JUST IN: JD Vance tells Kamala to "go to hell" after her campaign criticized Trump for going to Arlington National Cemetery to honor the 13 service members who died in Afghanistan.
"To have those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala… pic.twitter.com/kyjOWYUEdR
The Army defended the Arlington National Cemetery staffer at the center of the controversy involving former President Trump’s visit for a wreath-laying ceremony earlier this week.
An Army spokesperson said the employee was trying to enforce rules prohibiting political activities… pic.twitter.com/G7uYOeEjqE
这个Section 60是埋葬近期殉职军人的地方,这个区域的管理,有专门的法律。 禁止摄影录像,禁止政治活动。而川普的阵营,去那个地方拍竞选视频,不顾劝阻,才发生了冲突。 这个地方归军队管。军队的声明,支持那个公墓的官员。
The Army defended the Arlington National Cemetery staffer at the center of the controversy involving former President Trump’s visit for a wreath-laying ceremony earlier this week.
An Army spokesperson said the employee was trying to enforce rules prohibiting political activities on cemetery grounds when they were pushed aside.
"Donald Trump has no right to use our most hallowed ground for his political aims," Fred Wellman, a 22-year Army combat veteran, said Wednesday. "For a lot of us, and I'm not the only one, people are aptly furious."
The Trump campaign's insistence on using the setting to shoot campaign material is a "new low," said former Army undersecretary and Pennsylvania Rep. Patrick Murphy.
美国前总统川普(Donald Trump)日前前往阿灵顿国家公墓(Arlington National Cemetery)悼念在阿富汗撤军行动中殉职的美军士兵,却意外引发风波。共和党副总统候选人万斯(JD Vance)更因民主党贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)阵营的批评,怒呛贺锦丽“可以下地狱”。
对此,川普竞选团队发言人史蒂芬·张(Steven Cheung)反驳表示,当时是该名官员“精神状况不佳”,且“并未发生如报导所述的身体冲突”。一名在场的殉职军人家属胡佛(Darin Hoover)也出面支持川普团队的说法,并指责公墓工作人员“公然说谎”。他强调,是他们邀请川普前来,因为川普支持并关心他们,远胜于“什么也没做”的现任政府。
贺锦丽发言人泰勒(Michael Tyler)接受《美国有线电视新闻网》(CNN)採访时,表示这起事件“令人难过却不意外”。万斯则在宾州伊利市(Erie)一场竞选活动中被问及此事时,怒火中烧。他为川普辩护,称讚川普关心退伍军人,并将矛头指向贺锦丽,指责她任内发生阿富汗撤军导致13名美军丧生却不闻不问,直言:“我们的退伍军人更关心的是3年前13名勇敢的美国人为何丧生,他们是因为贺锦丽失职而死!”最后更怒呛:“贺锦丽可以下地狱了!”
据报导,针对此事件,许多参加万斯伊利市造势活动的民众表示,万斯的军旅经历和退伍军人身份为共和党加分不少。69岁的赛普(Gene Seip)认为万斯吸引了许多军人的支持;68岁的奈特(Chris Knight)则表示自己是万斯的粉丝,并强调万斯十分重视退伍军人,这点十分重要。