读书俱乐部2008年10月 《The Kite Runner》 读书俱乐部2008年11月 《 Marley & Me》 读书俱乐部2008年12月 《 The Last Lecture》 读书俱乐部2009年1\2月 《The host》 读书俱乐部2009年3月帖:杂志(自选、推荐) 读书俱乐部2009年4月帖: 中外历史书籍 读书俱乐部2009年5月帖: 《freakonomics》 读书俱乐部2009年6月贴: 《One Two Three . . . Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science 》 读书俱乐部2009年7月贴:《当尼采哭泣》《lying on the couch》 读书俱乐部2009年8月贴:《没有神的所在/金瓶梅词话》 读书俱乐部2009年9月贴:《The Now Habit》 读书俱乐部2009年10月贴 : 温故而知新 读书俱乐部2009年11月贴:《getting the love you want》 读书俱乐部2009年12月贴:《尘埃落定》 读书俱乐部2011年1月贴:《What is the name of this book?》 读书俱乐部2011年2月贴:《Nonviolent Communications》 读书俱乐部2011年3月贴: 《少有人走的路》 读书俱乐部2011年4月贴:《Digging In》《全球通史》 读书俱乐部2011年5月贴:《全球通史》《7 habits of highly effective people》以及其他自选书籍 读书俱乐部2011年6月贴: 《The hunger games》 继续读《全球通史》,《7 habits of highly effective people》 读书俱乐部2011年7月贴: 《mind hacks》 读书俱乐部2011年8\9月贴: 《查拉斯图拉如是说》 读书俱乐部2011年10月贴: 《 百年孤独》 读书俱乐部2011年11\12月贴:《 1984》 读书俱乐部2012年1月贴:《失控》 12年5月:《Tripping the Prom Queen - The Truth About Women and Rivalry》
Tripping the Prom Queen is a groundbreaking investigation into the dark secret of female friendship: rivalry. Susan Shapiro Barash has exploded the myth that women help one another, are supportive of one another, and want each other to succeed. Based on interviews with women across a broad social spectrum, she has discovered that the competition between women is more vicious precisely because it is covert. She tells us: * Why women can't and won't admit to rivalry. * How women are trained from an early age to compete with one another. * In which areas women most heatedly compete. * How rivalry is different among women than among men. * The differences between competition, envy, and jealousy. * When competition is healthy and when it isn't. * Why women find it irresistible to "trip the prom queen." * Useful strategies to stop the competition and forge a new kind of relationship with other women. Whether you've tripped the prom queen or been tripped yourself, you will discover an engrossing exploration of this female phenomenon, as well as a beacon of hope for better, more fulfilling relationships.
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- meiyoule推荐《Life of Pi》:life of pi 说的是印度男孩和一个老虎在海上遇难后生存的200多天的故事, 但是他绝对不是说的这个故事。 最后20页会揭开谜底。很残酷会让人流泪, 但是我不能剧透。。 有个书评是说这本书绝对让人第一个联想到海明威的老人与海。 中文电子书:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/22051053.html 英文电子书:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/18567154.html
《triping the prom queen》,简称ttpq,前言里的总结: 1. we tend to ignore men when it comes to competing, focusing our rivalry almost entirely upon each other 2. we'll not face up to femal envy and jealousy - especially our own 3. the key for wonderful, positive female bonding is realistic expectations, of ourselves and each other. when we stop demanding total, unconditional support, accept differences, own up to our own revalrous nature, and confront problems rather than ignore them, we can create bonds that nourish us throughout our lives.
ttpq, shades of rivalry: competition, envy, and jealousy competition: i am willing to fight you for what i want envy: i want what you have jealousy: you've got somethings that i want, and i wan you dead.
summer, 25
female competition tends to be total, extending to every detail of a woman's life. female rivalry is a temptation we must resist: 1. if we compete with other women over men, looks, and children, we are dooming ourselves to a lifetime of perpetual insecurity 2. competing with women at the workplace creates practical problems as well as psychological difficulties.
