以下是引用dangbersen在2/13/2013 11:51:00 AM的发言: 恶心的firefox, 一个劲的loading..... 随时欢迎. 跟帖post自己的workout的就好. 我会在第一页表格里建电梯更新 Thanks a lot Dangbersen MM. We are similar height right. I will post pictures just taken today, and add more details when I go home. Wait for Feifei and Macao mm's approval as well.
always check your post. love your team and so much fun to read all your updates, no matter for food intake or exercise. are you still open for new members? may i join your girls please? i'm 170 /146lbs now and desperatly need to lose 10-15 lbs by sep. will ben if let me in.
i'm currently stay here, so longly and no one to talk/share.
以下是引用macaojj的发言Looking great! Way better than me at the least =) Now we are a group of 4 - I like the size!
---- Thanks a lot Macao MM! I love to eat too and always eat fruit/snack/candy to kill time. This is why I want to join here: we are food lovers and won't starve our bodies to lose weight! Exercise is way to go with controlled food intake:).
我来唱黑脸. 用我的trainer的话, you must take care of your nutrition, less carb, more protain. People might love to workout, but without good nutrition intake, workout alone won't help you to lose body fat.
我来唱黑脸. 用我的trainer的话, you must take care of your nutrition, less carb, more protain. People might love to workout, but without good nutrition intake, workout alone won't help you to lose body fat.
所以jm们, 一定要管住自己的嘴啊.
heading out for lunch and will keep it in mind =) [此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 14:56:55编辑过]
Bang mm is right. What I mean is balance and controlled food intake. BTW on top of counting daily calories intake, do your girls count the nutrition breakdown as well? such as carbs, protein, etc....
This one? http://blog.euromonitor.com/2011/06/coconut-water-a-world-of-opportunity.html here is the book i referred to: http://www.walmart.com/ip/16545958?wmlspartner=wlpa&adid=22222222227009931269&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=&wl3=13957513390&wl4=&wl5=pla&veh=sem
Macao MM might try to eat half portion of your snacks rather than to finish the whole package all at once.
Starting from this month, before eating any snacks I do a quick calculation to translate the food calories into exercise times, then I can discipline myself, and cut the junk food snacks to minimum. [此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/14 11:25:01编辑过]
Following Macao MM, I'm trying to take pictures of my food intake as well. I do not eat anything at home in the morning: From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, I eat breakfast, lunch and snacks all at work. I normally prepare them at night.
Feb.14th Thursday: Food not in the pictures: large coffee with 2 milk/half sugar (100 Cal), 6 pieces of Chinese almond cracker (120 Cal)
Following Macao MM, I'm trying to take pictures of my food intake as well. I do not eat anything at home in the morning: From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, I eat breakfast, lunch and snacks all at work. I normally prepare them at night.
Feb.14th Thursday: Food not in the pictures: large coffee with 2 milk/half sugar (100 Cal), 6 pieces of Chinese almond cracker (120 Cal)
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/14 12:03:42编辑过]
Cool! What's that thing hidden behind the kiwi? BTW, I also love that baby cheese thingy =)
以下是引用macaojj在2/14/2013 2:40:00 PM的发言: oops, it's so pale that i couldn't recognize it. I believe it's not 无花果 (fig) then, must be 蕃石榴 (guava). oooooh how i love guava!
oops, my mistake! Always thought guava is 无花果. Learn some thing new today. Thanks Macao.
I ran 3 miles today at 9-min pace - already breathing hard :( The 8 pounds extra weight since two months ago does feel something...
恶心的firefox, 一个劲的loading..... 随时欢迎. 跟帖post自己的workout的就好. 我会在第一页表格里建电梯更新
Thanks a lot Dangbersen MM. We are similar height right. I will post pictures just taken today, and add more details when I go home. Wait for Feifei and Macao mm's approval as well.
大家互相督促. 嘻嘻
今天早上过磅,110.8,不过是before wc称的,那我就无耻的认为自己110了啊,不减了。哈哈哈。。。
赶紧记录下来. 周末抢沙发等奔
Thanks a lot Dang mm and Feifei mm! I will post two pictures just taken at lunch, and will post more details when I'm home tonight.
I have tons of issues to be fixed and need your support.
有图看, 真happy.
I have tons of issues to be fixed and need your support.
