NICE,VERY INFORMATIVE!!THANKS,LZ,THANKS,OCEANTWHIT FOR UP THIS POST 。:) Supernova CONTROL 嘿嘿 这个ADI网球鞋设计也加了。 但还是觉得和网球鞋没区别呀 网球鞋更娇贵一些。ANYWAY,先买双跑鞋再说。 LZ贴的都是路跑的鞋子吧?TRACK上的 鞋底应该更薄。 [此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-10 11:10:36编辑过]
NICE,VERY INFORMATIVE!!THANKS,LZ,THANKS,OCEANTWHIT FOR UP THIS POST 。:) Supernova CONTROL 嘿嘿 这个ADI网球鞋设计也加了。 但还是觉得和网球鞋没区别呀 网球鞋更娇贵一些。ANYWAY,先买双跑鞋再说。 LZ贴的都是路跑的鞋子吧?TRACK上的 鞋底应该更薄。
以下是引用gooseberry在2006-4-1 20:25:00的发言: I finally switched from random Nike or Adidas to Asics which are great. 要看具体的款式. Nike/Adidas/Asics 都有各种款式的鞋. 买鞋要先看自己的脚型, 你要是正常的脚型买了双给平足的人设计的鞋, 跑不了几次就会伤了.
I bought mine Asics Gel-Kayano X when they were on deep discount. The only thing I knew about them is that Ascis is a great brand for running shoes. Luckily, it works out fine, I fell in love with them when the first time I put my feet into them.
当时我是在网上先读了半天别人的review,列出来感兴趣的型号. 然后一款一款地试. 总共试了七款. 在店里呆了两个小时. 还不算在网上research的时间. which website you can get review for running shoes? Is there any forum for walking shoes too? I want to buy walking shoes for my old father.
我也喜欢深色的,不过全深色的的确不多,mm慢慢找。 我6km的量已经跑了差不多一个月了,打算再加点。 I have been trying to train for Marathon for 4 weeks by now. I would at least run 4 miles a day, and 2-3miles extra every two days. I'm pretty good with endurance, but I start to have a little bit pain on hips and knees. What do you think I should do. I do brisk walk and slow walk for 2miles after running, along with lower body stretch. Do you think a knee pad may help? Or I should just slow down? About shoes, I am really concerned about the weight. The pair of shoes I am wearing now are really light but maybe not supportive enough? thanks
以下是引用gabbie在2006-7-13 17:09:00的发言: i have been trying to train for marathon for 4 weeks by now. i would at least run 4 miles a day, and 2-3miles extra every two days. i'm pretty good with endurance, but i start to have a little bit pain on hips and knees. what do you think i should do. i do brisk walk and slow walk for 2miles after running, along with lower body stretch. do you think a knee pad may help? or i should just slow down? about shoes, i am really concerned about the weight. the pair of shoes i am wearing now are really light but maybe not supportive enough? thanks man? gal? anyway, train for marathon is awesome! what training plan are you following ? i'm currently suffering some tiny knee pain too, for safety purpose, i cut back from 10k to 5k, and rested for 1week so far. i recommend this poster 膝盖!膝盖!膝盖! it works for me. also, please follow the rice principle for injury treatment. knee pad? i haven't try this. will it disturb the leg movement? for shoe weight, basically the trend of the industry shoe design is lighter and lighter, so that' really dependent on the material and design for the support feature. a good hint is the injury symptom, a nother is to read the tread on the bottom, the rubdown shoud be even, not significant on just one side. [此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-14 9:35:58编辑过]
以下是引用lurenyi在2006-7-14 9:35:00的发言: 以下是引用gabbie在2006-7-13 17:09:00的发言: i have been trying to train for marathon for 4 weeks by now. i would at least run 4 miles a day, and 2-3miles extra every two days. i'm pretty good with endurance, but i start to have a little bit pain on hips and knees. what do you think i should do. i do brisk walk and slow walk for 2miles after running, along with lower body stretch. do you think a knee pad may help? or i should just slow down? about shoes, i am really concerned about the weight. the pair of shoes i am wearing now are really light but maybe not supportive enough? thanks man? gal? anyway, train for marathon is awesome! what training plan are you following ? i'm currently suffering some tiny knee pain too, for safety purpose, i cut back from 10k to 5k, and rested for 1week so far. i recommend this poster 膝盖!膝盖!膝盖! it works for me. also, please follow the rice principle for injury treatment. knee pad? i haven't try this. will it disturb the leg movement? for shoe weight, basically the trend of the industry shoe design is lighter and lighter, so that' really dependent on the material and design for the support feature. a good hint is the injury symptom, a nother is to read the tread on the bottom, the rubdown shoud be even, not significant on just one side. thanks for recommendation. i am a girl, who has never been a runner before. but ever since i i started running, i love it. currently, my training plan is a 32 weeks plan. for example, i am running 6 miles monday, then 5 miles tuesday, then 3 miles rest of days. next week, i will run 7 miles one day, then 5 mile the following, and 3(or a little more) miles rest of days. this plan is very easy for me, so sometimes i add some miles in between. i hope to be able to do marathon next summer. do you have any problem with your hips? in fact, the hips' pain bothers me more than knees. :((((((((((((((((( i am wondering if i should cut back too ( though it may not be a good idea for trainning purposes).
