iRobot Roomba 530 Vacuuming Robot + $20 Kohls Credit $137 Kohls has iRobot Roomba 530 Vacuuming Robot for $230 - 30% with code NOVSAVINGS (for Kohls Cardholders only) - 15% with code PGO15OFF = $136.84 with free shipping. Plus receive $20 Kohls credit.
From shopper discounts & rewards, would get extra 10% cash back.
Kohls also has Dyson DC33 Multi Floor Upright Vacuum for $399.99 - 15% code "PGO15OFF" - 30% code "NOVSAVINGS" (Kohls Card required) = $238. Plus receive $40 Kohls Credit ($10 for every $50 you spent).
iRobot Roomba 530 Vacuuming Robot + $20 Kohls Credit $137 Kohls has iRobot Roomba 530 Vacuuming Robot for $230 - 30% with code NOVSAVINGS (for Kohls Cardholders only) - 15% with code PGO15OFF = $136.84 with free shipping. Plus receive $20 Kohls credit.
From shopper discounts & rewards, would get extra 10% cash back.
Kohls also has Dyson DC33 Multi Floor Upright Vacuum for $399.99 - 15% code "PGO15OFF" - 30% code "NOVSAVINGS" (Kohls Card required) = $238. Plus receive $40 Kohls Credit ($10 for every $50 you spent).
From shopper discounts & rewards, would get extra 10% cash back.
Kohls also has Dyson DC33 Multi Floor Upright Vacuum for $399.99 - 15% code "PGO15OFF" - 30% code "NOVSAVINGS" (Kohls Card required) = $238. Plus receive $40 Kohls Credit ($10 for every $50 you spent).
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/9 13:03:40编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/9 13:12:32编辑过]
以下是引用vivianshao在11/9/2011 1:02:00 PM的发言:
iRobot Roomba 530 Vacuuming Robot + $20 Kohls Credit $137
Kohls has iRobot Roomba 530 Vacuuming Robot for $230 - 30% with code NOVSAVINGS (for Kohls Cardholders only) - 15% with code PGO15OFF = $136.84 with free shipping. Plus receive $20 Kohls credit.
From shopper discounts & rewards, would get extra 10% cash back.
Kohls also has Dyson DC33 Multi Floor Upright Vacuum for $399.99 - 15% code "PGO15OFF" - 30% code "NOVSAVINGS" (Kohls Card required) = $238. Plus receive $40 Kohls Credit ($10 for every $50 you spent).
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/9 13:03:40编辑过]
555 don't have kohls card....
你要不?要的话我可以帮你下一个,kohl's charge不是信用卡
你要不?要的话我可以帮你下一个,kohl's charge不是信用卡
以下是引用gou123456在11/9/2011 3:37:00 PM的发言:
你要不?要的话我可以帮你下一个,kohl's charge不是信用卡
kohls charge是信用卡吧,只是不能在外面用而已
我觉得不算把,就是申请的时候是hard inquire,我一般都是别的卡付,不然记不住还钱
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/9 15:45:49编辑过]