Below is the standard dynamic flexibility series we use at JMU. Your workout should have a prescribed warm-up, but if it doesn't a three minute total body warm-up, (i.e., jogging, rope huaren.using, total body movement) should always precede this dynamic series. The warm-up raises the body temperature, increases blood flow to the muscles, and lubricates the joints. Always remember warm-up to stretch, do not stretch to warm-up. Dynamic movements are the best way to prepare your body for dynamic workouts. Contrary to old beliefs, the best time to work on static flexibility is at the end of your workout, and not in the beginning. After every workout you should follow a 4-6 minute total body static stretching series. The following series of Dynamic movements will develop your flexibility, balance, coordination, mobility and strength.
WALKING HIGH KNEES Purpose: To flex the hips and shoulders, and stretch the glutes, quads, lower back and shoulders. Procedure:
Take an exaggerated high step, driving your knee as high as possible, and simultaneously push up on the toes of your opposite foot. Use the proper arm swing; 90° angle at the elbows, hands swing up to chin level and back beyond rear pocket. Key Points:
Drive your knees up as high as possible. Variation:
High knees pull: Same as above, but grab your knee and pull it up and in with each stride.
WALKING LUNGE Purpose: To stretch the glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors and calves. Procedure:
Step out with a long stride, striking the heel of your forward foot and extending onto the toes of your back foot. Complete the cycle by bringing your trail leg through and standing upright. Key Points:
Position your hands behind your head while keeping your eyes focused forward. Flex your front knee to 90° and keep your back knee from striking the ground.
WALKING HIGH KNEE LUNGE Purpose: To stretch the glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors and calves. Procedure:
Drive your forward knee up as high as possible and then step out with a long stride striking the heel of your forward foot and extending onto the toes of your back foot. Complete the cycle by bringing your trail leg through and standing upright. Key Points:
This drill is performed identical to the walking lunge, with the exception of the high knee action. Position your hands behind your head with your eyes focused forward. Flex your front knee to 90° and keep your back knee from striking the ground.
WALKING STRAIGHT LEG KICKS Purpose: To stretch the hamstrings, calves and lower back. Procedure:
Walk forward keeping your front leg straight. Kick your leg up and touch your toes to the fingers of your opposite hand. Repeat the cycle with your opposite leg. Key Points:
Keep your arm extended out parallel with the ground. On your first set of this drill only kick to 75% capacity, and then on your second set kick to full capacity.
WALKING SIDE LUNGE, OVER & BACK Purpose: To stretch the groin, glutes, hamstrings, and ankles. Procedure:
Keep your torso upright and take a long stride out to the side.
Lunge out bending your forward knee to 90°while keeping your trail leg straight.
Lower your hips and shift your body weight to the opposite leg.
Recover by bringing your feet together and standing upright. Key Points:
Repeat the drill for 10 yards. Keep your head focused forward with your arms hanging down in front of your body.
RUNNING BUTT KICKS (20 reps) Purpose: To stretch the quadriceps and hip flexors. Procedure:
Begin running by flexing your knee and bringing your heel back and around to your buttocks. Maintain a slight forward lean throughout the drill, and stay on the balls of your feet. Complete 20 kicks within 10 yards. Key Points:
Maintain a quick, yet shallow arm swing, keep your elbows at 90° and drive your hands from chest to front hip pocket.
RUNNING HIGH KNEES (20 reps) Purpose: To stretch the glutes, quads, low back and shoulders. Procedure:
Execute proper running form; keep your elbows at 90° and drive your hands up to chin level and back to your rear pocket. Stay on the balls of your feet, and drive your knees up as high as possible, and then down as quickly as possible.
RUNNING CARIOCA Purpose: To stretch the abductors, adductors, glutes, ankles and hips. Procedure:
Stay on the balls of your feet with your hips in a low semi-squat position. Begin the drill by twisting your hips and crossing one leg in front of the other, bring your trail leg through, and cross your lead leg behind the trail leg. Your shoulders remain square through the entire drill.
BACK PEDAL Purpose: To stretch the hip flexors, quads and calves. Procedure:
Keeping your hips and knees bent with shoulders positioned over the balls of your feet. For the first 10 yards utilize short choppy steps. For the second 10 yards open up your stride and kick back.
LYING SCORPION Purpose: To stretch the hip flexors, abdominals, quads and shoulders. Procedure:
Lie down in a prone position. While keeping your chest in contact with the ground, cross one leg behind the other to the opposite side of your body. This drill should be done in a continuous manner.