Too much tummy fat and huge calves.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/27 10:32:25编辑过]
+ 少照一块花生糖,少量草莓酱
- 小熊饼干只吃了三个,没吃完
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
我的早餐绝对应该向你学习.我是要么不吃, 要么就随便塞点啥吃吃完了
+ 少照一块花生糖,少量草莓酱
- 小熊饼干只吃了三个,没吃完
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
at work and can't type chinese.
always check your post. love your team and so much fun to read all your updates, no matter for food intake or exercise. are you still open for new members? may i join your girls please? i'm 170 /146lbs now and desperatly need to lose 10-15 lbs by sep. will ben if let me in.
i'm currently stay here, so longly and no one to talk/share.
big welcome! :-)
我的早餐绝对应该向你学习.我是要么不吃, 要么就随便塞点啥吃吃完了
Time is tight in the morning... Today I had the luxury to take pix of almost everything I ate, which I normally don't...
BTW, the second picture was taken in the car when stuck in traffic... a long commute is good time for snacking off =)
Thanks a lot Dang mm and Feifei mm! I will post two pictures just taken at lunch, and will post more details when I'm home tonight.
I have tons of issues to be fixed and need your support.
Too much tummy fat and huge calves.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 13:16:16编辑过]
身材很好了啊, 长腿mm.
这样子, 人家会不好意思的
Thanks a lot Dang mm and Feifei mm! I will post two pictures just taken at lunch, and will post more details when I'm home tonight.
I have tons of issues to be fixed and need your support.
Too much tummy fat and huge calves.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 13:16:16编辑过]
Looking great! Way better than me at the least =) Now we are a group of 4 - I like the size!
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 14:27:09编辑过]
Thanks a lot Macao MM! I love to eat too and always eat fruit/snack/candy to kill time. This is why I want to join here: we are food lovers and won't starve our bodies to lose weight! Exercise is way to go with controlled food intake:).
所以jm们, 一定要管住自己的嘴啊.
我来唱黑脸. 用我的trainer的话, you must take care of your nutrition, less carb, more protain. People might love to workout, but without good nutrition intake, workout alone won't help you to lose body fat.
所以jm们, 一定要管住自己的嘴啊.
heading out for lunch and will keep it in mind =)
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 14:56:55编辑过]
BTW on top of counting daily calories intake, do your girls count the nutrition breakdown as well? such as carbs, protein, etc....
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 15:03:16编辑过]
我不算一天吃多少卡路里. 晚饭不吃米面类, 只吃蛋白质和蔬菜. 米面类放早饭和中饭. 米饭吃brown rice. 面食基本吃很少. 尽量少吃炒菜, 炒菜也尽量少放油. 零食基本上都cut掉了.蛋白质尽量多吃(早上吃一个水煮蛋一杯牛奶, 白天一个酸奶, 运动完喝一大杯豆奶). 我原来蛋白质吃的少, 米面吃太多. 所以我现在只需要reverse我原来的饮食结构, 总卡路里看着差不多就可以了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 15:03:16编辑过]
以下是引用钱途无亮在2/13/2013 3:05:00 PM 的发言:
This one? http://blog.euromonitor.com/2011/06/coconut-water-a-world-of-opportunity.html
here is the book i referred to: http://www.walmart.com/ip/16545958?wmlspartner=wlpa&adid=22222222227009931269&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=&wl3=13957513390&wl4=&wl5=pla&veh=sem
Love the ironman videos, they are all fascinating...
