
最新回复:2024年11月20日 15点9分 PT
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▲ 川普封口费案可能延至4年判刑。


综合BBC等外媒,检察官向负责此案的法官默坎(Juan Merchan)提议,将判刑延至川普预计卸任的2029年后,并要求将双方提出新动议的截止日订为12月9日,让法官有更多时间考量,原定于11月26日的判刑可能因此再度延后。





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犯人都能当总捅,天下唯有漂亮国了,佩服佩服。 呵呵
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罪犯当总统很多。 中国毛贼,罪犯。 中国习贼,罪犯。 沙特王储,罪犯。 最大的罪犯,是你判不了罪那种。 比如拜登老贼。这叫人精。
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大海蓝天白云 发表评论于 2024-11-20 03:04:00川普活不到上任,民主党不会允许他断援乌克兰 ===== 的确有这个可能。到时候就离内战不远了
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为了消灭政治对手和民选总统 也是煞费心机 特勤局一定好好保护 全方位保护 减少户外的活动 增加安保 肯定还有疯狂的猪 脑子里面全是浆糊的猪
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民主党当年也是政治迫害马丁路德金多次入狱。左派最擅长用司法迫害政敌。 迫害手段之一就是在民主党老窝里审判,法官、检察官、陪审团全是左派人士。于是全体陪审团就可以裁定马丁路德金“煽动黑人闹事”,“妨碍司法机关执法”等等罪名。
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rumble. com/v5r98jw-live-with-julie.html?start=658 PROPHETIC WORD - MANY LEADERS WILL BE REMOVED IN UNPRECEDENTED WAYS [Word heard – November 17, 2024] My children, you have entered a time where waves of truth will roll through this earth devouring the deception that has dominated and controlled it so that My waves of glory can bring restoration and a freedom to this earth that has already been paid for. That time is here and it’ll be clear when you experience wave after wave knocking your enemies out of power and off their feet where they will never regain their strength again against this nation or this earth - as long as My church dominates the nations with My Word and with My Authority. Great days lie ahead for the children of the Most High God. Woe to those in leadership positions in Washington or in any state in this nation against Me. Your ways of controlling and conducting your business in this nation is over. There is nothing that can stop My hand against you - all who are against Me. Every money trail you are trying to hide, all the money you have siphoned through FEMA, this nation under FEMA and use it for criminal activities will blow up in your face. All the terrorists you’ve been funding worldwide will be exposed how FEMA is not at all how it appears to be. Those days of hiding your corruption through FEMA is over. Whistle-blowers are coming to shred your power using FEMA against its own nation. Woe to those in the Pentagon and what you have done with taxpayers’ dollars is heinous to say the least. I have warned you to draw back and you refused. Enemies of Almighty God who are working in the Pentagon and all the spies in that place will be eradicated by My hand. Shockwaves will come to this nation when your books are truly opened, not only the ones you’ve been showing to prove your spending, but the ones you conceal behind closed doors in certain places that only the puppet masters and certain specific puppets can see all that’s in your hidden servers to show the real proof on what you’re truly hiding and it will bring a righteous rebellion against you and truth will prevail and everyone who took part in those crimes here and abroad will be removed.
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Part 2 I have said treason many times, but soon people will really see people being tried for treason on a massive scale. To those Generals and to all the Secretaries of Defense who have controlled and allowed this to take place in this nation and allow such corruption to be in the military, it will be ripped apart by Me and everyone guilty, judgment will be served and justice will prevail says the Lord. I am cleaning out the Pentagon and all military personnel who are truly against this country. My children brace for what you’re about to hear, how many in your military, put there by the Deep State, and those bureaucrats to destroy integrity, intelligence and dignity in their own military forces. There have been many who have profited off the wars around this earth. Some have even helped strengthen your enemies in foreign lands by paying them off, even giving them weapons in the dead of night. Operation Fast and Furious is just the tip of the iceberg of what Presidents and DOJ’s have allowed including Generals, that have also taken part in these types of criminal activities. I will show you all that Obama had done to bring crime to the highest levels of govt, designed by his successors for his time - along with any other govt agency and corporation used to hide their corruption will all be exposed and ripped apart by Me says the Lord. NATO is not what it appears to be at all. My children the Establishment with global leaders designed these things against you to profit off you while destroying the nations at the same time. The money the United States has given NATO will be exposed, what it actually was truly meant and was used for. Your govt O United States, has been funding your enemies and disguising it as something else to keep up the destruction around the world without anyone fighting it back. I will expose all of it and destroy its existence. My children the shaking that this truth will cause, prepare your hearts, for when you find out how evil your govt had become and how they used your taxpayer dollars to enslave you and bring you into a bondage and to a fear and a lack you were never meant to experience. Their coming removals will bring catastrophic damage to many things you call normal. When this evil is lifted and these leaders are removed you will finally know what I have planned for you. That is why this exodus is so much greater than the first one.
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Part 3 Don’t you see the Pharaohs of today and what they have done to you and your nations around the world? They must be removed in unprecedented ways. So be still during the storm against your enemies. It will clear them out of your land with My mighty hand. So stand strong when your enemies try to fight back to save themselves from this truth that is coming to destroy their fraud and all their lies and all their control. Soon My children you will see your enemies no more in those seats of power because I am here to save you in this hour says the Lord of Hosts. Benghazi…I will say this name again. Truth will come out that will shake those in Washington. This truth will come out in the open and be in your news and justice will take place against those who took part in that plan. Baghdad will be in your news for a shocking and significant reason. There are many secrets that your enemies in Washington do not want to come out. But there is nothing that can stop what I will expose that has been hidden. I will say this again, the Afghanistan withdrawal was no accident how it went down. I will show you who was the architect for this payoff and I will show you why this particular payoff was so blatant and in front of your face. Secrets that are hidden in that land are also about to come out in the open and will bring devastation to those in Washington says the Lord. China will also be exposed how they controlled so many in your leadership. O United States this is why you will see your enemies strike you in ways you never would have dreamed of because they can’t afford to lose the control or to lose their allies in other nations. But My hand is moving and there is nothing the globalists can do that will stop their collapse in this earth that I’ve created for you. They soon will realize that I am the One True God and there’s no other like Me says the Lord Your Redeemer.
