自然卷沙发的mm看过来!最健康简单方式打造妩媚卷发!发掘与生俱来却被埋藏的美丽! (updated 147楼)

201 楼

conditioner wash之后很明显头发没有那么毛躁,而且卷度更明显自然。但是我的问题是,一直用conditioner洗得话,还是偶尔会觉得头皮发痒。于是尝试了不含sls的洗发水,先是头皮不适应,感觉非常干,有头屑(本来没有),然后就是如果用shampoo洗头发,就没有之前conditioner wash的效果了。

然后本着研究的精神,我开始每周用两次没有sls的洗发水洗头发,其他都conditioner wash,但是效果就不明显了。虽然没有像以前那么糟糕,没那么毛躁,但是卷度也不明显自然了。

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以下是引用naturallycurly在12/21/2012 12:35:00 AM的发言:

最开始要用不含硅的sulfate shampoo彻底清除头发里的硅。然后lz用了不含sulfate的shampoo再洗一次去除sulfate。算是clarify.
1.      不含sulfate的shampoo (建议少用,看需要了)
2.    Co-wash (用量不少的conditioner,抹头皮,手指肚来回按摩头皮所有地方,用大量的水冲干净,重点是头皮部位)
3.    Rinse out (由发尾开始往上抓抹,均匀抹后,冷水冲几秒,从现在开始手只能用从发稍往上抓的方式,不要梳理头发,抓抓干)
4.    Leave in conditioner(头发保持湿度,继续抓抹Leave in conditioner。抓的时候能感觉大量的水分但不怎么滴下来的地步。用少量或不用gel,用了比较硬,Lz用shea moisture curl smoothie代替。)
5.    plopping (从3开始,头发都是自动分成一小缕一小缕,均匀的卷着,现在做的是让卷定个型, 用旧的纯棉衣服裹20min,不要用毛巾)
6.    Air Dry (自然风干最保持水分。早点洗头比较好。)
7.    睡觉起床后,用手把头发抹抹湿,不要用梳子梳理,可以的话,连用手梳理都可以省略,lz会再抹些leave in conditioner去除frizz。头发能保持柔软而且卷。用jel也可以。

205 楼
 因为沙乱发,刚把头发剪短了。。。 不知道短发能不能出来自然卷效果?
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208 楼
去了target三次,终于买到了lz说的Tremmee 的Natural moisture的那款护发素,
今天刚 conditioner wash, 目前感觉比较清爽,正在等待效果中。
209 楼
结果还是会有好心的人提醒我: 你忘了梳头了?
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以下是引用fantasy10在12/20/2012 12:16:00 AM的发言:
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以下是引用naturallycurly在12/21/2012 12:35:00 AM的发言:

最开始要用不含硅的sulfate shampoo彻底清除头发里的硅。然后lz用了不含sulfate的shampoo再洗一次去除sulfate。算是clarify.
1.      不含sulfate的shampoo (建议少用,看需要了)
2.    Co-wash (用量不少的conditioner,抹头皮,手指肚来回按摩头皮所有地方,用大量的水冲干净,重点是头皮部位)
3.    Rinse out (由发尾开始往上抓抹,均匀抹后,冷水冲几秒,从现在开始手只能用从发稍往上抓的方式,不要梳理头发,抓抓干)
4.    Leave in conditioner(头发保持湿度,继续抓抹Leave in conditioner。抓的时候能感觉大量的水分但不怎么滴下来的地步。用少量或不用gel,用了比较硬,Lz用shea moisture curl smoothie代替。)
5.    plopping (从3开始,头发都是自动分成一小缕一小缕,均匀的卷着,现在做的是让卷定个型, 用旧的纯棉衣服裹20min,不要用毛巾)
6.    Air Dry (自然风干最保持水分。早点洗头比较好。)
7.    睡觉起床后,用手把头发抹抹湿,不要用梳子梳理,可以的话,连用手梳理都可以省略,lz会再抹些leave in conditioner去除frizz。头发能保持柔软而且卷。用jel也可以。