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/15 13:20:02编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:06:26编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:08:24编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:08:24编辑过]
矮马。。我好不容易meeting break ... 冲上来就看见美女辣图。。。摸了马上再冲回去。。。
矮马。。我好不容易meeting break ... 冲上来就看见美女辣图。。。摸了马上再冲回去。。。
算了, 看无风也挺不容易的, 这么支持楼里的jms奔, 不收了, 白送, 我也跟着一起摸
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:23:11编辑过]
feifei, 你没把照片放在魅力里面. 你编辑用代码模式, 然后把内容都放在 test 那部分
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:06:26编辑过]
矮马。。我好不容易meeting break ... 冲上来就看见美女辣图。。。摸了马上再冲回去。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:31:23编辑过]
我不大吃肉类,几乎也不碰Chips/Cookies/Soft Drink/fast food,但另一方面水果/冰棍/巧克力/山楂蜜饯等吃的特别多,每天至少4-5个水果,想来可能食物里的糖分/碳水偏高同时蛋白质不足。 今后需要改吃糖分少的水果,诸如西红柿,柚子,同时要少吃糖分高的葡萄,樱桃之类的。少吃冰淇淋/蜜饯。
饮食方面: 花时间自己做食品,少吃Processed food.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:56:21编辑过]
目前身高171,体重146 lbs,BMI =23, fat 自测〉28% 的肥婆。三围就先免了吧,回头又进步时来补上。
奋斗目标:到9月降到 体重135 磅,BF 《24%,三围:92-70-96
晚上没条件去健身房,健身靠午休健走/ 少量WT/ DVD Yoga为主,时停时捡,每年的体重都上上下下10磅波动,平均下来每年净增2磅。现在的体重达到了历史最高值. 因为今年9月要回国,迫切需要瘦身减脂。 目前定的目标是接下来的7个月减掉10-15磅,BMI 降到22以下,目标定在BMI 21.5。
身体状况:过去10年3天打鱼2天晒网的健身, 经验教训一箩筐。 以前没做好热身致使膝盖受过伤没有恢复好,导致现在不能跑步,蹦跳,否则膝盖必痛。 最瘦时也有小肚子。 小腿遗传性粗壮。前两年健身方式有误又过度刺激了Calves 增长,现在小腿粗的不可忍受是重灾区,连带的爬坡,爬楼,腿部WT也都不敢做了。 另外年纪也是一个考虑因素,过于剧烈的运动也不适合我的情况了。综上所述,我能坚持的目前看来只有健走最符合我的现状。健走热量消耗小,需要花费更多的时间慢工出细活。此外小腹下腹是另一重灾区还不知道这辈子能不能看到改善。
健身计划:以健走为主,每周4-6次,每次50分钟及运动后伸拉/10 分钟Stretch/20分钟肢体环绕运动,此外每周Yoga/Pilate 1-2次,WT 1-2次。按摩腿部3-5次
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:50:42编辑过]
Feb4-8th: 健走4次,每次50min/伸拉10min, 另外Arm/Leg 环绕2次。
Feb. 9th: Yoga 45min
Feb. 10th: 健走40min
Mon。 Feb。11:健走50分钟,拉伸10分钟,手臂/腿部运动15分钟。 -消耗大约200Cal。
饮食;一杯五谷粥早餐,中餐Brown Rice/ Vegie。晚餐 少量Brown Rice,黄鱼,蔬菜。此外今天吃了3个桔子,1个Kiwi, 10多个Cherry tomato,此外1 Large Coffee,2个egg white. 总热量估计1600-1800Cal?
Feb.12th, Tuesday:
Food intake:
Morning: home made whole grain soup, 1 egg white, 1 large coffee with 2milk/1sugar, some cherry tomatos - 370 Cal;
Lunch: home made brown rice with tofu/vegie, 1 kiwi, 1 small orange, baby size yogurt drink: 650 Cal;
Dinner: 一小碗黑米粥,小半块馒头,一个水煮去皮鸡腿,一块烤鱼肉,一个桔子- 650 Cal
Exercise: 15分钟手臂小负重WT,15分钟芭蕾DVD,45分钟Belly Dance DVD- 消耗300 Cal
Feb.13th, Wednesday:
- Morning: feel good and enegetic;
- Breakfast: whole grain soup, cherry tomatos, small cucumber,large coffee with 2 milks/half sugar, feel hungary by 11:00 - 370 Cal;
- Lunch: 1 1/2 chinese flour buns with vegie: 1 scrambled egg with carrot/radish; 2 oranges, 1 baby yogurt - 660 Cal;
- Dinner: 五谷粥,中午相同的杂菜,一块凤梨苏(慕名第一次吃,味道一般),2个无花果,一个香蕉 -700 Cal, 额一算热量又有点吃多了。
- Exercise: brisk walk 50 min /10 min stretch / 10 min joints rolling - 消耗200 Cal。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 21:32:03编辑过]
妈呀 这腰围,腹围多少啊? 裤子是af的不?
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 20:07:31编辑过]
我说, 你63了还折腾啥, 再瘦只能拆骨头了...
