halo has a style of sleeping bag with swaddle part. The swaddle part can be taken off. This is the feature I like a lot. You can leave the sleeping bag on the baby during the day and swaddle him/her for the night.
halo has a style of sleeping bag with swaddle part. The swaddle part can be taken off. This is the feature I like a lot. You can leave the sleeping bag on the baby during the day and swaddle him/her for the night.
The wrapping is too much work. However, I never use it, just looking at the video. You need to act fast when wrapping the baby, the halo sleeping bag with swaddleMe part is by far the best. Baby's arms are not easy to let out, but they can still move a little bit.
halo has a style of sleeping bag with swaddle part. The swaddle part can be taken off. This is the feature I like a lot. You can leave the sleeping bag on the baby during the day and swaddle him/her for the night.
mm,那miracle Blanket呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/1 13:43:04编辑过]
mm,那miracle Blanket呢?
The wrapping is too much work. However, I never use it, just looking at the video. You need to act fast when wrapping the baby, the halo sleeping bag with swaddleMe part is by far the best. Baby's arms are not easy to let out, but they can still move a little bit.
我喜欢halo的,生之前买了三个summer的,后来试了两次,给娃裹上以后都圆滚滚的,怕他很容易滚成趴着,就不敢用,全浪费了。后来买了halo cotton的,就觉得很好,一直都用着。