213 楼
mark mark mark ~~~~~~~~
214 楼
以下是引用最爱贴贴在12/20/2012 11:22:00 AM的发言:
十分十分十分想看楼主之前的头发,什么样的卷可以变成现在这样的漂亮的卷,评估一下可否效法楼主!!!呼唤楼主上张照片 rereeeeee

★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.0
215 楼
 同是自来卷的飘过!! mm这个太牛了 可惜我已经拉直了 以后可以试下!!
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好啊,mark 下了.................
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以下是引用chunkie在6/22/2013 9:56:00 AM的发言:

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以下是引用minervayao在12/20/2012 12:37:00 AM的发言:


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以下是引用gbsgbsgbs在12/20/2012 12:25:00 AM的发言:
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以下是引用fantasy10在12/20/2012 12:16:00 AM的发言:

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以下是引用willli在6/22/2013 1:43:00 AM的发言:
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以下是引用xulaoshi在6/26/2013 11:08:00 AM的发言:

★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.1
228 楼
以下是引用naturallycurly在12/21/2012 12:35:00 AM的发言:

最开始要用不含硅的sulfate shampoo彻底清除头发里的硅。然后lz用了不含sulfate的shampoo再洗一次去除sulfate。算是clarify.
1.      不含sulfate的shampoo (建议少用,看需要了)
2.    Co-wash (用量不少的conditioner,抹头皮,手指肚来回按摩头皮所有地方,用大量的水冲干净,重点是头皮部位)
3.    Rinse out (由发尾开始往上抓抹,均匀抹后,冷水冲几秒,从现在开始手只能用从发稍往上抓的方式,不要梳理头发,抓抓干)
4.    Leave in conditioner(头发保持湿度,继续抓抹Leave in conditioner。抓的时候能感觉大量的水分但不怎么滴下来的地步。用少量或不用gel,用了比较硬,Lz用shea moisture curl smoothie代替。)
5.    plopping (从3开始,头发都是自动分成一小缕一小缕,均匀的卷着,现在做的是让卷定个型, 用旧的纯棉衣服裹20min,不要用毛巾)
6.    Air Dry (自然风干最保持水分。早点洗头比较好。)
7.    睡觉起床后,用手把头发抹抹湿,不要用梳子梳理,可以的话,连用手梳理都可以省略,lz会再抹些leave in conditioner去除frizz。头发能保持柔软而且卷。用jel也可以。

229 楼
以下是引用美利坚小女子一枚在12/20/2012 12:21:00 AM的发言:

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以下是引用米糊糊在12/20/2012 2:25:00 AM的发言:

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233 楼
这个必须要mark一下 mark mark
234 楼
mark    markkkkkkk mark
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以下是引用naturallycurly在12/21/2012 12:35:00 AM的发言:
攻略总结最开始要用不含硅的sulfate shampoo彻底清除头发里的硅。然后lz用了不含sulfate的shampoo再洗一次去除sulfate。算是clarify. 平时护理 1. 不含sulfate的shampoo (建议少用,看需要了) 2. Co-wash (用量不少的conditioner,抹头皮,手指肚来回按摩头皮所有地方,用大量的水冲干净,重点是头皮部位) 3. Rinse out (由发尾开始往上抓抹,均匀抹后,冷水冲几秒,从现在开始手只能用从发稍往上抓的方式,不要梳理头发,抓抓干) 4. Leave in conditioner(头发保持湿度,继续抓抹Leave in conditioner。抓的时候能感觉大量的水分但不怎么滴下来的地步。用少量或不用gel,用了比较硬,Lz用shea moisture curl smoothie代替。) 5. plopping (从3开始,头发都是自动分成一小缕一小缕,均匀的卷着,现在做的是让卷定个型, 用旧的纯棉衣服裹20min,不要用毛巾) 6. Air Dry (自然风干最保持水分。早点洗头比较好。) 7. 睡觉起床后,用手把头发抹抹湿,不要用梳子梳理,可以的话,连用手梳理都可以省略,lz会再抹些leave in conditioner去除frizz。头发能保持柔软而且卷。用jel也可以。 具体的步骤都在那15步法了。头一次长篇大论啊。还是在粉妆玉琢版。卡卡。
237 楼