ARM SWINGS, FORWARD AND BACK Purpose: To stretch the chest, shoulders and upper back. Procedure:
Swing your arms forward, so they cross, and swing them back as far as possible. This drill should be done in a controlled continuous fashion for 10 repetitions.
SIDE BEND, OVER AND BACK Purpose: To stretch the triceps, upper back, abdominals, and obliques. Procedure:
Bend to one side while holding your opposite arm overhead, quickly reverse direction and stretch the other side. This drill should be done in a controlled continuous fashion for 10 stretches on each side of your body.
POWER SKIP Purpose: To further prepare your body for full speed action. Procedure:
The power skip is executed by doing an explosive, exaggerated skip while emphasizing height rather than distance. Emphasize a big arm swing and explosive knee lift.
Many of these stretches are quite simliar to yoga poses, I've found out that if I do 20 mins yoga after running for 30 mins, and doing weight lifting for 10 mins, my muscles will not be sore at all the next day, don't know if that's the optimum combination, but definitely made me feel very good afterwards.
以下是引用DoTaNN在2005-10-24 18:18:00的发言: Many of these stretches are quite simliar to yoga poses, I've found out that if I do 20 mins yoga after running for 30 mins, and doing weight lifting for 10 mins, my muscles will not be sore at all the next day, don't know if that's the optimum combination, but definitely made me feel very good afterwards.
yeah, that's why I'm so into Yoga now. Yoga is really great for me.
1. 运动前要warm up(2-5分钟低强度运动). 运动完以后要stretch (拉伸). 不然很容易受伤. (在本版搜索 "拉伸" 或 "stretch")
2. 跑步的话一定要搞一双合适的running shoes. (在本版搜索 "跑鞋", 或 "跑步")
3. 对于减脂来说, 重要的不是强度,而是运动持续时间,一般应该在30分钟以上. 强度以控制心率在 130-140 之间最理想. (25-40岁)
4. 每周4-6次,休息比运动更重要.
有什么需要补充的, 老版友们补充补充.
有人问拉伸到底是怎么做的. 其实不同部分的肌肉有不同的拉伸动作, 所以是一个很复杂的问题. 比如跑步\Elliptical Trainer\Stepper\Bike等以下肢为主的有氧运动结束后应该至少对小腿, 大腿和髋部的肌肉做拉伸. 如果玩boat, 肱二肱三练习后也有相应的上肢拉伸方式. 坐完仰卧起坐以后也要拉伸腹肌.
常见的拉伸动作从 8楼开始 贴图介绍.
新增两个腿部拉伸动作,适合野外做的. P3
-- 10月下旬 --
运动前的热身运动 -- 动态拉伸 在第32楼
同时感谢xiaosha和turningleaf mm提供的拉伸动作, 在第33和35楼.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-2 17:09:07编辑过]
比如说我从家里走了5-10分钟的路去gym,这算不算warm up?
一手扶墙单脚站立,另一只手抓住脚腕或脚面向后扳, 体会大腿前面被拉伸的感觉,保持20秒后换腿重复.
注意拉伸的时候不要让膝盖向外翻. 这个动作也可以趴着或侧躺着做.向下面两个图那样,效果一样.
这个动作多是mms做的, 有的可以腿分得很开.
这个动作GGs做得比较多, 相对容易一点.还有就是对四头肌也有些用.
髋部 (Hip)
坐在垫子上,上身后倾,用双手撑住与肩同宽.注意图中撑的方法,是手指向后的. 然后将髋部向前慢慢地向前滑动,体会拉伸的感觉,保持20秒.
胸 (Chest)
另外如果肘低一点,则主要是拉伸upper chest, 以及侧面的三角肌.
背 (Back)
找个立拄面对它站好,一只手抓住柱子,在腰的高度上,然后身体如图那样弯曲,以拉伸背部. 保持20秒后换边. 这个动作对三角肌的后部也用拉伸作用.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-2 0:22:16编辑过]
腹肌(Rectus Abdominis)
向图中那样躺好, 将两个膝盖和髋部都向一侧push...用力, 保持20秒后换个方向重复.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-2 22:22:41编辑过]
太有用了!偶正在寻找这些strech的routine。谢谢oceanwhite gg……
Thank you for sharing....
请问LZ是从那里找来的资料呢? 是网上呢吗?
请问LZ是从那里找来的资料呢? 是网上呢吗?