以下是引用lurenyi在2006-7-14 21:38:00的发言: Cheer up! I don't have any problem with my buttom yet, maybe you can do some homework and share it here. Do you run 7 days a week? any speed work? Yes, I do run 7 days a week. I usually do some speed-buster work ( 6-8 one min session after long-run. However, now my average speed for 7 miles is around 6.5m/h. I know it is not fast, but I am improving. I will do more research, and if any, I will post here. Do not have much time watering here, though.
Adidas Supernova Control
[此贴子已经被海延于2006-4-1 20:48:47编辑过]
首先介绍一下鞋底的结构:所有跑鞋的鞋底都是由中底(midsole)和外底(outsole)组成。如下面的侧面图所见,鞋子最下面薄薄的一层或红或黑的材料就是外底,外底上面白色的厚厚一层即为中底。外底是粘在中底上的,主要功能是抓地,耐磨;而中底主要起缓冲防震的作用。不同厂家,不同类型的跑鞋主要就是在这两个鞋底上下功夫。接下来仔细讲讲这款Adidas Supernova control的特点。
2所圈起的这个漂亮的放射状结构叫stability post。它是用非常硬的塑料做成的,和1一样,都是为了稳定足弓,抑制内旋。
3这片东东实际是看不见的,它叫heel counter,由硬塑料片沿着脚后跟围成一个内束(上窄下宽)的半圆。它的目的是为了减少脚后跟的上下移动,也就是让鞋能“跟脚”. Heel counter都是安在鞋帮的中衬里,不过也有的鞋另加一层放在外面,叫做external heel counter。这个时候它的作用是为了减少鞋跟的左右移动。这种情况在motion control的鞋子上用的多。
1这片东东及其延伸还是heel counter,只不过换个角度罢了。
2和3都是个夹芯结构,2的红芯里灌的是硅胶,3的白芯里灌的是泡沫橡胶。就像NIKE的气垫一样,2,3都是很好的防震结构。阿迪达斯还专门起了个名字:2叫adiprene,3叫adiprene+ 呵呵。箭头指示的小字表明这宽鞋的前脚掌全部都是adiprene+结构,这当然就很舒服啦。
4我最终确认只是个装饰品。 不好意思啊
1是个空心区,叫center of pressure.因为它空心不接地,所以跑步时变形最多,下陷最深。这样一来脚跟就被四周包裹起来,稳定脚跟不致四处移动。
2是从鞋底看stability post
3是中桥,Midfoot support. 它很硬,位置正在足弓下。中桥主要出现在前后脚掌的外底分离的鞋型中,而这双鞋正是这样。如果没有中桥的话,那么柔软的中底将很容易在这里发生弯折或扭转变形,想象一下:跑动中不但足弓会很容易塌下来,脚跟的内旋也没法控制。这对有扁平足或者体重比较大的人来说简直就是灾难。
绿色曲线标示的是跑动中冲击力的主要分布线。这条线所经过的区域外底全都要采用耐磨材料。4,5,6是炭素橡胶,7是热塑材料。7耐磨而且轻,所以阿迪达斯也给它取了个名字叫quick strike,简称QS。而鞋底的其它橙色部分,由于不需要太耐磨,采用了比较软的吹制橡胶,相当于给脚加了一层软垫。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-25 0:11:19编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-25 0:08:42编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-25 0:10:05编辑过]
如果是想比较不同的种类,当然最好还是google 嘿嘿
runners world 和 road runner sports提供找鞋功能。
Supernova CONTROL 嘿嘿 这个ADI网球鞋设计也加了。
但还是觉得和网球鞋没区别呀 网球鞋更娇贵一些。ANYWAY,先买双跑鞋再说。
LZ贴的都是路跑的鞋子吧?TRACK上的 鞋底应该更薄。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-10 11:10:36编辑过]
Supernova CONTROL 嘿嘿 这个ADI网球鞋设计也加了。
但还是觉得和网球鞋没区别呀 网球鞋更娇贵一些。ANYWAY,先买双跑鞋再说。
LZ贴的都是路跑的鞋子吧?TRACK上的 鞋底应该更薄。
今天跑步好累啊 觉得我的PUMA 网球鞋重了,想换一双了。LZ肯定推荐ADI的 对部队?
隔两天就去找鞋 到时候贴一贴
当时我是在网上先读了半天别人的review,列出来感兴趣的型号. 然后一款一款地试. 总共试了七款. 在店里呆了两个小时. 还不算在网上research的时间.
I finally switched from random Nike or Adidas to Asics which are great.
要看具体的款式. Nike/Adidas/Asics 都有各种款式的鞋.
买鞋要先看自己的脚型, 你要是正常的脚型买了双给平足的人设计的鞋, 跑不了几次就会伤了.
