A House GOP-led bill introduced on Tuesday would rename Greenland to “Red, White and Blueland.” The bill would apply the patriotic name to all laws, maps and documents referencing Greenland. https://t.co/KMUwGOuIhk
该法案名为《2025年红、白、蓝之地法案》(2025年红白蓝岛法案 “Red, White, and Blueland Act of 2025”),由众议员厄尔·“巴迪”·卡特(Earl "Buddy" Carter)提出,旨在将格陵兰(Greenland)更名为更具美国色彩的“红白蓝岛”(Red, White, and Blueland)。
This is an official bill put forth in the #USCongress to “authorize the President to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and rename #Greenland as Red, White and Blueland”. pic.twitter.com/bqf2n5dsII
综合编译自《USA Today》:
该法案名为《2025年红、白、蓝之地法案》(2025年红白蓝岛法案 “Red, White, and Blueland Act of 2025”),由众议员厄尔·“巴迪”·卡特(Earl "Buddy" Carter)提出,旨在将格陵兰(Greenland)更名为更具美国色彩的“红白蓝岛”(Red, White, and Blueland)。
该法案要求新任内政部长道格·伯格姆(Doug Burgum)负责监督更名,并在官方文件和地图上实施这一更改,使格陵兰岛正式使用新名称。
这项提案正值特朗普继续推动从丹麦购买格陵兰岛之际,尽管格陵兰自治政府总理穆特·埃格德(Mute Egede)已多次重申该岛“不出售”。