饮食方面,我是北方人,可以不吃肉,但每日无米面不欢。以前不接受Whole Grain的主食,觉得剌嗓子吃不下去。今年买了新的电饭锅有煮Brown Rice 的功能,现在家里改吃Brown Rice。周末的时候煮五谷粥喝。这周开始每天早上带打碎的五谷粥在上班的路上喝,替代了香蕉/Tea Biscuit。
我不大吃肉类,几乎也不碰Chips/Cookies/Soft Drink/fast food,但另一方面水果/冰棍/巧克力/山楂蜜饯等吃的特别多,每天至少4-5个水果,想来可能食物里的糖分/碳水偏高同时蛋白质不足。 今后需要改吃糖分少的水果,诸如西红柿,柚子,同时要少吃糖分高的葡萄,樱桃之类的。少吃冰淇淋/蜜饯。
饮食方面: 花时间自己做食品,少吃Processed food.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 18:56:21编辑过]
你跟我差不多。 如果想没有小肚子, 必须把碳水减少到最少。 重说一遍我现在的diet。 早饭午饭蛋白质蔬菜(水果)碳水, 晚上不吃米饭。 自己做饭的话, 尽量不炒菜, 炒也放一点点油,其他作料能少就少。 蔬菜蛋白质碳水的比例形容一下就是蔬菜巴掌大, 碳水掌心大, 碳水拳头侧面大。
小腿真不知道怎么减小纬度, 我小腿也不细, 不过因为大腿也粗, 所以还能接受。
你跟我差不多。 如果想没有小肚子, 必须把碳水减少到最少。 重说一遍我现在的diet。 早饭午饭蛋白质蔬菜(水果)碳水, 晚上不吃米饭。 自己做饭的话, 尽量不炒菜, 炒也放一点点油,其他作料能少就少。 蔬菜蛋白质碳水的比例形容一下就是蔬菜巴掌大, 碳水掌心大, 碳水拳头侧面大。
小腿真不知道怎么减小纬度, 我小腿也不细, 不过因为大腿也粗, 所以还能接受。
道理我懂啊,就是没毅力砍掉主食。不吃主食就老觉得不算吃过饭似的。现在尽量挪到早/午餐吃米面食品,晚餐只吃以前的1/3的主食,主攻蔬菜,肉类。尤其今年主食都改成了Brown Rice,能减少点愧疚感。
小腿曾经靠倒控腿,抻拉,按摩瘦下来过一点。我以前Butt 平平,大腿细瘦,只有小腿特别不成比例的粗壮。不想前几年练了一段的下肢WT外加踩Stairmaster,结果Butt,大腿,小腿的肌肉全长出来了,身材效果有得有失,小腿是一下回到解放前。现在我能想到的小腿挽救措施:不练小腿WT,不爬坡爬楼,有空就抻拉/按摩放松小腿,然后靠Cadio 全身减脂。效果如何,等过3个月我来汇报。
我说, 你63了还折腾啥, 再瘦只能拆骨头了...
经你一说 趁机摸了摸腰间的肉肉
道理我懂啊,就是没毅力砍掉主食。不吃主食就老觉得不算吃过饭似的。现在尽量挪到早/午餐吃米面食品,晚餐只吃以前的1/3的主食,主攻蔬菜,肉类。尤其今年主食都改成了Brown Rice,能减少点愧疚感。
小腿曾经靠倒控腿,抻拉,按摩瘦下来过一点。我以前Butt 平平,大腿细瘦,只有小腿特别不成比例的粗壮。不想前几年练了一段的下肢WT外加踩Stairmaster,结果Butt,大腿,小腿的肌肉全长出来了,身材效果有得有失,小腿是一下回到解放前。现在我能想到的小腿挽救措施:不练小腿WT,不爬坡爬楼,有空就抻拉/按摩放松小腿,然后靠Cadio 全身减脂。效果如何,等过3个月我来汇报。
可以试试慢跑。 我是说真的慢。 你能跑速度6就改成速度5.5跑。 运动完form roll。
经你一说 趁机摸了摸腰间的肉肉
Feb4-8th: 健走4次,每次50min/伸拉10min, 另外Arm/Leg 环绕2次。
Feb. 9th: Yoga 45min
Feb. 10th: 健走40min
Mon。 Feb。11:健走50分钟,拉伸10分钟,手臂/腿部运动15分钟。 -消耗大约200Cal。
饮食;一杯五谷粥早餐,中餐Brown Rice/ Vegie。晚餐 少量Brown Rice,黄鱼,蔬菜。此外今天吃了3个桔子,1个Kiwi, 10多个Cherry tomato,此外1 Large Coffee,2个egg white. 总热量估计1600-1800Cal?