238 楼
回复 226楼countrygirl的帖子

我和mm一样只用护发素洗头加头皮,和你一样发现头屑问题变的特别严重,说起来很不好意思,有的时候有很大片的头屑,貌似有点脂溢性皮炎了。所以只能回归原始洗法了。argan oil对毛躁的发尾也很好,只是效果不保持。祝大家早日找到适合自己的方法。
239 楼
1Clarify with a sulfate shampoo (for the last time) before beginning. This will cleanse your hair of any silicones – ingredients in some hair products that are not water soluble (see the Warnings section below).
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  Have your hair trimmed. Have your hair trimmed. This will get rid of any damage or split ends. If you don't want to visit a hair salon you can always trim your own, of course.
3Replace your brush with a wide-toothed comb. It is easier to damage curly hair with a brush, whether wet or dry. Untangling hair while dry with any tool is not a good idea; separating the curls dry just causes more frizz. Instead of a brush, switch to a wide-toothed comb, or even better, just use your fingers (when the hair is wet). Using your fingers to untangle curly hair helps to bring out the curls much better than running your hands over your head to prevent frizz. If it is difficult to untangle your hair this way, add more conditioner to your hair when wet or trim any unruly ends.

  sham + poo =
phony + poopStop shampooing your hair. Most shampoos contain harsh, drying sulfates that are extremely damaging for curly hair (ammonium laureth sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, etc.). These common detergents found in shampoos make curly hair frizzy and uncooperative.[1] Conditioner can be used sufficiently to clean the hair (see the next step). Also, more gentle shampoos that contain mild cleansers (i.e. cocamidopropyl betaine or coco betaine) can be used occasionally or more often for wavier hair types.
"You'd never dream of washing a good sweater with detergent. Yet most shampoos contain harsh detergents (sodium lauryl sulfate or laureth sulfate) that one also finds in dish washing liquid. They're great for pots and pans because they cut grease so effectively. Your hair, on the other hand, needs to retain some natural oils, which protect your hair and scalp. Stripping them away deprives the hair of necessary moisture and amino acids and makes it look dry and dull." - Lorraine Massey

  You'd never dream of washing a good sweater with detergent.

  To the left is an image of a shampoo and a bottle of dish detergent. To the left is an image of a shampoo and a bottle of dish detergent. Above, the same sulfate is circled in their ingredients list.
5Wash your scalp with conditioner (conditioner washing). Begin your routine by wetting your hair in the shower. Distribute conditioner on your entire scalp and massage your scalp with the tips of your fingers (not your fingernails). This rubbing action and the resulting friction will loosen dirt, product residue, and dandruff which can then be rinsed away. (Be sure to avoid silicones in your hair products, see the Warnings.) Thoroughly rinse your scalp afterwards, still massaging with your fingertips as you do so.[2] Depending on how dry your scalp is, you can conditioner wash, once a week, twice a week, or every day.
"The curly-haired can leave their hair hydrated with natural oils and clean their scalps quite well by rinsing only with hair conditioner once a week or less. Rubbing the scalp firmly with fingers is enough to loosen dirt." - Lorraine Massey
6Distribute conditioner throughout all of your hair and untangle gently. Use your hands or a wide-toothed comb. Start by untangling bottom sections of your hair and then gradually move upwards. Let the conditioner sit in your hair for five minutes or so for extra moisture. You also may want to part your hair at this point with a comb. It's recommended that you part your hair to the side to prevent "triangle-shaped" hair.
7Do the final rinse of your hair with cool or cold water. This will decrease frizz and add shine. Leave some conditioner in your hair, especially in dry sections like the ends. It's fine to run your fingers through your hair gently, but do not comb your hair after this point.

