the two dependent variables are "short-term memory recall" and "long-term memory recall", the independent variable is "lecture duration", which has two independent groups: "30 minutes", "60 minutes". Experiment design: the participants are randomly divided into two groups, with one group receive 30-minute instruction first and 60-minute instruction later, and the other group vice versa. 到底要用嘛test的嘛,愁死我了。
the two dependent variables are "short-term memory recall" and "long-term memory recall",
the independent variable is "lecture duration", which has two independent groups: "30 minutes", "60 minutes".
Experiment design: the participants are randomly divided into two groups, with one group receive 30-minute instruction first and 60-minute instruction later, and the other group vice versa.
After reading a post on the second page, I realized that you measured both short-term and long-term recalls for each teaching duration. If this is the case, it is a two-way repeated measure anova test (if your DVs are continuous variables). Are you interested in the interaction effect?
the two dependent variables are "short-term memory recall" and "long-term memory recall",
the independent variable is "lecture duration", which has two independent groups: "30 minutes", "60 minutes".
Experiment design: the participants are randomly divided into two groups, with one group receive 30-minute instruction first and 60-minute instruction later, and the other group vice versa.
DV 的数据是什么类型的?你那IV是categorical? 你这信息不够。。
哇,高手来了!激动激动。。。我镇定下。。。dv 是contunious variables, IV 是categorical吧?这个我不太确定。
以下是引用清~在3/6/2013 6:26:00 PM的发言:
最近写论文,涉及到一个统计spss 的问题。楼主实在是拿不准,请高人帮帮忙。
the two dependent variables are "short-term memory recall" and "long-term memory recall",
the independent variable is "lecture duration", which has two independent groups: "30 minutes", "60 minutes".
Experiment design: the participants are randomly divided into two groups, with one group receive 30-minute instruction first and 60-minute instruction later, and the other group vice versa.
哇,高手来了!激动激动。。。我镇定下。。。dv 是contunious variables, IV 是categorical吧?这个我不太确定。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/6 21:38:32编辑过]
我觉得这里30-minute instruction and
60-minute instruction 的先后顺序是试验设计的需要 (为了平衡次序效应),一般情况下不用在统计分析中体现。
你这里的 "short-term memory recall" and "long-term memory recall" 是每个人在每个instruction 后都要做的吗?如果是的话,你做个2 (30min vs. 60min instruction) x 2 (short-term vs. long-term recall) repeated measure ANOVA 就行。
我猜你的DV是记忆分数(e.g., 回忆出几个'words' or 'key points' etc), 是数值变量。
我觉得这里30-minute instruction and
60-minute instruction 的先后顺序是试验设计的需要 (为了平衡次序效应),一般情况下不用在统计分析中体现。
你这里的 "short-term memory recall" and "long-term memory recall" 是每个人在每个instruction 后都要做的吗?如果是的话,你做个2 (30min vs. 60min instruction) x 2 (short-term vs. long-term recall) repeated measure ANOVA 就行。
看样子iv和dv都是categorical,design是cross over design。还有,你要做啥test?hypothesis是啥?