说说Fox News是不是主流媒体,又或者是fake news?评论下狐狸的报道呗
Fox News host Neil Cavuto: “In this newly unsealed court paper, we’re learning that former President Trump resorted to crime in a bid to cling to power after the 2020 election.”
Btw, the EVIDENCE for the crimes Trump committed trying to overthrow the election, as outlined in Jack Smith's filing, didn't come from Democrats. The EVIDENCE came from Republicans, came from people who worked for Trump, came from Trump loyalists. Don't forget that.
嗯嗯,Remember Republican Tina Peters? Former Mesa County Clerk & Recorder in Colorado who was found guilty of four felony counts for helping Trump breach the county's election computer systems? She's sentenced to 9 years.....
川粉们老是把作弊挂在嘴边,看看Tina,再看看Fox News (paid 8亿),再看看昨天Republicans在jack smith file解密后拼命给自己洗白熊样,刺激不?
川普说自发就是自发的?没读Jack Smith的报告? 里面的证据可都是白纸黑字而且都是共和党的。这些名单上的共和党人为什么都想洗白自己,好像那些东西都不是自己写的一样?为啥川普的律师团队拼命不想法官解密?说说理由呗。
From Jack Smith’s unsealed court filing, “When he was warned there would be violence he said ‘Make them riot, do it.’”
- Liz Cheney and former Trump aides, Alyssa Farah Griffin, Cassidy Hutchinson, and Sarah Matthews are determined to crush him. Campaigning for Harris in Wisconsin.
- Two dozen Wisconsin Republicans, including former lawmakers, other former elected officials and a GOP sitting district attorney, have signed an open letter declaring their support for Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris.
- Bruce Springsteen just announced that he will vote for Harris.
- GOP Governors of Georgia, Virginia, and North Carolina just opening praised Biden's response to the Hurricane.
美国知名选举分析师兼统计专家施佛(Nate Silver)发文认为,民主党副总统候选人、明尼苏达州州长华兹在1日晚间的副总统辩论上,“理性洗白”(Sanewashing)共和党副总统候选人、联邦参议员范斯。