Donald Trump Puts Fist in The Air and Waves Heading Into Manhattan Court
He just posted the following words on Truth Social:
“Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse. Seems SO SURREAL - WOW, they are going to ARREST ME. Can't believe this is happening in America. MAGA!”
Just a ton more anti-Trump protestors outside the park. Despite an all-caps call for his supporters to protest before his arrest, Trump supporters are getting deeply outnumbered by people in support of his arrest in lower Manhattan today.
美国前总统川普今天抵达纽约曼哈顿(Manhattan)法院,准备面对历史性刑事起诉,他从住处川普大楼(Trump Tower)驱车前来法院途中仍不断在社群媒体贴文,声称出庭有一种“超现实的”的感觉。
他在自创的社群平台“真实社群”(Truth Social)写道:“正前往曼哈顿下城(Lower Manhattan),法院,似乎很超现实─哇,他们就要逮捕我。不能相信此事发生在美国。”
川普的车队从中央公园(Central Park)附近的川普大楼出发,沿途都有警察严密戒护,上头还有直升机盘旋,历经10公里的路程终于抵达曼哈顿法院。
川普上周遭大陪审团起诉,成为美国首位面临刑事起诉的卸任或现任总统,理由是他涉及2016年支付封口费给成人片女星“暴风女丹尼尔斯”(Stormy Daniels),以换取她闭口不谈2006年曾与川普有过一段婚外情。但川普自称无辜,预料也不会认罪。