  Apply products to your hair. Apply products to your hair. Do this while your hair is soaking wet if you have curlier hair, but wait five minutes or so if you have medium to wavy curly hair. Put product in your hands and rub them together to emulsify. Then, smooth or rake the product into your hair by sections. A common method is to begin with a leave-in cream or conditioner to decrease frizz and then follow with a gel for hold and definition. (Using your normal conditioner as a leave-in is fine too.[3]) However, use whatever type and order of products you like (as long as they are silicone free). Next, finger shape the curls by scrunching them (cup your hair in the palms of your hands and scrunch in an upward motion) and/or twisting individual curls around a finger.


  Any t-shirt will do. Gently scrunch your hair with a t-shirt, paper towels, or a micro-fiber towel to remove excess moisture. A generic terrycloth towel will make your hair frizzy. You may wish to finger shape your curls at this time instead. Next, wait five or so minutes so the hair can assume a permanent shape.

  Decrease the drying time of your hair by plopping. Decrease the drying time of your hair by plopping.[4] Spread an old t-shirt or micro-fiber towel onto a flat surface (such as the toilet with seat down). Bend over at the waist and position your hair in the middle of the cloth. With your head touching the cloth, drape the back section of cloth over your head. Twist the sides until they form "sausage rolls" and clip or tie them at the base of your neck. After 15-30 minutes remove the cloth. If your hair is frizzy after plopping lightly graze the hair with gel.

Plopping works best for medium to long length curly hair. The curls usually become weirdly squished after plopping in shorter hair. See How to Plop Your Hair for more info as well.

  Dry your hair. Dry your hair. Air drying is the easiest and gentlest way to dry your hair. If you must blow dry your hair use a diffuser to avoid frizz. Only dry your hair partially (about 80 percent dry) and air-dry the rest of the way.[5] Do not touch your hair while it is drying or it will mess up and frizz. Both types of diffusers work well in terms of diffusing and decreasing frizz:

  A bowl diffuser with fingers causes more volume and clumping (curls sticking together instead of going every which way), is bulky and heavier, and will probably only fit on the hairdryer it comes with. A bowl diffuser with fingers causes more volume and clumping (curls sticking together instead of going every which way), is bulky and heavier, and will probably only fit on the hairdryer it comes with. Place a section of hair in the bowl and press the bowl to your head. Then turn on the "warm" setting of your blow dryer. Press the cool shot if your head gets too hot.

  A sock diffuser is lightweight, fits on any hair dryer, and is portable. A sock diffuser is lightweight, fits on any hair dryer, and is portable. Aim the diffuser at different parts of your hair while you scrunch your hair with your hands. Stop scrunching when your hair is about 50 dry.[6]

  Not all hair dressers were created equal. Find an experienced hairstylist. Ask him/her in advance if they are experienced in cutting curly hair and what products they are going to use on your hair. Unplanned haircuts can be disastrous for curly hair. If their products contain silicones insist on bringing your own. If your hairstylist uses a razor to thin out your hair it will make your ends ratty and prone to split ends. Remember, it takes a skilled hairdresser to successfully cut layers or other haircuts in curly hair.
13Have your hair trimmed every four to six months. A 1/2-inch or 1/4-inch trim is usually enough to get rid of split ends. Long, rounded layers are more suited to curly hair--short layers tend to stick up and look funny. Curly hair usually consists of a combination of textures, with the crown being the curliest part. For this reason it's hard to tell what dry curly hair looks like when wet – consider having your hair cut dry. Also, take into account that curly hair is much shorter when dry than wet. You may lose only two inches while wet, but that could be four or five while dry!
14Give your hair time to adjust. It takes 2 to 6 weeks for your hair to adjust to the no shampoo and it may even look worse at first. Hair is a long-term project and it may take a couple weeks for it to regain its health after being stripped of moisture for years by shampoo.

