rumble. com/v6dx0ea-live-with-julie.html?start=837
[Word heard – January 18, 2025]
My children a political shakedown is underway. Every way your enemies have invaded your nation, enslaved you, stole from you, deceived you, will abruptly shift directions. During the shaking it will all change and complete freedom will be restored. A major shaking will take place in the ICE agency. Whistle-blowers are coming and they’ll be heard and their restraints removed. Proof will fully come out about the strategic invasion at your border and how the Establishment paid the foreign militia to come here with their lethal weapons, dirty bombs, with their drugs at an alarming rate, trafficked children and allow terrorist organisations from many nations. This was one of the Establishment’s trojan horses to overwhelm the system financially and to grow their sleeper cells and to train them here, while paying them and giving them directions to pull off their attacks on your soil. They were to bring a collapse of society, to cause more destruction with their drug cartels, feeding more drugs to citizens to cause a major crisis in every way possible.
Their lines of communication with the Establishment they had with the heads of the Border Agents and other nations that were paid to allow this havoc, will be proven, exposed and it will be annihilated. Many people who committed crimes with this Trojan Horse will no go unpunished. I will show you the architects and their minions, they used to accomplish this havoc and destruction against you in this nation.
I will show where every terrorist organization is here and their funding will be stopped, along with the alliance they’ve had with the Establishment and it will be severed. The time has come to stop their Trojan Horse from moving any further towards their goal line to collapse this nation says the Lord of Hosts.
I will say again, China is at war with the United States, when the majority of citizens have been unaware. They have hacked and infiltrated your govt, your bank, intelligence agencies and your elections. They have the capacity to put this nation at a standstill while taking you over in one foul swoop. Your govt gave them more access to this nation and to you than you realized. China’s about to make its move and I’m about to make Mine.
My children, your enemy’s war and their plans to destroy you will come to nothing in unprecedented ways. I will show you how many Secretaries of Defense have been a part of this plan and how each one was strategically placed to allow this Trojan Horse to destroy your nation and it will all be stopped by Me says the Lord.
Betrayals are growing in Washington as the fear is building from exposure they know is inevitable. They destroyed and buried all evidence they could. They thought it was all gone but all their efforts were for nothing. The stone My David is about to throw will knock them out of their places of power.
You are getting your rightful President back but you’re also getting your nation back fully restored says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Then I also heard…
Osaka will be in your news for a shocking reason.
I say again the Caspian Sea will be in your news also for a shocking reason.
Pakistan will be in your news for a significant reason.
Continue to watch the waters.
PART 3 of 3
Your enemies have something up their sleeves they are trying in other ways to bring an attack or devastation to your nation - being cloaked by the waters above, hiding what they are up to but stand and watch them fail at every attempt against you says the Lord.
CERN will be destroyed by Me says the Lord.
The Geneva Convention is about to be exposed of what really they’re up to.
The purpose of your enemies off-shore banks will also come out. My children I will show you all they’re hiding that is against you, to grow their wealth, when everyone loses everything. And your enemies are about to lose all of theirs.
The U.N. is being signalled to make a move against your nation, to help the pathetic Establishment salvage their existence in your nation but it will fall flat and you will see the collapse of the U.N. and its hold it’s had on you says the Lord of Hosts.
Breitbart will be releasing a shocking news report that will get the world’s attention. Breaking news reports will no longer be suppressed.
The Establishment’s most prominent people are about to be exposed and will fall like flies. These pests will no longer stay where they don’t belong.
Removals of Supreme Court Justices are underway. I’m the Judge that’s passing down judgment on all those judges against this nation.
My children holy tight for this fight for your nation’s survival is almost over, because I am here to revive it and restore all that’s been lost says the Lord of Hosts.