rumble. com/v6h6to4-live-with-julie.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
[Word heard – 28 January 2025]
Woe to the liars in governmental positions. Every lie you told, the truth will be revealed. All the lies you thought you had destroyed and buried were not at all destroyed and those things that were buried, I have unearthed them. The days of liars controlling nations and their narratives is over. The truth is about to hit DC like never before and those who are there protected by lies, your walls of protection have been destroyed and all of you will be removed by Me says the Lord of Hosts.
Woe to the liars in the Main Stream Media. Your lies will be revealed and your numbers will continue to tank and collapse at a rapid pace. The more you try to lie and manipulate and change the narratives and spin the truth to discredit Pres Trump or his administration, the more you will fall and the more you will try to do to him or this nation, the more it’ll be done unto you. The days of the MSM running the show are over. Major news networks will see even more of a collapse of viewers and they will go bankrupt.
I’ve told you repeatedly about CNN, and MSNBC. This was just the beginning of their collapse. NBC, ABC, CBS your numbers will tank. Even your highly rated TV Shows will not save you. Changing news anchors will not save you. Your days of suppressing the truth are over. And woe to those who still are in these positions, running the news networks or hosting their news shows. Everyone of your networks is on life support. Your power is about to be unplugged by Me says the Lord of Hosts.
Part 2/2
Woe to the Establishment. You have your liars and traitors in place in Washington to cause discord and division as much as you possibly can, but you will experience it instead in unprecedented ways. Your days of manipulation to get what you want are also over. The Old Guard in Washington has been put on notice and your eviction are coming.
Declassifying documents will be in order and will be a nightmare for most in DC. But their servers will be even more of a nightmare to them, because those were their lifeline to stay in power but that lifeline has been severed.
The Old Guard in DC – your division will continue to grow and confusion will bring panic and fear you’ve never known before, because of the unknown in what lies ahead and waits for you. There is no place you have that can save you from My judgment says the Lord.
Woe to those in the Intelligence community. The safest places you have, hidden dark secrets regarding this nation, they have been raided by My infiltrators. Your lies, your divisive schemes will not go unpunished. You think you are more intelligent than most and you have nothing on Me. You will see all your protective measures were not enough for the backlash you’re about to receive and from the judgment that will hit your doors. Arrests will be made but not by you but you yourselves will be arrested. No more weaponizing your power against the American people. Your days of intimidating and controlling this country are over.
My children, the liars and manipulators will all be removed in these days ahead. Hold on because all these explosive exposures and removals are all apart of the shaking that must be taken care of to fully heal this nation. The lines have been drawn and your enemies have picked the wrong side. Victory is coming to this nation in unprecedented ways says the Lord Your Redeemer.
To 我知道我不知道,你这是在强词夺理。第一,阿拉伯人祖祖辈辈生活在这个地区,而西方国家因为二战时对于犹太人的亏欠,硬是划出一块地给以色列,这本身已经就是赤裸裸的侵略了。对于这种侵略行为,难道不允许阿拉伯人反抗吗?难到中国抗战时期的敌后作战部队都是恐怖分子吗?第二,想要迁徙200多万人口,请问有国家愿意接受他们吗?请问他们愿意搬走吗?请问迁徙的时候,你知道要死多少人吗?川普大嘴一张,根本就是天方夜谭,给他洗地,你们不嫌脏吗?
To 我知道我不知道,你错了,当年罗马将军提多(后来的罗马皇帝)攻陷耶路撒冷,毁灭第二圣殿,将犹太人赶出耶路撒冷地区。(他和川普想法一样)。之后犹太人就在全世界流离失所,而萨拉丁作为伊斯兰统治者1187年就已经占领耶路撒冷了。也就是说,犹太人早就离开了这块地方,而阿拉伯人已经在这块地方定居快1000年了。
TO 我知道我不知道, 我没有骂你们这样的人,只不过觉得有这种想法的人不配生活在现代的文明社会,这里也包括川普。对于你的辩驳,我认为是没有道理的。首先,提多攻占耶路撒冷是公元70年,那个时候犹太人就被赶出耶路撒冷了。而萨拉丁攻占耶路撒冷是公元1187年,这是犹太人离开耶路撒冷1000多年以后的事情。因此,阿拉伯人并没有在驱逐犹太人这件事上有任何的责任。同时,已经离开耶路撒冷的犹太人在2000多年以后也没有任何根据去重新要回耶路撒冷。所以,这一点上你站不住脚。第二,人权的概念不仅仅适用于整个国家和民族,同时对于一个群体甚至是一个个人同样适用。当川普强迫加沙的阿拉伯人离开加沙的时候,他就是最恶劣的侵犯人权,就是种族灭绝!这是任何一个生活在21世纪的正常人的共同理念!
To 我知道我不知道, 你不可以拿着不是当理说、当时西方国家所控制的联合国违反公义的原则让以色列建国,这严重侵犯了当地巴勒斯坦等阿拉伯国家的正当利益。所以当时发生的战争,阿拉伯一方为正义,而美国一方为邪恶。但以美国为首的邪恶一方拳头更大更强,所以最终获胜了。但这并不可以将以色列建国的邪恶变为正义。而之后联合国曾多次决议,要求以色列作为侵略者退出联合国划定范围以外的地方,但以色列拒绝执行,并且不断的侵略巴勒斯坦,连当年求和的阿拉法特都被以色列毒杀了。对于你的根据,你不能一边拿着联合国来说法理,另一边由任由以色列公然践踏联合国决议而置之不理。你这么做,就是绝对的双标!

法国外交部表示,加沙的未来绝不能被 “第三国控制”。
德国外交部长贝尔伯克称,加沙 “属于巴勒斯坦人”,强迫巴勒斯坦人离开加沙“不可接受,违反国际法”。