  Smile! Show off your glamorous, beautiful curls!
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Many curlies decide to be modified CG and toe outside of the guidelines (for example, using light silicones, straightening hair with a flat iron, clarifying with a sulfate free shampoo, etc.), because it works for them.
If you can't find a clarifying shampoo, then add 2 tablespoons of clear vinegar to a bottle of preferably clear shampoo and shake well. Use this only for your last 'poo!
Different products work better for different types of curly hair. You will want to experiment and check out hair forums like naturallycurly.com for products that work for your hair type. Some high quality lines of products for curly hair are Jessicurl, Curl Junkie, Kinky Curly, and Devacurl (created in part by Lorraine Massey).
Curly hair has different needs during different seasons. In the summer use more liquid-like products so as to not suffocate the hair. It's also helpful to leave less conditioner or leave-in cream in your hair to prevent frizzing and increase definition. It's sort of the opposite in winter. You should use heavier, creamier products and more conditioner or leave-in to combat dry, wintry air.
A good moisturizing conditioner is essential. Some CG suggestions are Jessicurl Too Shea, Devacurl One Condition, Matrix Biolage Conditioning Balm, Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner, Tigi Bed Head Moisture Maniac, and Tressemme Naturals Nourishing Conditioner. You can use a cheaper, silicone-free conditioner, like Suave Naturals or Vo5, to scrub your scalp. Some good leave-in creams are L'Oreal Out of Bed Weightless Texturizer, Jessicurl Confident Curls Styling Solution, Boots Essentials Curling Cream, Joico Joiwhip Moose, and MOP-C Curl Defining Cream. Some good leave in conditioners include Giovanni Direct Leave In Conditioner, Kinky Curly Knot Today, and Curl Junkie Curl Assurance Leave-in Conditioner. Some good CG gels include the Herbal Essences gels, Eco Syler Gels, LA Looks gels, La Bella gels, Fantasia IC Hair Polisher Styling Gel, Biosilk Rock Hard Gelee, and Devacurl Angell or Arcangell, Curl Junkie Aloe Fix Gel, Kinky Curly Curling Custard, and Curly Hair Solutions Curl Keeper.
Gels may leave your hair crunchy. When your hair is completely dry flip it over and gently scrunch your hair. This will leave you with soft, non-crunchy curls. Some people prefer the extra hold of a crunchy gel, as long as the texture can be scrunched out.
After swimming in chlorinated water use a non-sulfate shampoo such as Giovanni brand shampoos, Jessicurl Cleansing Cream, Shea Moisture Shampoo's, Devacurl No-Poo, the Organix brand shampoos, or one of the home remedies in this article. These should only be used at most once a week, because they are still drying to the hair.
Try adding honey to your conditioner. Mix it about half and half with your conditioner, and then apply and use normally. You can leave some honey in your hair, but make sure it's not more than a drop or two – otherwise your hair will end up sticky and coated. A little honey cleanses the hair and adds moisture and shine.
If you're having a bad time with your hair don't give up on your curls. Try cleansing with a non-sulfate shampoo to remove buildup, changing products, or how you use your current products. If you're still discouraged with your hair trying using gel to slick it back into a fancy up do, ponytail, or braid before you reach for the straightening iron. Adding cute accessories can also help.
It can be hard to shower in the morning and style hair before work or school. Try showering the night before and then plopping (explained in step ten above) while you sleep. When you wake up your hair should be dry. Spray a little watered down gel, refreshing spray, or water on your curls, scrunch and you're good to go.
Be patient and experiment with hair products and changes to your routine. Your hair may never be perfectly frizz-free all the time, but it can get close. Visit the Sources and Citations for more suggestions and hints at helpful websites.
Check out your local health food or organic specialty store for natural hair products. A lot of the shampoos are sulfate free and products often don't contain silicones. Some good brands include Aubrey Organics, Desert Essences, Nature's Gate, TJ Nourish, Giovanni, Kinky Curly, and Jane Carter.