Luckily, it works out fine, I fell in love with them when the first time I put my feet into them.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-11 12:05:05编辑过]
当时我是在网上先读了半天别人的review,列出来感兴趣的型号. 然后一款一款地试. 总共试了七款. 在店里呆了两个小时. 还不算在网上research的时间.
借帖子问个问题,我的脚踝不太好,容易受伤。路兄能不能推荐对脚踝有特殊保护的跑鞋? 谢谢! 戴护踝也能解决问题。跑鞋有heel counter会有帮助,
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-14 9:35:58编辑过]
以下是引用gabbie在2006-7-13 17:09:00的发言: i have been trying to train for marathon for 4 weeks by now. i would at least run 4 miles a day, and 2-3miles extra every two days. i'm pretty good with endurance, but i start to have a little bit pain on hips and knees. what do you think i should do. i do brisk walk and slow walk for 2miles after running, along with lower body stretch. do you think a knee pad may help? or i should just slow down? about shoes, i am really concerned about the weight. the pair of shoes i am wearing now are really light but maybe not supportive enough? thanks man? gal? anyway, train for marathon is awesome! what training plan are you following ? i'm currently suffering some tiny knee pain too, for safety purpose, i cut back from 10k to 5k, and rested for 1week so far. i recommend this poster 膝盖!膝盖!膝盖! it works for me.
thanks for recommendation. i am a girl, who has never been a runner before. but ever since i i started running, i love it. currently, my training plan is a 32 weeks plan. for example, i am running 6 miles monday, then 5 miles tuesday, then 3 miles rest of days. next week, i will run 7 miles one day, then 5 mile the following, and 3(or a little more) miles rest of days. this plan is very easy for me, so sometimes i add some miles in between. i hope to be able to do marathon next summer. do you have any problem with your hips? in fact, the hips' pain bothers me more than knees. :((((((((((((((((( i am wondering if i should cut back too ( though it may not be a good idea for trainning purposes).
Cheer up! I don't have any problem with my buttom yet, maybe you can do some homework and share it here. Do you run 7 days a week? any speed work? Yes, I do run 7 days a week. I usually do some speed-buster work ( 6-8 one min session after long-run. However, now my average speed for 7 miles is around 6.5m/h. I know it is not fast, but I am improving. I will do more research, and if any, I will post here. Do not have much time watering here, though.