The Chinese general’s action itself demonstrated the importance and mutual benefits of keeping of communication channel open between China and the U.S. Communication is important between friends, and even more important between adversaries so that there is no misunderstanding and miscalculation. Not sure why China behaved so childish by refusing to talk whenever things are not going well. They think agreeing to talk is a sign of weakness. It’s just the opposite.
Admiral Aquilino did not say what the Chinese are claiming he said. The Chinese are twisting his remarks to suit their propaganda purposes.
He stated that we are willing to talk, but that we will take whatever actions necessary to protect and defend free access to the South China Sea.
He also stated that he has two missions: first, to prevent conflict with China if possible; second, if conflict occurs, to defend Taiwan and to win!
山龙 发表评论于 2023-05-27 01:41:22
Admiral Aquilino did not say what the Chinese are claiming he said. The Chinese are twisting his remarks to suit their propaganda purposes.
He stated that we are willing to talk, but that we will take whatever actions necessary to protect and defend free access to the South China Sea.
He also stated that he has two missions: first, to prevent conflict with China if possible; second, if conflict occurs, to defend Taiwan and to win!
Here is a link to the full speech by Admiral Aquilino:
Now you understand why the CCP government does not allow schools to teach English, just to deceive Chinese who can not understand English!
Here is a link to the full speech by Admiral Aquilino:
Now you understand why the CCP government does not allow schools to teach English, just to deceive Chinese who can not understand English!
当地时间 23 日,美军印度洋-太平洋司令部司令约翰∙阿奎利诺 (John C. Aquilino) 在美中关系全国委员会 (NCUSCR) 的一次公开活动上声称,美中军事对话对地区和平至关重要,他多次请求与中方交谈却未得到回应。
在长约 3 分钟的反驳中,尹忠良再次简要阐明了中国在亚太地区安全合作中的基本政策,即始终致力于维护亚太地区的和平与稳定,坚持走和平发展道路,坚持合作共赢的开放战略,坚持在和平共处 5 项原则基础上,同所有国家发展友好合作。
据《路透社》报导,当地时间 22 日,美国国务卿布林肯代替总统拜登,对巴布亚新几内亚进行访问,阿奎利诺也随他一同前往巴纽,随后两国签署了关于防务和海事合作的两项协议。布林肯称,防务合作协议将提升太平洋岛国的军事能力,使美国军队更容易与巴纽部队一起训练。
自 2022 年 4 月,中国与所罗门群岛正式签署双边安全合作框架协议后,美国在太平洋地区的外交动作频率也急速上升。
日前,美国总统拜登在日本广岛参加七国集团峰会 ( G7 ) 期间就曾对记者说,美国与中国之间的关系应该会“在很短时间内缓和”。
公开资料显示,美中关系全国委员会成立于 1966 年,是一个非盈利性的、教育性的非政府组织,旨在促进美国和中国人民之间的相互了解。