You can use various clips and methods in your hair to increase top volume by lifting the roots. Take small sections of hair from either side of the part, criss-cross, and clip with a small claw clip. Or take some duckbill clips and clip hair as shown to the right. Also you can try washing, combing, scrunching, and/or drying your hair upside down.
Try sleeping on a satin pillowcase to prevent breakage and frizz.
If you want to go two days in a row without washing your hair you can pineapple your hair the second night. Wear your hair in a high ponytail, secured with a scrunchie (cloth covered hair tie) wrapped one or two times around the hair. This will not stretch out the majority of the curls like a normal ponytail would.
Proteins can also build up on your hair without sulfates. However don't cut them completely out of your hair's diet. Your hair needs protein to recover from damage and stay healthy. Instead of avoiding protein use it occasionally, perhaps in a deep treatment, and be sure to clarify with non-sulfate shampoos.
If you think your water is "hard" or contains harmful chemicals such as chlorine or calcium carbonate you may want to invest in a showerhead filter. This is a simple way to avoid all the gunk that comes with hard water. This gunk often builds up on porous curly hair quickly and can only be removed by – you guessed it – SLS.
Still lacking inspiration? You might consider reading the book. The full title is "Curly Girl - The Handbook A Celebration of Curls: How to cut them, care for them, love them, and set them free" and it was co-authored by Lorraine Massey with Deborah Chiel. It has hair care recipes, stories about curlies, and an explanation of curly hair care. The second edition includes a DVD as well.

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  All the products in this picture, except Suave Naturals, have silicones in them. Most of the highly commercialized lines of hair products (Pantene, Garnier, etc) contain silicones. These ingredients can typically (but not always) be recognized by their names which often end in -cone, -conol, or -xane. If at all possible avoid silicones and also waxes in your hair products. (This also includes mineral oil and castor oil.) Short term, silicones will make hair look sleeker and less frizzy, but in the long run they will coat the hair shaft of porous curly hair and seal out moisture, causing the hair to become straw like, less defined, and frizzy. Hence, silicones make quick fixes for frizz, but over time, they are truly damaging your hair. Sulfates get rid of silicones, but at the expense of completely stripping your hair of all of its natural oils! The solution to these problems is to eliminate both sulfates (in your shampoos) and silicones (in your conditioners and styling products). An exception to this rule: if a silicone has "PEG" in front of it, it is water-soluble and will not cause product build up. See Determine if a Hair Product is Curly Girl Approved for an explanation of what ingredients are curly girl approved.
Silicones that are not soluble in water and build up on the hair: Cetearyl methicone, Cetyl Dimethicone, Cyclomethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone, Dimethiconol, Stearyl Dimethicone, Amodimethicone (and) Trideceth-12 (and) Cetrimonium Chloride, and Trimethylsilylamodimethicone. Note: Trideceth-12 and Cetrimonium Chloride are only considered a silcone when both are combined with Amodimethicone.
Silicones that are slightly soluble in water and will build up on most types of curly hair: Amodimethicone, Behenoxy Dimethicone, and Stearoxy Dimethicone.
Silicones that are soluble in water and safe to use (they are not listed with PEG in front of them): Dimethicone Copolyol, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Hydroxypropyl Polysiloxane, and Lauryl methicone copolyol. [7]
Check to make sure your shampoo does not contain any sulfates listed here. Instead, look for the mild cleansers in the ingredient list if you need to use shampoo occasionally for cleansing or after swimming in chlorinated water. (In contrast, salt water from the ocean is actually beneficial for curls as sea salt is a natural curl enhancer.)

