肯尼迪一个礼拜之前还试图联系哈里斯团队,试图做交易在内阁获得一个位置, 被拒绝,连与哈里斯见面的机会都没有,说明哈里斯不在乎他。 相反川普倒是很绝望,和他做交易。
其实出川普这次面临的最大挑战,是越来越多的传统共和党人离开他,不投他的票。 网上共和党人的评论:
1. "We all voted for Trump the first time. The majority of us voted for him the second time.
But this time, there are some of us who just can't vote for him.
Do you remember The Silent Majority?
I believe there are more people than Trump realizes that have abandoned him".
2. “In '16 I voted for him with great hope. In '20 I held my nose and voted for him again. I am now convinced the man is dangerous. He is absolutely amoral, not very intelligent, and has the emotional stability of a 10-year old. He is totally unfit. This year I will vote for a decent person I disagree with on policy over a criminal who cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy, between truth and lies.
Yes, we get four more Democratic years, but that's the cost of letting this cabal usurp the Republican Party. When trump and his ilk return to their caves, our country and all our people will be the better for it, and we can begin to return to a civil society.” “16年我满怀希望地投票给了他。 20年我捏着鼻子再次投票给他。我现在确信这个人很危险。他完全没有道德,不太聪明,情绪稳定像个10岁的孩子。他完全不适合。今年,我将投票给一个我在政策上不同意的正派人士,而不是一个无法区分现实与幻想、真理与谎言的罪犯。
3. “NeverTrumpers are the real Republicans. They know to vote Country over party. When the likes of Trump and his minions realize they are not a recognized party - that THEY are not true Republicans, we can then begin to heal, and get back to business with bi-partisan governing”.
Cannot agree more.
3. “NeverTrumpers are the real Republicans. They know to vote Country over party. When the likes of Trump and his minions realize they are not a recognized party - that THEY are not true Republicans, we can then begin to heal, and get back to business with bi-partisan governing”.
alarm123 发表评论于 2024-08-25 08:38:50
Cannot agree more.
3. “NeverTrumpers are the real Republicans. They know to vote Country over party. When the likes of Trump and his minions realize they are not a recognized party - that THEY are not true Republicans, we can then begin to heal, and get back to business with bi-partisan governing”.
环保律师小罗勃甘迺迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)光是姓氏就大胜在政坛苦拚的一般政治人物,他是美国前联邦参议员罗勃.甘迺迪(Robert F. Kennedy)之子,也是美国已故前总统约翰.甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)的侄子。
他宣布参选之初支持率强劲,纽约时报(The New York Times)昨天报导,他的民调如今已降到普通第3势力的水准。很难预见他停止竞选可能会对大选产生的影响,部分原因是不容易判断他的支持者中,有多少人会在11月出门投票。
外界先前普遍认为,小罗勃甘迺迪选到底将伤害共和党候选人川普的选情,但在拜登退选后,并不清楚他会吸走川普还是民主党总统候选人贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)的票。
纽时和谢纳学院(Siena College)近期的民调显示,当被追问时,小罗勃甘迺迪的支持者更倾向挺川普。但最近其它民调可见,他也能吸走贺锦丽的票。一定程度上,民调结果的分歧反映了过去几周舆论变化的速度。
美国广播公司新闻网(ABC News)昨天也就民调分析指出,自从贺锦丽接棒后,小罗勃甘迺迪的支持率一直稳定维持5%左右,他从川普及贺锦丽吸走的票数几乎一样。