three myths: 1. the mommy mystique: we tend to seek unconditional lov eand support, the kind of boundless mothering that we wish our mother had shown us. instead of looking for adult relationships based on honesty and mutual challenge, we project all our unfulfilled childhood wishes onto our female friends 2. the twinning syndrome: expect friends to join in a merged state in which both parties proceed on identical journeys with matching attributes 3. foul-weather friends: form temporary, intense bonds with whom they either pity of view as equally miserable. the end of mutual misery often means the loss of the friendship
昨晚看月书,"Every one of us has at least one moment of looking at a powerful female rival and savoring the fantasy of bringing her down." 我好像还没有这个fantasy,但是经常会想捣乱,来表示一下"you are not my boss, I do what I want to do"。 所以我可能不太幸灾乐祸,但的确是个rebel。
小时候打工,有个女工头总是和我过不去。我觉得我工作挺努力的,她总能找茬。让我莫名其妙。 有天她又找茬,我年轻啊,当时就来了一句,"you are just jealous"。 她挺尴尬地笑,说了句,"我嫉妒?"就没下文了。之后她再也没找过我的茬。 当时我冲口说了一句之后,自己也不知道这句话是从哪里冒出来的,真的也不觉得她有什么可嫉妒我的。 现在想想,她真可能是在嫉妒呢。
Female competition tends to be total, extending to every detail of a woman's life. Female rivalry is a temptation we must resist: 1. If we compete with other women over men, looks, and children, we are dooming ourselves to a lifetime of perpetual insecurity 2. Competing with women at the workplace creates practical problems as well as psychological difficulties.
Three myths: 1. The mommy mystique: we tend to seek unconditional lov eand support, the kind of boundless mothering that we wish our mother had shown us. Instead of looking for adult relationships based on honesty and mutual challenge, we project all our unfulfilled childhood wishes onto our female friends 2. The twinning syndrome: expect friends to join in a merged state in which both parties proceed on identical journeys with matching attributes 3. Foul-weather friends: form temporary, intense bonds with whom they either pity of view as equally miserable. The end of mutual misery often means the loss of the friendship
“The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.” ― Fernando Pessoa
“The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.” ― Fernando Pessoa
female competition tends to be total, extending to every detail of a woman's life. female rivalry is a temptation we must resist: 1. if we compete with other women over men, looks, and children, we are dooming ourselves to a lifetime of perpetual insecurity 2. competing with women at the workplace creates practical problems as well as psychological difficulties.
three myths: 1. the mommy mystique: we tend to seek unconditional lov eand support, the kind of boundless mothering that we wish our mother had shown us. instead of looking for adult relationships based on honesty and mutual challenge, we project all our unfulfilled childhood wishes onto our female friends 2. the twinning syndrome: expect friends to join in a merged state in which both parties proceed on identical journeys with matching attributes 3. foul-weather friends: form temporary, intense bonds with whom they either pity of view as equally miserable. the end of mutual misery often means the loss of the friendship
I see. I didn't know that her hubby was losing his job at the time. I remember she was not quite stable herself at the time in the company. It's quite risky to leave at such condition. By risk, I mean she could gain nothing but lose the opportunity to build up her career in US. In my opinion, Expat is always a high-yield yet high-risk choice.
读书俱乐部2008年10月 《The Kite Runner》
读书俱乐部2008年11月 《 Marley & Me》
读书俱乐部2008年12月 《 The Last Lecture》
读书俱乐部2009年1\2月 《The host》
读书俱乐部2009年4月帖: 中外历史书籍
读书俱乐部2009年5月帖: 《freakonomics》
读书俱乐部2009年6月贴: 《One Two Three . . . Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science 》
读书俱乐部2009年7月贴:《当尼采哭泣》《lying on the couch》
读书俱乐部2009年9月贴:《The Now Habit》
读书俱乐部2009年10月贴 : 温故而知新
读书俱乐部2009年11月贴:《getting the love you want》
读书俱乐部2011年1月贴:《What is the name of this book?》
读书俱乐部2011年2月贴:《Nonviolent Communications》
读书俱乐部2011年3月贴: 《少有人走的路》
读书俱乐部2011年4月贴:《Digging In》《全球通史》
读书俱乐部2011年5月贴:《全球通史》《7 habits of highly effective people》以及其他自选书籍
读书俱乐部2011年6月贴: 《The hunger games》 继续读《全球通史》,《7 habits of highly effective people》
读书俱乐部2011年7月贴: 《mind hacks》
读书俱乐部2011年8\9月贴: 《查拉斯图拉如是说》
读书俱乐部2011年10月贴: 《 百年孤独》
读书俱乐部2011年11\12月贴:《 1984》
12年5月:《Tripping the Prom Queen - The Truth About Women and Rivalry》
感谢创始人和历届书老大,莲妈,biteni,xyin,ilovebluedkk, Jolin,debbiepeng,凡士林,redsilence,teagy,冬日阳光灿烂,Kittypeny,luoluow,Emichan, summerhole, rem8, seal, burlington3, cyprus,concord,nanjarabbit,emptyempty,hiking,xinlaide,meiyoule,湫湫,还有俱乐部广大热心支持的同志们
每占一百楼整的id负责从总结从占楼前的总100 楼层讨论的总结,总结请放在踩楼的楼层,占100楼就放在100楼。
本月楼主: summerhole (summer)
书老大的账本 (总结到2800楼):
1700楼 seal
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/29 14:46:12编辑过]
1. 风雪:2618楼,conversation with god, http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/22893802.html
2. 冬日:2620楼, Mastery The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/16041639.html
3. meiyoule:2631楼,Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
4. summer:2628楼,benjamin franklin的autobiography:
google book有一些:
Tripping the Prom Queen is a groundbreaking investigation into the dark secret of female friendship: rivalry.
