after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well,
以下是引用爱家的小鱼在11/23/2011 12:48:00 PM的发言: after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well, 这个你得小心,一般好像是要让参加个program啥的,到时注意一下你的信用卡纪录
after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1877-874-7778 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well,
以下是引用爱家的小鱼在11/23/2011 12:48:00 PM的发言: after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well, mm赶紧打电话去取消啊!这个是要加入一个program然后有membership fee的。
这个我也call了,但是还没有收到邮件。 有收到邮件的MM说说这么是怎么拿到10 dollar cash back的?
以下是引用爱家的小鱼在11/23/2011 12:48:00 PM的发言:
after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well,
然后add to bag那打钩,然后点“Buy checked items”就行了
以下是引用lpuppy在11/23/2011 9:12:00 AM的发言:
thanks mm, but no free shipping? :(((
use free shopperrunner to get free shipping
discover has 15% cb, but could not be combined with that 10% off link
以下是引用ifnoif在11/23/2011 10:38:00 AM的发言:
Thank you for sharing mm~~~
use free shopperrunner to get free shipping
discover has 15% cb, but could not be combined with that 10% off link
thanks! i ordered one.
it's a steal
Thank you for sharing mm~~~
use free shopperrunner to get free shipping
discover has 15% cb, but could not be combined with that 10% off link
why the FS code is not working for me?
不需要code,是sign Up一个30天shopperrunner 的trial,可以免运费,30天内取消即可
thanks mm, can you give me the link to sign up the shoprunner's free trial?
everyday FREE shipping ?
5% back with dollars? ?
FREE 2-Day Shipping
sign in ? learn more ?
点learn more即可弹出一个窗口,就是30天的trial,记得收到东西后取消
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/23 11:47:16编辑过]
thanks mm, can you give me the link to sign up the shoprunner's free trial?
我之前sign up的shoprunner是一年的free membership, 嘿嘿,现在用在drugstore, bru之类的地方正好
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/23 12:23:10编辑过]
你可google shoprunner free membership trial, 现在facebook上好像有个link可以sign up
after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well,
thanks! got oneit's a steal★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Huaren Lite 7.28
after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1877-874-7778 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well,
after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well,
mm赶紧打电话去取消啊!这个是要加入一个program然后有membership fee的。
thank you for the reminder, I will put it on my calender to cancel.....
I was told the membership fee will start after 30 days, I am thinking of getting the $10 rebate form mailed out first and then cancel it.
thank you for the reminder, I will put it on my calender to cancel.....
不需要code,是sign Up一个30天shopperrunner 的trial,可以免运费,30天内取消即可
i am still waiting for the email, so far, not yet, I'll take a look at. thanks!
我之前sign up的shoprunner是一年的free membership, 嘿嘿,现在用在drugstore, bru之类的地方正好
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/23 12:23:10编辑过]
以下是引用llemontree在11/23/2011 11:30:00 AM的发言:
不需要code,是sign Up一个30天shopperrunner 的trial,可以免运费,30天内取消即可
i am still waiting for the email, so far, not yet, I'll take a look at. thanks!
有收到邮件的MM说说这么是怎么拿到10 dollar cash back的?
以下是引用爱家的小鱼在11/23/2011 12:48:00 PM的发言:
after i checked out, there is one icon on the left hand side saying "free $10 rebate", so, I call the number to claim for the $10 rebate, hopefully I can get it in my mail. the number is 1877-874-7778, jms can try it to see if you can claim for $10 rebate as well,
呵呵 是啊
thanks! i ordered one.
还跳了他家 sonicare 电动牙刷,25.99一个, FS,送人不错
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/24 12:15:03编辑过]
是不是因为我用了MR rebates