The President of the United States was falsely accused of being a foreign agent of Russia and framed for treason by the FBI, the Justice Department, and the American media, and no one will be held accountable.
川普在2019年,施压他的司法部长巴尔,任命这个达勒姆为特别检查官,对通俄门调查反调查。川普声称,会挖掘出"世纪大案" (crime of the century).拜登上台后,保留了这个特别检查官。让他继续调查。 但经历了4年的调查,花了巨额的费用,却没有发现任何犯罪行为。相反,在调查过程中,他和巴尔飞到意大利,试图搜集对联邦调查局不利的证据,结果意大利政府官员告诉他们:我没有关于通俄门起源的信息,帮不了你忙,但是我有川普金融犯罪的证据。 但是之后这个金融犯罪的事就不了了之了。
Senator Josh Hawley and Jesse Watters discuss the Obama Administration, the FBI, and the Justice Department falsely accusing President Donald Trump of being a Russian agent and framing him for treason while covering up illegal foreign bribes made to the Clinton Foundation:
"The whole Trump-Russia collusion story was a giant hoax started by Democrats. The FBI knew it was a hoax. The CIA knew it was a hoax. And Barack Obama knew it was a hoax. Everybody knew it was a hoax the whole time. But they acted like it was real. The CIA knew Hillary started the Russia collusion story and then went in and told Barack Obama all about it. That she was trying to link Trump with Russia to distract from her email scandal...
What else do we find out from Durham? Well, we found out the FBI shut down two investigations into the Clintons. Three separate FBI field offices said wait a second, the Clinton Foundation is a foreign money laundering scam. We should probably look into it. But Andy McCabe, you remember Andy, the guy married to the Clinton donor. He calls everybody in and says guys, the Clinton Foundation is off-limits.
The second thing they shut down. The Hillary Clinton campaign was taking illegal contributions from overseas. FBI informants caught Hillary's campaign saying yeah, we'll take your money. We don't care Albania, Morocco, just send us the checks. So he runs it up the flagpole at the FBI headquarters and they said to shut it down. No investigation into Hillary Clinton's foreign campaign donors. We're not going to go there. We have to frame Trump as a traitor instead...
Capitol Police Whistleblower Says His Calls for Help Were Suspiciously Ignored
“I was requesting permission to evacuate the Senate chambers…and I didn’t get permission”
Media Admits They Lied About That Russia Collusion Thing But Are Totally Telling The Truth About Everything Else
特朗普政府时期委任的司法部特别检察官达勒姆(John Durham)发表报告,批评联邦调查局(FBI)当年启动通俄门调查时手法不当,过分依赖原始而且未经证实的情报,但报告并未批评调查怀有政治动机,相信令特朗普阵营大失所望。
通俄案起源于2016年特朗普首次竞选期间,当时有媒体披露,包括特朗普儿子、女婿在内的代表,曾和俄罗斯在美中间人接触,随后特朗普阵营一名负责外交事务的顾问,也被曝涉嫌与俄方有来往。由于指控属实的话,可以涉及总统候选人绕过时任政府,私下与外国联系的重大问题,FBI其后就此展开名为“交火飓风”(Crossfire Hurricane)的调查。
这份报告的发布标志着2019年5月司法部启动的内部调查的结束。FBI的“交火飓风”调查后来移交给特别检察官穆勒(Robert Mueller),穆勒在2019年3月得出结论,没有证据表明特朗普2016年竞选活动与俄罗斯之间存在犯罪阴谋。随后司法部时任部长巴尔任命达勒姆对FBI在启动“交火飓风”调查时可能存在的失误展开调查。
达勒姆的报告在上周五提交给司法部长加兰德后,15日未经修改就提交给国会。众院司法委员会主席、共和党人乔丹(Jim Jordan)已邀请达勒姆下周就该报告作证。
达勒姆的调查结果很可能会成为正在角逐2024年大选、但官司缠身的特朗普的政治素材。通俄风波持续期间,特朗普一直坚称事件涉及政治动机,FBI和“深层政府”(Deep State)为了阻挠他当选以及施政,因此使出肮脏手段,并将案件形容为“世纪犯罪”。不过这次达勒姆的报告只批评调查手法,却没有质疑当局动机。特朗普在报告公开后迅速在社交网站帖文,坚称达勒姆的结论显然证明“FBI根本不应展开调查”,全国民众都“被骗了”。