I got her info from wenxuecity, the major reason I hired her is because she told me she has worked as 月嫂 for 10 years. Credit is the most important, without good credit, she would not be in the area any more. she does have impressive communication skills.
She is very experienced and has worked as a nanny for a long time, she knows how to cook and how to take care of baby, but her age and health doesn't allow her to fullfill her task. Her temper is terrible. and most important, she doesn't have a good attitude to the work. She is the boss all the time, and she keep saying if you don't follow her will, she will have to quit. she is not happy most of the time. and She is the one you always try to please all the time.
For example, in the phone interview, she said she has great health...
1) while first day she arrives, she said no one is allowed in the room, baby and she needs to be in a room alone. Any level of sound will affect her sleep and she will have to quit in the middle. every 1 or 2 days, she will have new requests, for example, she was not happy with master bedroom, she wanted to change to another room, that means we need to move all furniture to another room, crib, changing table, rocking chair...
2) The reference she gave me said all good things about her, 100% good without reservation. while you need to ask when she worked for them, cause she could be very good five years ago, while at age 59 today, she is not in good health condition to fullfill her task.
3) She is experienced, which means she knows how to maximize output with minimum input, she use every possible ways to reduce her work. If she cook something I didn't eat once, she will say, it is a waste, let's quit 10a.m. dessert time, and she quit 4p.m. desert time. she always said everything is easy, but baby occupies her time and she cannot fullfill cooking anymore.
4) she is experienced, which means she knows what period is easy money, for example, first two weeks a lot of babies just sleep and eat, starting from 3rd week, some challenges could come, for example, colic... she just wants to make easy money, when you need her the most, that's the time she will quit
5) she will have tricks to let you bring up termination first cause there will be 30% penalty if employer bring up termination, while she will do everything she can: watch TV, always on the phone..
6) if unhappy ending, she will execuse herself and said employer has 产后 抑郁...
there will be 30% penalty !!- never heard of this, this is not true MM, I am not sure which agent you use, but this is not true, you can fire her without giving her 30%.
以下是引用krs2004在1/24/2012 9:11:00 AM的发言: there will be 30% penalty !!- never heard of this, this is not true MM, I am not sure which agent you use, but this is not true, you can fire her without giving her 30%. 谁说的,我从Agent那请的,当时她给Refer电话,我说不用,如果用的不好我会立马给你送回去,你再给我送一个好的来
1. My "ZHENG4" (from LA, and originally from Fu2 Jian4) yuesao told me one week before my due date that she can't come... I was so angry and fight with her over the phone. Then 3 days later she said she can come. Of course we didn't want this kind of people taking care our new born.
2. One of my co-worker got a yuesao who arranges her schedule very tight. Their contract is for 40 days but after two weeks, the Yuesao said she is so tired, the baby is so hard, her blood pressure is high... then left earlier.
I got her info from wenxuecity, the major reason I hired her is because she told me she has worked as 月嫂 for 10 years. Credit is the most important, without good credit, she would not be in the area any more. she does have impressive communication skills.
She is very experienced and has worked as a nanny for a long time, she knows how to cook and how to take care of baby, but her age and health doesn't allow her to fullfill her task. Her temper is terrible. and most important, she doesn't have a good attitude to the work. She is the boss all the time, and she keep saying if you don't follow her will, she will have to quit. she is not happy most of the time. and She is the one you always try to please all the time.
For example, in the phone interview, she said she has great health...
1) while first day she arrives, she said no one is allowed in the room, baby and she needs to be in a room alone. Any level of sound will affect her sleep and she will have to quit in the middle. every 1 or 2 days, she will have new requests, for example, she was not happy with master bedroom, she wanted to change to another room, that means we need to move all furniture to another room, crib, changing table, rocking chair...
2) The reference she gave me said all good things about her, 100% good without reservation. while you need to ask when she worked for them, cause she could be very good five years ago, while at age 59 today, she is not in good health condition to fullfill her task.
3) She is experienced, which means she knows how to maximize output with minimum input, she use every possible ways to reduce her work. If she cook something I didn't eat once, she will say, it is a waste, let's quit 10a.m. dessert time, and she quit 4p.m. desert time. she always said everything is easy, but baby occupies her time and she cannot fullfill cooking anymore.
4) she is experienced, which means she knows what period is easy money, for example, first two weeks a lot of babies just sleep and eat, starting from 3rd week, some challenges could come, for example, colic... she just wants to make easy money, when you need her the most, that's the time she will quit
5) she will have tricks to let you bring up termination first cause there will be 30% penalty if employer bring up termination, while she will do everything she can: watch TV, always on the phone..
6) if unhappy ending, she will execuse herself and said employer has 产后 抑郁...
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/24 1:12:38编辑过]
具体说说, 不然别人也难记得.
不过楼上说的对,每个人都应该加点细节,还有来源的id 信息
不过楼上说的对,每个人都应该加点细节,还有来源的id 信息
http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=333&topicid=1145139&skin=0 是不是这个?
以下是引用boung在1/23/2012 7:15:00 PM的发言:
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.6
以下是引用francesruan在1/23/2012 9:16:00 PM的发言:
Christine from LA
I can fill in details if anyone is interested.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/24 12:50:08编辑过]
there will be 30% penalty !!- never heard of this, this is not true MM, I am not sure which agent you use, but this is not true, you can fire her without giving her 30%.
而且非常希望家小版能弄一个专门的月嫂黑名单 以方便后面的姐妹
说实在的 如果不是气得不行 哪个新妈会闲得没事上来跟月嫂过不去呢?
当然还是要求有实例的 而且最好说说是什么时候的事情
agent 是誰~~??
1. My "ZHENG4" (from LA, and originally from Fu2 Jian4) yuesao told me one week before my due date that she can't come... I was so angry and fight with her over the phone. Then 3 days later she said she can come.
Of course we didn't want this kind of people taking care our new born.
2. One of my co-worker got a yuesao who arranges her schedule very tight. Their contract is for 40 days but after two weeks, the Yuesao said she is so tired, the baby is so hard, her blood pressure is high... then left earlier.
得,請了個阿姨,簡直是個惡夢。 一年多了,想起我們可怕的第一个阿姨的經歷還是不能釋懷。寫下來,住在紐約的父母如果想用阿姨看孩子可要小心。
(1) 謝在我家一年。主要工作是照看我的大兒子。來的時候說好的工資並且一年內不漲價,干了3個月,孩子稍微熟悉一些,就要漲$100,為了兒子,我二話沒說同意了。
(2) 我和LG多次發現她把自家的活 (毛線活)代到我家來。每每遇到此景,我總是迴避,以免讓她尷尬。
(3) 每天早上一到,她總是將我的大兒子放在high chair 上,準備晚飯。中午,我回家,孩子還在 high chair。總之,她盡可能少的讓孩子自由活動,說是為了安全。
(5)她走后,鄰居才告我,她經常把我兒子放在stroller 里推出去。帮在stroller上,從不和孩子講話。 鄰居都覺得孩子可憐。可阿姨在得時候,從沒有人告訴我們。
谢在离开我家后3星期在路上遇到我的亲戚。她让我姨转告我她对不起我们。她的道歉不但没让我心里好受,反而更confirm了我儿子受的委屈。事情已经过了2年,我还是不能let it go. 我希望我的遭遇不要再发生在别的妈妈身上。