Some common sulfates are Alkylbenzene sulfonate, Ammonium laureth or lauryl sulfate, Ammonium or Sodium Xylenesulfonate, Sodium C14-16 Olefin Sulfonate, Sodium cocoyl sarcosinate, Sodium laureth, myreth, or lauryl sulfate, Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, TEA-dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Ethyl PEG-15 cocamine sulfate, and Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate.
Some mild cleansers, less drying and included in modified CG, are Cocamidopropyl betaine, Coco betaine, Cocoamphoacetate, Cocoamphodipropionate, Disodium cocoamphodiacetate or cocoamphodipropionate, Lauroamphoacetate, and Sodium cocoyl isethionate. [8]

  Brushed curly hair Never comb or brush dry curly hair. Not only does it make your hair look like a poofball, it also damages it quite a bit. Don't even run your fingers through your hair if it is any more than wavy. Instead careful pull a knot or clump of curls apart. (Of course if you prefer the afro style, go right ahead.)
If you normally straighten your curly hair and switch to the CG method it may seem like you are losing a lot of hair when untangling in the shower. Don't panic! It is normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day.[9] If you are wearing your hair straight or straighten your hair it will fall out naturally and you probably wont even notice. If you wear your hair curly the hair comes out when you untangle; this is why it feels like you are losing more hair.
Diseases, medicines, diet changes, and high levels of stress can cause you to lose more hair than is normal.[10] So, if you do notice thinning in your hair or scalp consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

Most people will compliment you on your lovely curls. However, some people will never appreciate your curly hair. Don't let this affect you. No matter how hard you have tried to fight it with straightening irons and hairspray, you have curly hair. Enjoy it!

EditVideo: Plopping

This video goes through the process of and discusses plopping/plunking. (They're the same thing.)

EditVideo: Blow Drying

This video explains how to use a bowl diffuser.

EditThings You'll Need

Curly or wavy hair
Wide-toothed comb
Old t-shirt, microfiber towel, linen, or paper towels
Products (generally used in the order listed):
Non-sulfate shampoo
Co-wash conditioner
Rinse out conditioner
Leave-in conditioner
Curl cream
Optional items:
Blow dryer and diffuser attachment
The book "Curly Girl" by Lorraine Massey
Duckbill or mini jaw clips for root clipping
Wide headbands, bobby pins, hair ties, etc.
<br /><br />★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
  鬼娃娃花子 发表于 12/20/2012 10:08:00 PM
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  ginger2013 发表于 6/21/2014 4:41:11 AM
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  fantasy10 发表于 12/20/2012 12:16:00 AM
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  美利坚小女子一枚 发表于 12/20/2012 12:21:00 AM
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<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 128);">I have curly hair too, and am following similar hair care method.<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><br/>What works the best for me is following:<br/>Step 1: now using Fekkai shampoo<br/>(http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=145527&catid=183479&aid=338666&aparam=goobase_filler), but I also like Kerastase. <br/>Step 2: Davines conditioner: http://www.drugstore.com/davines-love-lovely-curl-enhancing-conditioner/qxp325318?catid=183467<br/><br/>Step 3: apply oil to damp hair. Currently I am using Garnier anti-frizz serum, which is the cheapest oil I ever got, and I really like the smell and light weight (http://www.target.com/p/garnier-fructis-sleek-shine-anti-frizz-serum-5-1-oz/-/A-12443651?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=|12443651&CPNG=Health+Beauty&kpid=12443651&LID=PA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=12443651).<br/>Step 4: Leave in conditioner: Ouidad is my favourite. Gives great results. I also sometimes use Fekkai's shea butter or the pink styling cream, but they are both heavier.<br/><br/>Also, hair mask 2wice a week. Kerastase or Neutrogena.</span></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 238);"></span></span> <span class="description"><a class="oesLink" href="http://www.drugstore.com/neutrogena-triple-moisture-deep-recovery-hair-mask/qxp865huaren.ustid=183385"><span class="name"></span></a></span>
  fanapple 发表于 12/20/2012 1:31:00 AM
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护发素洗头,长期下来 应该很不干净吧。
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