Done 1. Stanley Park: 5/5 2. Granville Island, Granville Village: 5/5 3. Harbour Cruise: 3/5 4. Tourguys Downtown & Waterfront Tour: 5/5 5. Wreck Beach: 5/5 6. False Creek Water Front Walk: 5/5 7. Gastown: 4/5 8. Canada place and waterfront:4/5 9. International Village Mall: 3/5 (Daiso, Japanese 2$ shop, 5/5) 10. China Town Garden: 4/5 11. Tourguys Granville Island Tour: 4/5 12. International Festival of Buskers: 4/5 13. On Location Tour: 5/5 14. Tourguys Chinatown Tour: 5/5 Jessica is the best Tourguide! 15. Illuminares Lantern Festival, Trout Lake/John Hendry Park: 4/5 16. Tourguys Granville Ave. and Gastown: 5/5 17. Tourguys Food cart tour ($35): 5/5 18. 8/5 Pride Parade: 3/5 (no pretty people in the parade) 19. 7/28, 8/1, 8/4 Celebration of Light: 3 nights of firework at 10pm, English Bay 7/28: 3/5 8/1: 4/5 8/4: 5/5 20. Richmond Night Market: 5/5 21. Aberdeen Centre: 5/5 ($44 haircut incl. tax before tip at Zeal) 22. Via Ferrata at Whistler: 5/5 23. Highway 99: 5/5
Done - Restaurant (3 is about average, 4 is pretty good, 5 is best of all) 1. The Elbow Room Cafe: 4/5 2. Legendary Noodles: 4/5 3. Bella Gelateria: 5/5 4. Finch's Cafe: 5/5 (very fresh salad) 5. Meat and Bread:5/5 (very cute employees) 6. Feastro Food Truck: 4/5 (kinda expensive?) 7. Miura Waffle Milk Bar: 4/5 8. Guu (Japanese Tapa): 5/5 9. Thai Basil: 3/5 (food good and inexpensive, aweful service) 10. Phnom Penh: 4/5 11. Baoqi Vietnamese Eatery: 4/5 12. Cafe Medina: 5/5 13. The New Peace Chinese Restaurant: 4/5 14. Tim Hortons: 3/5 (good inexpensive soup and sandwich) 15. New Town Bakery on Pender: 5/5 (Apple Tart!) 16. Monk's: 3/5 (food ok but portion too small, expensive, nice view) 17. Cactus Cafe: 5/5 18. Roaming dragon food cart: 5/5 19. Kaboom food cart: 5/5 20. Japadog: 3/5 (Not my cupa tea but everybody else loves it) 21. Between two Buns: 2/5 22. Hokkaido Ramen Santouka: pork belly ramen 5/5 23. Stanley Park Teahouse: 3/5 24. Peaceful Restaurant: Chinese, 532 W Broadway, Broadway and Cambie 4/5 25. Falafel Maison (Robson btw. Richards and Seymour): 4/5 26. Viet Sub (Robson btw. Richards and Seymour): 3/5 27. Salsa & Agave Mexican Grill: 4/5 28. D D Mau (Vietnamese Sub): 4/5 29. Nicli Antica Pizzeria: 5/5 30. La Terrazza Restaurant: 3/5 31. Stackhouse Burger Granville: 2/5 (both burger and fries are below average) 32. Urban Thai Bistro Yaletown: 3/5 33. Hapa Izakaya West End: 5/5 34. The fish house: 5/5 35. Gotham Steak: 4/5 36. Cloud 9: 5/5 (Make reservation one hour before sunset for the most beautiful view of the city) 37. Thai in the Village at Whistler: 3/5 38. The Buzz Cafe & Espresso Bar: 5/5 for the ambiance 39. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory: 5/5 for the ice cream
To-Do - Restaurant 4. International Ice Cream 7. Bao Bei Chinese Brasserie: French Fusion 8. Lin: Granville and Broadway, 小笼包 10. The Keefer Bar: Thursday Night Event 11. Jade Seafood Restaurant: Richmond, Dim Sum [此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/17 12:47:00编辑过]
9. 新的convention center,耗资近十亿。convention center前的雨滴,是三个德国艺术家的作品,三百万。据说本地人不喜欢,本来天天下雨就够了,还特意放个艺术品提醒大家。我倒挺喜欢的,第二幅是digital orca,据说那个艺术家从来没修过一天假,天天工作,乐此不疲。这个艺术品是他自己跑来convention center,天天呆在这里制作出来的。第三幅是olympic cauldron。同样的艺术品有三个,一个在室内,一个在山上,第三个就是这个了。据说刚建好的时候,是围起来不让靠近的。后来在围墙上挖了个洞,方便大家照相。再后来才把围墙撤了。小导游就在这里,热情澎湃的讲她看奥运,加拿大赢冰球的经历。她那天去的酒吧,正好开幕式上唱国歌的人也去的那里;比赛前站起来唱了国歌。导游说,"There was not a dry eye in the house."