太有用了!偶正在寻找这些strech的routine。谢谢oceanwhite gg……
啊 是个兄弟???!!!
啊 是个兄弟???!!!
报, 报告长官, oceanwhite的确是个男的.
我, 我没化妆啊.
报, 报告长官, oceanwhite的确是个男的.
我, 我没化妆啊.
能再提供几个可以野外 做的 拉伸小腿的东西么? 最近小腿上的肉疯长,就是形状不好看
小腿 (Calves)
和以前体育课上教做的准备活动很象. 只是要注意:
保持后脚跟贴地和后腿膝关节挺直, 仅弯曲前腿膝关节. 上身保持正直. 身体不要上下压, hold and stretch 20秒就可以了.
大腿后侧 (Hamsprings)
两腿前后分开站立, 前腿直并脚向前, 后膝晚并使脚向外侧横放, 向前弯腰,臀部向后座,并把一手放在后腿膝盖上. 拉伸时将上身和臀部继续向下压,并继续弯后腿, 体会前腿大腿后侧被拉伸的感觉20秒, 换腿. 要注意的是后腿不要向外弯,尽量还是向前弯.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-6 12:32:54编辑过]
识别肌肉酸痛和肌肉拉伤的区别。 对于新手来说,往往很轻的重量也会造成肌肉拉伤。肌肉拉伤的最明显的表现就是条状疼痛, 区间往往很窄,周边肌肉没有类似症状。 而肌肉酸痛往往是较大面积的。如果肌肉拉伤应当立即停止相应部委的运动,适度拉伸和热敷会有帮助。一般症状几天后消失。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-6 16:57:56编辑过]
识别肌肉酸痛和肌肉拉伤的区别。 对于新手来说,往往很轻的重量也会造成肌肉拉伤。肌肉拉伤的最明显的表现就是条状疼痛, 区间往往很窄,周边肌肉没有类似症状。 而肌肉酸痛往往是较大面积的。如果肌肉拉伤应当立即停止相应部委的运动,适度拉伸和热敷会有帮助。一般症状几天后消失。
这点是很重要. 锻炼身体可以慢慢来, 如果带伤继续联系,搞严重了可能就好不了了. 谢谢larel.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-7 0:09:29编辑过]
识别肌肉酸痛和肌肉拉伤的区别。 对于新手来说,往往很轻的重量也会造成肌肉拉伤。肌肉拉伤的最明显的表现就是条状疼痛, 区间往往很窄,周边肌肉没有类似症状。 而肌肉酸痛往往是较大面积的。如果肌肉拉伤应当立即停止相应部委的运动,适度拉伸和热敷会有帮助。一般症状几天后消失。
如果不确定, 又觉得问题不大的话, 注意运动的量, 之前的热身和之后的拉伸, 还是有帮助的.
用慢走还是慢跑来 热身要看你自己运动时的强度来定. 比如我热身就是用5mph的速度慢跑. 但有的人6.5mph也只是热身而已, 再有的人可能5mph就是一般的运动强度了.
很抱歉, 我不知道针对你的踝关键应该用什么动作好, 想要知道的话还是去问大夫, 他们知道很多专用的拉伸动作. 我只能给general comments: 运动前应该慢跑/慢走5分钟做热身, 然后做些"动态拉伸", 也就是我们说的准备活动.
下面是常见的动态拉伸动作.(for general purpose).
Dynamic Flexibility and Mobility
Below is the standard dynamic flexibility series we use at JMU. Your workout should have a prescribed warm-up, but if it doesn't a three minute total body warm-up, (i.e., jogging, rope huaren.using, total body movement) should always precede this dynamic series. The warm-up raises the body temperature, increases blood flow to the muscles, and lubricates the joints. Always remember warm-up to stretch, do not stretch to warm-up.
Dynamic movements are the best way to prepare your body for dynamic workouts. Contrary to old beliefs, the best time to work on static flexibility is at the end of your workout, and not in the beginning. After every workout you should follow a 4-6 minute total body static stretching series.
The following series of Dynamic movements will develop your flexibility, balance, coordination, mobility and strength.
Purpose: To flex the hips and shoulders, and stretch the glutes, quads, lower back and shoulders.
Take an exaggerated high step, driving your knee as high as possible, and simultaneously push up on the toes of your opposite foot.
Use the proper arm swing; 90° angle at the elbows, hands swing up to chin level and back beyond rear pocket.