Feb.12th, Tuesday:
Food intake:
Morning: home made whole grain soup, 1 egg white, 1 large coffee with 2milk/1sugar, some cherry tomatos - 370 Cal;
Lunch: home made brown rice with tofu/vegie, 1 kiwi, 1 small orange, baby size yogurt drink: 650 Cal;
Dinner: 一小碗黑米粥,小半块馒头,一个水煮去皮鸡腿,一块烤鱼肉,一个桔子- 650 Cal
Exercise: 15分钟手臂小负重WT,15分钟芭蕾DVD,45分钟Belly Dance DVD- 消耗300 Cal
Feb.13th, Wednesday:
- Morning: feel good and enegetic;
- Breakfast: whole grain soup, cherry tomatos, small cucumber,large coffee with 2 milks/half sugar, feel hungary by 11:00 - 370 Cal;
- Lunch: 1 1/2 chinese flour buns with vegie: 1 scrambled egg with carrot/radish; 2 oranges, 1 baby yogurt - 660 Cal;
- Dinner: 五谷粥,中午相同的杂菜,一块凤梨苏(慕名第一次吃,味道一般),2个无花果,一个香蕉 -700 Cal, 额一算热量又有点吃多了。
- Exercise: brisk walk 50 min /10 min stretch / 10 min joints rolling - 消耗200 Cal。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 21:32:03编辑过]
矮妈, 你这是一天不拉下啊, 赞
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 21:57:37编辑过]
可以试试慢跑。 我是说真的慢。 你能跑速度6就改成速度5.5跑。 运动完form roll。
看来慢真是没底限的 我椭圆机的干活一个小时都跑不了5.5迈。太糗了
看来慢真是没底限的 我椭圆机的干活一个小时都跑不了5.5迈。太糗了
5.5不算慢了。 我见过速度4跑的。
5.5不算慢了。 我见过速度4跑的。
我跑不了5.5, 看了下纪录:4.5-5.3之间 汗
我跑不了5.5, 看了下纪录:4.5-5.3之间 汗
满跑挺好的啊, 减肥
2/13 core 1hr
1hr core, 难怪小腰那么好看。
5.5不算慢了。 我见过速度4跑的。
1hr core, 难怪小腰那么好看。
我的跑步神经特别弱,中学的体育都是勉强及格那伙的。在Treadmill 上跑步都在4.5-5之间。 Dang MM你们跑步有没有膝盖痛的问题,我以前跑过很短的一段时间,然后膝盖就一直丝丝拉拉的痛了有将近一年,吓得我不敢再跑了,才改用Stairmaster的。
跑步机从来都没有膝盖的问题。 路跑刚开始的时候long run的会稍微有点感觉。 跑步需要练core和腿部肌肉, 这样可以更好的support你的膝盖。 还有就是跑步姿势正确的话, 也会对膝盖损伤小点。
如果膝盖不好, 椭圆机是个不错的选择。 或者自行车。 以前没跑步的时候报过一个spinning class。 超爽。一节课下来不会走路
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 23:04:36编辑过]
我的core不够strong, trainer 主力练我的core和肩背
我的core不够strong, trainer 主力练我的core和肩背
跑步机从来都没有膝盖的问题。 路跑刚开始的时候long run的会稍微有点感觉。 跑步需要练core和腿部肌肉, 这样可以更好的support你的膝盖。 还有就是跑步姿势正确的话, 也会对膝盖损伤小点。
如果膝盖不好, 椭圆机是个不错的选择。 或者自行车。 以前没跑步的时候报过一个spinning class。 超爽。一节课下来不会走路
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 23:04:36编辑过]
自行车对我来说很不给力, 可能因为我腿太有力了,而且其他部位也用不到。大屁股一坐上去,没啥感觉呢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/13 23:55:45编辑过]
满跑挺好的啊, 减肥
以下是引用幸福在2/13/2013 11:55:00 PM 的发言:
自行车对我来说很不给力, 可能因为我腿太有力了,而且其他部位也用不到。大屁股一坐上去,没啥感觉呢。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/14 0:21:45编辑过]
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
我的跑步神经特别弱,中学的体育都是勉强及格那伙的。在Treadmill 上跑步都在4.5-5之间。 Dang MM你们跑步有没有膝盖痛的问题,我以前跑过很短的一段时间,然后膝盖就一直丝丝拉拉的痛了有将近一年,吓得我不敢再跑了,才改用Stairmaster的。
都练些啥?我最近尝试做assisted pullups,助力要55磅,瀑布汗。。。
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/14 0:21:45编辑过]
都练些啥?我最近尝试做assisted pullups,助力要55磅,瀑布汗。。。
在积木的话,就跟着其他大鸡群一起练了。拉cable,做一些db fly,lounge,squat都很练core的。
实在想吃的话,或者吃个水果? 最后还是吃了那包薯片,外加一小把葡萄干。就是馋。。。然后做了些踮脚尖动作,心理略平衡。明天起,不吃薯片了,违者次日不得运动!