Susan Shapiro Barash has exploded the myth that women help one another, are supportive of one another, and want each other to succeed. Based on interviews with women across a broad
social spectrum, she has discovered that the competition between women is more vicious precisely because it is covert. She tells us:
* Why women can't and won't admit to rivalry.
* How women are trained from an early age to compete with one another.
* In which areas women most heatedly compete.
* How rivalry is different among women than among men.
* The differences between competition, envy, and jealousy.
* When competition is healthy and when it isn't.
* Why women find it irresistible to "trip the prom queen."
* Useful strategies to stop the competition and forge a new kind of relationship with other women.
Whether you've tripped the prom queen or been tripped yourself, you will discover an engrossing exploration of this female phenomenon, as well as a beacon of hope for better, more fulfilling relationships.
meiyoule推荐《Life of Pi》:life of pi 说的是印度男孩和一个老虎在海上遇难后生存的200多天的故事, 但是他绝对不是说的这个故事。 最后20页会揭开谜底。很残酷会让人流泪, 但是我不能剧透。。 有个书评是说这本书绝对让人第一个联想到海明威的老人与海。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/24 17:31:00编辑过]
1. we tend to ignore men when it comes to competing, focusing our rivalry almost entirely upon each other
2. we'll not face up to femal envy and jealousy - especially our own
3. the key for wonderful, positive female bonding is realistic expectations, of ourselves and each other. when we stop demanding total, unconditional support, accept differences, own up to our own revalrous nature, and confront problems rather than ignore them, we can create bonds that nourish us throughout our lives.
ttpq, shades of rivalry: competition, envy, and jealousy
competition: i am willing to fight you for what i want
envy: i want what you have
jealousy: you've got somethings that i want, and i wan you dead.
summer, 25
female competition tends to be total, extending to every detail of a woman's life.
female rivalry is a temptation we must resist:
1. if we compete with other women over men, looks, and children, we are dooming ourselves to a lifetime of perpetual insecurity
2. competing with women at the workplace creates practical problems as well as psychological difficulties.
three myths:
1. the mommy mystique: we tend to seek unconditional lov eand support, the kind of boundless mothering that we wish our mother had shown us. instead of looking for adult relationships based on honesty and mutual challenge, we project all our unfulfilled childhood wishes onto our female friends
2. the twinning syndrome: expect friends to join in a merged state in which both parties proceed on identical journeys with matching attributes
3. foul-weather friends: form temporary, intense bonds with whom they either pity of view as equally miserable. the end of mutual misery often means the loss of the friendship
梦到我去理发店, 理发师(男女不明, 开始好像是个男的)来给我理发, 理到一半, 去给别人理了, 一直没人来理我, 后来我生气了, 他回来接着给我理发。突然就亲了我一下。。我就没反应过来, 他又走了, 后来再回来好像就变成个女的了,我心说你要再亲我我就发飙。。结果她居然又来亲我, 我立马把她推开,但是没多少力气, 就推开一点点, 她又来亲我, 我这次拼命推开了, 她露出难以相信的表情, 走了。。。 后来我满头满脑的泡沫就醒了。。。。
我估摸是本月书和李莲花的雪花秘扇导致了蕾丝边情节的出现。 男的变成女的估计是life of pi作者的另外一本书的情节作怪。。。。 被亲估计是想某人了, 某人出差几天了。。。
我已经去图书馆request tripping 了。
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[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/1 10:09:39编辑过]
我好像还没有这个fantasy,但是经常会想捣乱,来表示一下"you are not my boss, I do what I want to do"。
有天她又找茬,我年轻啊,当时就来了一句,"you are just jealous"。
Female competition tends to be total, extending to every detail of a woman's life.