这周末是international festival of Buskers(街头艺人)最后两天了。看到耍独轮车的和变魔术的,都挺搞笑的。耍独轮车的我想他肯定可以自己跳下来,他非要两个人帮忙扶着车,自己很狼狈的从树上爬下来。大家看得很开心。变魔术的把一摞塞在嘴里,找出路人刚才选的牌;刚一开始似乎找错了,然后开始咳嗽,咳出了那张牌。
昨天晚上日落的时候去散步。沿着False Creek Waterfront Walk从Yaletown向Stanley Park的方向走。太阳有一点点耀眼,但是周围的景致美极了。随便看一眼都是可以照出极美的照片。沿途经到David Lam Park, Granville Bridge, Burrard Bridge, Sunset Beach, Seawall Promenade, 和English Bay Beach。再接着走的话,就是Stanley Park的游泳池,Second Beach和Third Beach。Hmm, Where is the first Beach?
人很多,尤其Seawall Promenade和English Bay Beach。估计是因为周围有很多餐馆,大家都很休闲地坐在外边看日落。沙滩上也有很多人,有的在玩儿各种游戏,还有很多拍照的。日落时间是9点半,但是9点太阳就下到山的那一边了。一直到11点,沙滩上还是很热闹。沿着海边散步的人也很多。昨天是周六,不知道平常是不是也这么多人。Definitely the place to be at the weekend. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/15 15:09:51编辑过]
Stanley Park沿着海边有walk way,走一圈儿能看到不同的风景。很多人租自行车转Stanley Park。我觉得还是步行比较爽,更悠闲,沿途的风景看得更仔细。时间比较紧的话,自行车是个好办法,因为路实在太长了。我是去了两次才转完一整圈儿。Park里边也有很多地方可以逛。很多大树和草坪。很休闲的地方。
and "Try to ignore how dirty the water is and go swimming anyway – Someone once told me there was more poop matter in the water surrounding Vancouver’s beaches than water. MORE POOP THAN WATER. No matter if this was an exaggeration, that is disgusting. But, the Sunshine Coast is far away and I’m hot. I’m going to go swimming in poop water anyway."
Yup, pretty much accurate. The water is so brown, as brown as it gets. I don't wanna get in there. Even though the water temperature is perfect. And I'm pretty sure the last picture where you go swimming in the brown water is from Wreck Beach. If you look closely enough, you see the group of naked people in the background, probably gathered for the annual family picture, or the annual record skinny dipping picture. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/16 19:46:21编辑过]
1. 建议去Canada Place边儿上的Visitor Center拿地图,挺详细的。不用自己买。Visitor center还有各种information,还可以买当天晚上的半价票。地址, 200 Burrard Street, 8:30am-6pm daily.
2. Aquabus的地图也不错,把downtown和granville island好玩儿的地方都标出来了。
1. 时间短的话建议租自行车。温哥华有很多方便的自行车道。有的自行车超快,行人过马路的时候一定要小心。
2. daypass一天$9,各种公交(bus, skytrain, seabus)、各个zone随便坐,可以去Burnaby, Surrey,North Vancouver,New Wesminster。。。
1. 推荐T&T supermarket,中国城skytrain车站边上就有一家,很方便。
2. Granville Island Pulic Market的新鲜水果价格也并不贵。
1. Tourguys Free Downtown & Olympic Water Front Walking Tour: 3, 7, 9 和 11, 14, 15, 16
2. Tourguys Free Granville Island Walking Tour: 22-28
3. International Festival of Buskers: 29
4. False Creek Waterfront Walk: 32 和 41, 42, 43
5. Stanley Park: 33, 36-40
6. Trout Lake Illuminare Festival:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/30 14:38:42编辑过]
1. 25 free things to do in Vancouver:
2. Tours
Free Tours
3. Inside Vancouver Blog
10 free things in July
20 things in July
4. Walks
5. Festivals and events calendar
6. SPN locations:
7. Funny article about living in Vancouver:
1. Stanley Park: 5/5
2. Granville Island, Granville Village: 5/5
3. Harbour Cruise: 3/5
4. Tourguys Downtown & Waterfront Tour: 5/5
5. Wreck Beach: 5/5
6. False Creek Water Front Walk: 5/5
7. Gastown: 4/5
8. Canada place and waterfront:4/5
9. International Village Mall: 3/5 (Daiso, Japanese 2$ shop, 5/5)
10. China Town Garden: 4/5
11. Tourguys Granville Island Tour: 4/5
12. International Festival of Buskers: 4/5
13. On Location Tour: 5/5
14. Tourguys Chinatown Tour: 5/5 Jessica is the best Tourguide!
15. Illuminares Lantern Festival, Trout Lake/John Hendry Park: 4/5
16. Tourguys Granville Ave. and Gastown: 5/5
17. Tourguys Food cart tour ($35): 5/5
18. 8/5 Pride Parade: 3/5 (no pretty people in the parade)
19. 7/28, 8/1, 8/4 Celebration of Light: 3 nights of firework at 10pm, English Bay
7/28: 3/5
8/1: 4/5
8/4: 5/5
20. Richmond Night Market: 5/5
21. Aberdeen Centre: 5/5 ($44 haircut incl. tax before tip at Zeal)
22. Via Ferrata at Whistler: 5/5
23. Highway 99: 5/5
Done - Restaurant (3 is about average, 4 is pretty good, 5 is best of all)
1. The Elbow Room Cafe: 4/5
2. Legendary Noodles: 4/5
3. Bella Gelateria: 5/5
4. Finch's Cafe: 5/5 (very fresh salad)
5. Meat and Bread:5/5 (very cute employees)
6. Feastro Food Truck: 4/5 (kinda expensive?)
7. Miura Waffle Milk Bar: 4/5
8. Guu (Japanese Tapa): 5/5
9. Thai Basil: 3/5 (food good and inexpensive, aweful service)
10. Phnom Penh: 4/5
11. Baoqi Vietnamese Eatery: 4/5
12. Cafe Medina: 5/5
13. The New Peace Chinese Restaurant: 4/5
14. Tim Hortons: 3/5 (good inexpensive soup and sandwich)
15. New Town Bakery on Pender: 5/5 (Apple Tart!)
16. Monk's: 3/5 (food ok but portion too small, expensive, nice view)
17. Cactus Cafe: 5/5
18. Roaming dragon food cart: 5/5
19. Kaboom food cart: 5/5
20. Japadog: 3/5 (Not my cupa tea but everybody else loves it)
21. Between two Buns: 2/5
22. Hokkaido Ramen Santouka: pork belly ramen 5/5
23. Stanley Park Teahouse: 3/5
24. Peaceful Restaurant: Chinese, 532 W Broadway, Broadway and Cambie 4/5
25. Falafel Maison (Robson btw. Richards and Seymour): 4/5
26. Viet Sub (Robson btw. Richards and Seymour): 3/5
27. Salsa & Agave Mexican Grill: 4/5
28. D D Mau (Vietnamese Sub): 4/5
29. Nicli Antica Pizzeria: 5/5
30. La Terrazza Restaurant: 3/5
31. Stackhouse Burger Granville: 2/5 (both burger and fries are below average)
32. Urban Thai Bistro Yaletown: 3/5
33. Hapa Izakaya West End: 5/5
34. The fish house: 5/5
35. Gotham Steak: 4/5
36. Cloud 9: 5/5 (Make reservation one hour before sunset for the most beautiful view of the city)
37. Thai in the Village at Whistler: 3/5
38. The Buzz Cafe & Espresso Bar: 5/5 for the ambiance
39. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory: 5/5 for the ice cream
1. 周五晚8点,Robson Square Ballroom Dancing
2. 周日3点,Robson Square Salsa Dancing
3. Wale watching
4. Victoria
8. Grouse Mountain夜景
13. Granville Island Brewery daily tasting tour
15. Banff, AB
16. Science Center
17. Shopping: south Granville, 4th Ave. from Burrard to McDonald
20. Farmer's Market:
Westend, Sat 9am-2pm, Comox and Bute
Kitsilano, Sun 10am-2pm, 2690 Larch Street, Community Center
23. VanDusten Botanical Garden