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呵呵,所有罗织陷害川普的司法机器,其肮脏的里子不久就会暴露在阳光下 这些给川普挖坑的,都会掉在自己挖的坑里
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谢谢Bhistory, May God’s will be done!
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楼下的所有土共国缸民们,就看特朗普能否在未来的四年里,把美国变成土共国似的独裁王国,否则,特朗普将在2029年的某一天锒铛入狱。这个34项指控、项项成立的hash money案件,只不过是一个小来来。还有Jan. 06国会山暴动;干扰佐治亚大选;和unclassified document,一共四个案件、91项指控,够特朗普喝一壶的了。在未来的四年里,特朗普还不知道又会犯多少次新罪,又将被impeach多少次。到时候,新账老账一起算。 这帮土共国缸民的素质就是这么的漏,把世界上三权分立、最讲法治的美国,和他们的酱缸祖国相提并论起来。这帮鸡葩玩意儿却自视甚高,瞧不起那些边境偷渡客。其实,俺早就说过,如果美国选民中,有百分之十到百分之十五的选民,素质象这些来自土共酱缸国的缸民,美国的三权分立就完不转了。
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去把美国的宪法和它的27个修正案读一遍,如果读不懂,俺来告诉你,在美国宪法下,为啥特朗普当总统时不能被关进监狱。 ============ 相信事实 发表评论于 2024-11-20 07:03:41
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假基督徒Bhistory又在这里发表敌基督的长篇大论了。2020年不知道有几十上百个所谓的预言家预告川普会当选,结果输了。现在又来发布愚昧的谎言。 就问你一句话:“Who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord, or instruct the LORD as his counselor?” -- Isaiah 40:13-14 你公然practic idolatry,不怕神的责罚吗?
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打错了,是practice idolatry。
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这不是在逼着老川努力设法修宪当“终身总统”吗? 一旦搞过头,又是一条罪状
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worley 发表评论于 2024-11-20 06:24:40 民主党当年也是政治迫害马丁路德金多次入狱。左派最擅长用司法迫害政敌。 迫害手段之一就是在民主党老窝里审判,法官、检察官、陪审团全是左派人士。于是全体陪审团就可以裁定马丁路德金“煽动黑人闹事”,“妨碍司法机关执法”等等罪名。 民主党干起坏事没有底线
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蓝天大地, 你拼了俩次,还是拼错了。
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蓝天大地 发表评论于 2024-11-01 10:36:20 哈哈哈,这次哈里斯将大胜,Trump一点机会都没有。民主党中95%的人会投哈里斯,共和党中12-20%会投哈里斯(尤其是建制派以及Haley的选民),无党派和独立选民65-70%会投哈里斯。周二以后再慢慢MAGA教就会从美国历史上退出了。The MAGA movement will be bookended after next week! Harris is going to take PA, WI, MI, and possibly flip NC! It's going to be a landslide victory for Harris. Mark my words! Not.Even.Close!
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So What? 老子不像衡山老道,我大方的承认我误判了,那又怎样?你没有误判过吗? So,what's your point? ------------------------------------- warara 发表评论于 2024-11-20 12:34:22
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ilovefriday 发表评论于 2024-11-20 11:45:01 ------------------------------------------ 哦, 是吗?哪里拼错了,我虚心请教。谢谢。
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滥天大地,用你自己的话 您和几十上百个所谓的预言家预告哈哈会当选,结果输了。现在又来发布愚昧的谎言。
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warara 发表评论于 2024-11-20 13:58:07 -------------------------- 哇啦啦先生,看来您阅读能力不行啊。我啥时候说过我是预言家来预言神的话语了。难不成您也是个假基督徒?我是人,自然会出错。但我从不说我说的是代表神的话语,也从不把政治带进宗教信仰中来。您连这个逻辑都不懂,是不是白读书了哈。您乱说神的话语,是要被责罚的。 啊哈哈哈哈。
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滥天大地:是我的阅读能力不行还是你的脑回路有问题?俺什么时候提到过神?是您给自己脸上贴金吧。您对大选的预言只能说是鬼话连篇,不过俺觉得娱乐性还是挺强的。俺会多贴几个地方,让大家多笑笑。不用搬出神来吓唬俺,咱向来行得正坐的端不信鬼神,以为俺怕?Not.Even.Close! 友情提醒:藥不能停
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哇啦啦先生,看来您连自己写的话都忘记了。您把我跟预言家放在一起来反驳我对Bhistory说的话,是不是有病。我跟预言家有什么关系?我说过我是预言家没,还是你眼睛瞎了?你爱贴就贴呀,关我屁事。老子不尴尬,尴尬的就是你了。哈哈哈。 你不信神,关我屁事。就像你不信会下地狱一样,也不关我屁事。你不怕很好啊,我佩服你。不过连Bhistory都要大骂你蠢了。啊哈哈哈哈。 我对大选的预言错了,那又怎么样?原来你是伟光正的弟子啊,五毛一个,失敬失敬。 最喜欢跟你这样的川卫兵说话了。你千万别停药哈。哈哈哈哈。