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
accumulative effect 呀。
Starting from this month, before eating any snacks I do a quick calculation to translate the food calories into exercise times, then I can discipline myself, and cut the junk food snacks to minimum.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/14 11:25:01编辑过]
Feb.14th Thursday:
Food not in the pictures: large coffee with 2 milk/half sugar (100 Cal), 6 pieces of Chinese almond cracker (120 Cal)
- Morning: legs feel heavy;
- Breakfast: 1/4 avocado, 1 baby cheese, 1 baby yogurt, 6 T&T almond crackers,small cucumber,large coffee with 2 milks/half sugar,11:00 - 400 Cal;
- Lunch: 1 scrambled egg with mixed vegies; 1 tofu snack, 2 无花果 - 500 Cal;
-Afternoon snack(might be): kiwi,orange, 1 pack of blackberry - 150 cal图里的地瓜没有吃
- Dinner: 美其名曰庆祝节日,买了外卖回来吃。我吃了一份山西凉皮,半份削子面,吃的心满意足,腰圆肚圆。-800 Cal?今天的进食量肯定爆了。
- Exercise: 腿不舒服半休整只走了2公里。 晚饭后,2组手臂哑铃大约20分钟,然后跟Video 做了45分钟 Pilate - 消耗 300 Cal。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/14 23:12:21编辑过]
Received 2 packs of Chocolates at work, but nothing from dear hubby yet. en, will send him a reminding email...
accumulative effect 呀。
I know! :) Just hoping it'd give me some motivations.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
Following Macao MM, I'm trying to take pictures of my food intake as well. I do not eat anything at home in the morning: From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, I eat breakfast, lunch and snacks all at work. I normally prepare them at night.
Feb.14th Thursday: Food not in the pictures: large coffee with 2 milk/half sugar (100 Cal), 6 pieces of Chinese almond cracker (120 Cal)
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/14 12:03:42编辑过]
Cool! What's that thing hidden behind the kiwi? BTW, I also love that baby cheese thingy =)
6 jujube/ 10 longyan soup (ran out of gojiberries today), 5g TCHO 'milky', 1 slice of bread, 10 pistachios, 5 pecan halves, 1 oatmeal dessert bar, 1 egg, 3 kumquats.
macaojj的发言:Cool! What's that thing hidden behind the kiwi? BTW, I also love that baby cheese thingy =)
It's 无花果 (Guava )
oops, it's so pale that i couldn't recognize it. I believe it's not 无花果 (fig) then, must be 蕃石榴 (guava). oooooh how i love guava!
It's 无花果 (Guava )
oops, it's so pale that i couldn't recognize it. I believe it's not 无花果 (fig) then, must be 蕃石榴 (guava). oooooh how i love guava!
oops, my mistake! Always thought guava is 无花果. Learn some thing new today. Thanks Macao.
BTW, the picture seems to always be cropped from what i see in the screen :-(
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
morning snack: 1 cheese stick
BTW, the picture seems to always be cropped from what i see in the screen :-(
great! lots of fruit and veggies!
I'm not clean today, I had two cheesecakes, but yummy and happy
soy milk, yogurt, orange, tangerines, TCHO fruity.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6