Shipping offer not valid in stores. To receive free standard shipping, enter the promo code in the promotion code box in your shopping bag during checkout. The value of your order must total more than $150 before shipping and tax. This offer applies to standard shipping on Internet orders only and does not apply to the NM Gift Card?, out-of-stock items, wedding registry items, items shipped directly from the manufacturer, items that state "Delivery & Processing Only," "Additional Delivery & Processing," or items that include additional delivery & processing charges. The $8 charge added to each additional shipping address and the additional $5 charge applied when shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, or some U.S. territories still applies. This offer cannot be applied to previous purchases. Canadian orders will still be subject to all applicable duties, fees, and taxes. All non-Canadian international orders must be placed over the phone, and free shipping does not apply. Offer expires 10/17/11 at 11:59 PM CT. **Available online only. To receive your NM Gift card, enter code BESTGC at checkout. Offer valid on regular-priced merchandise only. Customers will receive Gift Cards within 8 weeks. Customers will receive their Gift Card via the e-mail address that is used when placing your order with redemption instructions. Gift Card must be redeemed within two months from the date of issue. Only one NM Gift Card is allowed per customer, only at the highest possible reward level. Any dollar amount spent above the qualified level will be forfeited. Applicable returns will be subtracted from the submitted sales, and any Gift Card earned may be forfeited or the value reduced. Canceled orders will not qualify for the Gift Card. Gift Card cannot be earned on delivery and processing charges, sales tax, wedding registry, gift packaging, and NM Gift Cards. This offer cannot be applied to previous purchases or catalog orders. Neiman Marcus employees are not eligible for this offer. Offer valid only for the owner of the e-mail address to which this offer was sent and cannot be combined with any other Gift Card offer. Offer expires 10/19/11 at 11:59 PM CT.
standard shipping, enter the promo code in the promotion code box in
your shopping bag during checkout. The value of your order must total
more than $150 before shipping and tax. This offer applies to standard
shipping on Internet orders only and does not apply to the NM Gift
Card?, out-of-stock items, wedding registry items, items shipped
directly from the manufacturer, items that state "Delivery &
Processing Only," "Additional Delivery & Processing,"
or items that include additional delivery & processing charges. The
$8 charge added to each additional shipping address and the additional
$5 charge applied when shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, or some U.S.
territories still applies. This offer cannot be applied to previous
purchases. Canadian orders will still be subject to all applicable
duties, fees, and taxes. All non-Canadian international orders must be
placed over the phone, and free shipping does not apply. Offer
expires 10/17/11 at 11:59 PM CT.
**Available online only. To receive your NM Gift card, enter code
BESTGC at checkout. Offer valid on regular-priced
merchandise only. Customers will receive Gift Cards within 8 weeks.
Customers will receive their Gift Card via the e-mail address that is
used when placing your order with redemption instructions. Gift Card
must be redeemed within two months from the date of issue. Only one NM
Gift Card is allowed per customer, only at the highest possible reward
level. Any dollar amount spent above the qualified level will be
forfeited. Applicable returns will be subtracted from the submitted
sales, and any Gift Card earned may be forfeited or the value reduced.
Canceled orders will not qualify for the Gift Card. Gift Card cannot be
earned on delivery and processing charges, sales tax, wedding registry,
gift packaging, and NM Gift Cards. This offer cannot be applied to
previous purchases or catalog orders. Neiman Marcus employees are not
eligible for this offer. Offer valid only for the owner of the e-mail
address to which this offer was sent and cannot be combined with any
other Gift Card offer. Offer expires 10/19/11 at 11:59 PM CT.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/17 9:24:50编辑过]
同问, 上次错过bg的想买的
上次double gift card的还没收到呢,这次不敢买了
店里不参加啊,NM 网上没机车
Rudy Gutierrez: does not apply to previous orders. Excludes Louis Vuitton.
Rudy Gutierrez: I don't see any exclussions for beauty products.
没有吧,我记得也就是600 off 2000,它家最高就也是这么多了
They do expire good for 30 days.
address to which this offer was sent and cannot be combined with any
other Gift Card offer.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/17 10:22:47编辑过]
Offer valid only for the owner of the e-mail
address to which this offer was sent and cannot be combined with any
other Gift Card offer.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/17 10:22:47编辑过]
online chat:
Rudy Gutierrez: does not apply to previous orders. Excludes Louis Vuitton.
Rudy Gutierrez: I don't see any exclussions for beauty products.
店里不参加啊,NM 网上没机车
这个就是最好的gc event了
what???this is ridiculous
只是这个GIFT CARD等的有点让人心急
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/17 13:09:39编辑过]
不是啊,9月份那次double gift card 也是1000给300, 还要求多,没这个deal好~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/17 13:10:07编辑过]
问问收到GC的mm们,这个GC能店里用吗?没在网上跳过这种GC event, 店里跳的都是寄的GC过来。谢谢了。
希望有用过的MM 能出来说一下,好像是可以在店里用的,正打算用送的卡买prada
没收到这个email, on line chat问可不可以send一份,被拒绝了,气死了
me too,我也刚悲剧