I'm the first person to call for an end to the Islamic Republic of Iran...but we need to be mindful of the weight of irresponsible language in contexts like this. Iran is not the same as the Islamic Republic. Former President Trump is right to say we should wipe the Islamic… pic.twitter.com/B9FFGtOn25
The democrat party is a NO BODY! it is who controls the Dem party, the communist party of China, Iran, and USA. It is the same INDIVIDUAL. Trump dare not mention his/her name, or he will be wiped mysteriously.
硅谷工匠 发表评论于 2024-07-26 14:50:37
The democrat party is a NO BODY! it is who controls the Dem party, the communist party of China, Iran, and USA. It is the same INDIVIDUAL. Trump dare not mention his/her name, or he will be wiped mysteriously.
美国前总统川普(Donald Trump)本月13日在宾州遭遇刺杀未遂,尽管枪手是美国白人,但幕后是否有其他势力指使,始终是疑点。川普稍早在其所创立的社群平台“真相社交”(TRUTH Social)贴文,表示自己若遇刺身亡,美国应消灭伊朗。
《纽约邮报》(New York Post)报导,川普13日遇刺未遂后,美方官员曾透露,他们事先收到了有关伊朗密谋暗杀川普的情报。美国官员表示,这项威胁已传达给负责川普保护细节的特勤局首席特工以及这位前总统的竞选团队。
白宫国家安全委员会上周指出,他们“多年来”一直在追踪伊朗对川普政府官员的威胁,这些威胁源于该国家为报复川普2020 年下令消灭伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队圣城军,杀掉指挥官苏莱马尼(Qassem Soleimani)。
川普于2019 年(担任总统期间)曾警告说,如果伊朗获得核武器,将面临“前所未见的毁灭”。
川普说:“但我不想这么做。 ”“但是你不能拥有核武。你想交流?好的。否则未来三年经济可能会很糟糕。”