24. Art Galary
25. Architectural Walking Tours
To-Do - Restaurant
4. International Ice Cream
7. Bao Bei Chinese Brasserie: French Fusion
8. Lin: Granville and Broadway, 小笼包
10. The Keefer Bar: Thursday Night Event
11. Jade Seafood Restaurant: Richmond, Dim Sum
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/17 12:47:00编辑过]
导游是个大学生,业余爱好是Vancouver Heritage,讲了很多历史、趣闻。有些看着一般的地方、建筑,经她一讲,就觉得有趣多了。全程步行,一小时三十分钟。可以问各种问题,她还会给一些在Vancouver旅游的tips,比如周末的Richmond Night Market;比如去Stanley Park要租自行车的话可以考虑从Canada Place租,这样的话退自行车的时候,人也回了downtown,不用再考虑怎么回来;比如路边的一些truck food vendor。。。而且她的热情很有感染力。最后在奥运火炬前边,给我们讲加拿大赢了奥运冰球时的景象,说的我都挺激动的。
1. 在art museum前集合,这是我们那天的group。因为人多,分了两个队,两个导游。
2. 映在vancouver hotel上的Fairmont hotel的倒影。Fairmont Hotel是好多名人住的地方。顶上是原来专为皇家建的penthouse,皇家从没住过。。。Vancouver hotel边上白色的那个是sears,导游说很多人恨死那个建筑,觉得超难看;她自己倒觉得挺好看的,像个大型棉花糖。
3. Vancouver着力于鼓励发展艺术行业,在各处室内室外陈设艺术品。还有因为经常下雨,有很多建筑物里边的public park,任何人都可以去歇息。这是HSBC大楼里的艺术品,一个超大的钟摆。同时HSBC的大厅,也是一个public park。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 1:14:01编辑过]
温哥华没有什么特别的旅游景点。就是北面几座山,吊桥,downtown方便观光。要去远点Squamish,whistler,攀岩,rafting,mountain biking才好玩。再有美的地方,都要hiking3-6小时才能到。再有时间就去vancouver island和banff,也非常美。
vancouver island 和 victoria是要去的。Banff也很想去。
vancouver island 和 victoria是要去的。Banff也很想去。
很多好玩的,看你喜欢。。。。一般的旅游观光,市内stanley park可以溜溜,顺道吃个希腊羊排和ice cream,有家小店叫international ice cream什么什么,有百种ice cream可以免费试吃。。。。。。
北部有个吊桥可以参观,晚上去grouse mtn山顶吃个晚餐看夜景,cypress mtn也行。。。。。。。
vancouver island的victoia一定要去,时间够再去Tofino, oyster各种肥美!
4. Vancouver最古老的教堂,也就一百多年历史吧。盖了一半儿没钱了,后来接着盖的时候用的材料颜色就不一样了。教堂里边是木制的。设计师是设计船只的,所以看着有点儿像是一艘船。后来翻修的时候,因为要换地板的话就太贵了,想了个主意把地板翻过来用。所以现在的地板,是原始地板的背面。教堂的窗户是各种风格的stained glass。有一大面是现代风格的。那个艺术家的作品也陈列在Vancouver机场。捐赠艺术品的人,要求把他们家狗狗放上去。导游说这可能是绝无仅有的一副教堂窗玻璃上的狗狗肖像了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 1:23:32编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 11:39:24编辑过]
Free salsa, 每周日下午三点,7月1号到8月26号
Free ballroom dancing,每周五晚八点,6月26号到八月31号。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/12 11:32:48编辑过]
Tour开始的地方有点儿不好找。坐50路公车,在Anderson St.站下,在Starbuck咖啡马路对面,Granville Bridge桥洞边儿上聚。如果是从Downtown坐车过来的,过了桥还要绕半天,大概又过了2、3站,才到地方。其实就是从陆地上岛的入口,等人的地方,能看到Granville的大牌子。
导游说Granville Island是个很festive的地方。来的人都心情愉快。每年还有很多festival在岛上举行。一度是industrial island,二战时是武器制造工厂,现在就剩了一个水泥厂。其它的旧厂房都翻新做了新用途。铁皮的外边刷了各种鲜亮的颜色,看着是挺爽的。岛上很多小店,可以逛很长时间。Kids Market是孩子喜欢的地方,尤其下雨天,有很多室内设施。Public Market更是个美食、闲逛、买新鲜蔬菜水果的好地方。虽然Public Market晚上7点就关了,岛上其它餐馆、剧场都还热闹。也很安全。从岛上回downtown,最方便的不是bus,而是boat,有aquabus,几分钟一趟。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/14 12:33:51编辑过]
2. 走不远就是granville island入口,再不远就有个餐馆
3. 酿酒厂,有tap room可以品尝,每天还有数个tasting tour
5. boat house。据说世代相传,概不出售。有的house还有地下室,就像水族馆似的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/14 12:47:42编辑过]
7. 背景里白花花的就是水泥厂。得天独厚的地理位置,提供城市建设的材料。水泥厂也搞艺术,这个艺术品,展现了生产水泥的过程。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/14 12:51:42编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/14 13:04:20编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/14 13:09:12编辑过]
这个free tour值得推荐。自己瞎转也看不出什么名堂来。
昨天晚上日落的时候去散步。沿着False Creek Waterfront Walk从Yaletown向Stanley Park的方向走。太阳有一点点耀眼,但是周围的景致美极了。随便看一眼都是可以照出极美的照片。沿途经到David Lam Park, Granville Bridge, Burrard Bridge, Sunset Beach, Seawall Promenade, 和English Bay Beach。再接着走的话,就是Stanley Park的游泳池,Second Beach和Third Beach。Hmm, Where is the first Beach?