Female rivalry is a temptation we must resist:
1. If we compete with other women over men, looks, and children, we are dooming ourselves to a lifetime of perpetual insecurity
2. Competing with women at the workplace creates practical problems as well as psychological difficulties.
Three myths:
1. The mommy mystique: we tend to seek unconditional lov eand support, the kind of boundless mothering that we wish our mother had shown us. Instead of looking for adult relationships based on honesty and mutual challenge, we project all our unfulfilled childhood wishes onto our female friends
2. The twinning syndrome: expect friends to join in a merged state in which both parties proceed on identical journeys with matching attributes
3. Foul-weather friends: form temporary, intense bonds with whom they either pity of view as equally miserable. The end of mutual misery often means the loss of the friendship
bucuo ..
我已经去图书馆request tripping 了。
我这几个月都是自己给自己理发。。。 实在是找不到合适的人理发。。。
bless !!
以下是引用teagy在5/1/2012 11:31:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用teagy在5/1/2012 11:31:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 11:07:00 AM的发言:
我这几个月都是自己给自己理发。。。 实在是找不到合适的人理发。。。
以下是引用Emichan在5/1/2012 12:05:00 PM的发言:
以前给你理发的人呢?难道你和Sheldon一样有hair file?
以前给你理发的人呢?难道你和Sheldon一样有hair file?
揍是不好嘛。 贵的便宜的都不好。。 找不到啊 啊啊啊。。 我去加州出差的话, 会在那人剪头发。 随便找个店贵的便宜的都能减好
不难啊, 去年我买过一个修理头发的。。。 削头发的。。 慢慢削, 还可以。。。。
揍是不好嘛。 贵的便宜的都不好。。 找不到啊 啊啊啊。。 我去加州出差的话, 会在那人剪头发。 随便找个店贵的便宜的都能减好
偶觉得这个帖子里面搭配很不错哦。结果跑去lulus.com , 那和嫩啊, 还很暴露。。。。。
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 12:08:00 PM的发言:
揍是不好嘛。 贵的便宜的都不好。。 找不到啊 啊啊啊。。 我去加州出差的话, 会在那人剪头发。 随便找个店贵的便宜的都能减好
开始我长头发不怎么需要,时不时只要能剪齐就好啦。 这不这两年才短发了么, 陆陆续续几个都不好。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/1 12:18:21编辑过]
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 12:18:00 PM的发言:
开始我长头发不怎么需要,时不时只要能剪齐就好啦。 这不这两年才短发了么, 陆陆续续几个都不好。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/1 12:18:21编辑过]
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 12:10:00 pm的发言:
偶觉得这个帖子里面搭配很不错哦。结果跑去lulus.com , 那和嫩啊, 还很暴露。。。。。
太嫩了,人家写着junior dress呢。不看脸还好,脸上的皱纹和粉配着衣服看就挺别扭的。
偶也觉得啊 那个楼主怎么也的early 30了吧。。。
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 12:40:00 PM的发言:
偶也觉得啊 那个楼主怎么也的early 30了吧。。。
谢谢大家bless!! 群mua~~~
开始我长头发不怎么需要,时不时只要能剪齐就好啦。 这不这两年才短发了么, 陆陆续续几个都不好。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/1 12:18:21编辑过]
太嫩了,人家写着junior dress呢。不看脸还好,脸上的皱纹和粉配着衣服看就挺别扭的。
我没看原帖,但是同意你说的。junior dress还是让给junior穿吧。forever 21估计也不是我穿的。