Key Points:
Drive your knees up as high as possible.
High knees pull: Same as above, but grab your knee and pull it up and in with each stride.
Purpose: To stretch the glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors and calves.
Step out with a long stride, striking the heel of your forward foot and extending onto the toes of your back foot.
Complete the cycle by bringing your trail leg through and standing upright.
Key Points:
Position your hands behind your head while keeping your eyes focused forward.
Flex your front knee to 90° and keep your back knee from striking the ground.
Purpose: To stretch the glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors and calves.
Drive your forward knee up as high as possible and then step out with a long stride striking the heel of your forward foot and extending onto the toes of your back foot.
Complete the cycle by bringing your trail leg through and standing upright.
Key Points:
This drill is performed identical to the walking lunge, with the exception of the high knee action.
Position your hands behind your head with your eyes focused forward.
Flex your front knee to 90° and keep your back knee from striking the ground.
Purpose: To stretch the hamstrings, calves and lower back.
Walk forward keeping your front leg straight.
Kick your leg up and touch your toes to the fingers of your opposite hand.
Repeat the cycle with your opposite leg.
Key Points:
Keep your arm extended out parallel with the ground.
On your first set of this drill only kick to 75% capacity, and then on your second set kick to full capacity.
Purpose: To stretch the groin, glutes, hamstrings, and ankles.
Keep your torso upright and take a long stride out to the side.
Lunge out bending your forward knee to 90°while keeping your trail leg straight.
Lower your hips and shift your body weight to the opposite leg.
Recover by bringing your feet together and standing upright.
Key Points:
Repeat the drill for 10 yards.
Keep your head focused forward with your arms hanging down in front of your body.
Purpose: To stretch the quadriceps and hip flexors.
Begin running by flexing your knee and bringing your heel back and around to your buttocks.
Maintain a slight forward lean throughout the drill, and stay on the balls of your feet.
Complete 20 kicks within 10 yards.
Key Points:
Maintain a quick, yet shallow arm swing, keep your elbows at 90° and drive your hands from chest to front hip pocket.
Purpose: To stretch the glutes, quads, low back and shoulders.
Execute proper running form; keep your elbows at 90° and drive your hands up to chin level and back to your rear pocket.
Stay on the balls of your feet, and drive your knees up as high as possible, and then down as quickly as possible.
Purpose: To stretch the abductors, adductors, glutes, ankles and hips.
Stay on the balls of your feet with your hips in a low semi-squat position.
Begin the drill by twisting your hips and crossing one leg in front of the other, bring your trail leg through, and cross your lead leg behind the trail leg.
Your shoulders remain square through the entire drill.
Purpose: To stretch the hip flexors, quads and calves.
Keeping your hips and knees bent with shoulders positioned over the balls of your feet.
For the first 10 yards utilize short choppy steps.
For the second 10 yards open up your stride and kick back.
Purpose: To stretch the hip flexors, abdominals, quads and shoulders.
Lie down in a prone position.
While keeping your chest in contact with the ground, cross one leg behind the other to the opposite side of your body.
This drill should be done in a continuous manner.
Purpose: To stretch the chest, shoulders and upper back.
Swing your arms forward, so they cross, and swing them back as far as possible.
This drill should be done in a controlled continuous fashion for 10 repetitions.
Purpose: To stretch the triceps, upper back, abdominals, and obliques.
Bend to one side while holding your opposite arm overhead, quickly reverse direction and stretch the other side.
This drill should be done in a controlled continuous fashion for 10 stretches on each side of your body.
Purpose: To further prepare your body for full speed action.
The power skip is executed by doing an explosive, exaggerated skip while emphasizing height rather than distance. Emphasize a big arm swing and explosive knee lift.
用慢走还是慢跑来 热身要看你自己运动时的强度来定. 比如我热身就是用5mph的速度慢跑. 但有的人6.5mph也只是热身而已, 再有的人可能5mph就是一般的运动强度了.
很抱歉, 我不知道针对你的踝关键应该用什么动作好, 想要知道的话还是去问大夫, 他们知道很多专用的拉伸动作. 我只能给general comments: 运动前应该慢跑/慢走5分钟做热身, 然后做些"动态拉伸", 也就是我们说的准备活动.
下面是常见的动态拉伸动作.(for general purpose).
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-22 16:48:35编辑过]
一手扶墙单脚站立,另一只手抓住脚腕或脚面向后扳, 体会大腿前面被拉伸的感觉,保持20秒后换腿重复.