人很多,尤其Seawall Promenade和English Bay Beach。估计是因为周围有很多餐馆,大家都很休闲地坐在外边看日落。沙滩上也有很多人,有的在玩儿各种游戏,还有很多拍照的。日落时间是9点半,但是9点太阳就下到山的那一边了。一直到11点,沙滩上还是很热闹。沿着海边散步的人也很多。昨天是周六,不知道平常是不是也这么多人。Definitely the place to be at the weekend.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/15 15:09:51编辑过]
从城里去Stanley Park,可以沿海边步行,从Canada Place可以一直走到。还可以坐19路汽车,到终点站,下来边儿上就是rose garden和tea house。那个Tea House,电视剧Supernatural拍过外景。前两天周五晚上又在那里拍外景。可惜我第二天早上才知道。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/15 16:00:59编辑过]
Granville Island的boat house,临水的一面,都有很大的玻璃,几乎一整面墙都是玻璃的样子。就是空间太小了。其它地方也能见到boat house,都是很精致的样子。
coal harbour marina的boat house
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/15 16:18:36编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/15 16:38:29编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/15 16:38:52编辑过]
从那个water park,有路可以直接穿出stanley park,比沿着水边走近很多
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/15 16:41:03编辑过]
去beaver lake的小路
Lion's Gate Bridge
沙滩 (Second Beach?)
沙滩(English Bay Beach?)
Burrard Bridge 边上的 Dog Beach
我恐怕是在house hunter的节目中看过boat house,主要是喜欢这种idea吧。和你说的一样,比较小,有的年龄大了,结构也不是那么好。呵呵,但是感觉是完全不同的吧
How to Fit in with the Locals in Vancouver:
and "Try to ignore how dirty the water is and go swimming anyway – Someone once told me there was more poop matter in the water surrounding Vancouver’s beaches than water. MORE POOP THAN WATER. No matter if this was an exaggeration, that is disgusting. But, the Sunshine Coast is far away and I’m hot. I’m going to go swimming in poop water anyway."
Yup, pretty much accurate. The water is so brown, as brown as it gets. I don't wanna get in there. Even though the water temperature is perfect. And I'm pretty sure the last picture where you go swimming in the brown water is from Wreck Beach. If you look closely enough, you see the group of naked people in the background, probably gathered for the annual family picture, or the annual record skinny dipping picture.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/16 19:46:21编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/18 11:42:39编辑过]
Blueberry Farm 边儿上的黑熊。据Farmer说有时一天能看到20多头。还有熊妈妈带着小熊。
温哥华没有什么特别的旅游景点。就是北面几座山,吊桥,downtown方便观光。要去远点Squamish,whistler,攀岩,rafting,mountain biking才好玩。再有美的地方,都要hiking3-6小时才能到。再有时间就去vancouver island和banff,也非常美。
Agree. The weather is nice tho.
如果有机会,可以去山头火这家拉面店,据说是正宗的北海道拉面。是否正宗我不知道,我吃的是pork cheek ramen,很美味。
Hokkaido Ramen Santouka
如果有机会,可以去山头火这家拉面店,据说是正宗的北海道拉面。是否正宗我不知道,我吃的是pork cheek ramen,很美味。
Hokkaido Ramen Santouka
吊在树上的tea candle,好像漂浮在空中