I'm sorry but I can't type Chinese on this computer.
The red road is the main road, the yellow road is where most of the traffic that passes through the area goes, although the traffic is very little. The pink arrow shows the main entrance. Is the position of this house okay? Thanks.
The red road is the main road, the yellow road is where most of the traffic that passes through the area goes, although the traffic is very little. The pink arrow shows the main entrance. Is the position of this house okay? Thanks.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/11 8:42:45编辑过]
以下是引用CK在5/11/2012 10:00:00 AM的发言:
这房子是尖尖角里的房子? 我最不喜欢这种....本来corner lot我就不喜欢, 因为前院没privacy. 你这corner还特别尖, 没前院也没后院的privacy. 另外来往的车随便哪个方向转弯没转好, 就直接进你家房子里了.
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不好 re
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