以下是引用summerhole在5/1/2012 1:39:00 PM的发言:
我们太多的关注了小trick, 小知识, 小例子, 模糊了甚至是迷失了人生的大方向。。。
关于喂奶的快感问题。。 你错过了。。。。
关于喂奶的快感问题。。 你错过了。。。。
我现在觉得所谓智商, 其实就是误导(只要不是弱智), 所谓情商, 也是误导(只要不是完全的胡搅蛮缠)。这些都不重要。。。
我们太多的关注了小trick, 小知识, 小例子, 模糊了甚至是迷失了人生的大方向。。。
哈哈哈, 所以我们恭喜啊妙啊。。 啊妙说不用等那么久。。。。
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 1:51:00 PM的发言:
哈哈哈, 所以我们恭喜啊妙啊。。 啊妙说不用等那么久。。。。
以下是引用teagy在5/1/2012 1:50:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 1:48:00 PM的发言:
我现在觉得所谓智商, 其实就是误导(只要不是弱智), 所谓情商, 也是误导(只要不是完全的胡搅蛮缠)。这些都不重要。。。
我们太多的关注了小trick, 小知识, 小例子, 模糊了甚至是迷失了人生的大方向。。。
真好看!那个 lz 好有文采,笔下的场景精彩幽默,人物性格鲜明,而她应该对心理学挺有了解
我们还是等他大点底子厚点再送去build up吧,现在总共也才十几磅,生一场病太受罪了
她抬头看我,“这个,不是电影小说里那么简单的。首先我是他女朋友,不是他医生,没有可能对他无所求。在生活中,我也是正常人,会有脾气,会需要别人关心理解,不可能像医生一样对病人没有任何要求。小说里是说一个人用爱去温暖了爱人的心,但是后来呢?现实生活根本没有那么理想。记得我们有次沙龙说,如果一方不停的享受另外一方的爱,结果是什么?我当时没有说。结果是,必然有第三者。知道为什么吗?无条件的爱是父母给予子女的,当你那么无条件的去爱一个人,他潜意识里把你当作了家人,而另外又需要寻找一段浪漫的感情。” ”
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 2:16:00 PM的发言:
换个day care会不会好些? 我姑子两个娃, 一个三个月去day care一个两个月去Day care...这个day care他们interview好些才选的。。 两个娃生病的次数屈指可数
我这两天受益的小TRICK,发现我跟同事说话如果是我正发愁的问题有时候不由自主会皱着眉头,这时候常常同事也会表现有点FRUSTRATION。但是我要是笑着说,人家就往往特别愿意帮我。 以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 1:48:00 PM的发言:
我现在觉得所谓智商, 其实就是误导(只要不是弱智), 所谓情商, 也是误导(只要不是完全的胡搅蛮缠)。这些都不重要。。。
我们太多的关注了小trick, 小知识, 小例子, 模糊了甚至是迷失了人生的大方向。。。
这不是trick啊, 任何时候积极的正面的态度都会带来更多的正面的东西。。 这个是个人生的态度问题, 有积极的人生态度, 自然就会做到 不需要记得这些小trick....
你从来没说为什么D去日本你认为不好呢。。。我觉得那个timing 正好几个月后碰到那么大的recession 是谁也不知道的, 不好预期的, 除此之外, 我不觉得有什么不好。
1. 如果你可以重来, 清空账户, 你现在账户里面什么你还会买回来?
2. 做决定的时候, 一定要问自己两个问题, 如果我是对的, 会如何, 如果我是错的, 会如何。 我发现我自己这个如果我错会如何很少问, 可能和我greedy type 也有关系。 加上自信爆棚, 不认为自己会犯错。
这不是trick啊, 任何时候积极的正面的态度都会带来更多的正面的东西。。 这个是个人生的态度问题, 有积极的人生态度, 自然就会做到 不需要记得这些小trick....
你从来没说为什么D去日本你认为不好呢。。。我觉得那个timing 正好几个月后碰到那么大的recession 是谁也不知道的, 不好预期的, 除此之外, 我不觉得有什么不好。
我是觉得她看出来了这是个机会,那么别的想借机的人肯定也有同样想法。那么这个机会就特别有可能会有投机的人。因为这是一个对家庭影响很大的决定,我觉得她没有做很好的关于风险的RESEARCH,没有事先了解合作的人,之后也并没有任何对这方面的意识。所以我觉得不是一个好的决策。 以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 3:03:00 PM的发言:
这不是trick啊, 任何时候积极的正面的态度都会带来更多的正面的东西。。 这个是个人生的态度问题, 有积极的人生态度, 自然就会做到 不需要记得这些小trick....
你从来没说为什么D去日本你认为不好呢。。。我觉得那个timing 正好几个月后碰到那么大的recession 是谁也不知道的, 不好预期的, 除此之外, 我不觉得有什么不好。
behavioral gap里面还有两点心得, 上次忘了, 倒是都和投资有关
1. 如果你可以重来, 清空账户, 你现在账户里面什么你还会买回来?
2. 做决定的时候, 一定要问自己两个问题, 如果我是对的, 会如何, 如果我是错的, 会如何。 我发现我自己这个如果我错会如何很少问, 可能和我greedy type 也有关系。 加上自信爆棚, 不认为自己会犯错。
“The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.”
