A 2009 report by the Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation in the Department of Defense said the aircraft was “operationally effective, but not operationally suitable based upon poor maintainability and built-in test performance.” The office also found challenges with the ALQ-99 tactical jamming pods, which are used against radar and communications targets, according to the report.
美国一架军机12日上午坠毁加州圣地牙哥湾(San Diego Bay)附近,当时机上一共载有2名海军飞行员,幸好目前皆已平安获救。
CBS等外媒报导,美国海军证实,当地时间上午10时17分左右,这一架「波音EA-18G咆哮者」(EA-18G Growler)坠毁圣地牙哥湾,靠近北岛海空军基地(Naval Air Station North Island)附近。
官员透露,「咆哮者」因为参与「竹鹰」(Bamboo Eagle)综合演习而出现在圣地牙哥,意外则是发生在军机「重飞」的过程中,但具体失事原因仍在调查中。