rumble. com/v6jvgjp-live-with-julie.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
[Word heard – February 8, 2025]
Woe to those in governmental and federal positions who ran or was a part of the biggest money laundering scheme this nation or this world has ever seen. Your days are numbered in your positions and all the crimes you committed and every way you defrauded the American people will all come out with the biggest and most extensive audit this nation has ever seen. Nothing will be left out. All your honey holes, every record book, server and where you stored these money trails is all coming with explosive force to decimate this criminal financial system. Everyone who bankrolled and padded their pockets on the backs of the American people will all be judged and sentenced for everything they’ve been a part of.
Woe to the architects and all your blueprints of this Ponzi scheme and to all who have been a part of it and profited off of the backs of the taxpayers in this nation. You thought this fraud and thievery was protected by all your layers of agencies and all your minions you have bought out to do your dirty work. Every layer, every agency, every employee you controlled, manipulated, bribed, blackmailed in every sector to keep your machine funded and controlled by the Old Guard - every backdoor deal, every person slaughtered to keep this glorified hedge fund running. Exposure is the least of your worries. It’s the unprecedented judgment in front of the world and it will be served by Me says the Lord of Hosts.
Your days of this great theft and deception have come to an end. These audits you see now are nothing compared to what is coming to account for all the money you have laundered and used to blackmail and payoff your opponents, steal elections, control any nation at will…you designed everything you could to enslave the world with your global system.
PART 2/2
You started wars to cause more chaos and conflict and distraction to profit off the death of anyone who got in the way of your plans. You paid to have every nation globally to have elections fixed so you would have your global puppets everywhere to align all the nations with your design. You controlled the world with your news. You also paid to have them say what you wanted so your fake news would be the only thing people would hear, only to have every major news network that you paid to suppress the real news will implode. News networks will receive an audit. It will show the money trail - who and where it all went. I will show how the intelligent agencies and the technology was used to brainwash and pollute the minds of every American and manipulate with psychological operations to influence the behaviour of this nation, along with other nations to follow along. Your psy-ops operations have been funded by the American taxpayers against themselves and it will all be exposed. Audits will expose more than money laundering and fraud. It will expose all the criminal activity throughout the govt of this nation on every level - everyone who is paid to destroy this nation, committed treason, and ended the lives of anyone who got in the way. It’s all coming out – the servers, laptops, emails, the photos, the phone conversations – everything the Swamp was hiding – is coming out in the open. These audits will collapse the Establishment and their entire system.
Their “legal” fraud system they designed and disguised as the govt budget, to destroy this nation, it is collapsing. The more its exposed, the more panic your enemies will be in. Things are about to take a fiery turn and your enemies will take a shot at you O United States, but it will fail. Hold on. My audits and more exposures and more collapsing of the system and their control is coming to an end.
These are the days of your freedoms from their system and from the ones who’ve controlled it says the Lord of Hosts.
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)领导的政府效率部(Department of Government Efficiency,DOGE)在对教育部进行整顿并取消外部合同后,共节省了9.82亿美元。

在发给员工的通知中,DOGE表示:“任何履行法定职能的合同都将重新招标。” 其中,“大学记分卡”项目不会受到削减的影响。此外,该部门还取消了多元化、公平与包容(DEI)项目的培训补助金,节省了1.01亿美元。
唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)总统在竞选期间曾提议完全关闭教育部,并将大学生贷款业务转移到独立机构,同时把该部门的联邦资金直接拨付给各州。他在周二对马斯克领导的DOGE工作表示支持,并强调政府应当根除浪费、欺诈和滥用,以节省纳税人的资金。
川普表示:“没有人知道教育部的状况竟然如此糟糕、病态且腐败。” 他还签署了一项行政命令,要求各机构与马斯克及其团队合作,并为马斯克提供机会,以回应媒体提问并为削减开支的决策辩护。
此外,川普上周还提到,他的目标是让即将上任的教育部长琳达·麦克马洪(Linda McMahon)“失业”。麦克马洪的参议院确认听证会预计将于周四举行。
与此同时,本周二,美国政府雇员联合会(American Federation of Government Employees)在华盛顿特区组织了一场名为“拯救公务员制度”的集会,吸引了政府工作人员及其支持者参与,以表达对政府裁员政策的不满。
周二,马斯克在总统川普椭圆办公室表示DOGE发现,仍有“可能已经去世”的人继续领取社会保障(Social Security)支票,这将成为他的下一步目标。
现在,马斯克关于社保支付的最新披露引发了担忧,人们担心隶属于美国卫生与公众服务部(HHS)的社会保障计划(Social Security)可能成为DOGE削减联邦开支的下一个目标。
“重新审查社保系统——那里竟然还有150岁的人还在领取福利,” 马斯克在川普签署行政命令期间举行的临时新闻发布会上说道,“你认识150岁的人吗?”
“我不认识。” 马斯克继续调侃道,“他们应该被列入《吉尼斯世界纪录》。他们错过了一次创造历史的机会。”
“所以,我的猜测是,他们可能已经去世了,或者他们应该非常有名——只能是这两种情况之一。” 他总结道。
截至2023年,美国共有 7160万人 领取社保福利,包括退休金、残疾补助和遗属补助。
其中,约 4200万 份社保支票以每月付款的形式发放给退休人员。领取者可以在 62岁 时提前领取,但金额较低。
2024年,提前领取者的最高月度福利为 2710美元,达到 67岁 全额退休年龄后最高可达 3822美元,而 70岁 之后领取则可获得最高 4873美元。
自川普上任以来,马斯克一直忙于领导DOGE削减政府合同、裁员,并精简整个机构体系。他的团队——被称为“书呆子军团(nerd army)”——承担起全面审查联邦政府的任务,以识别可削减的领域,从而节省资金、减少开支。