注意拉伸的时候不要让膝盖向外翻. 这个动作也可以趴着或侧躺着做.向下面两个图那样,效果一样.
以前我做这几个动作总是嫌已经拉伸不到了,后来发现一个动作很好,还是在广告上看到的, 就一直用这个了, 回头我看看能不能找到图
I think many of these stretches are not enough to me. I mean I can do these without feeling much stretch of my muscles
很有可能地, 人的肌肉,韧带,肌腱等经过锻炼可以软到平常人想象不到的程度.
要是小莎发掘出什么动作属于增强版的, 也可以发上来,大家都受益.
很有可能地, 人的肌肉,韧带,肌腱等经过锻炼可以软到平常人想象不到的程度.
要是小莎发掘出什么动作属于增强版的, 也可以发上来,大家都受益.
还有我觉得那个横披(两腿岔开,尽量下压,最终状态是两腿完全着地)也很challenge 的
以前我做这几个动作总是嫌已经拉伸不到了,后来发现一个动作很好,还是在广告上看到的, 就一直用这个了, 回头我看看能不能找到图
xiaosha mm, i feel the same as you, but seems you didn't see my post...
xiaosha mm, i feel the same as you, but seems you didn't see my post...
a, sorry a
mm 能不能大概描述一下那个动作呢?要是找不到pp的话。谢啦
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-25 10:22:42编辑过]
Many of these stretches are quite simliar to yoga poses, I've found out that if I do 20 mins yoga after running for 30 mins, and doing weight lifting for 10 mins, my muscles will not be sore at all the next day, don't know if that's the optimum combination,
yeah, that's why I'm so into Yoga now. Yoga is really great for me.
识别肌肉酸痛和肌肉拉伤的区别。 对于新手来说,往往很轻的重量也会造成肌肉拉伤。肌肉拉伤的最明显的表现就是条状疼痛, 区间往往很窄,周边肌肉没有类似症状。 而肌肉酸痛往往是较大面积的。如果肌肉拉伤应当立即停止相应部委的运动,适度拉伸和热敷会有帮助。一般症状几天后消失。
如果是受伤, 用手按按, 应该是某个部位特别明显, 而周围就不是很疼... 就是说界限应该比较清楚.
另外, 活动活动那部分身体, 如果在某个角度疼痛明显加剧, 就是受伤了.
me 2 me 2
我是高中锻炼的时候不注意stretch, 小腿肌肉形状很难看..
之后:gym里有一种白色泡沫做的长棍,不知道大家注意到没有,一般和球之类的放在一起。那个是用来缓解肌肉酸疼的,适于运动之后cool off。用的方法是:如果按摩大腿肌肉,就平躺在垫子上,泡沫长棍放在要按摩的地方,然后用身体在长棍上来回平移,你会觉得按摩的地方很疼,这就对了。然后换至其他部位,用同样的方法按摩。这样可以使你的肌肉彻底放松。
这些都是老生常谈了, 因为活动的缘故有很多MMs新开始健身运动, 所以这些话还是强调一下好一点. 1. 运动前要warm up(2-5分钟低强度运动). 运动完以后要stretch (拉伸). 不然很容易受伤. (在本版搜索 "拉伸" 或 "stretch") 2. 跑步的话一定要搞一双合适的running shoes. (在本版搜索 "跑鞋", 或 "跑步") 3. 对于减脂来说, 重要的不是强度,而是运动持续时间,一般应该在30分钟以上. 强度以控制心率在 130-140 之间最理想. (25-40岁) 4. 每周4-6次,休息比运动更重要. 有什么需要补充的, 老版友们补充补充. --9月1日更新-- 有人问拉伸到底是怎么做的. 其实不同部分的肌肉有不同的拉伸动作, 所以是一个很复杂的问题. 比如跑步\Elliptical Trainer\Stepper\Bike等以下肢为主的有氧运动结束后应该至少对小腿, 大腿和髋部的肌肉做拉伸. 如果玩boat, 肱二肱三练习后也有相应的上肢拉伸方式. 坐完仰卧起坐以后也要拉伸腹肌. 常见的拉伸动作从 8楼开始 贴图介绍.
新增两个腿部拉伸动作,适合野外做的. P3
-- 10月下旬 -- 运动前的热身运动 -- 动态拉伸 在第32楼
同时感谢xiaosha和turningleaf mm提供的拉伸动作, 在第33和35楼.