键是report要呢分析数据,结合器件知识,可是我没有学过solide state的东西,也没有semiconductor device的基础,4个report,前面三个还好呼弄,最后一个写的太痛苦了。感觉那个学期就是围着它转,lab每周一个下午6个小事是正常,4个report,10次作业,3次考试。所以我觉得印度老师都有点。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-9 17:35:51编辑过]
我当时学lab课作业考试report跟你们差不多, 最后还有一个term project, 我还是觉得比anolog的课轻松, 后者的project 太折磨人了。
我们lab一印度人GPA3。1去了intel circuit design center。可是他们八要中国人
我们lab一印度人GPA3。1去了intel circuit design center。可是他们八要中国人
你是老皇历了, 最近一年, intel几乎不招大陆来美国的中国人。
IBM招人反而宽松很多, 我们系有个老板group的学生, 出来全部进IBM, 不管哪国人。
你是老皇历了, 最近一年, intel几乎不招大陆来美国的中国人。
IBM招人反而宽松很多, 我们系有个老板group的学生, 出来全部进IBM, 不管哪国人。
另外IBM现在不行了,我lg系里(材料)原来很多人去IBM,现在他们把好多research center都关了。我老是怂恿我gg修我们系的fab课,好去intel,他就是不愿意。气死我了,他要是去了鸟不拉是的小地方教书,我课则么找工作。
why? i am curious. touch jobs?
另外IBM现在不行了,我lg系里(材料)原来很多人去IBM,现在他们把好多research center都关了。我老是怂恿我gg修我们系的fab课,好去intel,他就是不愿意。气死我了,他要是去了鸟不拉是的小地方教书,我课则么找工作。
你gg就是修了fab课也去不了intel, 就象我说的, intel现在几乎不招大陆来的没有绿卡的中国人。因为我们系有几个老板以前group出来的人去intel的非常多, 从去年暑假开始, 中国学生一个都没去成intel, 都改去TI, synoposis, cadence, IBM, AMD这些公司了。
现在学材料的找semiconductor industry的工作也不容易了, 因为最大的fab是intel的, 可是intel基本对大陆学生关门。而别的公司很多fab都挪到国外去了.
自己design,自己加工.可是我觉得这个工作实在痛苦,每天在clean room里,