― Fernando Pessoa
如果我没记错的话, 当时她老公其实工作正好丢了吧, 而且他们家职业上是以她为主的。 这是个机会, 而且她正好会日语。谈好的package, 我没看到什么太大的风险, 这是个risk reward很好的选择。。。 你说的风险是什么?
“The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.”
― Fernando Pessoa
我表示很不理解。 其实你昨天写了一些以后, 我特别的反省了一下我自己。 所谓嫉妒和envy, 这两种情绪我几乎就从来没有过。。。 我几乎从我这个角度从没有和女性竞争过, 但是有没有女性吧我作为竞争对手, 我不清楚。。。 结果我发现我没嫉妒和envy过以后挺有点儿郁闷的。。。 仔细找找我还是没有。。。这点儿上我觉得多少归功于我很小的时候我妈妈的教育。。
真好看!那个 lz 好有文采,笔下的场景精彩幽默,人物性格鲜明,而她应该对心理学挺有了解
summer, 25
female competition tends to be total, extending to every detail of a woman's life.
female rivalry is a temptation we must resist:
1. if we compete with other women over men, looks, and children, we are dooming ourselves to a lifetime of perpetual insecurity
2. competing with women at the workplace creates practical problems as well as psychological difficulties.
three myths:
1. the mommy mystique: we tend to seek unconditional lov eand support, the kind of boundless mothering that we wish our mother had shown us. instead of looking for adult relationships based on honesty and mutual challenge, we project all our unfulfilled childhood wishes onto our female friends
2. the twinning syndrome: expect friends to join in a merged state in which both parties proceed on identical journeys with matching attributes
3. foul-weather friends: form temporary, intense bonds with whom they either pity of view as equally miserable. the end of mutual misery often means the loss of the friendship
By risk, I mean she could gain nothing but lose the opportunity to build up her career in US.
In my opinion, Expat is always a high-yield yet high-risk choice.
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 3:16:00 PM的发言:
如果我没记错的话, 当时她老公其实工作正好丢了吧, 而且他们家职业上是以她为主的。 这是个机会, 而且她正好会日语。谈好的package, 我没看到什么太大的风险, 这是个risk reward很好的选择。。。 你说的风险是什么?
以下是引用meiyoule在5/1/2012 3:20:00 PM的发言:
我表示很不理解。 其实你昨天写了一些以后, 我特别的反省了一下我自己。 所谓嫉妒和envy, 这两种情绪我几乎就从来没有过。。。 我几乎从我这个角度从没有和女性竞争过, 但是有没有女性吧我作为竞争对手, 我不清楚。。。 结果我发现我没嫉妒和envy过以后挺有点儿郁闷的。。。 仔细找找我还是没有。。。这点儿上我觉得多少归功于我很小的时候我妈妈的教育。。
我表示很不理解。 其实你昨天写了一些以后, 我特别的反省了一下我自己。 所谓嫉妒和envy, 这两种情绪我几乎就从来没有过。。。 我几乎从我这个角度从没有和女性竞争过, 但是有没有女性吧我作为竞争对手, 我不清楚。。。 结果我发现我没嫉妒和envy过以后挺有点儿郁闷的。。。 仔细找找我还是没有。。。这点儿上我觉得多少归功于我很小的时候我妈妈的教育。。
Wow, how did she educate you?
Wow, how did she educate you?
我母亲是个非常要强的人, 但是她从不会说, 你看谁谁怎么怎么。 她从不把我和别人比较。 今天看来, 可能是觉得谁都比不过我? 呵呵呵。。。
我几乎耳濡目染随时感到的都是, 我是最好的,有什么我想要的, 就自己努力一定能得到。她对我潜移默化就是, 我不需要去嫉妒别人 也不需要和谁暗地里较劲去得到什么。 我可以正当的靠自己得到。
其实后来我上大学以后, 她倒是聊天的时候说过, 她的同事什么的因为我嫉妒她, 说她走后门啥的,直到我上高中都, 后来我一路保送全奖出来, 那些同事都闭嘴了。。。 她就说, 让他们看看我们家女儿哪儿需要走后门啊。。。哈哈哈。。。
你羡慕啥啊。。。我左右看看都没什么让我羡慕的。。。 你说说让我也羡慕羡慕。。。我觉得我没羡慕没嫉妒过也怪屈的。。 没体验过。。。