MM, listen, unless your whole team/dept all get layoff, or you are poor performer. Your company should not lay you off. Taking maternity leave should no be an issue. If you get lay off(hope not), you can sue your company for discrimination. Just ensure you are deligent on working hours, working performance, communications.
MM, listen, unless your whole team/dept all get layoff, or you are poor performer. Your company should not lay you off. Taking maternity leave should no be an issue. If you get lay off(hope not), you can sue your company for discrimination. Just ensure you are deligent on working hours, working performance, communications.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/4 16:21:30编辑过]
Bless LZ!
以下是引用 sun007 的发言:
在这里求个bless。。。。。生完老二,现在还在maternal leave中,打算月底上班,公司马上就要layoff,今天听说这次的比例可能在15左右,立马各种不淡定中。。........
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren 7.52 - iPad Lite
bless, bless~~~~
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
MM, listen, unless your whole team/dept all get layoff, or you are poor performer. Your company should not lay you off. Taking maternity leave should no be an issue. If you get lay off(hope not), you can sue your company for discrimination. Just ensure you are deligent on working hours, working performance, communications.
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
Bless LZ!
bless bless bless...
话说我还想被LAYOFF, 然后我好CLAIM unemployment 。。。可以拿60% 啊, 然后可以在家呆一阵, 正好照顾宝宝, 不是很好吗?
bless bless
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren 7.52 - iPad Lite
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/4 13:07:31编辑过]
thank you all!!! i wish today i won't get any phone call from my boss~~~
bless bless